Reflections on The Fabindia School 20th Anniversary Celebration

by Katherine Allen
December 1-2, 2012 

When I arrived with my family at William Bissell’s Sewari farm house near the school on Thursday evening, Nov 29th via Udaipur,Sandeep Dutt, new Chairman and Executive Director of the BAT Board was there to greet us and join us for dinner.  This was my first time meeting Sandeep in person and we spent the following four days becoming good friends, enjoying the various 20th anniversary events with each other’s company.  Immediately I was impressed by Sandeep’s dedication to the school and deep interest in getting to know everyone involved from top to bottom.

During his visits to the school over the past two months since he joined the BAT Board, and throughout his 5 days at the school during the 20th celebration, Sandeep amazed me by his approach.  He took the time to personally sit with every possible stakeholder related to the school: faculty, staff, students, parents, local school board members, alumni, special guests and local politicians.  He made himself accessible to all with the utmost respect and appreciation for everyone’s opinions, trying to fully understand the past and current situation of the school.  He even went so far as visiting other schools in the area to understand the caliber of local talent and teaching methods. Our talks together about his findings and suggestions for improvement gave me great respect for his approach, insights and integrity.  My time with Sandeep left me with great hope for the future of the school.

The Fabindia School - 20 years and on

Ravi Kaimal is the Co-Founder of The Fabindia Schools at Bali with William Bissell. From the first stone to the first tree and the full campus he has toiled with BAT to take ahead the vision. Thanks to Ravi for the superb photos

Note from a happy Ex-student

Hi Sandeep,

This is Nitin Bhandari, an alumnus of Fabindia School from the very first batch (1998). You may recall meeting Nimendra who was also a part of my batch. I spent 4 years at the school from 1994 to 1998. I was fortunate enough to spend my most important formative years at the school and the time spent there has really helped me in all spheres of my life. The teachers at Fabindia have immense contribution towards building my creative, analytical, communication and people skills which are helping me excel at all my current and past roles.

Would surely wish to contribute more to the school through the alumni society.

Nitin Bhandari,
Sr. Brand Manager
Bajaj Corp Ltd.

Celebrating 20 Years at Bali

The Fabindia School in Bali, Rajasthan. 20 years and the path breaking venture has given new hope to many young people. The first English medium school at Bali and now CBSE Affiliated, offers affordable quality education in the rural environment.

Thanks to Soumitro for making the photo shoot possible and bringing this alive for all of us!

Annual Day 2012

Annual day 2012:- The Fabindia school celebrated its annual day on 1&2 of December' 12. The occasion was graced by many dignitaries. A   galaxy of stars illuminated the occasion. The show was the result of hard work of many of many days. The stage  was erected by a  team of male teachers who not only climbed thorny trees, worked on the tall unsteady iron poles. They used science and maths calculations to construct a huge stage of 40 feet by 40 feet. It was a Herculean task to make it with so  little resources. To make canopy with silk at the height of 20 feet was daring and risky work as the teachers stood on unsteady ladders for hours to tie the cloth at both ends. Another team of teachers and students were engaged to  prepare  decorations. It was the work that took days but the outcome was beautiful and self satisfying for us.     

Twenty years at Bali

The Fabindia School hosted over 500 guests at the most beautiful ceremony held at the School. The Trustees, Friends, Parents and  long standing stalwarts were present.

Scintillating dances, Ali Baba and 40 Thieves, Court Jesters of the Dumb King and honours for the staff as well as students made the evening a very special one. We will share photos soon!

Building India from the heart

BAT runs The Fabindia Schools in rural Rajasthan in a district called Bali for children of local artisans. They are looking to upgrade the level of education to any other well recognized public school so these children can be merge into mainstream society on completion of their education. The team is looking for professional to assist in teacher training and development. The school is well established but the upgradation process very much at the nascent stage.

If anyone is interest in working in such a set up do get back to me and us. After going through a selection process the candidates will be provided rigorous training before they assume the professional role. The work will involve traveling between Delhi and Rajasthan with base in Delhi.

For further details about the project you can visit

Sandeep Dutt

Keare from Loomis

Overall I had an amazing experience! I had a great time when I went the first year and an even better time the second year! The second year went a lot smoother, it felt like we got to do more, and the group bonded a lot more. We all especially loved working at the school and getting to know the students.

Working at the School:
-this was such an amazing experience! My only complaint is that the our activities were very disorganized. Most of time, no one had any idea where they were supposed to be teaching, or if they weren't teaching, what project they working on. Within the activities too, we didn't know what we were supposed to be teaching or how we supposed to conduct the project.

Ideas for at the School: I think we should have made, on the plane or before we got to Fabindia, a "curriculum" of things to teach the students or a list of possible activities (i.e. going over English plurals of nouns, or playing hangman or pictionary). When we left we felt like we hadn't really taught them that much English so I think more organization would really help.

Spend more time with Fabindia students our age: I was really interesting to be able to talk with the high schoolers at Fabindia. Could we maybe do some work in their classes, or help them with the English papers? Could there also be more pressure to interact with them? Maybe a set time when we all have to sit together to have lunch with them, just so we can get to know them? (it's a lot easier to introduce yourself to a little kid than a teenager)

When I went to Morocco last summer, my tripmates and I brought pictures of our family members and places back home to show our host families and the children at the school. Since Fabindia students were very curious about America, it would be nice if LC students come maybe bring some pictures.

Also, since, LC students are curious about India it would be nice if we could spend more time with the students/their families. Visiting Shaily and Shefali's house was so much fun, but it was the only non-hotel or non-restaurant I'd stayed at in India. Could we maybe split the Loomis students into groups and have them eat lunch in the home of a Fabindia family one day?

The Dance: We LOVED learning the dance the girls taught us and performing it! Since they spent so much time teaching us, I think we could teach them some form of American dance. Maybe like the cotton-eye-joe or something simple and fun?

-we spent a lot of time driving --often three times as much time in the bus than actually in a city/destination. I realize that traveling is difficult and that to visit some places you do have to drive there, but maybe Loomis could find a quicker way to transport--maybe flying more? Taking a train would be good too, but only if we could find ride in 1st/sleeper class or find a train service that was comfortable and safe (not the train we took two years ago when someone's bag got stolen)

Temple: we LOVED going to the temple that had thousands of pillars and even though it was out of the way it was definitely a highlight of the trip

We went to the fabindia store a lot but it would nice if we could have gone to more markets and spent more time in the crafts/co op store we went to in Delhi.

I apologize for this being such a long email, but since I went on the trip twice (and really enjoyed it) I have a lot to say!

Keara Jenkins

Fab Alumnus!

Abhinav was at The Fabindia School from 1997-98 to 1999-2000. He joined the school in class VII. Son of Mr. B.N Jha who had come to Bali as a manager  at IOC(Indian Oil corporation) Kot. He left the school in 2000 as his father was transferred to Rajkot. Abhinav graduated from NIT (National Institute of Technology) Rourkela, with a B. Tech Degree in Mechanical Engineering.After graduation he worked for a company in Pune. Later he was selected for an MBA in Philippines.  As a Part of his degree in Philippines, he is now at Wharton Business school in the US.

‘Abhinav was an outstanding student’ recalls Mr. Dilip Vaidya, who had taught Abhinav at the Fabindia School. Abhinav was actively involved with cricket in school and took up the game even at college. He had attended the summer camp organized by Mr. Vaidya  to improve the mathematical skills of the students. He as well his parents were so impressed with the kind of things they did at the camp that Abhinav had come from Rajkot to attend the annual Summer Camp in Bali, even when he had left the school. Abhinav was also awarded the best student prize by the SDM of Bali in on 15th August 2000.

Abhinav is still in touch with Mr. Vaidya as he is assisting Mr. Vaidya  in a very important Mathematics project related to angle trisection. The project is a very close to challenge to the  Archimedes’s Principal of angle trisection. Abhinav  is still in touch with many of the alumni and teachers at Fabindia School. He  was recently married and his wife works with Larsen & Turbo while his parents live in Guwahati.

Building the Fabindia School

From the Newsletter of 2011- contributed by Ravi Kaimal

First Fabindia School pamphlet in 1993

Courtesy Ravi Kaimal

A school may be a harbinger of change in rural Rajasthan

Veena Choudhury's khaki' green and white school uniform stands out among the bright saris' arm bangles and nose and ear jewellery of the older female relatives around her. So do her views on what she wants to do in life' even though she's the daughter of an illiterate farmer from a poor rural district. Looking you straight in the eye' 15-year-old Veena states plainly' "I intend to become an engineer." Never mind that her mother and grandmother were married with children by the time they were her age.

Only five per cent of the girls in this' the central regions of Rajasthan' complete secondary school' and to take up engineering as a profession would be beyond their wildest dreams. Yet' Veena expects to be one some day. Sowhat is it that makes her aspirations ring true' even as most other girls in her remote village look merely to follow in their mothers' footsteps? What distinguishes her from her peers and even her mother' who still works 10-hour days in the fields and covers her face in the presence of strangers?

The picture becomes clear as you follow Veena early in the morning as she rides her bike from her village across a dry riverbed to a friend's house. The bright yellow bus she catches has 'Fabindia School' written on the sides. The bus collects Veena and her brother Vinod' the start of their journey to a better life some day' away from the poverty and narrow prejudices. Away from the future the past had predicted for them. The Fabindia School opened in the town of Bali' in Pali district' 10 years ago. It's a non-profit private school established by William Bissell' a half-Indian' half-American Delhi-based entrepreneur who heads the Fabindia Group' a leader in marketing handloom home furnishings and clothing. Bissell's idea was to create a prototype school' empowering rural youth of diverse backgrounds from the poor districts to "shape their own lives and transform the state of Rajasthan".

From its inception' the Fabindia School has been committed to educational opportunity for girls in a region where most parents' even if they could afford an English medium school' would send only their sons. To attract girls' the school even subsidises their tuition. At the school' Veena is first in her class' excels in science and mathematics and has a lead role in this winter's school play. She carries herself with dignity and self-confidence' holding her own among male schoolmates whose sense of entitlement comes more from a feeling of caste superiority.

In addition to becoming fluent in English' Veena is also getting a strong grounding in other subjects. The school strongly supports equality for girls' and they hold many leadership positions here. It also stresses environmental education' exposing students to the issues of the larger world through workshops conducted by expert visitors.
There is normally a sad irony to the story of rural development. When children like Veena move up in the world' be it through education or their own burning ambition' they usually migrate to Bombay or Delhi or emigrate' abandoning both family and their home districts. The Fabindia School teaches students to take pride in their local heritage' instilling a sense of responsibility on the future of rural Rajasthan. It encourages students like Veena to consider working nearer to their homes' hoping they stay connected to their birthplace.

With the 250-student "core school" in Bali now well established' the plan is to open more Fabindia Schools elsewhere in Rajasthan.In June' the first satellite school will open in nearby Ghanerao. A prosperous business family based in Bombay'but originally from Pali'is contributing the capital to build the Ghanerao school' modelled on the virtue of reinvesting in one's rural origins. Hopefully' some day' the hundreds of Veenas and Vinods will also play a part in the transformation of rural Rajasthan. 
Column by Ravi Kaimal
Outlook's weekly profile of people who work under wraps, beyond the laudatory limelight.

Newsletter Fall 2012

Click on the the images above and you will be able to enlarge the pages on your desktop!
Happy Diwali and have a great Festive Season ahead.

With best wishes,
The Bissell Family, Trustees, Staff & Students 

Special thanks to Katherine and The Fabindia design studio!

From Good to Great

In an October 2012 workshop conducted by new BAT Board Chair Sandeep Dutt, Fabindia faculty members reflected on the question: How will we move ahead and develop our school from “Good to Great.” Their responses indicate that they understand that the most effective agent of educational change is the teacher. They also bring to mind the “instructional triangle” posited in an essay by David Hawkins called “I, Thou, It.” Hawkins sets forth the vital interaction between the teacher (I), the student (Thou), and the content (It), which provides a shared focus for their relationship and interaction.

Some workshop participants focused on the teacher (the I) as the main impetus for moving the school forward. They emphasized the importance of using a variety of teaching techniques, of “planning for good teaching” (Kavita Davda), and of creating “a friendly environment in class” (Meenaz). They stressed the need for teachers to become learners themselves. “Learn innovative ideas to communicate with students,” suggested Bharti Rao.

Others emphasized the “Thou”—the students-- and the importance of creating a relationship with learners, (“Have a good and friendly relationship with the students-Monika Vaishnav), communicating with them, (“How we communicate with students matters,” --Om Rathore), engaging them in the subject matter, and developing their interests. “How can we create interest in children?” wondered Himani Chauhan.

Still others saw the need to improve the content that is taught both in and outside of the classroom: the “It.”  They recognized that the quality of the interaction between teacher and student was intimately related to the quality of the ideas and topics. “Content knowledge should be upgraded,” suggested Nikta Rajpurcohit. “How to make a lesson interesting is a challenge,” wrote Suresh Kumar, suggesting the key relationship between pedagogy and content. The “It” also encompasses co-curricular activities such as community service. “Come for education and go for service,” was Suresh Singh Negi’s way of moving the school from good to great.

The challenge for any teacher is to keep the interaction vital between the three angles of the instructional triangle—to be self aware, innovative and reflective as a teacher (I), to create a relationship with students which builds on their interests (Thou), and to interact over content which engages students’ hearts and minds (It). In the workshop the teachers engaged in the process of becoming a community of learners. As Jagdish Suthar said, “Group discussion is important to make a school grow from good to great.”—both among the teachers and between teachers and students.


Colgate Connect - Get to Know

Colgate Connect - Get to Know:
'via Blog this'

Giving back: In India, I worked at the Fabindia school in Pali, Rajasthan. We taught kids English and tutored them in a variety of subjects. I also went on a community service trip to Nusa Pendia, an island in Indonesia, where I helped build temples, worked with village organizers on environmental initiatives, and got the chance to take private stone carving lessons. Since coming to Colgate, I started a COVE group, Fabindia, which raises scholarship money for the school I worked at in India. - Dana ‘Coco’ Vonnegut

"Great to see the impact that Putney volunteers have when they go back.  True ambassadors for The Fabindia school. " - Kamini 

I have been in touch with Coco and they are still trying to raise funds... - Katherine

A Check-list for Classroom Observations: In search of ‘quality’

From – “A Study on School Effectiveness: Education Programme Review in Bihar and West Bengal” Anita Rampal and Sharmila Bhagat, May 2003, Unicef (Mimeograph)

Classroom culture
  • Does the teacher have a rapport with the children? Do children speak confidently with the teacher? Are there moments of laughter?
  • Does the teacher address the entire class or is his/her attention monopolised by a few? If so, which few? Does s/he know the names of all children? Are some social groups/individuals ‘excluded’ in the class interaction? Are there some children who seem to dominate the class?
  • Are different social groups treated at par – for instance, children belonging to general castes/SC/ST, girls/ boys, Hindus/Muslims/Christians/Others? 
  • Is the communication in the classroom only one-way – the teacher asks and children answer, or two-way? Who speaks more – the children or the teacher?
  • Do the teacher and children listen to each other attentively? Do they communicate by speaking at a moderate (or an abnormally high) pitch and volume?
  • Does the teacher’s behavior show that s/he knows the children as individuals?
  • Is the teacher sensitive to the family and community context of the children?
  • What is the content of conversation amongst children?
  • Do the children cooperate with each other? In learning situations?
  • Does the teacher only sermonize, or does she facilitate a process of dialogue to resolve conflict? Does s/he help build relationships amongst children?
  • Do children participate in decision-making - about activities, class tasks, etc?
  • Does the teacher solicit and accept children’s suggestions in class?
  • Do children take up responsibilities on their own?
Curriculum transaction
  • Does the teacher explain a given topic/concept clearly, soliciting children’s understanding and prior experience? Is the topic handled routinely, only from the textbook, or creatively?
  • Does the teacher use maps, charts, pictures, or children’s creations with a sense of purpose, or in a mechanical manner, more as a ritual?
  • Does the teacher use children’s knowledge as a resource for teaching?
  • Do children answer in chorus or individually? Are they given time to think, or is there a culture of ‘pat’ answers? 
  • Does the teacher respond to each child’s answer (by elaborating, indicating the need to rethink, etc.) or does s/he quickly move on from one to the other? How does the teacher respond to a wrong answer?
  • Does the teacher encourage a plurality of answers or does she expect a single uniform answer to a given question?
  • Are children involved in meaningful tasks? Do they know what and why they are doing a given task/activity?
  • Do the given tasks address the learning needs of different children?
  • Do the children discuss what they had learnt in the previous class?
  • Are children encouraged to question, think on their own and discuss in groups?
  • How does the teacher respond to a child’s question – in monosyllables or by attempting to answer it in detail? Does she probe the child in order to understand her question/doubt better? 
  • Is the teacher able to say ‘I don’t know’ when she doesn’t know the answer, or does she try to dismiss/ignore the question?
Classroom management
  • Is the classroom display relevant to the ongoing activities?
  • Do the walls display children’s creations? Their current work done in class?
  • Is the classroom looking attractive and tidy?
  • Do the children help in setting up the classroom?
  • Are they sitting in straight lines/fixed positions? Does the seating arrangement change according to the activity? Can children see and interact with each other?
  • Is there space for children to move around or it is cramped and overcrowded?
  • Does the teacher move around in the classroom?
  • Are there different activities – whole group/small group/individual work? What does the teacher do when children are working in groups?
  • Does the teacher manage her time well, through different tasks and activities?
  • Does she use the blackboard effectively - in a clear, legible, and planned manner?
  • Does the teacher go out of the classroom? If so, how often and for how long?
  • If there is a problem in the class how is it handled? Does the teacher try to find a solution to it by involving the children?
  • Does the teacher punish/threaten children? Does she promise incentives, rewards?
Children’s interest
  • Are children actively engaged and taking interest? Do they seem to have a sense of belonging to the class? Is the attendance high?
  • Do the children seem disappointed when the period is over, or are they relieved, or indifferent? Do they continue with the task even after the period? Do they seem to wait for the next class?
  • Do the children take time to revise their work? 
  • Does the teacher check the work of each individual child? Does s/he use different methods of assessment – oral/written, games/creative exercises, collection tasks, and individual/ group work? Is there ever a process of self or peer assessment?
  • Is the process of assessment relaxed and enjoyable or are children anxious and tense? Do children see it as a competition with peers only to get ‘marks’, or as a ‘learning’ exercise to understand their own progress? 
  • Does the teacher recognise and respect the pace of each individual child’s learning? Does s/he encourage quiet children in the class to speak, discuss, etc? 
  • Are children able to express their difficulties in learning?
  • Are the records maintained properly? Any learner profiles, portfolios, teachers’ diaries? If so, are these used – in class, at cluster (CRC) meetings, in training, etc?
Thank you Anita and Kamini for sharing this with us.

Forbes India Magazine - William Bissell: Turning Fabindia's Artisans to Company Owners

Forbes India Magazine - William Bissell: Turning Fabindia's Artisans to Company Owners:
'via Blog this'

Ownership of property may be private, collective, or common and the property may be objectsland/real estate or intellectual property. Determining ownership in law involves determining who has certain rights and duties over the property. These rights and duties, sometimes called a 'bundle of rights', can be separated and held by different parties. - Wikipedia

Ownership is not really possession, but leadership in action. When we feel committed and are motivated to establish our right over any action or material we are the real owners. Read the article in Forbes and see what ownership is all about. Thank you William for sharing with us!


Our trip to Kumaon was a memorable trip. 

85 Students with 20 teachers left Falna on the night of 20  October. We visited Nainital, Bhimtal, Almora, Kasardevi Temple, Ranikhet, Baijnath Temple, Kausani and Jim Corbett National Park.

The trip was successful as all enjoyed and learnt  many things about Kumaon and specially Kausani.

Rivers Gomti, Shipra  and Kosi were  surprisingly refreshing  as the water was  clean and cool. They flowed along us for a long time.The majestic Himalayan range was mesmerising. We were awestruck by its beauty.The grandeur of Nandadevi peak was breath taking.

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Tea gardens and old temple (9 Century)   added charm to this sleepy little town of Kausani.

Nainital with its beautiful lake attracts travellers. The scenic beauty and cold weather thrilled us.

Jim Corbett National Park, though we went for a Jeep Safari,to our disappointment no animal was spotted what we were looking forward to see.

The trip came to an  end on 27th October, 2012. It was trying to manoeuvre  105 people  from Old Delhi Railway station to Sarairohilla Railway station.

This was great season, just after rains, and the weather was very pleasant too. For some of us this was the first trip up north and yet there were some who had not done a long train journey ever in their lives!

Good to Great Workshop at Bali

A workshop was conducted by Sandeep Dutt at The Fabindia School in Bali and the Staff Team shared their vision. The 28 members of the school staff worked in 7 teams and came up with ideas to take us ahead. The group names are fictitious and the identity of the contributing teachers have been with-held in all fairness. This is more like a wish list for building the school from good to great.

1. A Kumar (M)
a. Use Audio-visual approach in a class room
b. Need games and tools for teaching aids
c. Build infrastructure and bring in technology
d. Improve relationship between staff and students
e. Use reward to motivate - marks, grades, stars, stickers...
f. Motivate students who are weak
g. Teachers should be qualified and knowledgable
h. Teachers should be friendly 

2. N. Singh (F)
a. Teachers should pay more attention to the correction method
b. Need better connect with parents-teachers-students
c. In building a Parent-Teacher relationship challenges of language, culture and the village customs
d. Teacher and student relationship must improve; need for child psychology and behaviour training
e. Ability of children must be understood
g. Training of Teachers a necessity
h. Teacher must have a positive attitude

3. B. Bharti (F)
a. Creativeness in teachers, to excite children
b. Need an Auditorium/ Hall in school to house 1000
c. Student:Teacher ratio should be 1:30 in senior classed and 1:20 in primary & junior, to average 1:25 
d. Admit children on admission test scores
e. Treat children holistically and offer remedial classes
f. Play way and easy learning at nursery must be improved

4. R. Rajpurohit (F)
a. Use a play method for teaching, need tools like pictures and toys in junior classes
b. Need to find the talent in students
c. Moral education a necessity
d. Skills and extra-curricular activities needed

5. E. Maginative (M)
a. Competitions to be held  more regularly
b. Add Vocational Courses
c. Introduce Career Counselling
d. Personality development programme to be added
e. Communication Skills of students must be built up
f. Classes for teachers in Communication Skills by professionals
e. Upgrade knowledge levels of all stake-holders

6. C. Group (F)
a. Improve discipline
b. Work for connecting teaching with practical life
c. Build foundation of children at Nursery and early three classes
d. Increase fees
e. Better text books for juniors and teachers
f. Langage of teachers should be improved
g. Individual appreciation of teachers needed as well as students
h. Need a healthy environment

7. B. Singh (M)
a. Have a good introduction in a class
b. Give opportunity to all in a class
c. Reflect - revise and then move ahead on new lesson in class
d. Outdoor education needed
e. Teamwork in class needs to be encouraged
f. Ability to listen built up
g. Communication / language is a major challenge in the rural school
h. Update techniques 

We are sharing in the language and spirit as narrated by the groups and please do not interpret this as a reflection of the abilities or the way the school functions.


I am delighted to inform the members of The Fabindia School Community, of the board’s decision to induct Mr. Sandeep Dutt as its Chairman. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce Mr. Dutt.  

With over 25 years of hands on experience as an entrepreneur, a trainer and mentor for thousands of young people, Sandeep has been involved with schools across the country and worked with students in all kinds of socioeconomic environments.  Made project reports for the Government of Meghalaya, the Government of Uttarakhand, the State Govt. of Delhi and the Min of Youth and Sports, and helped implement the development plan of the Australian Sports Outreach Programme (ASOP) in his last avatar as the National Director of The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award. Sandeep's contributions to build a curriculum for enabling young people to equip for life and set in place a sustainable model for youth empowerment has been widely acknowledged all over the world.

I hope all of you would extend a warm welcome to Mr. Sandeep Dutt as he takes The Fabindia School to the next stage in its journey.

My Best Regards

William Nanda Bissell

My Mentor

(original writing - produced as-it-is, this is in spoken Hindi and transcript is in English, a good effort and from the heart)

Aj mere life me agar thode se bhi improvement ki bat ki jaye to uska sidha sreya mere pitamaha (Father) ko jata hai. He is a SI in PAC force with very great personality . Because muje aj bhi acchi tarah se yad hai ek din tha jb papa se najar milakr bat karne ki himmat nhi thi qki vahi o eke se insane the jo hamesa koi bhi kam pr acche aour bure ki pahchan dilate,aour bachpna ke hisab se unse muje bahut hi dr lgta. is liye hamesa e n nighe unse door bhagti,muje mere life ki o sacchi ghatna aj bhi bahut hi acchi tarah se yad hai jo ek din achank hi mere life me hua, jb mai 5th class ka student hua karta tha,tb padhne me bahut hi kamjor tha , papa muje ghar pr hamesa padhate, pr phir bhi padhai me jra bhi man nhi lgta, ek din papa ne muje pure sptah ki speling yad karne ko diye , muje sam tk o sunana tha pr main nhi suna ska ,mai dr gaya tha papa ke bar – bar puchne pr mai kuch nhi bolta, is bat pr papa ne meri gal pr ek tamacha de mara jo muje aj bhi yad hai aour pure jivan bhar yad rahegi, qki vahi ek esa tamacha tha jiski vajah mai aj apse seyar kr rha hu. Mai unke us behavior pr bahut roya ji to krta tha ki unse kbhi bat nhi karu, pr ma ne dusare din muje akele me bulaya aour sir me hat pherte hue bola beta apke papa rat me apko marne ke bad bahut feel kr rhe the , agar o apke liye itna sb kuch kr sakte hai, to kya ap unke liye nhi, apne liye sahi ek acchi padhai nhi kar sakte ese karoge unko kitna talkleef hoga, phir mera us din se aj tk ki padhai me hamesa first ata rha, jiska karan vahi unka ek tamacha tha . sayad papa ne muje vahi thappad us din nhi aj mara hota to aj mai khi ka nhi hota. isliye aj mai jo kuch bhi hu, us thappad ke liye papa ko dil se hamesa thanks bolta hu. 

Papa ek acche artist to nhi the pr kbhi kbhi drawing banate, mai unke drawing ko dekhkr pagal sa ho jata, phir vahi se mere life me ek artist paida hone lga, jo aj apke samne hai,unke o lotus ke flower, hut, pond.swan aj bhji nhi bhoolte jise papa aksr banaya karte, mai bhi unhi ki nakal karta, unki vahi activity mere life ke liye bahut imp lgti , mai unhi ko follow kiya phir age art stream me BFA, MFA, & Bombay Art bhi kiya. Papa ke hr o smjaye hue phande aj mere liye prerna srot hai, aj pta chalta hai ki aj mere papa na hote to hamari life na jane kha hoti, hr pl hr chad jivan ke hr mod pr mere papa ke margdarshan aj hamesa kam ate hai, papa ki o di hui energy aj bhi mere liye ek vardan si mere sath me hai, jiske dam pr aj mai apne pair pr stand hu, aour aj bhi kuch sikh kr age badhne ka try kr rha hu, aour jivan ke antim pl tk sikhta rahunga jo mere papa mere se chate the, ki mai sirf sikhu, sikhu aour sirf sikhu.

So aj bhi mai papa ke vicharo pr chal rha hu chalo sikho aour goal ki taraf age badho. Aour bhi papa ne as a great teacher jivan ke bahut hi imp chapters padhaye jo ki muje acchi tarah se yad hai, pr kha tk batau.

Thanks papa (as a my GOD Father and a good Teacher also)

- Awdhesh Kumar Chaurasia (MFA)
TGT as a Art & craft in FAB INDIA SCHOOL BALI (RAJ.)

We are inspired in life from so many persons but I inspired from my father Mr. S.P.S Negi. He is a government servant. He is not much educated but he took his transfer from Ambala to Dehradun for my education. He never enjoyed his childhood because he lost his father when he was one and half years old but he gave me  full facilities. He always says to me "work while you work and play while you play". He faces so many problems in life but he never looses his temper. So, I think he is a good father for me.
- Suresh Singh Negi

My father is my strength and inspiration, He is a kind and caring father. When life gave me a problem he proposed a solution. He was the one who always listened to my ideas even though they were stupid sometimes. He did not have the best of childhoods, so he made a promise that he would never let us grow up the way he did. I feel immense proud to call this wonderful man my dad. He always treated me as a friend, not like a father....................
Though he is no more, but i will cherish the moments that i had spent with him throughout my life and i will always miss him..........

- Usman Gani 

In my life there is a lady, PARINEETA RANPAL whom I met 7 years ago. She had the biggest impact in my life and kept a feeling of hope inside me. She has given me advice to get through the toughest situations that have kept me distracted during school. She made teaching look so easy that I decided that I could follow her foot steps and I did. As a boss, she expects the same level of dedication that she has demonstrated. She's the most selfless person I have ever met, she's has been through so much recently, but does she let it show in her work. She is incredibly strong. I could go on for ages but in basics, she is it. She is my idol. 
Daksha Jain

My mentor is my Principal, my boss, Mrs.Parinita Ranpal.She is very affectionate, loving and  caring person. She teaches with a lot of interest to her students. She always looks for the positive things and helps me to grow both personally and professionally. She is very supportive towards her staff. She handles the problems with great persistence and courage. She is always ready to help me whenever I face difficulty in any school work. She always wants her teachers to work hard and do the best for the school. She does a lot for the school. All her qualities above qualities greatly impress and I want to be like her.

Nikki Purohit

My elder brother is an ideal for me and there inspiring light in my life.I follow him as well because when i recall my memory a suggestion makes a click in my mind. That is when  I was in 10th standard he said to me "we are not able to understand an importance of a time in our daily life, we waste our usual time in enjoyment, but we realize what we have lost in amusement and it affected me greatly and i make-up mind to follow views of my brother. 

 - Bhawna Nagoda

- Himani Chauhan


In my life I have got inspiration from my parents, relatives and teachers. One of them is Prof. Mathachan who was our Physics teacher.Ialways remember him because his talents in teaching. He was an expert in Physicsand has written some books in Physics So I like him and respect him very much.
- Byju Joseph