From the heartland!

Thank you all for the opportunity to be a part of the BAT Education challenge of providing quality education with a rural focus. It is indeed an honour and a privilege for me to be invited to lead the team and help take our schools from good to great. The Bissell's have created a great legacy for the community and now it is the goal of the institution to offer innovative solutions for quality education for our young people.

The focus for us at BAT as I do understand is to work for the personal and social development of every individual; the teachers, the students, the parents and each member of the community whom we connect with. Being stakeholders we all have an equal opportunity to not only mentor but help the young people find themselves. It is my belief that all children are gifted and we as adults need to challenge ourselves and offer the best possible environment to each and every young person to grow up into a compassionate citizen and not merely a skilled individual. 

Learning for Life -  is the focus and the BAT Education platform will offer innovation, learning, sharing and more so caring for the community. Yes, we need to be sustainable and are very conscious of the fact that we work with young and impressionable people. We will need to do all we can to help the young people meet their life's aspirations. It is not about getting a job, it is not about being a leader but it is most important about finding oneself, and this is the true meaning of education.

Lead from the head, follow the heart and walk on your feet.

Sandeep Dutt
Chairman,Bhadrajun Artisans Trust (BAT)