Good to Great Workshop at Bali

A workshop was conducted by Sandeep Dutt at The Fabindia School in Bali and the Staff Team shared their vision. The 28 members of the school staff worked in 7 teams and came up with ideas to take us ahead. The group names are fictitious and the identity of the contributing teachers have been with-held in all fairness. This is more like a wish list for building the school from good to great.

1. A Kumar (M)
a. Use Audio-visual approach in a class room
b. Need games and tools for teaching aids
c. Build infrastructure and bring in technology
d. Improve relationship between staff and students
e. Use reward to motivate - marks, grades, stars, stickers...
f. Motivate students who are weak
g. Teachers should be qualified and knowledgable
h. Teachers should be friendly 

2. N. Singh (F)
a. Teachers should pay more attention to the correction method
b. Need better connect with parents-teachers-students
c. In building a Parent-Teacher relationship challenges of language, culture and the village customs
d. Teacher and student relationship must improve; need for child psychology and behaviour training
e. Ability of children must be understood
g. Training of Teachers a necessity
h. Teacher must have a positive attitude

3. B. Bharti (F)
a. Creativeness in teachers, to excite children
b. Need an Auditorium/ Hall in school to house 1000
c. Student:Teacher ratio should be 1:30 in senior classed and 1:20 in primary & junior, to average 1:25 
d. Admit children on admission test scores
e. Treat children holistically and offer remedial classes
f. Play way and easy learning at nursery must be improved

4. R. Rajpurohit (F)
a. Use a play method for teaching, need tools like pictures and toys in junior classes
b. Need to find the talent in students
c. Moral education a necessity
d. Skills and extra-curricular activities needed

5. E. Maginative (M)
a. Competitions to be held  more regularly
b. Add Vocational Courses
c. Introduce Career Counselling
d. Personality development programme to be added
e. Communication Skills of students must be built up
f. Classes for teachers in Communication Skills by professionals
e. Upgrade knowledge levels of all stake-holders

6. C. Group (F)
a. Improve discipline
b. Work for connecting teaching with practical life
c. Build foundation of children at Nursery and early three classes
d. Increase fees
e. Better text books for juniors and teachers
f. Langage of teachers should be improved
g. Individual appreciation of teachers needed as well as students
h. Need a healthy environment

7. B. Singh (M)
a. Have a good introduction in a class
b. Give opportunity to all in a class
c. Reflect - revise and then move ahead on new lesson in class
d. Outdoor education needed
e. Teamwork in class needs to be encouraged
f. Ability to listen built up
g. Communication / language is a major challenge in the rural school
h. Update techniques 

We are sharing in the language and spirit as narrated by the groups and please do not interpret this as a reflection of the abilities or the way the school functions.