Annual Day 2012

Annual day 2012:- The Fabindia school celebrated its annual day on 1&2 of December' 12. The occasion was graced by many dignitaries. A   galaxy of stars illuminated the occasion. The show was the result of hard work of many of many days. The stage  was erected by a  team of male teachers who not only climbed thorny trees, worked on the tall unsteady iron poles. They used science and maths calculations to construct a huge stage of 40 feet by 40 feet. It was a Herculean task to make it with so  little resources. To make canopy with silk at the height of 20 feet was daring and risky work as the teachers stood on unsteady ladders for hours to tie the cloth at both ends. Another team of teachers and students were engaged to  prepare  decorations. It was the work that took days but the outcome was beautiful and self satisfying for us.