Inviting Applications from Youth Leaders

Community - the Youth Collective (CYC) and Pravah invite you to nominate or refer participants to the Changelooms - Learning and Leadership Journey Change Looms-Learning and Leadership Journey is a leadership programme that encourages, recognises and supports young change leaders who have started social change initiatives with a focus on youth development. This year we will also select at least 8 youth led initiatives with a specific focus on preventing Gender Based Violence (GBV) among young people.  The programme offers opportunities for intensive personal and organizational development.

We are looking for leaders between 18-35 years, who have started a social change project and wish to:
·      Strengthen their social change initiative and learn from experienced mentors
·      Ignite change within to set off an inside-out leadership process.
·      Deeply engage and work with diverse youth leaders.
·      Contribute to youth development in their communities
.      Bridge the gap across social divides, including gender, caste, class and religion
The programme is being offered by Pravah and Commutiny- The Youth Collective (CYC)  jointly. Pravah is a registered non-profit organisation that has been working to build leadership for social change amongst young people for the past 16 years.  CYC is a collective of like-minded professionals from diverse organizations that has come together to develop a shared understanding on youth development and active citizenship and create a common advocacy agenda through the use of alternate and mainstream media.

We encourage young people to apply latest by May 15th, 2013
For any further information, contact Kanika at 9810926641  or Ramneek Banga at 011-26447609; or mail at:

Posted by Kamini Prakash
Kamini is one of the founders of  Pravah & member Bhadarjun Artisans Trust