The School Weekly - 13th January 2014

6th January 14: The school reopened today after winter vacation.
It is a great pride for the Fabindians because Rajveer Singh of Class VIII is selected to play in the Under 14 football tournament at national level. He is going to represent Rajasthan state.
Marika Viragh volunteer from USA visited our school and will be here for three weeks to give her services here.

8th January 14: Inter house football tournament was organized in the school for the senior section. Shivaji house won the match while Chanakya house stood second in the finals. Third position was bagged by Maharanapratap house.

10th January 14: Friday activities were carried out in all the classes.

11th January 14: Prof. Vivek Bhandari, Advisory board member of the Fabindia school and former director of Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA) visited the school. He interacted with the teachers and told them all about the rural development and education. Three teachers are going to communicate regularly with him as volunteer. Then all these teachers will motivate the students and community around to help in the rural development. Mr. Byju Joseph (Vice-Principal) presented a small token to Prof. Bhandari.

Interview with Marika Viragh
Q: What are your qualifications?
Ans: I have completed my graduation from Colorado College in Political Science.
Q: Why are you here?
Ans: I am here to teach at The Fabindia School.
Q: Tell us about your experience in the school.
Ans: It's great being here. The environment is beautiful, the speed of the kids is good and the community is beautiful. I feel that it will be a great experience during my stay of three weeks here.
Point of View
Art of Public Speaking
Public speaking is an art and like other art it has to be learnt, both in practice and theory. For a man to say that he will never deliver a speech until he has learnt to speak is like saying that he will never go into water until he has learnt to swim. One cannot learn to swim without going into water and one can never learn to speak in public without speaking.
A speech should always be carefully prepared beforehand. Preparation includes collection, selection and arrangement. The speech should never be memorized by heart. Memorizing is a fatal mistake. It turns the speech into a mere recitation
The speaker must be free to alter, omit or add as he sees what his audience requires. In public speaking, the management of the voice is very important. The speaker should speak clearly, he should vary the intonation of his voice to avoid monotony and to enforce his meaning. Above all, a speaker should watch his audience and speak directly so as to get across to his hearers what he wants to say as persuasively and convincingly as possible. - Nikhil Soni (Class X)

Compiled by Bharti Rao and published every week.