The School Weekly - 17th February 2014

15th February 14: Local community and the school staff had an informal meeting to discuss the formation of the Constitution of the Local Management Committee (LMC)

Brig. Karan Singh Chauhan, PVSM, AVSM, Retd. ~ Chairman  to lead the Low. This 11 Member Body and represents the parents, teachers, alumni, members from the community, local schools and the Principal of The Fabindia School. The Local Management Committee meets 6 to 10 times in the year or as needed at the community level.
A) Chairman
B) Principal of The Fabindia School
C) Parent Representatives - Five (5)
D) Staff Representatives - Two (2)
E) Community Representatives - Two (2)
The purpose of the LMC (Local Management Committee) is four-fold:
i) to serve as a demanding partner in engaging the Principal  concerning the strategic direction of the school;
ii) to provide advice and counsel to the Principal with respect to curriculum and needs of the local community;
iii) to work with students and faculty in programs of interest ;
iv) to assist in the development of the school.

The LMC will nominate individuals to head sub committees for:-
1. Scholarships
2. Campus Development
3. Alumni Association
4. Parent Teacher Association
5. Annual Day
6. Careers & Livelihood
7. Training and Skill Development

Point of View
How to live well
Worry less & work more
Ride less & walk more
Frown less & smile more
Talk less & think more 
Eat less & chew more 
Preach less & practice more
Spend less & Save more
- Anumesh Rao (Class V)
My mother gave me birth 
And my father gave me worth
God gave me wealth
And food gave me health
My friends gave me joy
My relatives gave me toys
Teacher gave me guidance
Seniors gave me confidence
My book gave me consultation 
Exams gave me good result
My clothes gave me grace
And work gave me praise
My luck gave me chance
Success gave me a little glance
- Vaishali Rao (Class X)
Impact of media on society
Present time is the age of media. Modern man is changing very fast and media has become a necessary part of his life. From last three decades it has been playing an effective role to change man physically and mentally. It has brought about revolutionary changes in the social, cultural and economic standard of man.
In India television has much influence on society rather than computer, internet, newspaper and radio. In 21st century, most of the middle class families have television at their homes. Mostly television has made a bad impact on children's character and spoiled their life.
Now children are more likely to play video and computer games rather than playing football, cricket, basketball etc. in the fields. So they are weakening physically.
Most of the program on T.V ignores our culture and moral values and children are not learning anything from them. Today, there is no program on T.V. that entire family can watch together. The kids get affected they live in a fantasy world and want to imitate those good looking people on Television. They are getting extremely figure conscious which is not good for growing bodies. The children are accepting the ideas and suggestion which are presented on T.V. They are losing their own thoughts.
Although it is right that media is providing information about whole universe but in pursuing of modernity. We are losing our power of thinking and forgetting our own culture and civilization, so the future in the context of media and entertainment seems rather negative from all possible angles.
- Rashika Rawal (Class X)

Compiled by Bharti Rao and published every week.