Scholarships Programme 2014-15

Fresh applications are invited from students for the year 2014-15 
  • Number of scholarships to be increased up to 200 from the current 111 students.
  • On the basis of annual exam (March-2014) Scholarships could be considered  for girls standing first in a class, one from each class in the school. 
  • We will consider the performance scores of existing scholars, we will look at the marks in March 2013 and March 2014 exams, along with a brief report from the Class Teacher. 
  • The Principal will test existing and new scholars periodically.
  • The LMC Subcommittee will decide who should be given in 2014-15 and who needs to be pulled up for non-performance
  • Printed Scholarship Application Forms are available in the school office. Cost of one form is Rs. 100.00, this new form for 2014-15 has to be filled for existing and new scholars please.
The break up for 200 Scholarships:-
1. 70% girls - 140 = 60 (2013) + 80 (2014)
80 = 30 Merit + 10 Staff + 40 Need Based
2. Staff children (Boys only) = 30
3. Need based = 20
4. Community = 10
5. The Scholarship Form is the key to criteria for signing up for the programme. 

The process and the dates:-
  • Forms to cost Rs. 100.00 
  • Registration fee and form cost will be mandatory and is not to be reimbursed from the Scholarship money
  • Each form to be numbered, marked with date, signed up in a Register with full name, address, phone, relationship with ward and signature
  • Date of Form issue -  2nd June 
  • Pre-submission review 6th June
  • Date of  Forms Acceptance -  10th June 
  • Test for Admission  for Scholarship applicants  14th June 
  • List of Scholars will be published on the 29th of June
The LMC* (local management committee) consists of Parents, Staff, Community members and Teachers, this body is required to meet 5 or more times in a year and work to implement the development plans for the school. Under the Chairmanship of Brig K S Chouhan, the LMC as set up a Scholarships Subcommittee.

Scholarships Subcommittee & their email addresses:
Veena Solanki - Convener (Parent & LMC Member)
Deepika Tandon - Principal
Katherine Allen - JBSF Coordinator
Atul Bhatt - Manager Finance & Administration
Imran Tak - Staff Representative

Introducing the Convener
Veena Solanki, was born and brought up in Neemuch, Madhya Pradesh. She is an alumnus of the Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan (a Bhawanite) from her school days and hence is well acquainted with the Bhartiya Bhawan's culture. Her professional qualifications include B. Sc.and  B. Ed. from Regional Institute of Education (Under NCERT ), Bhopal. A Post Graduate in both English and Physics, loves teaching physics to high school students, simultaneously dispelling their physics phobia. With seven years of teaching experience, she has worked  in Carmel Convent Sr. Sec. School, Bhopal  and three other English Medium schools in the adjoining areas of Bali and is aware of the prevailing problems in these schools. Presently, working at Govt.  School, Sewari near Bali and teaching English.

Veena states “I admire honesty and am extremely fond of reading both English and Hindi. I enjoy influencing people socially and uplifting them to a state which facilitates knowledge sharing, as being a vital part of today's education system. I've been in a conservative environment regarding education, and this gives a reason that drives me towards addressing these challenges.”

* The LMC involves the larger community and invite / nominate members to convene groups and subcommittees to further the growth and development of the school. Such members for the sub committees could be professionals and volunteers from anywhere in the world and who have the interest and proficiency to take ahead the agenda.
For help please contact: 
Mr Imran Tak
Member Scholarships Subcommittee
Call: +918003689550

Fill Scholarship Form Online (For Office Use Only)
Please submit your data on the printed form provided by the School Office only.
The Online Form (beta) is currently only for Office Use.