The School Weekly - 25th August 2014

Monday, 18th August: Weather remained dry for most of the week, except that school felt a rising discomfort due to humidity and rising temperature. There is a cry for rains which can give relief from the hot, dry and humid climate. Lowest temperature was 26°C and highest was 36°C. Humidity is 42%. It seems as if monsoons are over. Though there has been prediction of rain, if there are no rains drought looms large.
Wednesday, 20th August: On the occasion of Founder's Day the School Council and the Student’s Council was announced. They will work hand in hand  for the development of the school.
The School Council:

Principal, Academic Dean, Admin, Activity Coordinator, Sports Head, Housemasters, Head Girl, Head Boy, Pastoral Care In charge, Staff Representative.
The Student's Council:
Head Boy-Naushad Ali, Head Girl- Prachi Agarwal
Green House
House Captain-Vaishali Rao, Vice Captain- Mimansha Kunwar, Joint Secretary- Khushi Rao
Yellow House
House Captain- Khusagra Singh, Vice Captain- Krishna Sirvi, Joint Secretary:Rajveer Singh
Red House
House Captain-Chandu Gaur, Vice Captain- Aditi Singh, Joint Secretary-Jaswant Singh
Blue House
House Captain-Yash Soni, Vice Captain- Silvi Mehta, Joint Secretary-Priyank Rathod

Wednesday, 20th August: The most auspicious day for the Fabindians was celebrated with lots of gaiety and laughter resounding the corridors and open campus! The school witnessed its 22nd Founder’s Day. The school looked colourful as all were dressed in civilians. A special Assembly was organized with a small program. The program included induction of various offices. Discipline Committee, School Council, Head Girl Head Boy, House office bearers and new housemaster as few had left. Heart-touching speeches were given by Prachi Agarwal the Head Girl and Head Boy Naushad Ali - both are the oldest students of the school. Blessy Maria put up a very lively mono acting. Three group song performances from the junior section were put up. Two students performed a dance. Pooja Dutta sang a solo song. Mr. Byju Joseph, the Academic Dean also spoke a few words. The whole program was anchored by Ms. Bharti Rao - the Activity Coordinator. The program ended with the cutting of the cake by the Principal Ms. Deepika Tandon. Chocolates were distributed to students .A small party was organized for the teachers during lunch break. All through the celebration Mr. Kanik Goyal and his Photography Club were seen actively clicking pictures. Their work has been uploaded on the Facebook.

Thursday, 21st August:Today Neha Parmar visited the school. She met her photography team. Today she met the senior students team of Class IX to XI. There are forty students in the club. Ms. Neha has come here to encourage the interested students who love to do photography. Some of them are thinking to make it their career. First the students learnt to click photographs. Then the students went to the jungle to click photographs of the birds and animals.
Friday, 22nd August: Photography Club members were taken to Ranakpur to click 100 faces of Rajasthani culture. At 6 ‘o’ clock they, together with Neha Parmar and Mr. Kanik Goyal (Photography In charge) gathered at Kachehri and set out to capture the faces of tribals. Tribals felt shy and did not allow students to capture their faces at first. Once the students interacted with them to make them feel comfortable, they ended up recording pictures for the Annual Function exhibition.

Saturday, 23rd August: On Saturday the next group of members (20 students) went to Bedal and Dhani near Bali. Once again Neha Parmar and Mr. Kanik Goyal escorted them. Students learnt how to focus and follow some rules of photography. Students enjoyed a lot and discovered a new talent in them. The tribal people were overjoyed with their visit. 

India of my dreams 
India is our country
Politicians are its mystery
We should remember its history
Which is full of sacrifices and victory
The heart of love
The day with dove
Poor should be served
Their life to get a new curve
People think as mountain high
Strength should be as horses neigh
Unity should collect the pie
The life must overcome false and lie
Folks should be rock
Corrupted should be locked
Speculators should be shocked
Opportunities at doors must knock
Sovereignty should sow
Justice should glow
Indifference should blow
State Development should glow
To behold the nation
Maintain interpersonal relation
Government should control inflation
Discrimination should be caught by restriction
Let women empower and encourage
So their faces decor smile
Throw the criminal in cage
And judges should solve their file
Learn to co-operate
Rivers must operate
Duties must not forget
To make our INDIA great
Khushboo Punmiya (Class XI)
असुरक्षित महिलाँए 
महिलाओं की सुरक्षा को लेकर सरकार ने बहुत से नियम और हेल्पलाईन नंबर लागू किए परन्तु क्या इतने से हीं महिलाओं की सुरक्षा हो सकेगी? आज भले ही महिलाँए डॉक्टर,वकील या शिक्षिका बनकर देश और समाज में अपना कर्त्तवय निभा रही है, परन्तु उनके साथ बराबरी का व्यवहार नहीं किया जाता है, उसे हर-पल एक महिला होने का एहसास कराया जाता है और आगे पढने और बढने का मौका नही दिया जाता है। वर्तमान मे महिलाओं की हत्या की जाती है और एसिड या खतरनाक रसायन से हमले किये जाते हैं। इन सब मामलों मे कहीं न कहीं हमारे भ्रष्ट नेताओं, अफ़सर आदि का हाथ है तभी अपराधियो को सजा नहीं मिलती।
कुछ लोगो के कारण पूरे देश का नाम खराब हो रहा है। अब अपनी सुरक्षा के लिए महिलाओं को स्व्यं लम्बी लड़ाई लड़नी पड़ेगी, उन्हें पूरी तरह निर्भय बनना पड़ेगा और देश को भी इन बुराईयों को समाप्त करने के लिए संघर्ष करना पडेगा। 
- Mukesh Choudhary (Class IX)
Tuesday, 19th August: Tuesday was a regular day after a holiday on Monday. This holiday was declared on the account of Janamasthami. The School went on as usual with eight lessons. Remedial were carried out in the eighth lesson.

Thursday, 21st August: A workshop was conducted by Mr. Suresh Negi and Ms. Prerna Rathod in the school to share their experiences with the Math teachers.

Saturday, 23rd August: Ms. Deepika Tandon (Principal) and Ms. Bharti Rao (Senior Coordinator) attended the National Workshop on School Quality Assessment & Accreditation in Jaipur on 23rd August. This interactive workshop is organized by the Alert Knowledge Services for all CBSE Schools. The workshop aims at inculcating in the participants the skills that are crucially desired from them. It will also help them to understand the need, processes and best practices to be adopted while going for SQAA.

The Workshop on SQAA trained us how to document each happening in the school and apply for accreditation. If a school does not apply for accreditation, their affiliation will get dissolved. The School will make a committee for implementing the quality standards  at school level, thereby involving most of the staff.
Compiled by Bharti Rao for The Fabindia School.