The School Weekly - 29th September 2014

Bali experienced a pleasant weather with slight clouds and shiny bright sun. Mornings, evenings and nights have become cooler which shows the onset of winter. Afternoons were a bit warm.  Highest temperature recorded was 35°C and lowest was at 32°C. Temperature fell by 2°C while humidity was 70%.
Wednesday, 24th September: Today Summative Assessment I ended. The students of Class XI and teachers voluntarily rearranged their classes to avoid any chaos and to smoothly start regular classes the next day. Thank you students.

Saturday, 27th September: The students of the “Social Service League” did a great job in the school. A cleanliness drive for the students of Class VI-VIII was organized. They planted trees, cleaned the weeds, garbage and overgrown grass to make the campus look beautiful. The students who did the best work were Manish Paliwal, Subhash Suthan, Gajendra Singh, Pankaj Paliwal, Pravesh Kumar, Nitesh Jain, Suryabhan Singh, Meet Soni, Anirudh Singh, Himanshu Suthar and Gaurav Singh of Class VII B. Thank you students.
Friday, 26th September: Today the ASL exam took place for class X and IX, it was conducted by Ms. Bharti Rao, English teacher. The purpose of this test was to help improve and standardize students’ communicative skills. Today many subjects copies were shown, many kids were happy after seeing their marks as well as some were sad who had secured less marks. It was the first day after exams, so all came with their free minds, but many teachers started teaching from today only.

Neglect of the elderly- a depressing phenomenon
The feeling of loneliness and insecurity is now becoming common and the old people are avoided by the modern age. This is increasing day by day due to the introduction of the new social and western ideas. They think old people as a burden and try to neglect them. They face many problems, income problems, social problems etc. According to the census of 1991 the senior people constituted 15% of the total population and 5% are over age of 60.
Many children settle abroad and leave their old parents in their house alone and helpless. This problem is mostly seen in cities because people of villages still live in joint families. They live together and celebrate every festival as a one big family. One solution of this is that old people should work as a community and support each other as there is little support from the young society.
Aditya Kansara X B

Trees here, trees there,
Trees are everywhere.
A special gift of God,
To save the son of lord.
Trees are wonderful,
With flowers beautiful.
Trees are a boon,
With fruits colorful .
Looking beautiful to everyone!
Whether big or small, to save the earth,
Trees are a must.
Pledge to plant a tree,
For a better future!
Muskan Rathod VIII B

लाजवाब स्वाद
'स्वाद' वह शब्द है जिससे खाने की महत्ता का बोध होता है। जब भोजन में स्वाद ही न हो वह भोजन नीरस होता है, और जिस भोजन में स्वाद हो तो वह अपने आप ही श्रेष्ठ कहलाता है।
भारत एक ऐसा देश है जहाँ कश्मीर से कन्याकुमारी तक अलग-अलग भोजन में कईं प्रकार के स्वाद मिलते हैं। इसी बेहतर स्वाद से  वह भोजन स्वादिष्ट बनता है। इस दुनिया में एक भारत में ही हमें हर दूसरी जगह पर एक नए स्वाद का प्रमाण मिलता है। अन्य देशों के लोग जो अपना कुछ समय में बिता चुके है वह आज भी भारत के भोजन और उसके स्वाद के दीवाने हैं। पंजाब की मक्की की रोटी और सरसों का साग ,राजस्थान का दाल-बाटी-चूरमा, लखनऊ का शाही कबाब, दक्षिण भारत के इडली सांभर तथा मसाला डोसा, गुजरात का खमण-ढोकला, मुंबई के पावभाजी तथा वडापाव, इत्यादि। भारत के प्रमुख स्थानों का लोकप्रिय भोजन है, जिनके स्वाद का दुनिया लोहा मनाता है।
Bhanu Pratap Singh IX A

पिंजरे का पंछी
मैं पिंजरे का पंछी
कैसे आजादी का गीत गाऊँ,
दशा कैसी है मेरी बंद पिंजरे में,
कैसे अपना हाल  सुनाऊँ,
चाह होती है मेरी भी,
उडूं-उडूं चलूँ मुक्त गगन में,
नाचू खेलूँ झूमूँ डाली पर,
चहकूं मस्त चमन में,
पहाड़ों की चोटी को छूकर
पीऊँ मैं बहती नदियों का पानी,
खेतों की खड़ी फसलें बिखेरूँ,
सुने कौन मेरी  पराधीन कहानी
Jaswant Singh IX A
Saturday, 27th September: Today once again after a month the school saw an activity day. Various activities were carried out in all the classes. As the exams had finished, so the students were keen to play, that’s why an Inter House Basketball match was organized for the boys. The kids were cheering their respective houses. The results of the competition were as follows: Red House stood first, Green House stood second and yellow House stood third.
Report of the Inter-house Basketball Match
After the exams got over, on 27th September, Saturday the Inter-house Basketball match was organized for the boys. The first match was played between Green house and Blue house, whose captains were Somendra Singh(IX) and Vaibhav Bhatt(X). In this Green house won the match. The second match was played between Red house and Yellow house, whose captains were Deepak Singh(XI-C) and Khusagra Singh(XI-S). In this Red house won the game. After that Hard line was played between Yellow and Blue House, in which Yellow house secured the third position. After that Final match was played between Green and Red house, in which Red house bagged the first position and Green house secured the second position. Piyush Soni (X B) of Green House and Deepak Udawat (XI-C) of Red House were the best players of the game. After the competition was over there was a friendly match between Class XII and the school team and the school team turned out to be the winners.
Monday, 22nd September: Summative Assessment took place from Thursday, 18th September to Wednesday, 24th September. Today was the 3rd day of the examination. Class 11th Science Math students was given an holiday. And all other students of different classes were busy in giving their exams. All the students were excited and nervous before entering their examination rooms. After the exams finished students began discussing with their friends and teachers about their paper, and asked questions for their next examination to their respective teachers.

Tuesday, 23rd September: Today it was the second last exam of the students, students were both happy and were nervous as the exams were near its ending, but the exams were too tough also. The students were given a little time before the exams to revise their course. The students were seen pursuing their subject teachers to solve their difficulties at the last moment.

Wednesday, 24th September: It was the happiest day for the students, as it was the last day of the examinations. All the students were so excited that, Hush! Today the exams have got over, and they could enjoy the next consecutive days. Today at home they would play, now they were totally free, no one was there to restrict them for anything. Every student was enjoying his/her freedom. After the exams when they came out, it was a mixed feeling moment for them, happy as the exams had got over and nervous for the commencing results.

Thursday, 25th September: It was a holiday on the account of “Navratra sthapna”.
Publisher: The Principal, The Fabindia School, Bali
Staff Editors: Ms Bharti Rao, Ms Deepika Bhatt, Mr. K.G. Dave, Mr. Dinesh Bharti, Ms Usha Pawar
Editor in Chief: Kushagra Singh, Santosh Paliwal
Senior Editor: Vaishali Rao, Aditya Kansara, Silvi Mehta
Art Editor: Kushagra Singh, Vaishali Rao
Correspondents: Kritika Mansion, Bhanupratap Singh,  Priyank Rathod, Adityapratap Singh, Jaswant Singh, Khushi Rao, Nikhil Soni
Photography: Bajrang Singh, Tanvi Parmar, Mr Kanik Goyal   
Web & Technical Support: Mr Sandeep Singh

The School Weekly - 22nd September 2014

Bali experienced dry, warm weather with pleasant evenings. The week went by without showers. Days were warmer but evenings and nights were cooler. Lowest temperature recorded was 33°C and highest was at 37°C. Temperature fell by 4°C while humidity fell by 68%.
Wednesday, 17th September: Summative Assessment I started for Classes VI to XII. Class arrangement for the examination was done. Teachers arranged classes with the help of peons. Some of the students of Class VIII and XII voluntarily helped their teachers to arrange the classes. Thank you students.
Friday, 12th September: Students of Class VIII to X participated in the Green Olympiad Examination, organised by the TERI. Forty students participated in this Olympiad. They had to attempt 100 multiple questions. All questions were based on environmental issues.

Monday, 15th September: The whole week was celebrated as Hindi Diwas. Hindi Diwas falls on 14th September. Every day a special assembly was held. Mr. Krishan Gopal,
(HOD Hindi) explained how Hindi is a pure language. He stressed on the need of its usage but give equal stress on medium of the school too. He further explained how Hindi came into being. Students of Junior Section spoke a few words on this day. On 14th September, 1917 Mahatma Gandhi declared Hindi as India's national language in Bharuch (Gujarat). So from that day onwards it is considered as Hindi Diwas. The whole week the choir sang Hindi songs in the assembly.

Tuesday, 16th September: Hindi teacher Mr. Dinesh Bharti spoke about the historical background of Hindi and its roots which are primarily from Sanskrit, how over the years it has evolved and presently Manak Hindi is prevalent. He also explained about the ‘Saraswati’ magazine which started in 1900. Students were also informed about the status of Hindi in our constitution. After that he recited a poem to motivate the students to respect the Hindi Language along with other languages.

On Wednesday Mr. Gajendra Mewara , Hindi teacher  spoke about love for Hindi language and also acquainted with other languages. He requested students that they should keep Hindi language close to their hearts. He also recited a poem in Hindi.

Saturday, 20th September: Twelve students of Class X have filled forms to participate in NTSE. There will be two rounds of selection. Students have to appear for two papers appear for at least. If the student clears the first round of examination, then he will be eligible to appear for the second test. After he passes both the tests, he will get scholarship according to UGC Criteria till he does his Post Graduation.

Dreaming Success
A dream is a hope, a wish and an aspiration. Dreams are our ultimate destination, which represents what and why in our life. People always shy away from following their dreams. This is because they doubt their success.  They are always pulled down with the fear of failure. If we are confident and do not lose faith in ourselves, then we can attain success easily and fulfill our dreams. If we build castles in the air, we should make solid foundation underneath first, then they will not be lost. The foundation  should be in the form of hard work, perseverance and determination. If a mountain of troubles comes your way, don't sit to cry, but instead try and try. Dream is your right, but for that it is your duty to struggle. To achieve the sky and to fly, will power is what you need.
Don't forget the words of William Arthur ‘If you can dream it, you can become it.
Khushi Rao IX A

हिंदी दिवस
हिंदी दिवस
अपनी समग्रता में
खुसरो,जायसी का खुमार है,
तुलसी का लोक मंगल है,
सुर का वात्सल्य और
मीरा का  प्रेम है।
हिंदी दिवस
कबीर का संदेश है,
बिहारी का चमत्कार है,
धनानंद  की पीर है ,
पंत की सुषमा और,
महादेवी की आँखों का नीर है।
वाचक: (कृष्ण  गोपाल दवे)
(NOTE: This poem was recited by Mr. Krishen Gopal on the occasion of Hindi Day)
The word ‘Examination’ is what the students have always feared. It demands a lot of concentration. The students should learn to de-stress and manage time and energy. Examinations are not so harsh in today's world then why should we fear. Grading system today has changed everything. No one wants to go through exams, as the outcome is not known. Grades ease the stress, since competitions to the decimal level is eliminated. Parents are also strict with their children during examinations. They want their child to be toppers, which increases their stress.
Hard- working and serious students are adversely affected. But I want to give a message to my dear friends that they should not fear exams. They must just perform, enjoy and study finer points of a subject.
Aditya Pratap Singh IX A
Monday, 15th September: Evaluation I got over and Evaluation II started for Class I to V. A number of activities, projects and creative writing were carried out to evaluate students. Students of Class VI to XlI are busy in Summative Assessment I. Students could be seen sitting under trees, clearing their doubts in every subject with their respective teachers. All are working hard to give a better result. Dear program was carried out and it is picking up pace.

Thursday, 18th September: Summative Assessment I have started for all the students. Now the students are over occupied in their studies, to perform well, while teachers are busy in checking papers. After checking their papers they show the assessed copies to students.
Publisher: The Principal, The Fabindia School, Bali
Staff Editors: Ms Bharti Rao, Ms Deepika Bhatt, Mr. K.G. Dave, Mr. Dinesh Bharti, Ms Usha Pawar
Editor in Chief: Kushagra Singh, Santosh Paliwal
Senior Editor: Vaishali Rao, Aditya Kansara, Silvi Mehta
Art Editor: Kushagra Singh, Vaishali Rao
Correspondents: Kritika Mansion, Bhanupratap Singh,  Priyank Rathod, Adityapratap Singh, Jaswant Singh, Khushi Rao, Nikhil Soni
Photography: Bajrang Singh, Tanvi Parmar, Mr Kanik Goyal   
Web & Technical Support: Mr Sandeep Singh

The School Weekly - 15th September 2014

Bali experienced heavy showers on Wednesday and Thursday. On Thursday around 8:00 p.m. the Mithadi river began to overflow. This disturbed the surrounding rural areas. The temperature was recorded lowest 27°C and highest 37°C. Temperature fell 5°C in the last week. Humidity rose to 74%. Evenings and nights are cooler, students report that they are using a thicker covering sheet at night. Rain is frequent and interspersed with thunder.
Monday, 8th September: Students could be seen hovering around R.O plant since it was installed on Sunday, but it will take a day or two more for it to become operational.

New Meeting Room
Tuesday, 9th September: Due to lack of a good photographer in Bali, Photography Club stepped in to click passport size pictures of all students for the students’ I Cards. Thank you Photography Club for volunteering!

One room in the Admin Block has been converted into a visitor’s room where meetings can be held and visitors can sit. The room is furnished  by the Fabindia furniture. Thanks to the Admin Team for creating this space. The room first came in use on Saturday, 13th September and was the venue for the third LMC Meeting this term.

Thursday, 11th September: Khushi Rao/Class IX spoke of 9/11 terrorist attacks in USA, in the assembly. It marked the 13th Anniversary of 9/11 terrorist attacks in USA. These attacks were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks launched by the Islamic terrorist group Al-Qaeda upon the United States in New York City and Washington D.C and metropolitan areas on September 11, 2001. The attacks killed 3000 peoples and caused at least $10 billion in property and infrastructure damage. More than 90 countries lost citizens in the attacks on the world Trade centre with India losing 41 who were killed in the attacks.

Saturday, 13th September: A cleanliness drive was organized by students of Class VI to VIII by Social Service League. They cleaned the weeds, garbage and over grown grass to make the campus look clean and beautiful. Thank you students!
Third LMC meeting discussed previous issues -campus development, parent teacher association formation, training and the forthcoming schedule for the Annual Day Function in November. The  members volunteered to  help, guide and support the Principal to make the event a memorable one.

Mr Byju Joseph’s Interview
Ed.: In what year did you join the school?
BJH: I joined the school on July 4th, 2005.
Ed.: Why did you choose Bali to work as a teacher?
BJH: It was too difficult for me to get any job in Kerela and at the same time my relatives advised me to come to Rajasthan, through them only I reached here.
Ed.: Did you have any experience to teach students before The Fabindia School?
BJH: First I joined Emanuel Mission School at Falna then I came to The Fabindia School.
Ed.: Who told you about this school?
BJH:  Mr. Mukesh Gujjar, who was working here earlier, told me about a vacancy here.
Ed.: Who were the Principal and Vice-Principal at that time?
BJH: The principal was Mr.Jayant Biswas and Vice-Principal was Mrs. Veena Rathore.
Ed.: What were the facilities provided to the students at that time?
BJH: The school had one bus then; we had a library, 4-5 computers; a big ground; four blocks and the office was separate.
Ed.: Is there any student who went to play sports at state or national level?
BJH: Yes, Dharamjai Udawat went to play cricket at national level.
Ed.: In which year Class XI and XII  was started in our school?
BJH: We sent our first batch in 2009. At that time only commerce stream was opened. It was in 2013-14 that we opened science stream for students.
Ed.: How do you feel working in such a great school where you can find yourself close to climate?
BJH: Yes, it’s nice to teach the students in such a great school. 
(Ed: Editor; BJH: Byju Joseph)
Kushagra Singh, Santosh Paliwal
Saturday, 13th September: Class X A Made paper bags out of waste newspaper. If more students join this effort we will soon have enough to put up a stall for the Annual Function! Thanks to Ms. Usha Pawar for teaching this new skill to our students.

हिंदी दिवस
भारत में  प्रतिवर्ष 14 सितम्बर को हिंदी दिवस मनाया जाता है। 14 सितम्बर 1949 को भारत की संविधान सभा ने हिंदी को भारत की राजभाषा घोषित किया था। आज भी उस ऐतिहासिक फैसले को याद करने के लिये हम इस दिन को हिंदी दिवस के रूप में मनाते है। भारत विभिन्न भाषाओं वाला देश है। यहाँ अनेक भाषाएँ बोली जाती है परन्तु पूरे देश को एकता के साथ बाँधने वाली एकमात्र भाषा हिंदी ही है। आज सब जगह अंग्रेजी का बोलबाला ही नजर आ रहा है। शिक्षा और अन्य कामों में भी अंग्रेजी का उपयोग हो रहा है। परन्तु यह भी सच है कि दैनिक कामों और मनोरंजन में हिंदी का ही उपयोग होता है जैसे समाचार पत्र, धारावाहिक, विज्ञापन, खरीदारी तथा अधिकतर बातचीत आदि सभी में हिन्दी का ही बोलबाला है। हिन्दी भाषा न केवल देश की भाषा है बल्कि आम जन के दिल से जुडी हुई है। आज हम भले ही अंग्रेजी भाषा का उपयोग कर रहे है लेकिन हिन्दी हमारे बीच सदा रहेगी और कभी भी अपना वर्चस्व कम नहीं होने देगी।
Wednesday, 10th September: Evaluation I started for classes I to V. All the students seemed busy in their studies due to forth coming. Revisions are in full swing. Teachers are busy giving worksheets to carry out the activities organized in the class.
Publisher: The Principal, The Fabindia School, Bali
Staff Editors: Ms Bharti Rao, Ms Deepika Bhatt, Mr. K.G. Dave, Mr. Dinesh Bharti, Ms Usha Pawar
Editor in Chief: Kushagra Singh, Santosh Paliwal
Senior Editor: Vaishali Rao, Aditya Kansara, Silvi Mehta
Art Editor: Kushagra Singh, Vaishali Rao
Correspondents: Kritika Mansion, Bhanupratap Singh,  Priyank Rathod, Adityapratap Singh, Jaswant Singh, Khushi Rao, Nikhil Soni
Photography: Bajrang Singh, Tanvi Parmar, Mr Kanik Goyal  
Web & Technical Support: Mr Sandeep Singh

The School Weekly - 8th September 2014

Monday, 1st September: The week saw very pleasant weather with rain and thundercloud cover. Consequently, the temperature fell 23°C and highest temperature stayed at 32°C. Humidity was 48%.  Difference between day temperature and night temperature is 5°C. Evenings are more pleasant and coolers are not being used.
Our indebted thanks to Krystal for all the hard work in raising the money for RO Plant! Our thanks to Mr. Sandeep Singh and Mr. Kuldeep Singh for devoting their whole Sunday to the installation of the plant! They both got the work done from a scratch to a full fledged installation of the plant. When the first rush of pure water came out, Mr. Kuldeep Singh poured the water in the air to God, thanking for the huge blessing for the school. In this way they both were the first to taste the elixir.
The whole Admin staff was trained as to the working and cleaning of the RO plant, by the staff of Indian ION Exchange.
The plant is finally installed and students will begin to drink water from Tuesday, 9th September 2014.

Mrs. Bharti Rao’s Interview
(Oldest teacher at school)
Editor: When did you join the school?
BRO: I joined Fabindia in 2004 as an English teacher.
Editor: Were you teaching somewhere else before you joined?
BRO: I had worked in Mount Abu, in St. Joseph’s High School for five years.
Editor: Where did you do your schooling from?
BRO: I did my schooling from Sophia High School, Mount Abu. I did my graduation from MLSU, Udaipur. I did my post graduation and B.Ed. from IGNOU, New Delhi.
Editor: What is your experience of working in Fabindia?
BRO: It has been a great experience, working in Fabindia. The love and respect given by kids, never made me think of leaving the school and going to any other place. I have learnt a lot in this school. I have also shared my experiences and imparted my knowledge to them.
Editor: What are the things you like the most in Fabindia?
BRO: The love that I get from my kids, co-operation and friendliness of my colleagues and management and the success of my kids is what I like most in Fabindia. Fabindia is my family for me.
Editor: What are the changes and development that has taken place in Fabindia till now?
BRO: The development that I have seen is only in the infrastructure in the school. From three blocks it has become seven blocks now. Two buses have now changed to seven. The strength of Fabindia increased from 250 to 700 students. The change in academics has not been what it should be. When I joined the school the standard of academics was very high but as years have passed, it has slowly gone down. This year many new developments have been made. Now I feel the standard will rise higher and reach the expectations that I had from the beginning.
Editor: What are the changes that you want in Fabindia?
BRO: I want my students to converse in English and want my school to be the best school in the state. I want each and everyone around to appreciate Fabindia. I want my students to do well, prosper and make their future fruitful. I want all only to speak about the Fabindian family.
Editor: What are the posts you are designated in the school?
BRO: I joined the school as an English teacher but the very first day I joined the school I made Activity Coordinator. Now I am the senior coordinator, H.O.D. English Department, Exchange Coordinator and English Editor.
Editor: Were you awarded the Best teacher award?
BRO: I was awarded the Best Teacher award in the year 2007. It was for the first time that the Best Teacher’s award was given in the school. A democratic way was implied to choose the best teacher. The parameters were given and the teachers gave the points in front of the teacher’s name. I got the highest total and as a result of that I was awarded the Best Teacher award.
Editor: Have you gone for any trips, organized by the school?
BRO: I have gone in all the trips which were organized in the school for students. I went to Shimla, Kullu, Manali, Dehradun, Haridwar, Mussorie, Jaisalmer, Jaipur and Hyderabad. In Hyderabad trip 12 students and I had gone to attend the seventeenth International Children’s Filmfare Festival. It was a great experience for all the students and they learnt a lot.
 - Silvi Mehta & Aditya Kansara (Class X)
Wednesday, 3rd September: A beautiful invitation card was made by Naushad Ali (XII Science), to invite teachers on the occasion of Teacher’s Day.  The card spoke of creativity and innovativeness. Thank you Naushad for taking pains on our behalf!

Friday, 5th September: Finally, Teachers’ Day arrives! Teachers looked bright and cheerful. They were asked to wear one special thing which they had never worn to school on regular days! The function started with the Inter House Basketball match.  Students put up a special programme for their class teachers and subject teachers. Programme started with dance performances by Tanvi Parmar/VIIIB, Mimansha Kunwar/XA, Khushi Rao/IXA, Nehpal Singh/IIIB.
Pooja Dutta/XB, Apoorva Mathur/XA, Siddhi Nagar/XB and Karuna Rathod/XB sang a group song dedicated to teachers.
After school got over the Head Boy Naushad Ali and Head Girl Prachi Agarwal stayed back to make teachers play games. One was a memory game, won by Ms. Urmila Rathod. The other was to pick thermocol balls from a glass with a straw and put that ball it in another glass. Mr. Sarvar Khan won this round. They had kept a surprise gift for the best dressed male teacher and the best dressed female teacher. Mr. Kanik Goyal and Ms. Sharmila Vijayvargi bagged the tiles!
Staff enjoyed a party hosted by the school. They were gifted as a token of appreciation of their hard work towards the school. We hope teachers enjoyed the day!

Somebody has said very correct that “something is better than nothing “,so we should keep doing work to get success. Success is not that you can buy it or not that you can take it from someone else but that which we have to achieve. If you want to achieve it you should work hard. To achieve it we should go through a correct way otherwise it would not be a correct one.
It’s not very rewarding to get success but it’s very rewarding to remain a successful person. Only people are not successful or unsuccessful but countries can also be categorized as successful or unsuccessful. What is a successful country? It not depends upon the success of the government of country but it depends on the success of the government of a country but it depends on the success of people of the country. There are three types of countries; first, which are successful, second, which are in the way to get success and third, which cannot become a successful one
At last, the development of any person, country or else is the success. So, we should keep working because success leads to liberation which is very important in one’s life.
- Aditya Kansara (Class X)
तुम पाओ सफलता, तुम पाओ सफलता 
उस मन को वश में करके ।      
तुम डूब जाओ सफलता के सागर में 
एकाग्र होकर ।
तुम डूब जाओ उस सफलता रुपी कार्य में 
मग्न होकर।
तुम छोड़ दो सोचने सपने 
तुम छोड़ दो सोचना परिणाम ।
बना दो कमज़ोरी को अपनी ताकत 
हटा दो वह भय मन से ।
तुम पाओ सफलता, तुम पाओ सफलता 
उस मन को वश में करके ।
- Divyanshu Bhati (Class IX)
Friday, 5th September: Inter House Girls Basketball Match was played on Teachers’ Day. Blue House team comprising Silvi Mehta, Harshita Dalawat, Damini Chouhan, Karuna Rathod and Pooja Solanki won the game. Green House team comprising Mimansha Kunwar, Rishita Champawat, Mamta Chouhan, Vaishali Rao, and Khushboo Rajpurohit were runners up.
Yellow house (Krishna Choudhary , Apoorva Mathur , Siddhi Nagar , Lavina Champawat and Muskan Rathod) team came on third position.

Tuesday, 2nd September: The day was as same as daily. The students were busy in studies. Small kids were enjoying the studies and activities held in their classes. All the teachers were teaching and students were studying. The day was enjoyable. As the students started enjoying the school days, the long days of Fabindia seem them to be small and they wanted the school time to be more long so they can enjoy much more. These things shows that the atmosphere of Fabindia has been changed from boring one to enjoyable.

Saturday, 6th September: As it was a holiday on Thursday, on Saturday the Thursday time table went on. For Class I to V PTM (Parent Teacher Meeting) was organised. The parents were welcomed at the gate by Ms. Urmila Rathod and Ms. Rajeshwari Rathod.

The School Weekly is compiled by Bharti Rao for The Fabindia School.

The School Weekly - 1st September 2014

Monday, 25th August: The weather has been pleasant as there were a few showers in the beginning of the week. Light, cool breeze kept the day heat at a low. Cloud cover continued till Saturday, with rains in the adjoining area of Bali. Evenings were interspersed with thunderstorms but Bali was deprived of any rains. Lowest temperature recorded at 23°C and highest at 34°C. Humidity has taken a dip from 85% to 45% at present.
Tuesday, 26th August: Two guests Mr. Niraj Sharma (Ex Physics Teacher Maheshwari School) and Ms. Veenu Paliwal, visited the school. Veenu Paliwal, a post graduate in Economics and Management from Manchester University, U.K.  is the Managing Director of concept Education. Her forte is psychometric analysis and career workshops. She took her training in psychometrics under Dr. Achal Bhagat from the Sarthak Institute, Delhi.  Escorted by Mr. Byju Joseph they both went around the campus then Ms. Veenu Paliwal met the students of Class XII, XI and X in two batches in the A.V. Room. She counseled students and asked them whether they had opted the streams according to their parent’s choice or their own choice. She’ll visit our school next month and will take an aptitude test which will help us to know what is good for us and what subjects we should take up.

We are thankful to Mr. Neeraj Sharma and Ms. Veenu Paliwal as they both have volunteered to work for the school. Mr. Neeraj will return in November or December to take crash course classes in Physics for Class XI & XII, while Ms. Paliwal will be our career counselor. After taking Aptitude Tests with our students she will not only be conducting counseling sessions with students but parents too.

Thursday, 28th August: Class XI (Commerce batch) excitedly painted and decorated their class in the hut next to Block I. The students enjoyed their work thoroughly. Mr. Surendra Singh their class teacher also helped them and gave them instructions.
Thursday, 28th August: Since, Friday, 29th August was declared a holiday for Ganesh Chaturthi, hence on Thursday Class VI B conducted a Special Assembly. They celebrated the National Sports Day in honour of the Legend Major Dhyan Chand’s 109th birth anniversary. Khushal Singh and Kareena Rao spoke about Dyan Chand the famous hockey player, who was renamed ‘Chand’ from ‘Singh’ because he used to practice in moonlight. Anumesh Rao sang the Bharat scouts song Daya kar daan bhakti ka hamein parmatama dena. Pushpendra Singh and Pankaj Suthar talked about Bharat Scouts and showed its symbol on a poster.

Saturday, 30th August: Class II put up a sports fashion parade to uphold integrity for sports in honour of Major Dhyan Chand. Kush Sutharand Prateek Choudhary represented Dhyan Chand;  Chitrangana Bharti represented Sania Mirza; Dushyant  Singh represented Baichund Bhtutia; Ankush Sirvi  represented Abhinav Bindre; Aditya Raj Singh represented Sachin Tendulkar while Jinal Sirvi walked as Saina Nehwal.

My Mother 
She is the one who makes me smile,
She is the one who helps to make my project file.

She applies on my face, cream,
And fulfills my dream!

I am thankful to God,
As she cares for me a lot!

She makes me drink milk,
And gives me medicine when I’m ill.

She is everywhere where I go.
She is a bow and I an arrow.

Earth is nothing without Sun.
So am I without her.
- Priyank Rathod (Class IX)
दूरदर्शन का अर्थ है जो दूर के दर्शन करवाएँ। इसके कारण हम आज एक कमरे में बैठकर पूरी दुनिया की जानकारी ले सकते हैं। यह संचार का एक महत्वपूर्ण साधन है। यह न केवल मनोरंजन के लिए बल्कि विभिन्न प्रकार की जानकारियाँ भी प्रदान करता है। दूरदर्शन से हम फ़िल्में, गाने, धारावाहिक, समाचार इत्यादि देख सकते हैं। किन्तु इससे एक हानि भी है कि हम एक दायरे में सिमट गए हैं। यदि इसका सही उपयोग किया जाए तो ज्ञान प्राप्ति का महत्वपूर्ण साधन बन सकता है। लगातार देखने से आँखों पर अनुचित प्रभाव पड़ सकता है। जैसा कि कहा जाता है अति सर्वथा वर्जयेत अर्थात आवश्यकता से अधिक नुकसानदेय होता है। जरुरत के अनुसार उपयोग करें तो विष भी औषधि का काम कर सकती है। अतः हमें इसका उपयोग सोच समझकर आवश्यकतानुसार करना चाहिए। यह संचार का एक महत्वपूर्ण साधन है क्योंकि दृश्य श्रव्य साधन है। आजकल यह सुलभ भी है। 
- Priyank Rathod (Class IX)
Monday, 25th August: For five days FA II were conducted for Classes VI to X in all subjects. Students have seriously got down to studies for SA I that will take place in the third week of September. Teachers too have got busy in finishing syllabus of their respective subjects.

Teacher of the Month
In order to recognise new teaching ideas and practices, the school has begun to recognise its teachers through "Teacher of the Month". The Staff meets at the end of the month and shares any new methodology in class teaching that they tried during the month and how it worked for them. Once all have shared, in a very democratic way they decide which teacher's work deserves to be appreciated and unanimously select the "Teacher of the Month".

Our congratulations to Mr. Suresh Negi for being our first Teacher of the Month (August) for 2014-15!

The School Weekly is compiled by Bharti Rao for The Fabindia School.