Principal's Letter to Parents - March 2015

10th March 2015

Dear Parents,

Greetings from  The Fabindia School.  

My monthly letter keeps you informed about the happenings and development at your child’s school, glad to share this months update:

  • The School Teacher Training Centre (TTC) is operational. The Teacher Training Centre will not only train our teachers but in the coming year we shall extend its services to the schools in Bali and Falna. Summer Training Camp will be open for our teachers and all teachers in Bali & Falna. Training this summer (11th May to 12th June) will take place for delivery in English in classroom, IT based teaching and Activity based teaching, Multiple Intelligences and craft in classroom.
  • Lumis Chaffee USA students and teachers are here for the Exchange Programme. Class XI students will work with them in a village to do rural mapping. This will be followed up in the year, by our students.
  • The School is setting up  an Art School and a Music School. Our  teacher and students were sent to The Scindia School last month, to get trained for this. We propose to begin Stone Carving, Paper Mache and Tie and Dye activities.
  • From this year Provident Fund is compulsory for all employees so that staff benefits. The School will also provide  medical insurance for the Staff from the coming financial year.
  • We have appointed a large number of trained teachers from all over India. This will help us to deliver better.
  • Our School now hosts 2 Board Meetings of the Bhadrajun Artisans Trust (the operating trust for The Fabindia School)  at the school campus every year.
  • We are building the first floor on Surana Block, to add more classrooms.
  • A new English Music Teacher from Jaipur will teach music every Saturday from April.
  • School is introducing Entrepreneurship, IT and Physical Education in Class XI from this year so that our students are benefited through  these subjects.
  • From the new term starting - Vasant Ritu - July 2016, the School will move to Quarterly Fee Collection (three month). Fee Payment Months will be due in July, October, January & April (four installments)
  • The School is compelled to increase  transport fee and school fee from July 2015,  the details will be sent out to all the parents at the end of this term.
  • The School has moved to a Financial Year - April to March. Our accounting, budget and fees collection will be as per the Financial Year effective from 1st April 2015. Thus Admissions as well as the new Budget will be from April to March instead of July to June.
  • We are improving our transport service to cover more villages,  increasing teacher salary and adding more infrastructure to meet your need for quality education.
For news and updates visit and the school website
Thank you for you help and the support  to the School  to provide better education for your children.

Mrs Deepika Tandon
Principal, The Fabindia School
Bali, Rajasthan, India