The School Weekly - 9th March 2015

With rain and snow in Northern India and cloudy weather in the rest of India Bali has been no different. It faced chilly winds, chasing students in the warmth of their classrooms. Despite the chill, days were sunny and bright, with clear skies. Cold Northerlies at 6 km/hr blew for the whole week. Maximum temperature was at 26°C and Minimum at 12°C. Humidity stood at 25%.
Jackson Wagner in conversation with Kushagra
(Volunteer Teacher from California)
(ED:Editor; J.W.: Jackson Wagner)
Ed: First of all Jackson, how did you come to know about The Fabindia School?
J.W: From Sukey Wagner, my grandmother. She is a friend of Ms. Bim Bissell and she also raises funds for the JBSF.
ED: What is your qualification? 
J.W: I have done Graduation from Calorado University.
ED: Why did you decide to teach after your graduation?
J.W: I don’t know, maybe I was free and I wanted to do some work.
Ed: Why did you decide to join Fabindia School only?                        
J.W: There are two reasons for it. First is that the school in Bhutan is not an English medium school. It would be difficult for me to make friends. And Sukey, my grandmother wanted me to visit The Fabindia School. It was wonderful that I came to India.
ED: If you have to give two messages to Fabindia School then what you will give?
J.W: I don’t know but teachers should teach students in English. Library should be open for all the students and students should also learn from it.
ED: What two things you would like to take?
J.W: All things are good. I would like to take is some library books and my sweet memories, teaching for the first time and my experience being with the students. All were so wonderful I will never be able to forget my experience and these memories will always remain afresh down in my heart.  
Ed: Thank You Jackson for your contribution in teaching Physics and Science and your stay in the school.
Khushagra Singh/XI/TH
होली में तो सब मैले हो गए
रंग जो रंगीन थे रंगहीन हो गए।

पराये तो पराये ही थे
अपने भी पराये हो गए।

होली के रंगों की बरसात में
तन मन -रंग जाता था।

मिटा कर गिले -शिकवे ,
दुश्मन भी दोस्त बन जाता था।

लाल, पीला, हरा, गुलाबी
भर -भर पिचकारी उड़ाते थे ,
घर -घर जाकर झूम -झूमकर
रंग दिलों में भर जाते थे।

कारण क्या है  ,क्या पता ,क्यों है तकरार
स्वार्थ है या है अभिमान खाई है माया की या रिश्तों  की

प्यार की तलवार और होली का प्यार
तोड़ देश नफ़रत  की दीवार

बाजे ढ़ोल ,मंजीरे और मृदंग
दोस्त बन दुश्मन होली खेले संग
उड़ाए एक दूजे  पर ,प्रेम का रंग
Radhika Singh/IX B/GH
Monday, 2nd March: Class XII Board Exams of Class XII started. Twenty-six students of Class of 2014 will sit this year from the school. Students came to school to take blessings of the Principal and teachers. They were escorted by Mr. Byju Joseph to K. S. Lodha Public School where they had the center to write their exams. The first paper was of English.

Tuesday, 3rd March: Class X Board Exams started. Thirty three students appeared. Students came to school to take blessings from the Principal and teachers. The students were escorted by Mr. Surendra Singh to K. S. Lodha Public School where they had their centre. Their first paper was Science.

The School observed Holi Holidays from 5th March’15 to 8th March’15. Students were advised to use this time to prepare for their exams.

Staff Club bid farewell to Jackson Wagner by hosting a small get-together in the Principal’s garden.