The School Weekly - 20th July 2015

Bali experienced a hot and humid weather during the week. The humidity in the air is making life uneasy for everyone. All are eagerly waiting for the Monsoons to arrive. The temperature has increased by 3°C. Highest temperature recorded was at 37°C and lowest recorded was 28°C. Humidity was 40%. The sky was partially covered with clouds. Wind blew at 16 km/hr.
Monday, 13th July: Karanveer Adha (Ex DH/11) visited the school. He is doing IISER from Kerala.

Interview with Karanveer Singh
Ed: What is your aim?
K.A: I want to be a Scientist. I want to study Optics (illusion)

Ed: At present what are you doing?
K.A: I am studying in Trivandrum.

Ed: How did you reach there?
K.A: I first completed my 12th from Career Point and in the 2nd attempt I cleared my IIT Exam.

Ed:  When you were not selected for IIT at first attempt what were your feelings at that time?
K.A: At first I was a little depressed, but then I tried and worked hard and got selected.

Ed: Which subjects do you study there?
K.A: There is no choice of subjects. I have to study all four subjects i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Math.

Ed: Do you see any change in the Education System of the South?
K.A: Yes, their education system is better than ours. Their standard of studies is very good .In Rajasthan you can take Biology or Math, but in Kerala you have to take both, you can’t say that I don’t want to opt this subject. They have reached ahead of us in each and every aspect of Education.

Ed: Is your institution Co-Ed.?
K.A:  Yes, we all study together. If my lab mate is a girl and if I don’t talk with her then my grades are deducted. We can’t discriminate and we have to talk to girls whether we wish or not. The people there are frank and helpful.

Ed: What message would you like to give the students of Science Batch?
K.A: According to me Science is the best subject, it has the maximum scope .Most of us see it as complicated subject, but in reality it is not. If we find any topic difficult we should simplify the topics, to understand it more easily. We should not feel scared of any subject. We should not be frustrated, work hard, simplify things don’t make anything complicated. Work hard and you will achieve success.
(Ed: Editor, K.A: Karanveer Adha, D.R: Dhruv Rajpurohit)

Tuesday, 14th July: Dhruv Rajpurohit  (Ex GH/03) visited the school. He is in Medical  School, Sweden. He was of 2003 Batch. In Fabindia he did his study from 1996-2003.

Interview with Dhruv Rajpurohit
Ed: What is your aim?
D.R: My aim is to be a good and efficient doctor.

Ed:  If you would not have been a doctor then what would you have been?
D.R: I exactly didn’t have any other choice, but if I would not have been a doctor, then I would have researched on wild life and animals. All I want is to stay connected with Science.

Ed: What are your hobbies?
D.R: To spend time with family friends, going for movies etc., and I like to play football

Ed: You are in America, so tell us about American culture and people.
D.R: People are very helpful and American culture is very vibrant and best thing is you have many opportunities there.

Ed: You took admission in Class 8th in America so. How do you feel about staying so far away?
D.R: I was nervous because it was a new place, but I was good in English and Fabindia had helped me in this.

Ed: Oh! That’s nice to know! What was your favourite subject and who was your favourite teacher here in school?
D.R: My favourite subject is Science and at that time Mayuri Didi taught us Science and my favorite teacher was Mr. Shailendra Joshi.

Ed: What changes do you see in Fabindia now?
D.R: At that time we had only 4 blocks. Now the campus has completely changed, there are many blocks and more facilities.

Ed: Do you like India? Will you practice in India?
D.R: I love India. It is good to come every year to meet friends. And in future I hope personally to practice in India.

Ed: Who is your role model or ideal?
D.R: Mahatma Gandhi- for his sacrifices and Malcolm X.

Ed: What message would you like to give to the students?
D.R: Work hard, if you work hard you can achieve anything in your life.
(Khushboo Rajpurohit/XI/TH, Pooja Dutta/XI/GH)
बोल क्या चाहता है तू।
क्या है तेरी चाह।
जहाँ होती है चाह
वहाँ मिल जाती है राह।
पाना चाहता है जो भी
तू इस जीवन में,
आ मेरे पास
सब कुछ मिल जायेगे
बस याद रख मेरी बात
सारी दुनिया होगी तेरे साथ।
समय है बड़ा बलवान
इसकी शक्ति पहचान,
समय पर कर्म कर,
कर्म पर विश्वास कर,
कर्म समय का जोड़ा निराला
पहचाने योगी और विरला।
जोड़े धन-यश अपार।
तेरे जीवन तेरी मुट्ठी में
कर्म का पहिया, समय की धूरी
दोनों का होगा  साथ
तेरी हर चाह पूरी।
Khushi Rao/X/GH

Environment is the word which we use in our daily life. It means the condition around us, in which the people, animal plants etc. live. Nowadays, it is polluted by us. Each person is the reason for the environmental pollution. We only can save our environment by giving our contribution in this. We are only alive because of the environment.
If there is no environment, there would be no plants, no animals, no people and no atmosphere. Atmosphere is the part of our environment, but we are polluting it by burning plastics and other harmful substances. Due to which, there is a beginning of a hole in the Ozone layer and the atmospheric temperature is increasing. We can save the environment by throwing garbage in the dustbin, not turn the plastic bags, recycle the newspaper, old notebooks, books and the other thing which are of no use.
And make a habit of recycle, reuse, reduce each and every thing which is useless. Craft is the best example of reuse, newspaper we can recycle and we can reduce the use of plastic bags. We all have to plant more and more trees and also have the habit of doing this, because it give us benefit.
At last, I want to tell that please plant a tree in year to protect environment.
Surayaveer Singh/IX/DH

Environment and Us
The word environment refers to our surrounding .Whatever is present in our surrounding that is called environment. Environment includes plants, trees, animals, birds, rivers, mountain etc. Environment is a gift of nature in which we live. Our environment was created very beautifully and we must not damage our environment. Now days, because of water pollution, pure water is very less in the environment.
We cut trees for our need but if cut more and more trees then the eco-system will become unbalanced and due to this more carbon dioxide will be formed and it will result in Global warming and Green House Effect. Due to pollution created by our vehicles, many diseases occur and create problems in our environment. We have many natural resources which we use and over-utilized them.
A phrase is there that a man’s need can be satisfied but a man’s greed never satisfies. We can save our environment by using our resources judiciously and by planting more trees. Then we can live healthy and pollution free life. As a citizen of India we must not pollute our environment.
Our prime minister Mr.Narendra Modi also started a movement on 2nd October 2014 called the ‘clean India (Swachya Bhaarat Abhiyan). We must also become the part of this and help to reduce garbage.
Krithika Mansion/X/GH
Monday, 13th July: DEAR program was conducted for 20 minutes in which students read novels and story books to enhance their reading skill and vocabulary. The week was celebrated as the Environmental Week. Students of Eco Club read articles, poems, etc. in the Assembly to raise issues that surround the school; ask questions to help us see the truth on our wastage and some revealing fact about our actions towards damaging our own environment.

School celebrated Environmental Week. These charts were made by the students of Class VI to XII for the environmental week.
Posted by The Fabindia School on Monday, July 20, 2015
Rajveer Singh/X/RH: Spoke on environment. Humans depend on environment and it is the only source of life. Society is responsible for spoiling the environment and human actions have a direct impact on the ecosystem.

Amrit Choudhary/X/RH: Spoke on causes of environment pollution. Increasing population is one of the reason causing global warming as land is being used for building houses and industries. For this trees are cut continuously resulting in loss of forests. So people must be made aware of healthy and safe environment.

Pooja Dutta/XI/GH:  Spoke on environmental problems like world population, depletion of natural resources, extinction of animal species, pollution of air and water, thinning of ozone layer and poisoning of rivers and seas. These problems have risen due to environment pollution.

Aryan Sirvi/VI/DH: Read a poem on importance of trees. Trees are our life and we must save trees and grow trees to have a healthy and happy life on Earth.

Tuesday, 14th July: Bhagyashree Mewara/IX/TH spoke on how environmental pollution is now a global phenomenon. The rich and powerful nations are the biggest polluters.
Divya Sonigara/X/GH: Recited a poem in Hindi on Dharti Hamari Mata Hai.
Deepika Soni/IX/GH: Spoke on the importance of environment.
Diaries and School Calendars were distributed in all classes.

Wednesday, 15th July: On the occasion of Environmental Week Krisha Dave/VII/GH Spoke on ways to save environment.
Mansi Choudhary/VII/DH spoke on need to protect environment.
Kreena Rao/VII/DH: Gave a speech on threat to environment
On the occasion, the students of Class 10 contributed towards plantation. They dug pits and planted fruit and flowering trees.

Thursday, 16th July: Rajveer Singh/X/RH and Pooja Dutta/XI/GH quizzed students. After the Assembly an Essay Writing Competition was organized for students of Class VI to XII.
Results of Essay Writing Competition on Environment: The competition was Intra Class Essay Writing Competition and the following students bagged off the first position.
I  Archana Koratkar/VI B/GH
I  Aman Singh/VII/RH
I  Avinash Sen/VIII/RH
I  Muskan Rathod/IX/TH
I  Suryaveer Singh/IX/DH  
I  Kritika Mansion/X/GH
I  Khushboo Rajpurohit/XI/TH
I  Mamta Chouhan/XII/GH
School welcome Mr. Rahul Chaudhari as our new Biology teacher. School wishes him a rewarding time with us!