The School Weekly - 31st August 2015

Weather remained dry for most of the week. The sky was partially covered with nimbus clouds. Lowest temperature was 24°C and highest was 34°C. Humidity is 72%. It seems as if monsoons are over. Wind blew at 10km/hr. School Campus has become lush and green and beautiful flowers have bloomed up which is eye-capturing sight.
My brother
Relationship of sharing and caring, Relationship of sharing and caring,
in which there is a lot of fighting.
We snatch and scratch,
Yet we are the perfect match.
He is always there to protect me.
He is always there to guide.
I can't bear his loud noise,
I can't sleep without his voice.
He is my whole world,
without him I can't say a word.
My brother is the best.
My brother is the best.
Your smile gives me satisfaction,
And you always come with me as a protection
the world’s best brother                                          
And I love you as you are.
Khushi Rao/X/GH

रक्षा बंधन
रक्षा बंधन का त्योंहार हैं
भाई - बहन का प्यार है
अनूठा प्यार का  रिश्ता
खुशियों से भरा फरिश्ता है
भाई - बहन का प्यार है ।
प्यार की रानी ने इस रिश्ते की
तारीफ़ की है ,
दुआओ की रानी ने इस रिश्ते को
दुआ दी है ,
ताकत नहीं कलम में मेरी लिख सकू
इस रिश्ते के बारे में
ग्रंथो के ग्रंथ भर जाए लिखते - लिखते
इस रिश्ते के बारे में
भाई - बहन का प्यार है ।
चाँद की चाँदनी का उजाला है
इस रिश्ते में
गम के बादलों का ना कोई ठिकाना हैं
इस रिश्ते में ,
क्या तारीफ़ करू इस रिश्ते की में
अनूठे सुन्दर बंधन का प्यारा सा
नजराना है इस रिश्ते में ,
भाई - बहन का प्यार है ।
Dhaval Jain/X/TH

Friday, 28th August: Inter House Rakhi Making Competition was organized for Class II to XI. Both the Junior Section and Senior Section made beautiful Rakhis out of the waste material. These Rakhis were put on charts for display on the corridors.

Photos of Rakhi Making Competition and Sanskrit Day.
Posted by The Fabindia School on Monday, August 31, 2015
Tuesday, 25th August: Students stayed back in school for their practice for U17 Football tournament. Students will go to Sojat City to participate in the U17 Football Tournament.

Wednesday, 26th August: 15 students participated in the Under 19 Cricket Tournament in High Secondary School, Bali. There were ten schools from Pali region. Unfortunately we lost by four runs in the quarter final and will not play any more matches.
Monday, 24th August: DEAR program was conducted. Students have begun to read novels and story books easily now. It has been decided in the meeting that to increase reading practice, vocabulary and understanding skills, DEAR program will be conducted twice a week: Monday and Wednesday.

Practice for Under 17 Football U19 Cricket was held after school. Regular classes took place along with Remedial lessons.

Friday, 28th August: A Special Assembly was organized on the occasion of Sanskrit Day. Mr. K. G. Dave spoke on how all leading Government companies of India have Sanskrit logos. He read out a few as follows:
दूरदर्शन -सत्यं शिवम् सुन्दरम्
NCERT - असतो मा सद्गमय
भारत सरकार - सत्यमेव जयते
लोकसभा - धर्म चक्र प्रवर्तनाय
भारतीय डाक विभाग - सेवा अस्माकम् धर्मः
भारतीय सर्वोच्च न्यायालय - यतो धर्मः ततो जयम्
भारतीय रेल विभाग - श्रम एव जयते
भारतीय जीवन बीमा निगम - योगक्षेमं वहाम्यहम्
भारतीय वायु सेना - नभः स्पृशं दीपम्
भारतीय नौसेना - शं नो वरुणः
विद्याभारती - सा विद्या या विमुक्तये
इंडियन एक्सप्रेस (अंग्रेजी पत्रिका) - सर्वत्र विजयम्

Khushi  Rao/X/GH: spoke on Sanskrit Day.
Radhika Singh/X/GH: spoke about the history of Sanskrit.
Kritika Mansion/X/GH: spoke on the role of Sanskrit in foreign countries.
Divanshu Bhati/X/GH: spoke on the importance of Sanskrit language.
Jaswant Singh/X/RH: spoke on its importance. 
Nikhil  Soni/X/TH: spoke on the role of Sanskrit in our life.
Archana Koratkar/VI/GH, Yug Bhati/VI/ RH, Mahendra Parihar/VI/ DH and Aryan Sirvi/VI/ DH recited Sanskrit ‘Shlokas’. A group Sanskrit song was presented by Students of Class IX.