The School Weekly - 14th September 2015

Dry, warm weather has been the order of the week. This year round Rajasthan generally receives rains from returning monsoons but due to dry weather no pressure is getting built. Days have warmer than expected but nights are cool enough to sleep under fans. Lowest temperature recorded 26°C and highest 38°C. Temperature increased by 2°C while humidity fell to 51%. Wind blew at 3km/hr.
Saturday, 12th September: Since 5th September was Janamastami holiday, Teacher’s Day was celebrated.

In a happy atmosphere the Assembly was conducted by teachers where Mrs. Punita Chauhan spoke the prayer, Mr. Gajendra Singh spoke thought for the day, Ms Priyanka Mahatma read the news and Mrs.. Bharti Rao recited a poem dedicated to her unforgettable teacher.

After Assembly students put up a small program for Teachers’ Day Celebrations. Show was anchored by Bajrang Singh/XII/TH and Vaishali Rao/XII/GH. The show started with a speech given by Radhika Singh/X/GH. Song was presented by Mayur Singh/XII/TH, Neeraj Pawar/XII/TH, Pooja Dutta/XI/GH and Khushi Rao/X/GH. Compliments were given to teachers with a token of appreciation. Tanvi Parmar/IX/RH, Priyal Dave/VIII/GH, Hemlata Vaishnav/VIII/GH mesmerized everyone with their beautiful dance performance. Blessy Maria/XI/DH with her mono-acting filled the air with laughter. Soniya Vaishnav/VI/GH, Minaxi Choudhary/VI/TH, Charu Vaishnav/VI/DH, Gayatri Rathod/VI/DH, Harsdhita Kunwar/VI/RH gave a beautiful dance performance. Vinita Sirvi/VI/GH acted as her S.St teacher Mrs. Kusum Sharma.  Most talented Khushi Rao/X/GH gave a solo dance performance. Principal invited all teachers to share what they had learnt from their teachers and who was their special inspiration in life. The function ended with a motivating speech by Principal Ms. Deepika Tandon. After the school got over, teachers sang beautiful songs and danced with Class XII students in Principal’s garden followed by refreshments.

Thank you Class XII students for organizing such a rewarding program for teachers! Teachers looked thrilled at the attention they received. Students were asked to touch the feet of their favourite teacher and take their blessings.

Teachers' Day Celebrations
Posted by The Fabindia School on Monday, September 14, 2015

Compliments for teachers:

Ms. Deepika Tandon: 
The sculptor of human character
A seasoned scholar and navigator
Of this flagship of knowledge.
Patiently you mentor and
Lead sharing wisdom,
And meeting each need,
support and advice willingly,
On you the staff and students rely.

Mr. Ajay Vijaywargi: 
You are a wonder teacher for me,
Who proved that learning can be joyous a
And pleasant experience.

Mrs Anuradha Rajpurohit:
Aapse hi sekha, aapse hi jaana,
Matlab Hindi akshar ka,
Aapse hi sekha,  aap ko hi guru maana,
Aapse hi panda sekha,
You are our most wonderful and caring teacher.

Mrs Ayesha Tak: 
Without you we would have been lost
You comforted, pampered, soothed and calmed me,
You shared your love when mom was not there, you are great ma’am

Mr. Babulal Deora:
You guided me when I was lost,
You supported me when I was weak,
You have enlighted me all through.

Mr. P. Bhaskar:
You guided us when we were lost in Physics
You supported us
When we were weak in basics
You helped and enlightened us in theory
Thank you Sir.

Mrs Bharti Rao:
You are not only our teacher
You are our friend, philosopher and guide,
All moulded into one person,
We will always be grateful for your support
To awaken joy in creativity, expression and knowledge.

Mr. Byju Joseph:
Sometime you scold us,
Sometime you appreciate us,
Sometime you are angry on us,
Sometimes your beautiful smile makes us proud.
I know that now you don’t teach us but don’t worry we still love you and will always love you.

Mr. Dilip Inda:
Thanks for inspiring hope in me
Igniting my imagination,
And instilling in me- a love of learning.

Mr. Dinesh Bharti:
Aapse hi sekha, aapse hi jaana,
Aap ko hi guru maana, aapse hi padhna seekha
Kalam ka matlab, aapse hi jaana.

Mr. Gajendra Singh: 
Guru tere upkar ka,
Kaise chukaun mai mol
Laakh keemti dhan bhala
Guru hain mera anmol.

Mr. Hitendra Singh Chundawat:
The man of distinct vision
And a fountainhead of illuminating ideas,
An idol of knowledge, experience and inspiration.

Mr. Kanik Goyal:
I found guidance,
Friendship love and everything in one person
And that person is the all-rounder,
Smart and attractive Kanik Sir.

Mrs. Kavita Deora:
You put up with lots of noise
When we were rowdy girls and boys
You planned lessons A to Z
Helped to make learning fun and cool.

Mr. K.G.Dave:
Gumnami Ke andhere mein tha,
Ek pehchan bana diya,
Duniya Ke gum se mujhe unhone anjaan bana diya,
Unki aisi kripa hui ki guruji ne muje ek acha insaan bana diya

Ms.Kusum Dangi:
The only special need
That I have is to be loved
And accepted just the way I am
And that is what you did for me.
You have been my guide and supporter.

Mrs. Kusum Sharma:
You provide us conditions to learrn
You teach us things beyond books
You teach us from the heart,
You shape our minds
You are a star

Mr. Manish Sharma:
C++ or IP you made us ready for tomorrow’s challenge
You encouraged and guided us.
Thank you for shaping us for the modern world.

Ms. Monica Vaishnav:
The way you teach, the knowledge you share,
The care you take,
The love you shower
Makes you are loving Ma’am.

Ms. Payal Paliwal:
With a special gift for learning
And heart that deeply cares
You have changed my world,
With everything that you shared.

Mr. Prakash Dangi:
To the world you may be just a teacher,
But to your students you are a hero

Mrs. Prerna Rathod:
You are not just a teacher,
But a true inspiration to me
You did not just do your job,
But a lotmore than this,
You are like a candle,
Who consumed yourself to light the way for us.

Ms. Priyanka Mahatma:
Having a wonderful teacher who is as loving as you are,
A teacher who is as gentle as you are
Has always been the greatest joy for us,
In instilling the love of learning Economics.

Mrs. Punita Chouhan: 
You have been more than a teacher,
A friend, a guide and inspiration for making us find ourselves.

Mr. Rahul  Choudhary:
For your love, patience, caring,
Kind words and sharing
I just want to say ‘Thank You’.

Mrs. Raj Ranawat:
It’s your unique guidance,
That urges me in all that I do,
I found guidance, friendship, discipline, love
And everything in one person,
And that person is you.

Mrs. Rajeshwari Rathore:
You nurtured me when I budding,
You are my inspiration for you made a difference in my life,
You mean a lot to me,
For you planted a seed of knowledge that will grow forever.

Mrs. Sharmila Vijaywargi:
You gave us something
To take home besides homework
You teach us things beyond books
You proved learning can be joyous and pleasant experience.

Mr. Surendra Singh:
The purpose of teacher is not to create students in his own image,
But the purpose is to develop students who can create their own image
And that purpose I see in you.

Mr. Suresh Negi: 
Innocence droppeth from your words,
Cuteness is when you smile,
Gentleness drops from your knowledge,
That you give in mathematical expressions.

Ms. Swati Sood: 
We are glad that you are always for us,
When we need someone to guide us,
You are our favourite.

Mrs: Urmila Rathore:
You guided me when I was lost,
You supported me when I was weak,
You have enlightened me all through
And taught me my basics.

Mrs. Usha Pawar:
You guide us in art,
You support us when we are wrong,
You teach us creative things
You inspire us to mould things
Today is the day to thank you.

Mr. Usman Gani:
You showed us where to look in Computers,
You told us what to see,
You are special as you taught us to be extraordinary.

Ms. Vimmy Rajpurohit: 
You use your voice for kindness,
Your ears for compassion,
Your mind for truth and heart for love,
You are our sweet charming ma’am.

विद्यालय में शिक्षक दिवस का आयोजन
आज दिनांक 12/09/15 को विद्यालय परिसर में बारहवीं कक्षा के विद्यार्थियों के तत्वावधान में शिक्षक दिवस का आयोजन किया गया । आयोजन प्रभावशाली एवम् सुव्यवस्थित रहा। शिक्षकों के साथ-साथ अन्य विद्यार्थियों ने भी भरपूर आनंद लिया। छात्रों ने शिक्षको को रिझाने के लिए कई कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत किये। छोटी बालिकाओं द्वारा नृत्य प्रस्तुत किया गया जिसने सभी को मंत्र-मुग्ध कर दिया। 11वीं की छात्रा ब्लेस्सी मारिया ने अपने अभिनय द्वारा दर्शक वर्ग की प्रशंसा का पात्र बनी । 10वीं कक्षा की छात्रा खुशी राव ने नृत्य से दर्शक वर्ग को वाह-वाही लुटाने के लिए बाध्य कर दिया । कार्यक्रम के संचालक ने भी अपनी योग्यता का प्रदर्शन कर सुव्यवस्थित संचालन किया। प्रत्येक अध्यापक-अध्यापिका के लिए उपयुक्त विशेषणों का प्रयोग कर उपहार प्रदान किये गए। बालकों के मन में अपने शिक्षकों को लेकर काफी उत्साह रहता है ये आज देखने को मिला। अपने कक्षाध्यापक या किसी विषयाध्यापक के प्रति बालकों का सहज प्रेम स्पष्ट दृष्टिगोचर हो रहा था। ये प्रेम किसी लालच या स्वार्थ से उपजा हुआ नहीं था बल्कि बिना किसी लोलुपता तथा बिना स्वार्थ का था । ईश्वर की देन बालक सच में स्नेह का कोश है। स्वयं को गौरवान्वित एवं सौभाग्यशाली मानता हूँ कि मैंने अध्यापन का व्यवसाय चुना । सभी कार्यक्रम को सफल बनाने का हरसंभव प्रयत्न कर रहे थे। प्राचार्या एवं सभी शिक्षकों ने अपने प्रिय अध्यापक के विषय में विचार साझा किये। शिक्षकों ने सुर लहरी बिखेर कर वातावरण को उल्लास मय बना दिया। अंत में सामूहिक नृत्य ने सभी को प्रतिभा दिखाने को अवसर दिया। पूरे कार्यक्रम का मैं साक्षी था सभी जोश एवं उत्साह से लबरेज़ नज़र आ रहे थे। वहाँ उपस्थित प्रत्येक व्यक्ति आनंदित था। 12वीं के छात्रों का समर्पण भाव अनोखा था। सामूहिक चित्र के पश्चात् कार्यक्रम समाप्ति की घोषणा की गयी। अविस्मरणीय आयोजन था जो दृष्टिपटल पर चलायमान रहेगा। सभी आयोजकों , सहायकों को आयोजन की सफलता के लिए तथा रचनात्मकता के लिए धन्यवाद। ईश्वर इनका भविष्य उज्जवल बनावें ।
K G Dave/HOD Hindi


Teacher’s Day was celebrated on 12th September. It was a great success. The students took pains for their teachers and expressed their respect and love for them. They wrote special quotes for each teacher according to their special qualities which was liked by all the teachers. I was touched by the quote written for me. It inspired me to work hard in future. A small program was arranged where there were dance and song performances. After school there was a party with Class XII students. Teachers sang songs and danced. Each teacher forgot their stress and was enjoying themselves. I could see a different side of many teachers. All were in a party mood. I enjoyed myself very much. All thanks to Class XII students. They made each teacher feel special and showed their gratitude by attending to each and every teacher. I will remember the party and efforts of the students as for a long time and it will always be in my memory. Once again I want to thank Principal Ma’am and Class XII for this wonderful and memorable day.
Prerna Rathod/Teacher
Monday, 7th September: School participated in 60th District Badminton U19 Girls Championship from 6th September-9th September. Vaishali Rao/XII/GH, Chandu Gaur/XII/RH, Santosh Paliwal/XII/GH, Mamta Chouhan/XII/GH, Khusbhoo Rajpurohit/XI/TH participated in the championship. School secured third position in district. Vaishali Rao/XII/GH secured sixth position in district. She will be a standby for the State level Championship. Santosh Paliwal/XII/GH secured eighth place in the district. School is proud of their performance in the tournament.
Monday, 7th September: DEAR program was conducted as usual.. New format for assembly prescribed by CBSE was follow. The whole week Assembly was conducted by Teresa House. Bajrang Singh/XII/TH recited a poem on “Matrabhumi ka Samman”.

Tuesday, 8th September: That day was the Student’s Assembly and Teresa House conducted the assembly. In water hut RO and water coolers were connected. Students have started using the water hut. In many classes revision tests were conducted.

Wednesday, 9th September: From now onwards to enhance reading abilities in students it has been decided that DEAR program will be held twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays.