The School Weekly - 21st September 2015

School experienced dry, warm weather except on Friday night when Bali experienced heavy showers. Sky was overcast with stratus clouds on Saturday and Sunday. Temperature fell 5°C in the last week. Evenings and nights were cooler and pleasant. Dusty winds blew and developed a low pressure around North Western India.

Weather Vitals:
Lowest: 26°C
Highest: 33°C
Humidity: 53%.
Wind: 18 km/hr.
बादल तो आते जाते है 
बादल तो आते जाते है।
फूलो के मुरझाने के बाद,
कलियों के खिल जाने के बाद,
सूरज के ढल जाने के बाद,
चंदा के उग जाने के बाद,
बादल तो आते जाते है।

खेतो में फसल बोने के बाद,
किसान के सो जाने ले बाद,
आमों के बौरा जाने के बाद,
पतझड़ के बीत जाने के बाद,
बादल तो आते जाते है।

बादलो के बरसाने के बाद,
सर्दी की ठिठुरन के बाद,
गर्मी की तपन के बाद,
सबकी उम्मीदों के बाद भी,
बादल तो आते जाते है।

तालाबों के सुख जाने के बाद,
बाँधो के रीत जाने के बाद,
फसलों ले सुख जाने के बाद,
किसानो के बर्बादी के बाद भी,
बादल तो आते जाते है
Dinesh Bharti/Hindi Faculty

World Ozone Day

World Ozone day is celebrated every year on 16th September since 1995.
In 1985 the Vienna Convention established mechanisms for international co-operation in search into the ozone layer and the effects of ozone depleting chemicals (ODCs). 1985 also marked the first discovery of the Antarctic ozone hole. On the basis of Vienna Convention, the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer was negotiated and signed by 24 countries and by the European Economic community in September 1987. The protocol called for the Parties to phase down the uses of CFCs, halons and other man –made ODCs.
After a series of rigorous meetings and negotiations, the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer was finally agreed upon on 16th September 1987 at the Headquarters of the International Civil Aviation Organization in Montreal.
Blessy Maria/XI/DH
Monday, 13th September: DEAR program was conducted as usual. School has begun to follow the new format for Assembly prescribed by CBSE. The whole week Assembly was conducted by Gandhi House. Command was given by Divanshu Bhati/X/GH. Pooja Dutta/XI/GH presented Thought for the Day. Kritika Mansion/X/GH read the news; Siddhi Vyas/V/GH recited a poem and Khushi Rao/X/GH got the school to say the school pledge.

Tuesday, 14th September: Principal announced that the passing percentage in exams from now on will be 40% instead of 33 %. She encouraged students to raise their level of performance so that they gain in raising their own levels of performance.
In many classes revision tests were conducted.
On the occasion of Hindi Divas, a Special Assembly was organized.

Photos of The School Weekly - 21st September 2015
Posted by The Fabindia School on Monday, September 21, 2015

हिंदी दिवस
14 सितम्बर को विद्यालय में हिंदी दिवस मनाया गया। राष्ट्र-भाषा प्रचार समिति, वर्धा की घोषणा के पश्चात 1953 से हर वर्ष इसी दिन हिंदी दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है। न केवल भारत में बल्कि विश्व के अनेक देशों में हिंदी बोली जाती है। हिंदी 50 करोड़ से भी अधिक लोगों की संपर्क भाषा है। इतना ही नहीं रूस में हिंदी फिल्मों को बड़े चाव से देखा जाता है।
इस अवसर पर ख़ुशी राव ने हिंदी में प्रतिज्ञा बुलवाई।
राधिका सिंह ने हिंदी की उत्पत्ति के विषय में चर्चा की।
कृतिका मेंशन ने हिंदी को राज भाषा बनाये जाने की कहानी बताई।
दिव्यांशु भाटी ने हिंदी दिवस मनाने के कारणों पर प्रकाश डाला।

Mr. K.G Dave/HOD/Hindi: Made students aware about Hindi and its importance..
Kritika Mansion/X/GH: Spoke on the history of Hindi
Radhika Singh/X/GH: Spoke on the importance of Hindi
Nikhil Soni/X/TH: Spoke on the importance of Hindi in foreign countries.
Kreena Rao/DH/VII: Spoke on the benefits we gain from Hindi language.

Wednesday, 15th September: Gandhi House conducted the Assembly. Commands were given by Anirudh Singh/X/GH. Khushi Rao/X/GH read the news. Anumesh Rao/VII/GH presented Thought for the Day. Pooja Dutta/XI/GH organized G.K Quiz.
All the students seemed busy in their studies due to forth coming SA I. Revisions were in full swing.

World’s Ozone Day Special Assembly was organized.

Mr.Byju Joseph/AD/HOD Science: Spoke about Ozone layer and how it is getting depleted.
Mr. Byju Joseph explained to the students that Ozone layer is a deep layer in earths
atmosphere that contain ozone which is a naturally occurring molecule containing three
Oxygen atoms. These ozone molecules form a gaseous layer in the Earth’s upper atmosphere
called stratosphere. This lower region of stratosphere containing relatively higher concentration
of ozone is called Ozonosphere. The main cause for the depletion of ozone is determined as
excessive release of chlorine and bromine from man-made compounds
Chlorofluorocarbons, Methyl chloroform), Carbon tetrachloride and methyl bromide. He further
on told the students to be Eco-friendly so that this depletion can be reduced by each and
everyone’s contribution.

Khushi Rao/X/GH: Spoke about Ozone layer and how it is getting depleted
Ozone is a molecule formed by three atoms of oxygen, while O2 which we normally refer to as
oxygen is as essential for all aerobic forms of life. Ozone is a deadly poison. However at higher
levels of the atmosphere, it performs an essential function. It acts as a shield to the earth from
the ultra-violet from the sun. This radiation is highly damaging to the organisms leading to
disease like cancer. In 1980’s there was a drop of ozone in the atmosphere because of the use
of Chlorofluorocarbons in refrigerators and in fire extinguishers. In1987 United Nations
Environment Programme succeeded in forging an agreement to freeze EFC production at 1986
levels.     .

Kritika Mansion/X/GH: Spoke on History of Ozone
The ozone layer is a vital component in the history of life on Earth. Hundred million years ago only single cell organisms existed on earth and at the same time the planet lacked the oxygen that we need. to live. But as these organisms evolved they began to release tiny amounts of oxygen through photosynthesis, over a period of years led to the creation of the ozone layer. However, Schombein was one of the first people to suggest that higher concentration of ozone at ground level could affect peoples’ health. Jean-Luis Soret in 1860 was able to describe the molecular structure of Ozone.

Blessy Maria/XI/DH: Spoke on World’s Ozone Day

Muskan Rathod/IX/TH: Spoke about Ozone and its uses.
In 1994 the UN General Assembly proclaimed 16th September as the International Day for the preservation of the ozone layer. All were invited to devote the Day to promote the activities in accordance with the objectives of the Montreal Protocol passed in 1989.We should control the uses of those substances which deplete the Ozone layer. The ozone layer protects human health, ecosystem, climatic changes, etc. limiting the harmful ultra violet radiations from reaching the earth. This year marks the 30th Anniversary of the Vienna Convection for the protection of the Ozone layer.

Mansi Choudhary/DH/VII: Spoke on the causes of the depletion of Ozone layer,
Scientific evidence indicates that stratospheric ozone is being destroyed by a group of manufactured chemicals, containing chlorine and/or bromine. These chemicals are called "ozone-depleting substances". They are very stable, nontoxic and environmentally safe in the lower atmosphere, which is why they became so popular in the first place. However, their very stability allows them to float up, intact, to the stratosphere. Once there, they are broken apart by the intense ultraviolet light, releasing chlorine and bromine. Chlorine and bromine demolish ozone at an alarming rate, by stripping an atom from the ozone molecule. A single molecule of chlorine can break apart thousands of molecules of ozone. The main components of depletion  are chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrochlorofluorcarbons (HCFCs), carbon tetrachloride and methyl chloroform. Halons (brominated fluorocarbons) also play a large role. Their application is quite limited: they're used in specialized fire extinguishers. But the problem with halons is they can destroy up to 10 times as much ozone as CFCs can. For this reason, halons are the most serious ozone-depleting group of chemicals emitted in British Columbia.

Uttam Suthar/X/GH: Spoke about the importance of Ozone layer.
Ozone is a gas in the atmosphere that protects everything living on the Earth from harmful ultraviolet rays from the Sun. Without the layer of ozone in the atmosphere, it would be very difficult for anything to survive on the surface. Plants cannot live and grow in heavy ultraviolet radiation, nor can the plankton that serve as food for most of the ocean life. The ozone layer acts as a shield to absorb the UV rays, and keep them from doing damage at the Earth's surface. The ozone layer occurring naturally in the lower layers of the atmosphere helps remove the pollutants from the surface of the earth.

Saturday, 19th September: Summative Assessment I started for Class III to XII. Cycle Tests were conducted for Class I and II.