The School Weekly - 23rd November 2015

Winter has stepped in. Students have begun to wear sweaters. Days are sunny with 28°C to 30°C temperature. Difference in day and night temperature is increasing with lowest falling to 15°C. During the week it was mostly clear. Humidity is at 40%. Wind direction was from S to SE at 3 km/hr.

The School celebrated its 23rd Annual Day on Friday, 20th November. Congratulations to students and staff for putting up such a successful presentation both in Exhibition and the cultural program.
Thursday, 19th November: Participants were called to school at 4:30 pm. Grand rehearsal took place from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Friday, 20th November: School celebrated its 23rd Annual Day. The Board Members, Chief Guest and LMC members arrived at 4:00 pm for High Tea hosted by School, followed by the inauguration of the Annual Day Exhibitions by Mrs. Tulsi Bhatia, Chief Guest.

John L. Bissell Block housed Junior School and Art and Craft Exhibitions.
Bimla Nanda Bissell Block housed Department of Languages, Commerce Department and Social Studies Department.
Hendon Chubb Block housed Math Department and Science Labs.
Mathew Horvitz Block housed Primary Section Exhibition
Learning Resource Centre housed Computer Department.
Chief Guest Mrs. Tulsi Bhatia, Principal Heritage Girls’ School, Udaipur went around the exhibition at great length and asked questions in details related to their models, material used and information collected. She deeply admired the hard work of the students.

Annual Day started with the Lighting of the lamp. The show started with the School Song. The School song now has a proper music composed by our Music teacher from Jaipur Mr. Tony Lobo and it has been written by Ms. Lui.
School Orchestra gave an awe inspiring performance.
Head Girl Vaishali Rao welcomed the Chief Guest.
The Cultural Show included a Junior English Musial Play, Hindi Ballet and a short video clip of the School’s history, vision, mission and activities.
The staff mesmerized everyone with their beautiful song ‘I have a Dream’.
Kushagra Singh, Head Boy gave Vote of Thanks.
In her speech Mrs. Tulsi Bhatia elaborated upon ideas to spread the good work that the school is doing. She held School Exhibitions in high esteem, keeping in mind the detailed models made by students.
A big thank you to Mrs. Tulsi Bhatia for the great effort in coming all the way to Bali and join us for our Annual Day!
Trophies of Excellence for the year 2014-15

  • Trophy for Excellence in Service: Chandu Gaur
  • Trophy of Excellence in Skill: Vaishali Rao 
  • Trophy of Excellence in Sport: Kushagra Singh
  • Trophy of Excellence in Study: Mamta Chouhan
  • Parineeta Ranpal’s English Proficiency Prize: Bajrang Singh

Congratulations to all the winners! Well done girls you are one up!!

Keynote Speaker Chief Guest Mrs. Tulsi Bhatia’s Speech

Founder Mr. William Bissell, Chairman Mr. Sandeep Dutt, Trustees, Head Boy Kushagra Singh, Head Girl Vaishali Rao, invitees, Parents, and students I am overwhelmed after these two hours that I spent in the school. The moment I entered, the kind of positive vibes that surrounded me was amazing. As Mr. Sandeep Dutt said how this place is filled with fresh air and clean water and dust below the feet, it is joy, happiness and positive vibrations that emanate from every corner.

When I was walking through the exhibitions, the way children and teachers were speaking with such pride about what they had learnt was really, really amazing and overwhelming. I am sorry; that I had to listen to every one of them because there was so much eagerness and enthusiasm that I had to! I couldn’t help, but, go through every little bit of work that they had done. My Congratulations to all the teachers here, for the wonderful job that you have done, of course, under the stewardship of Mrs. Tandon. After now, I had only known Fabindia for the past two years. I only knew Fabindia as the company who made exorbitantly expensive clothes which I could not afford, but beautiful clothes nevertheless. But after visiting this school, I am deeply humbled and touched by the kind of work that Fabindia does, hats off. The Fabindia School, the school with a heart as the children sang, heart, soul, joy, happiness, wonder, amazement, everything.

In my school I have an English Teacher who does wonderful work, but she is always in tears. This is due to her migraine, she is completely heart broken. This is what happens when you give the power of your happiness in somebody else’s hands. It is very common in India to have external focus of controlling. It is very common in India when we, whenever something wrong happens  blame it on outside forces like Shani Grah or we say my name has only four letters that’s the reason why I have not done well or earthquakes took place because of god’s anger or black magic. Why should we, when we do such a thing, when we attribute blame to the outside forces, we are not looking inside, we are not trying to find out what is actually going wrong. In the west when hurricane Katharina hit and caused disaster, mayhem everywhere, they looked inwards that is the internal focus of controlling, they looked inwards and tried to find what was wrong in their system. They tried to make amends, put things in order, in order to ensure that such things don’t happen again. That is the power that gives, that taking charge gives you. Taking charge. Be the captain of your own ship. Being on the driver’s seat of your life is what makes everyone effective. My appeal to all the Parents sitting here is, teach your children to take charge, allow them those little decisions that make them better, that are important. Let them start early so they know how to do it, let them start with what subjects they want to study, what course they would like to do. Let them make these little mistakes, they will be responsible adults, they will become more and more effective. Let them be proactive young people to take charge of their own lives and that is the most empowering gift that you can give your children. Thank you everyone for this wonderful opportunity that you all have given me.

Principal’s Annual Report 20th November’2015
Respected Principal Mrs. Tulsi Bhatia, The Heritage Girls School, Members Board of Governors, Old Boys and Girls, dignitaries from the city, Parents, guests, my dear colleagues and students, it is my privilege to welcome you all to the 23rd  Annual Day of the School.
We are indeed honoured to have among us as our honoured this evening Mrs. Tulsi Bhatia, Principal at Heritage Girls’ School, Udaipur. Nothing could be more appropriate than to have among us a person who is devoted to the cause of education. Her tenure of services has defined her vision through her work for students and her belief to help the children grow in a happy environment has been recognised in best public schools of India as my Head Girl stated- Thank you Ma’am for consenting to be with us this evening.
I cannot start my report without paying homage to the School’s founders and their vision that lives through the spirit and ethos of the school. And that is to provide affordable education with special encouragement to extend facilities to the girl child.
This evening, therefore let us pay the highest regard to the memory of Late Mr. John Bissell who has set this school apart from the rest, in its delivery and vision. At the same time the school is thankful to Mr. William Bissell for sharing and furthering the vision of his father - his unstinted support to the spirit of service and vision of girl child stands apart against the best stalwart schools of the country.

I am once again privileged to address parents on this very special occasion. Annual Day is once a year occasion which gives an opportunity to students and teachers to showcase their talent before a selected audience. While I know that everybody is waiting with bated breath for the cultural evening to start I will take but a couple of minutes to help you take a walk through the corridors of various scholastic and co-scholastic activities of the session gone by.
The Fabindia School follows a vibrant, structured and creative co-scholastic calendar integrated with the scholastic syllabus throughout the year. . Various Intra Class and Inter House Competitions are organized to expose its students to different formats and give them a platform to present their idea, creativity, talent and hone their presentation skills. These co-scholastic activities make students proactive and help develop confidence in them. These activities prove beneficial in the holistic development of our students.

One of the pillars of the school is Study. Students would perform their best for Class X and XII exams.
In Class XII 6 Students achieved distinctions in all subjects out of 23 students:

In individual subjects:
9 Students got distinctions in English
10 in Hindi: 1 in Physics; 2 in Chemistry; 3 in Biology; 2 in Economics; 3 in Buisness Studies; 2 in Accountancy;

Overall highest percentage 94.60 was achieved by Khushboo Punmiya in Commerce
81.20%  achieved by Soharsh Parihar in Commerce
And third highest 78.80%  was achieved by Shraddha Kansara Commerce)

Khushboo is a live example of accomplishing our mission. She topped Pali District  with 94.6%!

In Class X out of 23 students 12 students scored between 70 to 90%.
Damini Chouhan, Khushboo Rajpurohit, Harsha Dalawat, Aditya Kansara, Silvi Mehta, Dipendra Sonigara and Krishna Choudhari…..scored 10 CGPA.

School average score was 6.9 CGPA. Out of47 students there were 13 A Grades with highest in Science and SST.

Remedial Classes were introduced to help students with extra mentoring in studies. Each class has been divided into strengths and weaknesses in their respective subjects and the whole school attends coaching in the last 40 minutes according to their needs.

English Readiness Program (ERP), Hindi Readiness Programme (HRP) and Science Exploration Programme (SEP), DEAR (Drop Everything And Read & Reading Cards were implemented to develop basic concepts for Spoken Skills.

In September and December counseling session were held for students and parents. Mr. Neeraj Sharma, Ms. Veenu Paliwal and Dr. Shipra Vajpei took separate sessions with parents and students to detail them with opportunities in each subject to help choose in Class X and the scope they have  with it in colleges. This was the first time ever that the students and parents were exposed to such an exercise.

All Blocks have been christened to honour all those families and individuals who, over the years, have quietly contributed and helped the school all these years.

Photography Club was a big hit this year and it sold 10 out of its work in the last exhibition.
Students continue to participate in Green Global Olympiads and Math Olympiad at National and School level.
Saturday continues to be an Activity Day with music, Art & craft, dance, embroidery, stitching, singing etc. as activities. This year we have a full fledged Music School for our students the commendable work done by the Music Department was efficiently exhibited to you a while ago. School plans to extend this art to the residents of Bali too in the coming years.

New Societies and Clubs were formed for the first time in the School. They will take a while to run efficiently on their own as students suddenly find a lot on their plate.

The Disciplinary Committee with representation from staff, students and Admin was formed to make transparent decisions on any disciplinary issue. I must say, so far they have conducted themselves very transparently.

In August School’s Football Team escorted by Mr. Tarun Mishra participated in the 60th District Level Football Tournament. After very stiff competitions among 16 schools they qualified for Semi-Finals, but unfortunately lost the match against Raj Public School, Sojat.
Shashank Singh/X/DH and Pradhuman Singh/IX/GH went to play State Level as they got selected to represent Pali District.

School played 60th District Level Girl’s Badminton Championship and secured third position in the district.

Here also Vaishali Rao was selected as standby to represent District Pali for State Level Badminton Championship.

School’s first Inter House Debate took place this year. Students warmed up to the process very easily. I am sure we shall soon have students participating at Inter School Level.

Various trips related to subjects for hands on learning continued during the year for Pre Primary and Senior classes.

This year 24 students and 5 teachers completed their cycling expedition to Ranakpur and covered 30 Kms in a day! Their next step is to cycle to Udaipur in December or January. I am looking for schools to host us on the way and in Udaipur. I am proud to declare among these 24 cyclists there was one brave girl Vaishali Rao our Head Girl who cycled to Ranakpur them. They all need your good wishes for Udaipur now.

Loomis Chafee students and Class XI students conducted a survey in a Dhani near Sewari Farm to complete a project on rural mapping. Thanks to Mrs. Kamini Prakash our Board Member for arranging such a rewarding programme of 5 days for the students!

In December 10 girls will go on an Exchange to MGD Girls’ School, Jaipur and in return Girls from MGD will come before April.

Ten Students escorted by Ms. Usha Pawar visited The Scindia School, Gwalior on an Exchange Program to develop their skills in Art & Craft. We look forward to their students visiting us this year.

This year we are tying up with Harvest International School, Ludhiyana for student and staff exchange.

School enjoyed its picnic to Thandi Beri and Ranakpur.

School has just submitted its Green School certificate submission report for audit. We hope to achieve our target be one of the first schools to be completely green in this area.

Mr. Jackson Wagner from Sacramento volunteered to teach Physics as an Exchange teacher. He stayed for six months in the School and went back rewarded with lots of Hindi. He came to explore his teaching potential here at school and promised to become a teacher!
School’s first investiture Ceremony was held in July to induct its school council for the academic year 2015-16

As part of the mission of the school to support girl child in education school disbursed 71 scholarships out of which there are 64% girls. The School has only focussed on need based students and selected only those who had filled the form. School has a Scholarship Committee comprising teachers and Admin staff who audit the monetary conditions of families before they present their case to School Managing Committee.

This year the school has added a new fleet of teachers: Mr. Hitendar Singh Chundawat (PGT English), Mr. Prakash Dangi (Music), Mr. Tarun Mishra (PGT, Physical Education), Mrs. Anuradha Rajpurohit ( PRT), Mrs. Kusum Sharma (PGT SST), Miss. Payal Paliwal (PRT ), Mr. Dilip Inda (PGT SST), Mrs. Harsha Suthar. (Librarian) joined the school. In Admin we have Miss. Swati Sood as HR and PA to Principal and Mr. Pralay Nag joined us as our new Accountant. Congratulations to Miss. Kusum Dangi who will get married in December and join us back after her marriage.

Ms. Julie Bhauguna from Welham Girls’ School conducted a three days workshop on Mind Mapping and innovative teaching in classrooms for both English and Hind Departments.

Ms. Paramjeet Kaur from Welham Girls’ School audited the School Library and trained our new librarian on systems to keep a library up-to-date. She will return this year to continue to help us in managing the Library to run it well and we shall send our Librarian in turn to have a better learning through visiting their Library.

This year teachers completed 138 hours of training in summer, in English Speaking Proficiency conducted by Mr. Mithilesh Patro, a soft skills trainer from Jodhpur. He will continue to complete this training into 240 hours during the year with doing audits and observations in class delivery for the rest of the year.

Similarly SKS continues to train teachers in IT development to make class delivery a better experience for students.

I am glad to announce here that the whole school system now works on a software Fedena. School has begun with its sms services through this software. Parents are requested to keep a look out for school’s information through sms as we will stop paper work in this regard. Thanks to all the teachers, Chairman Mr. Sandeep Dutt and Mr. William Bissel for this upgrade.

Every year school is graced with visitors for various reasons. Sometimes it is for exchanges while at other times for other reasons:
In the Academic Year 2014-15 Miss. Angela De Giacomo (Member of the Board for Foradian); Mrs. Sukey Wagner (Our Exchange teacher’s grandmother, who wished to see her grandson teach in The Fabindia School) and Mrs. Aylette Jenness (Member of Board  JBSF); Mrs. Barbara Powell from US (our mentor and trainer for Leadership Development Project) and School’s founder teacher Mr. Arif Sama (who taught here for a month) visited the school to contribute in one way or the other.
75 US students escorted by Mr. Nicholas Booker CEO IndoGenius visited the school.  The students were on a Project on Socio Diversity on Rajasthan. They held a special focus on The Fabindia School.

We are thankful to Ashley Madson and Carson Madsen for fundraising to cover the cost of solar panelling on all blocks. Thanks to their father Mr. Jackson Madson for acting as the Project Manager and personally looking for vendors and negotiating with them to help us strike the  best deal.

Our grateful thanks to  Mr. Dilip Surana for donating to build this theatre, toilets behind it and repair the existing Surana Block. Thanks to Mr. Ravi Kaimal for all the guidance in construction.

Many many thanks to Loomis Chaffee School for contributing towards Art School. This is coming up in the Junior Campus. It has been named as The LC Art School. School looks forward to extending the services of this Art School to the rest of Bali by running classes in the evening for other children who are deprived of any guidance.

School is thankful to Room to Read and GROW (Girls Right to Opportunity Worldwide) in US for sponsoring 8 girls this year with scholarships.

Our many thanks to Mrs. Bim Bissell for donating a thousand books to the school Library. They have been very thoughtfully selected for children’s read!

Our grateful thanks to Dr. Babli Saraf for donating INTER HOUSE SERVICE TROPHY in her father’s name- Dr. Manotosh Moitra, who was known to extend service and his kindness to all in need.
School now has established a new set of trophies for Inter House level competition under the 4 Ss:
Loomis Chaffee Trophy
Excellence in Skill

Dr. Mantosh Moitra  Trophy
Excellence in  Service      

The Surana Trophy
Excellence in Study

The Bissell Trophy
Excellence in Sport

School has formed and registered its Alumni Society. We have the first few member registered online.
Dilip Rajpurohit, Yogendra Singh Mertiya and Vimmy Rajpurohit.

Dilip Rajpurohit (EX DH/2008) is the first batch of The Fabinida School; passed out in 1998. Presently he is holding the medical charge of a primary Health Centre in Denda which is some 20 Kms from Pali.

Yogendra Singh Mertiya (Ex Sir CV Raman House) is studying Public Policy at the Jindal School of Government. He is an Open Society Grantee for Rights and Governance. He has recently returned from Kenya doing a research project under it.

Vimmy Rajpurohit (ExGH/2007) is an MBA and has chosen to return to her alma mater to teach. She is with us as a PRT teacher for past one year.

Old Boys who visited school were
Karanveer Adha (Ex DH/11) visited the school. He is doing IISER from Kerala.
Dhruv Rajpurohit (Ex.GH/04) is doing MBBS from US.
Yogendra Singh Ranawat (Ex GH/12) is doing B. Com Final year from JB College of Commerce and
Ashish Sahrawat (Ex GH/12) is doing Hotel Management from New Zealand

SMC has formed Parent Teacher Association (PTA) this year. I request more parents to come forward to volunteer to be part of the PTA.
Vimmy Rajpurohit: Secretary unanimously been agreed to hold the posts of President and Secretary.

It is not enough to make a meaningful end but there is always progress where there is meaningful means to make beautiful ends. Our School is one such school where we wish to provide the best means for the growth of its students in the little corner of this wilderness. If in a parched land a school can grow to be this green, I assure you this school will produce better citizens to be best artisans in life.

To conclude I’d like to thank my students, teachers and parents for all their initiative, encouragement, support, advice and guidance to make this a happy school.

I am thankful also to the electricity Department, Water Works Department, Municipal Office, BO Office, DEO Office, the police Department the Principals of Vivek School, Vidhywadi School and St. Paul’s School for their guidance. Not the least I am grateful to my Admin staff and Class IV staff for their unstinted and untiring support at all times.  Inevitably, we depend on the kind help of the local administration and our well wishers in the city. My report would be incomplete if I did not offer my indebted thanks for their support.  I am indeed grateful to our civil administration, officers for their  timely guidance and help.

Finally I wish to thank my Board for bearing with me. The freedom that they give me helps me to shape the school. I am grateful for their continuing support and encouragement.  They are one set of educationists whom I see never interfere with the work here. Their advise and guidance is invaluable at every step. I testify to their dedication and commitment to the cause of their mission and vision here.

The School is on an upward path and to boost and fast-track the process, we shall have leadership development programme, scientific performance appraisal procedures, further enhancement of I.T. capability and widening of scope of activities for students in future. While we celebrate the present, we can all look into the future with robust optimism.
Thank you

Saturday, 21st November: The School observed a holiday.