The School Weekly - 25th January 2016

Strangely the first two weeks of January had come as a pleasant surprise weather-wise because it was cool in Bali rather than cold. Days were warmer compared to December, with bright sunshine that almost hurt to sit in the open. Stratus clouds were often seen covering the early morning sky and then flit away with the rising sun. This week the school experienced erratic weather. On Monday nimbus clouds dominated the sky, bringing cold weather with piercing chilly winds. Showers on Monday night turned the tables to a very chilly weather. Though the sky was clear, but the chill in the air due to North Easterlies, lowered temperatures further.
Weather figures at school campus: Maximum 23°C
                                                        Minimum 9°C
                                                        Humidity  20%
                                                        Winds: N- NE, Gust 8 km/hr
Kites, kites, kites, beautiful kites
Everywhere in the sky
I can see the beautiful kites fly.
From the terrace, from the ground
Can see everyone flying kites around.
Morning to night
Sky is covered with the kites bright.
Robust shaped kites with long tails
Red, blue, green, yellow fly high in the sky
Without fail.
Oh! I wait for this day when I can fly kites
And eat sesame sweets.
Anumesh Rao/VII/GH
The Glorious Day
The glorious day
The precious day
The day when we become free
From the cruel British rays
The day which brought
The golden days back
The patriots fought
For making India a golden track
But now, there are some who do not value them
And make laughter of them.
Never thought, if they’d not fought
Who was there to bring you here.
Thousands laid down their lives
So our country breathe this day
Never forgot their sacrifice
A very Happy Republic Day.
Khushi Rao/ X/GH
Republic Day
Our country celebrates Republic Day every year since 1950 with lots of love and enjoyment. This day brings warm greetings for everyone on this occasion. Since 1930 India has been celebrating 26 January as an auspicious day 26 January 1930 was marked as the first independence day of India. After India got its independence on 15th August 1947 the committee under the leadership of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar brought up the new constitution of India which replaced the government of India Act of 1935. On 26 January India became a truly sovereign state. The country finally realized the dream of Mahatma Gandhi & numerous freedom fighters had come true. So 26th January is recognized as Republic Day in the country. Today the Republic Day is celebrated with much enthusiasm all over the country. From today we should take an oath that we should do our best for the welfare and peace of our beloved country. In the prosperity of our country alone, lies our future. We should make India an ideal country in the world. We should dream of making India a richer and happier place to live in. No one can live in shortage. People should not be afraid of anything. All people should be educated. All people should get job of their own choices. India of my dreams should be that all are equal no rich and no one poor. Everybody should live happily. There should be no discrimination. All people should live like a family. In my ideal India no one would live in poverty and also all should live in pollution free life.
Krithika Mansion/X/GH
मातृभूमि का सम्मान
देश की हिलती बुनियाद आज
उलझ रही है सत्ता कहाँ कहाँ
 हो रहा है पतन चारों ओर
पहले जैसी देशभक्ति का उन्माद कहाँ
हम कहते है आज़ाद है । कहो
आज़ाद होकर भी आज़ाद कहाँ
कौन सुनता है आवाज़ सत्य की
उलझ रहे है सब ,कहो !
निर्विवाद कौन यहाँ
सम्मान तो छोड़ो मातृभूमि का ।
अभिमान भी नहीं,
गौरव और गरिमा का,कहीं आभास भी नहीं
गया कहाँ वो प्रकाशित करने वाला
मातृभूमि के नाम पर उदित होने वाला
स्वदेश प्रेम का वह 'दिनेश ' ही कहाँ
पुकार है सबसे सचेत हो जाने की
हमारा कर्म हमारा धर्म
हमारा स्वाभिमान है वतन का
कहीं विरोध यह अद्धैत सा
कारण न बन जाये पतन का
दिनेश भारती/Hindi Faculty
मेरा देश महान
भारत का मैं रहनेवाला
भारतीय मेरी पहचान
गर्व होता है कहते हुए
मेरा देश महान

कहीं पर है पहाड़ तो कहीं पर रेगिस्तान की रेती
होती है यहाँ पर हर तरह की खेती
उगते है यहाँ पर टमाटर ,भिंडी और मेथी
काश आज यह धरती भ्रष्टाचार से मुक्त होती

वीरों की यह धरती है
पावन यह नगरी है
गंगा का है शीतल जल
सेनाओं में है बाहुबलि का बल

देवताओं ने लिया अवतार                
किया इस धरती का उद्धार
स्वर्ग से आए फ़रिश्ते
सिखाया उन्होंने निभाना रिश्ते

बना विश्वगुरु
जग को दिया ज्ञान
सेनानियों ने लुटाई देश पे जान
मर मिटते है बचाने के लिए अपनी आन-बान और शान

भारत का मैं रहनेवाला
भारतीय मेरी पहचान
गर्व होता है कहते हुए

मेरा देश महान
प्रियंक राठौड़/X/DH
माँ के हाथों मे स्वाद है|
माँ के कंगन में प्यार है|
माँ के आँखो मे खुशी है|
माँ के आँचल में नींद है|
माँ एक किरण है जो सब को चमकाती है|
माँ एक चाँद है जो जीवन में रोशनी फैलाती है|
माँ एक पेड है जो हमें धुप से बचाती है|
माँ हमारे सुख-दुख का सहारा है|
माँ हमें परीयोँ की कहानी सुनाती है|
वो घर में खुशीयाँ बिखेरती है|
वो उम्मीद की किरण है माँ

मेरा प्यार ह माँ, मेरा जीवन है माँ
Jaswant Singh/X/RH
Science is treasure,
Difficult to measure.
Science is a boon,
It is the magic carrying man to moon.
Science is a mystery
Full of chemical history
Solved by ultimate chemistry
Symbol of science
Factor of brilliance
Science is the challenge of excellence.
Science is universal ecology
Narrated by biology
Where plants and animals has
Their separate morphology
Section of treatment and cure for danger
Biology provides a magical chamber.
Physics is the science of
Relation and motion
For which technology moves
With gradual motion
World of creation
World of resource
Together bonded with

Gravitational force.
Shivraj Singh/X/TH
Thursday, 14th January: On the occasion of Makar Sakranti Kite flying and Kite making Activity was organized for the students of Class I to XI. Students of Class I to V made beautiful kites and displayed it on the soft boards. Students of Class VI- XI flew kites on the ground.
Monday, 11th January: School reopened after a eighteen long days’ winter break. All students were happy to return to school. Bright cheerful faces could be seen catching up for the holidays and greeting each other. Class XII students were seen tensed and serious because of their Pre-Boards that started on 11th January.
DEAR was carried out.

Friday, 15th January: A special Assembly was held on the occasion of Makar Sakranti. Mr. Dinesh Kumar/Hindi Faculty spoke to share a few facts on both scientific and religious concept of celebrating Makar Sakranti.

Parade practice for 26th January took place. Republic Day parade students also went for Parade practice to the Government Senior Secondary High School, Bali.

Photos of The School Weekly - 25th January 2016
Posted by The Fabindia School on Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday, 18th January: Wild life and Environment Exam was conducted in the month of November by the Indian centre for Wildlife and Environmental Studies in South Asia Region. 117 students participated in the Exam. The School is proud of Priyank Rathod/X/DH who brought laurel to the school by winning a Gold Medal who clinched the first position in the country.  Rest all the participants received certificates.

Campus News
Monday, 11th January:  In order to facilitate staff attendance Biometric device has been installed in the school in front of Principal’s Office. The whole staff admin as well as academic register their entry and exit in the school through the machine.

Tuesday, 12th January: Surana Block is completely constructed and painted. Class I A & B have been shifted from the Junior Campus back to Surana Block. Staffroom has also been shifted to Surana Block.
The ground of the Junior Campus has been cleaned to get it ready for commencing Sports Day. All the events of Sports Day will be held in the Junior Campus. Now Pre-Primary Classes and Loomis Chaffee Art School is in the Junior Campus. Sports Lessons are also conducted in the Junior Campus.

Friday, 15th January: To avoid students’ accidents buses parking and baording takes place inside the school from the back gate. Now buses drop and pick-up students inside school campus.
During vacations buses have undergone some changes. They have fire extinguishers, water cans, first aid boxes and new seat covers.

Friday, 22nd January: As fire protection is a high priority, the school has installed fire extinguishers in each block corridors.

Nowadays Bus drivers and conductors are not seen sitting idly in the campus. They were seen playing football enthusiastically in the Junior Campus. It was really great fun to see them playing football on the ground.

School welcomes Mrs. Harsha Suthar as new librarian and Ms. Deekshita Rao as the new nursery teacher. School bid farewell and prosperous future to Mr. Dilip Singh Inda, Mrs. Anuradha Rajpurohit and Mrs. Punita Chouhan, who have gone to pursue brighter grounds out of Bali.