The School Weekly - 28th March 2016

Weather in Bali is becoming increasingly hot. The days are bright and sunny. Afternoons are so hot that it is difficult to go out in the sun. Sky was covered with nimbus clouds on Friday and Saturday. Maximum temperature is at 38°C and minimum temperature is at 23°C. Humidity is at 28%. Wind is blowing SW at 13 km/hr.


रंग बरसे गुलाल बरसे
रंग बरसे गुलाल बरसे
भर-भर पिचकारी
देखो रंग बरसे।
बसंत का राग गाता मस्ती में
फागुन आया देखो बस्ती में
मस्ती संग हँसी ठिठोली लाया
रंग बहारों का बरसाया।
धरती सजी सतरंगी रंगों में
गुलाल अबीर भी छितराया
फागुन की मस्ती, डोल रही बस्ती-बस्ती
देखो झूम रही सारी धरती।
बच्चे घूम रहे गली-गली
बनकर बन्दरों की टोली
युवाओँ की अल्हड़ मस्ती
कहीं चंग, कहीं भंग की मस्ती
रंग की भर पिचकारी मारे
चेहरे को रंगीन बनाते।
राग बसंती गाता मस्ती में
देखो फागुन आया बस्ती में।
दिनेश भारती /Faculty
Holi is the spring festival celebrated in India and Nepal. It is the festival of colours. It brings joy to us. It is celebrated in every part of the country, mainly the north, east and west. It is celebrated on Purnima (Full moon day) in the month of Phagun ( February-March) according to Hindu calendar. Holi symbolizes victory of our higher aspirations over our lower base desires. It is the burning of our petty material desires at the altar of our goal of self development. It stands over the victory of good over evil. Holi is celebrated for two days. First day bonfire is lit which depicts victory of good over evil. The next day it is celebrated as the carnival of colours. People of all ages, play with colours, with fun and frolic. The colours used signify as follows: White for peace, Red for power, Yellow for knowledge, Green for development and Pink for love. Holi is a community festival which bridges the social gap. On this day colours of joy, happiness, friendship and love are painted in the life of each other.
Wish all my readers a ‘Happy Holi.’
Anumesh Rao / VII/ GH
हिंदी में आता परिवर्तन
हिंदी में प्रतिपल परिवर्तन होता रहा है। इसके कई कारण थे जैसे - यातायात के साधनों का विस्तार, संचार के साधनों का विस्तार इत्यादि। हर क्षेत्र विशेष में बोली जाने वाली हिंदी पर उस स्थान की स्थानीय भाषा या बोली का प्रभाव स्पष्ट दृष्टिगोचर होता है। राजस्थान में बोली जाने वाली हिंदी पर मारवाड़ी का प्रभाव दिखता है तो उत्तरप्रदेश की हिंदी पर अवधि और ब्रज का मेल दिखता है, बम्बईया हिंदी तो विशेष उल्लेखनीय है। ये उपभाषाएँ एवं बोलियाँ ही हिंदी को प्रगाढ़ बनाती है तथा परिवर्तन के लिये उत्तरदायी है। जहाँ तक इस परिवर्तन की बात है ये अचानक से नहीं होता बल्कि आहिस्ता -आहिस्ता होता रहता है तथा लम्बे समय पश्चात् हमारा ध्यान उस पर जाता है। कब, किस भाषा का शब्द हिंदी ने अपने में समाहित कर लिया इसका आभास तक नहीं पाता। हिंदी उदार है, हिंदी व्यापक है, इसमें संग्रहण की क्षमता है तभी तो यह अन्य भाषाओं के शब्दों को हुबहू या थोड़ा बहुत परिमार्जित करके स्वयं में समाहित कर लेती है। ये हिंदी की एक अनोखी विशेषता है, ये काम संस्कृत भी नहीं कर सकती। विशाल हृदय रखने वाला ही सबको साथ लेकर चल सकता है। हिंदी का हृदय विशाल है तभी तो इसे विशालतम जनसमुदाय की भाषा होने का गौरव प्राप्त है। इन परिवर्तनों से हिंदी और अधिक पुष्ट हो रही है।
भानुप्रताप सिंह/ X B/ GH 

Math doesn’t have real face because it is used in every place .To understand math we need to pay better attention like we do or path.
If we need better progress we have to learn question’s process. Hero of math is zero because number multiplied by zero it became zero.
With no careless mistake we get wrong step to solve the question we use fundamental operations addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.
There are many mathematicians in past days, but we use theorems proved by them in future days.
Uttam Suthar/ XA/GH
Science is a paradise
In which all things are analysed
There are many inventions
Because of science’s extension,
Whether it is Physics, Biology or Chemistry
It solves all the mystery,
Whether it is theory or experiment
It leads to progress and development,
Aditya Pratap Singh/ XA/GH
School is shut down after exams for twelve days. The teachers are busy doing corrections, making results and tabulation sheets. Results will be announced on 29th March.

The School Weekly - 21st March 2016

The week saw weather change its mood once again. It was bright and sunny. Afternoons were so sunny that it had become difficult to go out in the sun. Maximum temperature has shot up to 36°C and Minimum temperature was at 23°C. Humidity fell down to 24%. Wind is blowing at 16 km/hr. If the temperature is so hot now in the month of March, then summer may out shine last year’s records.
My Dreamland is so big
Where I go very deep
My Dreamland is so tall
Where I play with ball
My Dreamland is so high
Where I touch the sky
My Dreamland is so best
Where birds make their hest
My Dreamland is so good
Where I eat food
My Dreamland is so strong
Where anyone cannot say wrong
My Dreamland is so long
Where fairy sing the song   
-Kamlesh Paliwal/ VIII B/ GH
अपना जीवन
अपना जीवन हो
शुद्ध सरल
जैसा है पवित्र
पानी तरल ,
मन हो दृढ़
दिमाग हो चंचल
जीभ रहे काबू में
कानो पर भी रहे पहरा।
अपना जीवन हो
तपस्वी ऋषियों जैसा
ह्रदय पावन हो।
मन में रहें परोपकार का भाव,
करना चाहें कोई उपकार
स्वार्थ छोड़ परमार्थ करें
बहती नदियाँ विशाल तरुवर।
मन में ना कोई भेद हो
विचारों में चाहे विभेद हो।
चलें अपना जीवन एक धार
जैसे नदी नाव का प्यार
जीवन का हो ये अंतिम सार। 
दिनेश भारती / Faculty 
God Gifted Science
The imagination we make
Are the discoveries we create
The dream of yesterday
Is the present of today
Nothing is impossible
Everything is possible
As the word impossible itself says
I’ m possible
Who says
There are no wonders
It is the science
The gift of God that made everything a wonder
And marvel
It made discoveries that are
Unable to believe,
Difficult to understand
And unique to create
So believe in Science
As it is the future of tomorrow.
Priyank Rathod /X A/ DH   
I was very happy, when I met an eight,
When I was seven.
When nine brought in ten,
My all counting fingers came alive.
I was very happy when I learn odd and even,
Oh! Really math taught me many things,
When and how we have to,
Multiply and have to gain or loss.
Math is my teacher, when I am student,
Math is my life, When I die.
Through math I became clever like a crow,
Learning math mean how to grow.
I start learning math from dawn,
And still awn and awn and awn.
I went into it so deeper, that I tangled in it like a creeper.
Like a god math give me a new life,
And my memory became sharp like a knife.
Shivraj Chouhan / XA/ TH
Art & Craft by Class I students
Saturday, 19th March: SA II of Class IX and X got over on 18th March. SA II from Class Nursery to VIII finally got over that day. The students were seen relieved after a span of fifteen days. The teachers are busy in correction work . The students of Class III- VIII, XI were shown their Exam Papers and the marks obtained in SA II on 16th, 18th, 19th March.School welcomes Mr. Ashish Kumar, Chemistry teacher to teach Class XI and XII. Hope he has a rewarding stay with us.
Solar Array is going on Surana Block from last week. It is 10 KW and will generate electricity to the whole campus. The school already has 3.5 KW Solar Array which generates electricity to two blocks, one on which it is installed and the other near by.
A very Happy Easter to all our readers!

The School Weekly - 14th March 2016

Weather in School has drastically changed. It is becoming increasingly hot. Use of fans has started in classrooms. The days are bright and sunny. Maximum temperature is at 34°C and minimum temperature is at 22°C. Humidity is at 33%. Wind is blowing SW at 12 km/hr.
Examination Fever
Examinations are important but they have the tendency to increase stress level of students. Over and above this we are troubled by the expectations of our parents and teachers. When the examinations are near the students suffer from examination fever and exams are regarded as a curse by the students. This is because parents make a big hue and cry around it. Parents keep on scolding and keep on telling us one week before that don’t watch TV or play on computers, study and don’t do anything else.
“How can you think of a party when exams are breathing down your neck?” This approach towards exams brings fear in the mind of the child. Some of the fear comes because others are scared. Those students who have regular study hours don’t have to fear because their study is consistent and timely. Regular study saves one from unduly cram just during exam time. -Khushi Rao/X/GH
Study, study, study,
Is the cry from every nook and corner
When exams are on head.
Mom says,” Don’t play”
Father says, “No bat, no ball, no games”
The word ‘Examination’ has struck terror,
It has brought fever.
Oh! God why can’t examinations be banned,
So that I can be free like a bird.
-Anumesh Rao/ VII/GH
Woman is innocent as a daughter
Woman is passionate as a beloved
Woman is dedicated as a wife
Woman loves as a mother
But her heart is very strong filled with naughtiness
She is born to give you happiness
‘Woman’, is wonderful creation of God.
-Khushboo Rajpurohit/XI/TH

Tuesday, 8th March: Special Assembly was held on the occasion of Women's Day. Mr. Ajay Vijaywargi, Mr. Dinesh Bharti, Mrs. Bharti Rao spoke to show the importance and significance of women in society.

Thursday, 10th March: Evaluation III (Classes Pre-Primary –Class II); SA II for Classes III to IX and Final Term Examination for Class XI began from Wednesday. School is going through very serious times of exam. Students hardly run around and play. School gets over at 1:00 PM.
Staff News
We the staff of The Fabindia School deeply condole the untimely and sad demise of the father of Mr. Tejaram (Gardener), who left for heavenly abode on 9th March’16. We pray Almighty to grant peace to the departed soul; may God bestow strength to the bereaved family to bear this irreparable loss.
Art & Craft of the students of Class VI, VII & VIII

The School Weekly - 7th March 2016

Thunderstorm, hailstorm, gusty winds and cloudy skies were order of the first four days of the week in North and East Rajasthan. Bali was target of the rain for a day also. Bali weather for the first three days was sunny and hot during the daytime. On Wednesday cold winds started blowing from SSE at 28 km/hr. Sky was covered with nimbus and cumulus clouds on Wednesday. At around four in evening it rained in Bali. It also rained on Friday night. The highest temperature recorded was at 33°C and lowest at 16°C. The wind blew from SE at 13 km/hr while humidity was at 24%. 
Mr. Dhramendra Kumar from M. R.D Welfare Society visited the School and delivered a speech to make the students aware of Cancer. They even informed the students about their Cancer Awareness Program and asked the students to help in contributing funds which would be used for the treatment of those Cancer Patients who could not afford the expensive treatment. Students of Class IV-IX and XI were given sponsor forms to fill in their contributions. Very happy to inform that with the help of family members, relatives and friends, students were able to raise funds up to Rs. 33,098. Thanks to all the students and all those who helped in this contribution.
Importance of Science in Everyday's Life
Science is important in our everyday’s life because in every second we does some work and in every work some science is there. If we throw stone in the sky then stone will come down and some science is there .Every person feels the effect of science in every sphere of life.It is not merely the electric light or the electric fan, the radio or the cinema that displace the power of science in our daily life, but everything we do or is done to us is in some way or another connected with science.
It is, indeed, true that science has added tremendously to the comforts and conveniences of mankind.
Unless one is an ascetic, one has no reason to reject the things science fears. .By conquering time and distance science has brought mankind together and so far made life richer. By inventing medicines it has made our day –to-day existence relatively free from disease, and has, indeed, added to our length of life.
It cannot be denied that there is some truth in the above criticism. But we cannot now go back to the old days. We should have all the comforts and conveniences, and we should try to improve upon them. But we must try to be master of scientific appliance, if we can do so science will make are lives richer and in conquering nature man will also ennoble himself.
-Suryaveer Singh/IX/DH
कुछ तो नया करना होगा,
कुछ तो नया करना होगा,
लीक की परिपाटी छोड़ कर,
नया रास्ता बनाना होगा ,
दुनिया तो पहुँच गई ,
चाँद तारों पर।
हम अभी भी चल रहे है,
अपनी ही लकीरों पर ,
वहीं पुराने आदर्शों को थामे,
बंधनो में जकड़े,
कल्पना शक्ति पर ताला लगाये,
स्वयं को श्रेष्ठ बनाएँ।
अब तो जड़े खोखली हो गयी,
परिवर्तन की आँधी कब तक ठहरेगी,
उचाईयों को छूना है हमको,
नयी रोशनी भरनी होगी,
नए जोश नए उमंग से,
नया रास्ता बनाना होगा।
-Avinash Sain/VIII A/RH
“SCIENCE: A blessing or a curse”
Science is a blessing. Science has given legs to lame and eyes to blind. X-ray is a window through which we can see inside the body. X-ray has done much in finding out many diseases. Vaccination has almost rooted out small-pox, cholera etc. Plastic surgery is latest development in surgery. Now germs die, men live. Today man can live longer and healthier life. Science had conquered time and space. Now man flies in the sky a bird and swims in ocean like a fish ships, airplanes, trains and motors have been invented. Electricity is another wonder. In the field of industry machines are very important. Cinemas, radio, transistors and television give us recreation. Computer and robots are wonder. Man has reached the moon. Science has given birth to many evils. It has invented various war weapons. Atom and hydrogen bombs, rockets, missiles are the example. Science has shaken our faith in god and religion. Science has given us wealth but no happiness. Science is a magic.
-Vijay Bhati/VIII A/ GH

Mateen Tak quizzed the assembly
  • Which is a non-metal that remains liquid at room temperature?
  • Which non-metal is used in pencil?
  • Which is the gas usually filled in electric bulb is?
  • What is the scientific name for washing soda?
  • The average salinity of sea water is________.
  • The element common to all acid is_________.
  • Which gas does soda water contains?
  • From which minerals is radium obtained?
  • What is laughing gas?
  • Which is the lightest metal?
  • Wine is sold in tinted bottles because wine spoils when expose to light.
  • By age 65, an American would have watched the equivalent of 9 years uninterrupted TV, viewing more than 20,000 TV commercial per year.
  • The gorilla weighs at least 3 or 4 times as much as a human being, but the human brain is at least 10 times larger than a gorilla’s.
  • The monkey has 2 brains, one to control its body and the other to control its tail.
  • Carrots have zero fat content.
  • Pure gold is so soft that it can be moulded by hand. An ounce of it can be stretched into a fifty-mile long wire.
  • A matchbox-size quantity of pure gold can be flattened to the size of a tennis court.
  • Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair. That is why they turn bald or grey much faster than those with average intelligence.
Birthday Celebration 
Tuesday, 1st March: The birthdays of the students from Nursery to Class V that fell in the month of January and February was celebrated in the Main School Campus. Students partied by cutting the cake, dancing and distributing chocolates.
Mr. Byju Joseph/HOD Science Dept.
Monday, 29th February: National Science Day was observed in the school. Mr. Byju Joseph/HOD Science Dept. explained why the day is celebrated as Science Day. Then he informed that National Science Day is commemorated in the honours of Sir C.V.Raman for hir legacy, who discovered Raman effect on 28th February, 1928. He is the first Indian to get the Nobel Prize for science. So, from February 28, 1987 National Science Day is celebrated in India.’ The theme of the Science Day was Science for Nation Building. Students delivered speeches, articles, facts and recited poem in the Assembly.
Kirti Malviya/IX/DH: Recited poem on ‘Solids, Liquids’.
Blessy Maria/XI/DH: Gave Speech on Sir C.V.Raman & his works.
Vijay Bhati/VIII A/GH: Delivered speech on ‘Science is a blessing’.
Avinash Sain/VIII A/RH: Shared facts about Science.
Chanchal Choudhary/IX/RH: Gave information on ‘National Science Day’.
Kirti Malviya/IX/DH: Recited poem on ‘Solids, Liquids’.
Dhruv Ojha/VIII A/RH: Spoke about Sir C.V.Raman.
Mateen Tak/VIII A/ /RH: Quizzed the Assembly.
Rakesh Suthar/VIII A/TH: Spoke on Albert Einstein.
Archana Koratkar/VI B/GH: Spoke on Sir C.V Raman.
Ipshita Rathore/VI A/RH: Gave information about Noble Prize Winners in Science.
Chandresh Choudhary/IX/GH: Spoke on Thomas Alva Edison
Blessy Maria/XI/DH, giving a speech on Sir C.V.Raman & his works
Tuesday, 1st March: Class XII Board Exams started that day. They came to School to take blessings of Principal and Staff. After that they went to K.S. Lodha School, Falna to give their exams which is the centre of Board Exams for CBSE Schools of Bali Tehsil. 
Class X Board Exams started on 2nd March. Best of Luck to Class XII and X students for their remaining papers.