The School Weekly - 28th November 2016

Mera Bali
Amer Fort is located in Amer, 11 kilometres from Jaipur. Located high on a hill, it is the principal tourist attraction in the Jaipur area. The town of Amer was originally built by Meenas and later it was ruled by Raja Man Singh I (December 21, 1550 – July 6, 1614). Amer Fort is known for its artistic Hindu style elements. With its large ramparts and series of gates and cobbled paths, the fort overlooks Maota Lake. It is the main source of water for the Amer palace.
Constructed of red sandstone and marble, the attractive, opulent palace is laid out on four levels, each with a courtyard. It consists of the Diwan-i-Aam, or "Hall of Public Audience", the Diwan-i-Khas, or "Hall of Private Audience", the Sheesh Mahal (mirror palace), or Jai Mandir, and the Sukh Niwas where a cool climate is artificially created by winds that blow over a water cascade within the palace. Hence, the Amer Fort is also popularly known as the Amer Palace. The palace was the residence of the Rajput Maharajas and their families. At the entrance to the palace near the fort's Ganesh Gate, there is a temple dedicated to Sila Devi, a goddess of the Chaitanya cult, which was given to Raja Man Singh when he defeated the Raja of Jessore, Bengal in 1604.  
This palace, along with Jaigarh Fort, is located immediately above on the Cheel ka Teela (Hill of Eagles) of the same Aravallirange of hills. The palace and Jaigarh Fort are considered one complex, as the two are connected by a subterranean passage. This passage was meant as an escape route in times of war to enable the royal family members and others in the Amer Fort to shift to the more redoubtable Jaigarh Fort.
Rahul Rawal (Batch 2011-12) is living nowadays in Pune. When in school he was a good cricketer. He was chosen in the State Team to play at National Level in 2009. He was good in Academics too. He studied at Ness Wadia College of Commerce, Pune. Nowadays he is working at Concentrix IBN Daksh Pvt. Ltd, Pune. He still remembers his school and says that he has gone to a number of places but he feels that The Fabindia School is the best and remembers everyone during his schooldays. 
Mr. Partha Guin was selected as Teacher this week. He was born on 4th April 1982 .He did his B.V.A from Rabindra Bharali University ,Kolkata in 2007 and he did M.V.A from Maharaja Sayajirao University , Baroda in 2009 . He has an experience of Guest faculty of Visual Art at Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkatta for three years. He was an Art & Craft Teacher in Mayoor School, Ajmer for two years. Students with the help of Mr. Partha Guin put up an outstanding exhibition in Art & Craft on Annual Day. His dedication and hard work was shown in the exhibition. Students have learnt a lot in Art work.
Mr. Mustak Khan Sheikh F/O Parineeta Sheikh/XI & Gungun Sheikh/ VII was selected as ‘ Parent This Week’.
[MK: Mustak Khan Sheikh and ED: Editors]
ED: Sir, what is your name?
MK: My name is Mustak Khan Sheikh.
ED: How many children do you have?
MK: I have three children.
ED: What is your ward’s name?
MK: Parineeta Sheikh who is studying in Class XI and Gungun Shiekh who is studying in Class VII. Karina Sheikh passed this school in the year 2014-15.
ED: What do you do?
MK: I was Ex Navy Chief Petty Officer. Now I am Security Supervisor in Indian Oil Corporation and this company is Lifeline of India and it is Navratna Company of India.
ED: What achievement do you want in your field?
MK: Whatever I wanted to achieve I have got it. Now I am giving a chance to my children to get education from a good school.
ED: What you want your children to achieve?
MK: I want that they study well and give their participation in all co-curricular activities and want them to become different from others “Something special”.
ED: What feedback do you want to give for the school?
MK: This is a very good school and I want all the students studying here to become something special in life. 
Saturday, 26th November: Jayesh Sompura / UKG/ DH was selected ‘Student This Week’ for his exceptional talent of memorizing twenty slokas in Sanskrit.  
Report of Exchange Program by MGD Girls
We a group of nine girls visited The Fab India School,Bali in Pali District for an exchange programme from 14th-20th November 2016. The school staff welcomed us very warmly and whole heartedly. Soon we left with our host teachers to their houses. By living with our host teachers we learnt about different work styles, cultures, customs and living habits. We learnt how to take proper care of flowers, how to make garlands, we learnt to cook traditional Rajasthani dishes like dal dhokli and how to eat them traditionally as well. We observed that most houses had a small space left on the roofs since they believed that some rituals will be performed when the daughter of the house gets married. We also noticed that the women, even now, cover their forehead and they were very particular about personal hygiene. The people were caring, hardworking and loving. The school campus provided the students with great facilities like courts and coaches. The atmosphere was positive and green. The school's discipline was a model to behold. There were certain differences we found like their exhibitions were set up subject wise, their school had blocks and not buildings. They had co-education and ours is an all girls school. Other than all this we were impressed by the dedication of students towards their education. We thank the school authorities for organizing a visit to the famous places of Pali like Ranakpur Temple, Jawai Bandh, Shivganj Market and the Golden Temple of Falna .Our visit has taught us the value of the facilities we were provided with. For sure we loved the school, teachers, host teachers and students and would love to pay another visit if we get a chance.
हिंदी भाषा
हिंदी हमारी राष्टभाषा है - वह भाषा जिसमें अधिकांश भारतवासी अपने विचार एक - दूसरे तक पहुँचाते है। यह भारत की मुख्य जनसम्पर्क भाषा है तथा लगभग पूरे भारतवर्ष मे बोली और समझी जाती है , यह भारत के समस्त कार्यालयो विद्यालयो तथा संस्थानों मे अभिव्यक्ति के माध्यम से प्रयोग की जाती हैं। हिंदी पर ही हमारे देश निर्भर हैं। स्वतंत्रता प्राप्ति के पश्चात् हिंदी राष्ट्र भाषा बनी ,पर सरकारी कार्य अंग्रेजी मैं ही चलाये जाते रहें। परंतु यह भी सच हैं की दक्षिण के शंकराचार्य ,रामानुजाचार्य ,रामानंद बल्लभाचार्य ने हिंदी समर्थन किया क्योंकि इसका संबंद देश की अन्य भाषाओ से रहा हैं हिंदी के कई क्षेत्रीय रूप भारत के विभिन्न भागो प्रचलित हैं। हिंदी का जन्मा संस्कृत से हुआ हैं। संस्कृत देव भाषा या आर्यभाषा कही जाती हैं। यह संसार प्राचीन भाषाओ मैं से एक हैं। हिंदी इसी संस्कृत की संतान हैं।
Monday, 21st November - Saturday, 26th November: The whole week was celebrated as the Hindi Literary Week. A number of activities were organized by the Hindi Department both in the Assembly and classes. The activities carried out in the classes were Poetry Writing, Quiz, Extempore etc. In the Assembly speeches were given, articles were readout, poems were recited and quiz was organized by the students and teachers all through the week.
इस हिन्दी सप्ताह को प्रारंभ करने से पहले हमारे हिन्दी अध्यापक कृष्णगोपाल सर इस विषय के बारे मे बताते है कि हिंदी फ़ारसी भाषा का शब्द है। ईरानी लोग स को ह बोलते थे। इसी कारण सिंध प्रान्त में रहने वाले लोगों की भाषा सिंधी यानी हिंदी कही गयी। आर्य भाषाओं में प्राचीनतम भाषा वैदिक संस्कृत मानी जाती है। कई लेखक तथा कवियों ने इसमें काव्य सृजन किया। वैदिक संस्कृत के साथ-साथ बोल-चाल की भाषा को लौकिक संस्कृत नाम दिया गया। यही लौकिक संस्कृत आगे चलकर पालि के रूप में परिवर्तित होती गयी भगवान बुद्ध के उपदेश पालि भाषा में मिलते हैं। इसके पश्चात प्राकृत भाषा का प्रादुर्भाव हुआ पहली से 500 ई.पु. तक प्राकृत लोकभाषा रही। प्राकृत से अपभ्रंश भाषाएँ विकसित हुई। अपभ्रंश की अंतिम अवस्था अवहट्ठ थी इसी से हिंदी भाषा का जन्म हुआ। अवहट्ठ को पुरानी हिंदी कहा जाता है। 13वीं शताब्दी के आस-पास हिंदी में साहित्य रचना होने लगी। यह सप्ताह विद्यालय में हिन्दी साहित्य सप्ताह के रूप में मनाया जाएगा | जिसमें कई गतिविधियाँ आयोजित की जाएगी| 
आज प्रार्थना सभा में हिन्दी सप्ताह के अवसर पर बच्चों ने कविता सुनाई
Tuesday, 22nd November: Day 2 
Students of Class III quizzed the Assembly
Devansh Rajpurohit/III B/GH
Abhilasha Mension/III B/RH
Mahipal Singh/III B/RH
Varshika Vaishnav/III B/RH
Riya Vaishnav/V/DH.
Every one present in the Assembly participated with great joy and excitement.
Wednesday, 23rd November: Day 3
Students of Class V recited a poem in the Assembly
Thursday, 24th November: Day 4
Students of Class VI enacted a Skit on ‘The Importance of Education’.
Cast of the Skit:
Priyanka Kanwar/VI/RH
Pranchal Chouhan/VI/DH
Harshit Raj/VI/TH
Rajal Sonigra/VI/RH
Vinay Suthar/VI/RH
Friday, 25th November: Day 5
आज प्रार्थना सभा में विनीता सीरवी /VII /GH ने कुछ कबीर के दोहे को प्रस्तुत किया।
मीत सोनी/VII /RH ने कुछ पहेलियाँ पूछी।
मिनाक्षी चौधरी/VII /RH ने रहीम के कुछ दोहे प्रस्तुत किए।
विनय राज सिंह /VII /RH ने कुछ पहेलिया पूछी।
अर्चना कोरटकर /VII /GH ने कुछ प्रशन पूछे।
Saturday, 25th November: Day 6
Hindi Week was concluded by Mr. Gajendra Mewara by reciting ‘Humorous Poem’
Krishna pal Rajpurohit/V/TH asked some peheli in Hindi
Mangilal Dewasi/V/RH asked some questions related to Hindi grammar
Ashwarypal/VII/RH asked some peheli in Hindi
Wednesday, 23rd November: Sixteen students of the School participated in Global Science Olympiad held in the School. There was great excitement on their faces for this Examination School wished them Luck for their best performances.

The School Weekly - 21st November 2016

Mera Bali
Ranthambore National Park is one of the largest national parks in Northern India, covering entire area of 392 km². It is situated in the Sawai Madhopur district of southeastern Rajasthan, about 110 km northeast of Kota and 160 km southeast of Jaipur. The nearest town and railway station is at Sawai Madhopur, about 11 km away. The park is also close to the Kota railway station. Ranthambore National Park lies at the edge of a plateau and is bounded to the north by the Banas River and to the south by the Chambal River. It is named after the historic Ranthambhore fortress, which lies within the park.
Ranthambhore was established as the Sawai Madhopur Game Sanctuary in 1955 by the Government of India and was declared one of the Project Tiger reserves in 1973. Ranthambore became a national park in 1980. In 1984, the adjacent forests were declared the Sawai Man Singh Sanctuary and Keladevi Sanctuary, and in 1991 the tiger reserve was enlarged to include the Sawai Man Singh and Keladevi sanctuaries.
Ranthambore wildlife sanctuary is known for its tigers and is one of the best places in India to see these animals in their natural jungle habitat. Tigers can be easily spotted even in the daytime. The best times for tiger sightings at Ranthambore National Park are in November and May. The park's deciduous forests are characteristic examples of the type of jungle found in Central India. Other major wild animals include leopard, nilgai, wild boar, sambar, striped hyena, sloth bear, southern plains gray langur, rhesus macaque and chital. The sanctuary is home to a wide variety of trees, plants, birds and reptiles, as well as one of the largest banyan trees in India.
I am missing my school friends. Each and every moment I spent in the school is memorable. I still miss every lecture, especially Krishna Gopal Sir's lecture. My favorite teacher is our Ex-Principal ma'am and the other entire teacher who taught us in 12th standard. 
When I was studying, all the Annual Functions which I attended and participated were special and awesome. And as much I remember I have not missed any annual function of my school when I was studying. I am missing my classmates when I was in school. In my view point The Fabindia is the best school in this area. I am so lucky that I didn't need to change the school. 
All my days, I remember are memorable for lifetime. I have finished my graduation and am doing my post graduation in Commerce. - Sagar Rajpurohit/ Batch 2013
Friday, 18th November: Seventeen Staff Members were awarded Certificate of Appreciation for their successful completion of Level I of Professional Development Programme delivered at The Fabindia School, Bali. Mr. Ajay Vijaywargi, Mrs Aysha Tak, Mrs. Bharti Rao, Mr. Byju Joseph, Mrs. Kavita Devda,Mr. Krishan Gopal, Mrs. Kusum Dangi, Mrs. Kusum Sharma, Mrs. Monika Vaishnav, Mrs. Prerna Rathod, Mrs. Priyanka Mahatma, Mrs. Rajeshwari Rathore, Mrs. Sharmila Vijaywargi, Mr. Surendra Singh, Mr. Suresh Negi, Mrs. Urmila Rathore and Mrs. Usha Panwar received the Cerificate of Appreciation.
Monday, 14th November- Sunday, 20th November: Nine MGD Girls escorted with their teacher Ms. Reena Kumar came to School for an Exchange Program. Five Teachers from the School hosted them to give them an experience of different lifestyles, culture and traditions of rural area which was very different from Jaipur. They helped in exhibitions and gave a dance presentation. On 19th November they visited Ranakpur Temple and Jawai Bandh escorted by five teachers. On 2oth November they returned back to Jaipur after visiting Golden Temple at Falna. Their Exchange Program was euphoric..
Thursday, 17th November: Grand rehearsal took place from 11.00 AM to 2:00 PM.
Friday, 18th November: School celebrated its 24th Annual Day. Chief Guest Mrs. Ritu Sharma escorted by Mrs. Bhavna and SMC Chairman Brigadier Karan Singh Chouhan arrived at 2:00 PM for High Tea hosted by School, followed by the inauguration of the Annual Day Exhibitions by Mrs. Ritu Sharma, Chief Guest.
John L. Bissell Block housed Art and Craft, Sports and Social Science Exhibitions.
Bimla Nanda Bissell Block housed Math Department and Science Exhibitions.
Learning Resource Centre housed Computer Department.
Chief Guest Mrs. Ritu Sharma, Principal G.D.Goenka International School, Udaipur went around the exhibition at great length and asked questions in details related to their models, material used and information collected. She deeply admired the hard work of the students.
Annual Day started with the Lighting of the lamp. The show started with the School Song. School Captain Blessy Maria welcomed the Chief Guest, followed by Principal’s Report, SMC Chairman’s Speech and Chief Guest’s Speech.
The Cultural Show included an English Play ‘Beauty and The Beast’, Hindi Play, Folk Dance and MGD School Presentation.
The staff mesmerized everyone with their beautiful song ‘Kya Katal Hai’’.
Mr. Byju Joseph gave Vote of Thanks.
In her speech Mrs. Ritu Sharma elaborated upon The Fabindia’s mission to promote high quality education to both boys and girls and the groundbreaking ideas to spread the good work that the school is doing. She held School Exhibitions in high esteem, keeping in mind the detailed models made by students.
A big thank you to Mrs. Ritu Sharma for the great effort in coming all the way to Bali and joining us for our Annual Day!
Trophies of Excellence for the year 2015-16-Trophy of Excellence in Skill: Pooja Dutta
-Trophy of Excellence in Sport: Manvendra Singh
-Trophy of Excellence in Study: Pooja Solanki
-Parineeta Ranpal’s English Proficiency Prize: Blessy Maria
Congratulations to all the winners! Well done girls you are three up!!
Keynote Speaker Chief Guest Mrs. Ritu Sharma’s Speech
Esteemed SMC Chairman Brigadier Karan Singh , Principal, distinguished guests, parents, teachers and dear students, I am honoured to be invited as the Chief Guest to The Fabindia’s 24th Annual Day Celebration. It gives me immense pleasure to join you all on this occasion. I have thoroughly enjoyed a brilliantly organized school exhibition and the wonderful performance put up on stage by the students to commemorate the occasion. I am indeed awestruck by you lush green campus and state of the art infrastructure, responsible for making learning a joyous process in such a beautiful environment.
It’s always nice to be in the company of young people. It allows me to share the joy, energy and spirit of youth. I take this opportunity to celebrate your success in pursuing excellence in education and witness the remarkable achievements of this school. Fabindia has been consistently producing good results through its holistic approach to education. Under the excellent leadership of Ms. Deepika Tandon along with the whole hearted efforts of a dedicated team of teachers, a lot of innovative ideas have been successfully implemented in the school. It also has been offering much needed cross cultural exposure to its student’s body while remaining truly rooted in its own local heritage. I congratulate the Bhadrajun Artisans Trust and its associates for leading such a successful educational project in the country and setting a stellar example for us to emulate. Bearing in mind the ethos and culture of our land, Fabindia made it its missions to lay a solid foundation for each child and groom her for a lifelong journey of learning. William and John Bissell’s pioneering efforts to establish a model school for young people that could reach out to the rural populace of Rajasthan has made an incredible difference in the lives of many. The growing alumni body of Fabindia speaks volumes about impact it has had on the lives of numerous youngsters.
Among children not attending school there are twice as many girls as boys, and among illiterate adults there are twice as many women as men. In a patriarchal society, Fabindia’s mission to promote high quality education to both boys and girls is truly ground breaking as we live in an environment which is negligent to the needs of girls children. Fabindia recognizes primary education to be the stepping stone in attaining social mobility, equality and employment opportunities. It is an apt to say that when you educate a woman, you educate an entire family. Offering basic education is one sure way of giving them greater power- of enabling them to make genuine choices over the kinds of lives they wish to lead. This is not a luxury but a basic human right. That woman might have the chance of a healthier and happier life. should be reason enough for promoting girls’ education. However, there are also important benefits for society as a whole. An educated woman has the skills, information and self-confidence that she needs to be better parent, worker and citizen.
Hence, education is one of the most critical areas of empowerment for women. Empowering girls is through educating them and schooling is the primary step in that direction. I am glad to know that the school funds around 200 scholarships, majority of which are reserved for girl children alone. I am also pleased by the high percentage of girl children enrolled at Fabindia from neighbouring villages. It is needed a matter of pride that women hold several key posts in your school that aspires to achieve the dream of providing equal educational and job opportunities to men and women alike.
Gathered here today are promising young minds that have reached a milestone in their lives and are looking forward to new challenges ahead. We also have parents amidst us who support their children with selfless love and educators who are passionate in moulding the students by equipping them to meet the demands of an ever changing world. As educators and parents, we share the responsibility of nurturing young minds by bringing out the best in them while inspiring them to become lifelong learners. Families and communities must be important partners with schools in developing curriculum and managing children’s education. The greatest gift we can give our daughters today is the power of education which can challenge the perpetuation of gender stereotypes.
I ask the students of The Fabindia to not allow circumstances to dictate or restrict your dreams! Learning does not end when one leaves school. Look for the opportunities that hide behind adversities in life. Believe in yourself and remember that there is always another way of looking at the world. I wish you all the very best in your journey to fulfil your dreams, aspirations and surpass all our expectations. ‘’ Under the stars, I can see with my eyes that sweet dreams not only survive, but thrive.
Thank you and God bless!
Saturday, 19th November: The School observed a holiday. Staff came to School to remove the Exhibitions and set the Classes for regular School on Monday.

The School Weekly - 14th November 2016

Wishing all our readers a ‘Happy Children’s Day’!
Mera Bali
Old Rangji  Temple
Pushkar is a town in the Ajmer district in Rajasthan. It is situated 14 km northwest of Ajmer at an average elevation of 510 m (1,670 ft) and is one of the five sacred dhams (pilgrimage site) for devout Hindus. According to Hindu theology, the pond at the Katas Raj temple near Choa Saidan Shah in Chakwal District of Pakistan has a theological association with Shiva; it was formed by the tears of Lord Shiva which he is believed to have shed after the death of his wife, Sati. The story goes that when Sati died, Shiva cried so much and for so long, that his tears created two holy ponds – one at Pushkara in Ajmer in India and the other at Ketaksha, which literally means raining eyes, in Sanskrit. It is from this name that the word Katas is derived. It is often called "Tirth Raj" – the king of pilgrimage sites – and has in recent years become a popular destination for foreign tourists.
Pushkar has many temples. Most of the temples are not very old because many temples were destroyed during Muslim conquests in the area.  Subsequently, the destroyed temples were rebuilt. The most famous among all is the Brahma Temple built during the 14th century CE. The Pushkar Lake has 52 ghats where pilgrims descend to the lake to bathe in the sacred waters. Pushkar is also famous for its annual fair (Pushkar Camel Fair) held in  the month of November.
Raghuveer Singh( Batch 2005) is from Kagdi village. He studied 10th in Fabindia school and passed 12th in Kanakraj Sanwant Lodha Public school .He did BBA in S.P.U college in Falna and he has done MBA from Faculty of Management in Udaipur .He is presently working with ICICI bank ltd. at Jaipur as Deputy Manager In school he was not only good in Academics, but the best athlete of his batch and a sportsman.
Friday, 11 November: Mr. Rakesh Kumar/ Department of Arts was selected 'Teacher This Week'. He is from Madhubani, Bihar. He did his B.F.A in Sculpture from Patna University in 2013 and M.F.A in sculpture from Visva -Bharti , Shanti Niketan in West Bengal in   2005 .His perspective was to support the students even at such a busy and crucial time and he helped them by giving them ideas and support .He said that discipline should be the priority for the students and everyone should take part in co-curricular activities .He think that participation is important rather than winning or losing
Mr. Arunesh Dutta F/O Pooja Dutta/ XII was selected as the 'Parent This Week'.
(AD: Mr. Arunesh Dutta, ED: Editor)
ED: What is your name?
AD: My name is Arunesh Dutta .
ED: What do you do?
AD: I am a teacher by profession and my subject is Biology, I teach in Government School.
ED: What achievement do you want in your field?
AD: I would like to struggle a lot for children whom I teach.
ED: What did your ward achieve while studying in this school?
AD: My son Ashwin Dutta participated for State Level Athlete Tournament and achieved the 5th position in Rajasthan state for his Sports, and he also participated in Football Tournament and Athletics.
ED: What do you want your child to achieve more?
AD: I would like that they should get more guidance on in studies.
ED: How many children do you have?
AD: I have three children: Two boys and one girl.
ED: What feedback would you like to give for our school?
AD: I want that child should take an interest in studies.
Parent’s Speech
The school has called me here to observe and share my views about the activities and academics of the School, I am very glad to be here. I have a very long connection or relationship with the school as all my 3 children have studied here and are studying from Class Prep to Class XII. The discipline of the school is very good, education, the language and command of students over English is really impressing. I have visited many other schools but no other school is as good as Fabindia. This is the best school in this area and I think every parent should send their child to this school where they can have overall development. I have not seen any school so well developed in the nearby areas of Bali, Falna or the entire Gorwar belt, so I suggest or request you all students to utilize your time effectively, learn as much as you can from this institution. All my good wishes with the school and students. Thank You.
Saturday, 12th November: Gajendra Singh/ IX/ DH and Avinash Sain/ IX/ RH were selected student of the week for their outstanding performance in Art Work. Their talent in art helped them to reach State Level Painting Competition.
होती हैं माँ प्यार क़ी  मूरत ,
होती  हैं  देवी  क़ी  सूरत।
करती हैं हम पर उपकार, ,
हमको भी हैं माँ से प्यार।
होती हैं माँ प्यार का सागर ,
भरती  है  माँ सबकी  गागर।
चलते फिरते करती प्यार ,
हमको भी हैं माँ से प्यार।
होती हैं माँ सबसे प्यारी ,
होती हैं माँ सबकी दुल्हारी।
रखती हैं माँ सबका ध्यान,
हमको भी हैं माँ से प्यार।
Muskan Rathod/ X/ TH
Children Day
Children day is a day to enjoy ,
it is a day of love and joy.
All children play and dance,
And the scene likes to be of somewhat France.
All schools have a celebration,
Only having their concentration
On Nehru's birthday.
The lover of children,
The pride of India.
So let’s have this children day
Full of happiness.
Suryaveer Singh/X/ DH
Sketch by Tanoj Sompura/X/TH
India’s first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, was born on 14th November. Apart from being known for his skills as a statesman, Nehru was also immensely fond of children.
He thought children are the future of a Nation and they need utmost care. They win over our hearts with their angelic eyes and innocent smiles. Nehru wished his birthday to be celebrated as Children’s Day. Since his death in 1963, his birthday is being celebrated as Children's Day in India. So the Children’s Day is dedicated to the Children of India. Children are loved by one and all. Children’s Day is not just a day to let the future generation have its say. It is a day to remember a leader who, in his quiet but determined way, laid the foundation to convert a nascent nation into a world power. The more popular and famous of Nehru's pictures show him with children. He is always called as Chacha Nehru (Nehru Uncle).
Diksha Choudhary/ VIII/ GH
Monday, 6th November: Annual Day Practices are in full swing. Exhibition work is almost completed.
Wednesday, 9 November: Avinash Sain /IX /RH and Gajendra Singh /IX/DH escorted by Mr. Rakesh Kumar/ Art& Craft Faculty went to Jaipur to participate for state level Painting Competition under National Campaign on energy conservation 2016 organized by  The Ministry of Power, Government of India .
Avinash Sain painted a boat with a globe in which solar plant and windmills were drawn. The boat symbolized carrying energy on it.
Gajendra Singh painted LED Bulb and CFL Bulb which depicted to save energy .Both were connected to solar plant and windmill. LED Bulb depicted to show that it saves nature and 100-watt Bulb is dangerous for nature as it does not conserve energy.
They were gifted with a certificate, bed sheet, LED Bulbs and a lunch box for their participation. Results are awaited!
Monday, 7th November: Class VIII-XII students went practicing cycling every morning to prepare for their cycling trip to Jawai Bandh. 11 students escorted by Mr. Tarun Mishra cycle to nearby villages to develop strength. Mr. Rakesh Kumar and Mr. Partha Guin are other teachers who have joined the expedition.
Saturday, 12th November: After a long wait and practicing for 20 days, the day came when the students went on their cycling expedition to Jawai Bandh. It was 25 km run from School. They were flagged off by the Principal Ms. Deepika Tandon, with best wishes, tilak and sweets. They enjoyed a lot and had fun on the way. All returned to school at 1.00 PM safe and sound.
We welcome Ms. Vimmy Rajpurohit/ Faculty as English Editor on the Editorial Board.

The School Weekly - 7th November 2016

Mera Bali
Mehrangarh Fort located in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, is one of the largest forts in India. Built around 1460 by Rao Jodha, the fort is situated 410 feet (125 m) above the city and is enclosed by imposing thick walls. Inside its boundaries there are several palaces known for their intricate carvings and expensive courtyards. A winding road leads to and from the city below. The imprints of cannonball hits by attacking armies of Jaipur can still be seen on the second gate. To the left of the fort is the chhatri of Kirat Singh Soda, a soldier who fell on the spot defending the Mehrangarh fort.
There are seven gates, which include Jayapol (meaning 'victory'), built by Maharaja Man Singh to commemorate his victories over Jaipur and Bikaner armies. Fattehpol (also meaning 'victory') gate was built by Maharaja Ajit Singh to mark the defeat of the Mughals. The palm imprints upon these still attract much attention.
The museum in the Mehrangarh fort is one of the well-stocked museums in Rajasthan. In one section of the fort museum there is a selection of old royal palanquins, including the elaborate domed gilt Mahadol palanquin which was won in a battle from the Governor of Gujarat in 1730. The museum exhibits the heritage of the Rathores in arms, costumes, paintings and decorated period rooms.
Nowadays I am in Goa doing my Hotel Management Course. I miss my school friends a lot. During our school days when we were not able to complete our homework at that time every morning we had to stand in front of Principal's Office. When my teachers scolded me, I didn't like it but now I am missing them a lot. I am also missing my sweet School. When we went for a picnic there we had a cooking competition and when we went for trekking there we enjoyed a lot with our school friends. Now I am remembering my school days I am all alone there and remember each and everyone a lot. - Mayur Rathore/ Batch 2015-16.
Friday, 4th November: Staff had a PDP Session with BAT Chairman Mr. Sandeep Dutt at 3.00 PM in the Staff Room. They were given the theme ‘From Trust to Relationship’. Staff discussed in their groups on how a teacher can develop trust among their students. Each group came out with many good opinions. They said that trust can be developed by collaborating with students by mutual understanding, listening patiently to the students in a positive manner, by motivating the students, praising and rewarding the students. Trust can be developed by believing in oneself and sharing their experiences with the students. Students should be given a free environment so that they can feel free to share their difficulties with their teachers. Interaction in a friendly manner will create a free and happy environment for a student. Love and Care is the most necessary element of trust. It was announced that from now onwards Prerna Rathod will be the Coordinator for PDP Session.
Value of Words
Words can be impressive and expressive.
Words can destroy a relation.
Words can make rivals and friends too.
A word said cannot be taken back.
Words can make someone love and also hate.
Words have a strong impact on humans.
Words can work on feelings and emotions.
So check your words before using them,
Because you are saying it to a person like yourself,
Who has a brain that functions and heart that feels?
Muskan Rathod/ VIII/ TH
In the journey of life
The creature of the Earth had made a fantastic thing on the Earth that is human and this god also given human some extraordinary powers from which he can decide what good and bad means feeling is. The man is born to achieve something special in life and in the journey of life he faces many struggle, risks and happiness. When a baby is born then he is kept in the care of his mother and when he grows up he is sent to school or is taught the family occupation. Many of them acquire success in their fields and many of them do not. Man’s life is the life which faces many problems and the person who comes across these problems leave a sign on people’s heart and mind. Man take birth without having anything and goes without taking anything but one thing that the man leaves is a sign about his attitude and achievement. During the journey of life people’s main focus remain on their aim that they want to achieve but these people cannot be called a happy human. Happy human is one who works hard for his aim with the love and enjoyment of life and enjoys every second of life, and then the man can be called a happy human who walks happily and enjoys the journey of life. - Khushi Malviya/ X/ DH
जय जवान
हे जवान,
करता हुँ मैं तुझे सलाम ।
तु है हमारा रक्षक,
तूने मिटाए कितने भक्षक।
माँ माना इस धरती को तूने,
दे दिया बलिदान ।
गोली खाई सीने मे ,
अपनाई देश भक्ति की राह ।
हे जवान
है तु बड़ा महान
फ़ौज मे होते हो भर्ती छोड़ कर मोह-माया,
तपते हो तुम धुप में देकर हमको छाया।
जहां तुम्हे याद करेगा,
करेगी ये जमीन ।
तुम बॉर्डर पर मरते हो,
देकर हमें चैन की नींद ।
हे जवान,
करता हुँ मैं तुझे सलाम ।
-Manmanvendra Singh/ X/ DH
Thursday, 3rd November: School reopened that day. Excitement and happiness could be seen on student’s faces after ten days Diwali Vacation. They had lots of Diwali stories to share with their friends and teachers. Diwali Break Homework was collected by the teachers in their respective classes. Annual Day’s practice have started in full swing.
Friday, 4th November: XII Painting Competition on Energy Conservation was held on 14th September 2016 in the School and it was at school level for Class IV-Class IX and students participated actively in this competition. We are happy to announce that two of the students -Avinash Sain/ IX/ RH and Gajendra Singh Deora /IX/ DH are selected for State Level Competition. They will be going to Jaipur for State Level Competition .Every one congratulated them and wished them best of luck for their State Level Competition.