The School Weekly - 27th November 2017

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"निरंकुश स्वतंत्रता बच्चों के विकास में बाधा बनती है। "
अनुशासन का जीवन में बड़ा महत्व है। यदि हम प्रकृति  ओर निगाह डाले तो हर तरफ अनुशासन देखने को मिलेगा।  सूर्य समय पर उगता और अस्त होता है।  पेड़-पौधे भी पूर्ण अनुशासन में दिखाई देते है। सारे पशु-पक्षी भी अपने कार्य समय पर करते है।  समय आने पर निश्चित वनस्पति स्वयं ही फलित होने लगती है।  एक बार कल्पना करें यदि ये सब अपने अनुशासन को छोड़ दे अर्थात अपना काम समय पर करें तो क्या होगा।  प्रकृति से हम अपेक्षा करते रहते हैं कि सब कुछ समय पर हो परन्तु स्वयं की बारी आने पर हम अनुशासनहीन बन जाते हैं। ऐसे में देश की प्रगति कैसे संभव हो  सकती है। 
विद्यार्थियों में अनुशासन होना परम आवश्यक है क्योंकि प्रथम तो बालको का मन बड़ा चंचल होता है, अपने मन को स्थिर रख पाने में सक्षम नहीं होते हैं।  बचपन से ही मनुष्य में अनुशासन की भावना होनी चाहिए क्योंकि यही चरित्र निर्माण का सही अवसर होता है।  बालकपन में जो बातें सिखाई जाये वह स्थायी रहती है।  स्कूल, समाज आदि कहीं भी नियम से रहें अपनी जिम्मेदारी को ठीक से निभाए। नियम का पालन नहीं करने से अनुशासनहीनता बढ़ती है और अव्यवस्था फैलने की आशंका रहती है। 
यदि किसी बालक को हम कुछ भी खाने की आज़ादी दें तो वह गुणवत्ता को नहीं स्वाद को प्राथमिकता देगा।  वह जान नहीं पाता कि उस स्वाद वाली वस्तु में कौनसे हानिकारक तत्व मौजूद हैं।  संभव है कि वह वस्तु अधिक खाने से बच्चा बीमार हो जाये। लेकिन बड़ो द्वारा यदि अनुशासन में रह कर कभी-कभार उस स्वादिष्ट वस्तु का आनंद लें तो कुछ भी अनर्थ नहीं हो सकता। व्यक्ति नियमानुसार काम करने के बजाय अपनी इच्छा से काम करना पसंद करता है, गलत तरीकों से सफलता अर्जित करने का प्रयास करता है।  परन्तु ऐसा प्रयास केवल  क्षणिक सफलता ही  दिला सकता है, आखिरकार उसे नाकामियों से रूबरू होना पड़ेगा। सर्वप्रथम माता-पिता और बाद में गुरुजनों का उत्तरदायित्व बनता है कि वे बालक को अनुशासन में रहना सिखायें। यदि किसी कारण से बालक अनुशासन बनाए रखने में कष्ट का अनुभव करता है तो उसके कारणों को समझकर उसकी मदद करनी चाहिए। विद्यार्थी जीवन बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है यहीं से बालक का भविष्य निश्चित होता है ऐसे में उसे अपनी इच्छानुसार करने की आज़ादी नहीं देनी चाहिए। 
कुछ बालक समझते है कि अनुशासन का अर्थ है नियमों में बंद जाना, आज़ादी का समाप्त हो जाना। परन्तु ऐसा कतई नहीं है, अनुशासन का अर्थ है अपना काम ठीक तरीके से सम्पादित करना।  संभव है कि ये रास्ता एकबार कष्टप्रद लगे, अधिक प्रयास की आवश्यकता भी हो सकती है पर अंततः सफलता प्रदान करेगी। यदि सड़क पर सभी अपनी मर्जी से चलने लगे तो अव्यवस्था हो जाएगी पर सड़क नियमों का पालन करेंगे तो सब कुछ ठीक होगा और किसी को परेशानी उठानी नहीं पड़ेगी। इसलिए अनुशासित बने और अपने लक्ष्य को पाने का प्रयास करें।  समय बड़ा बलवान है यदि अनुशासन में रहकर ठीक प्रकार से उपयोग किया जाये तो भविष्य स्वर्णिम हो सकता है। सफल होने का एक ही मन्त्र है "अनुशासन" -Krishan Gopal/ Educator 
Yogendra Singh Mertiya (Batch 2005-06) at present works at Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.(The Times Group). He is grantee at Economic and Social Rights Centre, Hakijamii.  He worked at Economic and Social Rights Centre . He was the former Executive Assistant to the Managing Director at Fabindia Overseas Pvt. Ltd. He was the former Consultant at Culture Aangan. He also interned at Fabscore Consultants Pvt. Ltd. He studied Public Policy at Jindal School of Government and Public Policy and graduated from St. Stephen's College. He passed his XII from Mayoor School, Ajmer. He passed from The Fabindia School in 2006.
Keynote Speaker Alumni Yogendra Singh Mertiya's Speech on 25th Annual Day
Good Evening to all of you honorable Chief Guest, Members of the Bhadrajun Artisans work, my respected teachers, parents, a lot of good friends and fellow Fabindians. It's a very emotional moment for me. 25 Years, for any institution for any thought are not more but today I want to refuse to acknowledge that Fabindia school is an institution because it is not an institution it is a movement because institution doesn't bring any change institution only make the change good. Works that had been done in the world are done because of thoughts. 25 Years from now 80% ladies and girls were illiterate; there to make this as the central focus of the school in any kind of education to make ladies and girls literate was because they are the future of the country. No any other good revolutionary thought was there.
25 years before due to climatic and economic condition migration took place. People were migrating in search of work and because they were not getting opportunities here. At that time a person came here to give us opportunity. I really thank Mr. William and the family for thinking like that. People had gone outside to make their future and you had come here to make our future. And we welcome you here for all the love and affection. The places that I visit are only because of your blessings and support, because of you I got many opportunities in my life. And many times I feel that I have not done anything for that. The love that I got from here I always say to God that whatever is given to me, is not mine, it is given by the Fabindia School.
Some days back I had gone to California, I had gone to Canada, and there is no country where Fabindians are not there. I was so fortunate that one girl of this school whose name is Ritu met me, she is working in the Uber Company the world’s largest company. She invited me at her house in California. I  left the school12 years back but the school is still inviting me. I am very fortunate to be the part of this function and to be the ex-student of the school. Few days back I met two Ex-Students in Delhi and they told me that they never thought that they will be in Jawaharlal University and Miranda House. They said that they never felt inferior there; instead they were confident because their experiences were very enriching, and this was all because they studied in The Fabindia School.
 I will end by saying that when I took admission in St. Stephen’s College, New Delhi, India’s best College, I never felt ashamed to say that I was from a village, this was because I was not missing any quality that the others had. I felt very confident and this confidence helped me a lot. To the students I would like to say that in my life I have seen many places, you have the best kind of education that you can imagine of, make the best of it; there is no road that we cannot take. From IIT, to NMU, to Delhi University, to University of Pennsilvnia, I have taken the entire road. If I could do it then you too can do it. Never feel bad, never feel less than anybody, you can do anything that anybody in the world can do and we are all there for you. Thank you so much for giving this opportunity to speak here and I wish all the best to everyone and thank you so much.      
Mr. Usman Gani/ Educator was selected as the Teacher this week for encouraging use of technology at The Fabindia School.
Tuesday, 21st November: Staff had PDP Session on that day. Mr. Krishan Gopal read out a thought from the book “आइसक्रीम  मेकर  “by सुबीर चौधरी ”. Staff then discussed their opinions, gave their views and uploaded a writ up with graphics and photo in Alchemy of Learning.  
Staff congratulates and wishes Mr. Ajay Vijaywargi and Mrs. Sharmila Vijaywargi on their 25th Wedding Anniversary.Staff wished Mrs. Prerna Rathod a Happy Birthday. May God bless them and best wishes for their future. 
Tuesday, 21st November: School Timings have changed according to Winter timings. Students have got back to their regular studies.
Mr. Gordon visited the school with his wife Jane, son Ayan and daughter Rubeka. They went around the school escorted by Class XI students. They interacted with the students and staff. Mr. Gordan told them about Organic Farming and gave them tips on how the students can improve organic farming in School. Mr. Gordan has a School in his hometown and has proposed to have Online Exchange Program. 
Saturday, 25th November: School observed an Activity Day. They had their Club and Society Meetings along with other activities. Class XII and X observed regular academic time table.