दुनिया के हर महान कार्य के पीछे इसी शक्ति का हाथ होता है। अगर इतिहास की बड़ी सफलताओं को मनुष्य ने अपने अंदर पैदा हुए जुनून के द्वारा हासिल किया था तो आज भी अगर आपको कोई बड़ी सफलता प्राप्त करनी है तो अपने अंदर उस बड़ी सफलता को पाने का जुनून पैदा करना होगा। जुनून एक ऐसी शक्ति है जो किसी भी इंसान के अंदर अपार ऊर्जा
भर देती है। अब इस ऊर्जा का उपयोग इंसान किसी भी को करने के लिए कर सकता है, किसी भी लक्ष्य को इस की मदद से प्राप्त किया जा सकता है। इस अपार ऊर्जा में इतनी शक्ति होती है कि यदि आप इसका उपयोग करें तो यकीन कीजिये आप प्रत्येक वह कार्य कर सकते हैं जिसके बारे में आपने यह सोच लिया था कि वह आप नहीं कर सकते।
मैं चाहता हूँ कि आप अपने अंदर जुनून को पैदा कीजिये और उस जुनून को अपने सपनों के साथ जोड़ दीजिये। ऐसा करने से पता है क्या होगा? आपके सपनों को नए पंख लग जायेंगे और आपके सपने एक ऊंची उड़ान भरने के लिए तैयार हो जायेंगे। अब आपके अंदर सफलता प्राप्त करने की इतनी तीव्र इच्छा पैदा होगी कि आप प्राप्त करने के लिए कुछ भी करने को तैयार हो जायेंगे। अब आप अपने सपनों को ऊंची उड़ान भरने दीजिये। अब आपको एक समझदारी भरा कदम उठाना है। उड़ान भरते हुए सपनों को एक लक्ष्य दे दीजिये। यह लक्ष्य आपके सपनों को एक सही दिशा दे देगा और आपका जुनून आपको उस दिशा में आगे बढ़ाएगा और बहुत जल्द ही आपको आपकी मंजिल पर लाकर खड़ा कर देगा। आपने थॉमस अल्वा एडिसन (Thomas Alva Edison) का नाम जरूर सुना होगा। उन्होंने बल्ब का अविष्कार किया था। 1000 बार असफल होने के बाद उन्हें बल्ब बनाने में सफलता मिली थी। सोचो कि कौन सी ऐसी शक्ति थी जो 1000 बार असफल होने के बाद भी उनके हौसले को नहीं तोड़ पायी? इसका सीधा सा उत्तर है– उनके बल्ब बनाने का जूनून (passion)। उन्हें प्रत्येक बल्ब के बाद प्राप्त करने की उम्मीद अपने अंदर के जुनून से मिलती थी।आपके अंदर का जुनून आपकी समस्त ऊर्जा को एक दिशा में फोकस कर देता है। जब आपकी समस्त ऊर्जा एक दिशा में अर्थात आपके target की ओर फोकस हो जाती है तब आपको अपने target के अलावा कुछ और दिखाई नहीं देत।अब आप केवल अपने target की ओर ध्यान देते हैं और इसका परिणाम सफलता के रूप में आपको प्राप्त हो जाता है। -Jaffar Khan/ Educator
ED: What is your name?
NB: My name is Nitin Bhandari.
ED: Which was your batch year?
NB: My batch year was 1998?
ED: Who were your batch mates?
NB: My batch mates were Nimendra
Raj Singh, Himanshu Mehta, Dilip Rajpurohit, Nikhil Jain, Sharad Jain
ED: Have you ever participated in any activities, tournaments?
NB: Yes, I was an active cricket player and also was a poet.
ED: What are your present qualifications?
have done MBA in marketing after doing my computer engineering
ED: What was your experience at Fabindia School?
NB: School
helped me form my foundation, I still remember Juile didi, Vishnu Sir and Meena
didi who helped us build our personality and character.
ED: Who was your favourite teacher?
NB: Shri Dilip Vaidya was my favourite teacher.
ED: What are you doing nowadays?
ED: Who was your favourite teacher?
NB: Shri Dilip Vaidya was my favourite teacher.
ED: What are you doing nowadays?
NB:After working in corporate life for 11 years I have recently
started my own business of Ayurvedic products by the name Careveda.
ED: Will you like to give any message to your juniors, school, or friends etc.?
NB: Yes, I
would urge juniors to focus on overall development in all spheres and not just
become bookworms.
Monday, 15th January: Staff had PDP Session Mr. Ajay Vijaywargi read out a thought ‘Can we Teach a Zebra some Albebra ' from the book “Can We Teach a Zebra Some Algebra “by Debashis Chatterjee”. Educators then discussed their opinions, gave their views and uploaded a writ up with graphics and photo in Alchemy of Learning.
Staff wished Ms. Krithika Rao a Happy Birthday. May God bless her and best wishes for her future.
Ms. Ishu Chouhan was selected as the Teacher this Week for promoting school on social media. She gave a motivational speech to motivate the students. She said that we should have a goal aim in our life so that we have meaning of living our life, instead of just coming to school and going back home with homework. We should have a dream of achieving our goal so that we work according to our goal. We all must have a dream in our life.
Ms. Ishu Chouhan was selected as the Teacher this Week for promoting school on social media. She gave a motivational speech to motivate the students. She said that we should have a goal aim in our life so that we have meaning of living our life, instead of just coming to school and going back home with homework. We should have a dream of achieving our goal so that we work according to our goal. We all must have a dream in our life.
(ED: Editor, IC: Ishu Chouhan)
(ED: Editor, IC: Ishu Chouhan)
IC: I joined school on 26/7/2016. It's going to be one and a half year as an English teacher in the school.
ED: Who was the Principal at that time?
IC:Mrs. Deepika Tandon
ED: Which classes did you teach at first?
IC::: At first I taught Class V & VI and now I am teaching Class I, II & III.
ED: What is your qualification?
IC:: XII Class Science Bio. And now I am pursuing B. A..
ED: What do you expect from your students?
IC: I would like to say few
words to you, enjoy your student life you are gonna miss these days when you
grow older.
ED: Have you taught any school before Fabindia?
IC: Yes, in S.S.Public School.
ED: What message would like to give to the students?
IC: I would like to give a
message to the students that we should have a goal aim in our life so that
we have meaning of living our life, instead of just coming to school and
going back home with homework we should have a dream of achieving our goal so
that we work according to our goal. We all must have a dream in our life.
ED: How do you like teaching in this school? How is it different from others?
IC: As compared to our school not good as ours. The environment provided in our school is friendly, lovable and caring.
Ms. Deepika Soni m/o Yashi Soni/ III & Riva Soni/ Nursery was selected as the Parent this Week. She addressed the students. Good Morning honourable Principal ma'am, teachers and
my dear children. First of all I would like to thank everyone for giving me this honour. I
have sent my children to this school because I love the greenery that the
school have. I like the nature that the teachers provide to the students. There
is a natural environment in the school which keeps the children happy. This
school teaches the students how to respect their elders, how to achieve their goal
and how to study. I want to share something to the students that study is not
all about making good percentage. It is also about to learn something which we
are studying.
(ED: Editor, DS: Deepika Soni)
DS: I am a housewife
ED: How many of your wards are studying here?
DS: My two wards are studying here.
ED: Have you achieved your goal?
DS: Yes, I have achieved my goal.
ED: What do you expect from your child?
ED: What do you expect from your child?
DS: I expect from my children to do good studies and become something great in life.
ED: What do you expect from the school?
DS: I expect from the school that students of this school should achieve something great in life and for that to give them good education.
ED: What message would you like to give to the students?
DS: I would like to give the message to become a good person and to take the name of school forward
ED: How did you like visiting the school back?
ED: How did you like visiting the school back?
DS: It will be a great honour for me to return back to this school if the school gives me the opportunity.
Mr. M.K.Soni visited the school as the grandparent this week. A motivational speech was given by him that education is not preparation of life, it is life itself. It brings light and amazement in our life. What is a teacher? Teacher burns itself and lights others. Teacher is concerned with past, present and future. His role with the life, surrounding is amazing. A student must be confident not over confident. A student must be prepared to do something for himself. They are living in competitive era so they should leave their comfort zone and compete to achieve success.
Interview(ED: Editor, MS: M.K. Soni)
ED: What do you do?
MS: I am a retired Principal.
ED: How many of your wards are studying here?
MS: My grandson was studying here.
ED: Have you achieved your goal?
MS: Not yet much has to be done still yet.
ED: What do you expect from your child?
MS:I want my children to be capable and to achieve something higher in life.
ED: What do you expect from the school?
MS: I want from the school much more, they should do much more for the students.
ED: What message would you like to give to the students?
MS: I want from students to leave their comfort zone and achieve something great.
ED: How did you like visiting the school back?
MS: I would like to visit school how many times it will be possible for me.
Kinjal Rao/ X/ DH was selected as Student this Week for actively participating in community service.She addressed the Assembly. Good Morning Everyone
I am very thankful to teachers and Principal ma'am for giving me this honour. Thankyou so much for choosing me as the student of this week.
I want to give you message that whenever you get chance to help someone you should help them.
Whenever I used to help others sometimes people criticised me but now I realize that to whomever I helped their blessings and good wishes are always with me and that has became my strength.
We should help others by contributing towards Swachh Bharat Mission, donating something which you don't use and taking part in community service.
Now, what is community service? Community service is work done by a person or a group of people that benefits others. And you do not get paid to perform community service.
Like, I helped my aunt in organising functions held in her school. I would like to take few more names were with me in that service. They are Divya Chundawat, Kreena Rao, Diksha Choudhary, Krisha Dave and Harshit singh Rao. Thank you so much for being with me.
Monday, 15th January: Science Week was celebrated in the School. Special Assembly was organised Students did a number of activities, gave information about great scientists, science facts, quizzed the assembly and performed experiments.
Day 1: Monday 15th January
Anumesh Rao/ IX/GH: Spoke about John Dalton
Uma Choudhary/IX/TH: Spoke about J.J Thomson
Yug Bhati/ IX/ RH: Spoke about Alexander Graham Bell.
Vinay rajpurohit/ IX/RH: Spoke about Albert Einstein
Archana Koratkar/IX/GH: Quizzed the assembly
Vinita Sirvi/IX/GH: Spoke about some facts of science.
Day 2: Tuesday 16th January
Wednesday, 17th January:The School has been selected as the Change Maker School in Green School Programme. Our school was participating since last three years. We have brought changes in our school to provide clean and green environment from two thousand schools all over the country. We have been selected in the first-fifty. Congratulations to all for this achievement and especially Mrs. Prerna Rathod and her team for all the efforts they put in.
Day 1: Monday 15th January
Anumesh Rao/ IX/GH: Spoke about John Dalton
Uma Choudhary/IX/TH: Spoke about J.J Thomson
Yug Bhati/ IX/ RH: Spoke about Alexander Graham Bell.
Vinay rajpurohit/ IX/RH: Spoke about Albert Einstein
Archana Koratkar/IX/GH: Quizzed the assembly
Vinita Sirvi/IX/GH: Spoke about some facts of science.
Day 2: Tuesday 16th January
Yukti Kansara/VI/B/RH: Spoke on discovery of magnet
Janak Devda/VI/B/TH: Spoke on sources of water.
Mangilal Dewasi/VI/B/RH: Spoke on Issac Newton
Lisa Soni/VI/A/GH: Spoke on Pollution
Meenakshi Sirvi/VI/A/DH: Spoke on air pollution
Day 3: Wednesday 17th January
Neetu Deora/IX/GH : Spoke about Interesting facts on science
Neetu Deora/IX/GH : Spoke about Interesting facts on science
Archana/VIII/GH : Spoke about Space Facts
Meenakshi Choudhary/VIII/TH : Spoke about Discovery of Science
Ipshita Rathore/VIII/RH : Quizzed the Assembly
Priyanka Deora/VII/RH: Spoke about some facts
Kush Rajpurohit/VIII/DH & Ashwarya Singh Ranawat/VIII/TH: Experiment on Dispersion of light
Day 4 Thursday 18th January
Ritu Chouhan/IX/RH: Spoke about science.
Ritu Chouhan/IX/RH: Spoke about science.
Krisha Dave/IX/GH: Spoke about Neil's Bohr.
Ipshita Rathore/VIII A/RH: Spoke about facts of trees and plants.
Jatin Tripash/VII/GH: Spoke about Alexander Flaming.
Shubham Kumawat/VI/ DH: Spoke about Nicolson.
Shruti Rajpurohit/IX/TH: Quizzed the assembly.
Lalkar Singh/ XI/ TH: Experiment to produce hydrogen gas.
Vinay Raj singh/VIII/ RH: Spoke about some facts of universe
Uma Choudhary/IX/TH: Quizzed the assembly
Ipshita Rathore/VIII/ RH: Quizzed the assembly.
Day 6: Saturday 20th January
Vishal Rathore/VIII/DH : Spoke about Voyager Space Craft
Archana Koratkar/VIII/GH: Spoke about Black Hole
Uma Choudhary/IX/TH : Quizzed the Assembly
Neetu Deora/IX/GH : Quizzed the Assembly
Ravindra Singh Chouhan/IX/RH: Quizzed the Assembly
Vinita Sirvi/VIII/GH: Quizzed the Assembly
Lalkar Singh Ranawat/XI/TH: Experiment on HCl and Magnesium
Monday, 15th January: Manmanvendra Singh Sonigra/ XI, Chanchal Choudhary/ XI and Himantika Chouhan participated in Inter School Hindi Debate Competition at HG International School, Abu Road. They were awarded with certificate of participation.
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Visit to Falna Railway Station |
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Fancy Dress |

Thursday,18th January: Students of Class IV-V visited Falna railway station with their subject teachers. Awareness rally was organized on the station. They took banners with them and also said slogans to aware the people to keep cleanliness in their surroundings and on the railway station.