The School Weekly - 23rd July 2018

Education is the most important topic nowadays because it brings maturity and teaches us how to live in society with changing environment.
Education is the first right of every human being. It improves our knowledge, skill, confidence, level and personality. It is the way to social development, economic growth and technological development. Education has been divided in to three categories in our country as primary education, secondary education and higher secondary education. Every child has the right to grab knowledge. It develops our over all personality and thinking skills. Every child must go to school  in his or her appropriate age as every one has equal rights for the education from birth. 
The growth and development of any country depends on the quality of education. It trains us in our whole life . We can grab knowledge from anywhere like we can learn by watching TV, reading books, discussion and by other various means. We cannot imagine our life without education. People are now aware of education and they are realizing the importance of education. Education enables everyone to grow both socially and economically. We need to bring education awareness equally in every area for better growth and development of the country.
Without education, life becomes aimless and tough. So, we should understand the importance of education. We should encourage education in our society as well as in our country.- Manisha Deora/ Educator
(ED: Editor, MO: Mayank Ojha)
ED: Which was your batch year? 
MO: 2012-13
ED:Who was your favorite teacher?
MO: Parineeta Ranpal & Krishna Gopal Sir were my favourite teachers
ED: Who were your batch mates? 
MO: Swabhi, Sonika, Shaily, Marudhar, Anurag, Shefali, Arvind, Chirag, Payal, Yogendra, Yogesh etc.
ED: Did you participate in any activities? Mention them. 
MO:Yes i did participate in English play, Cricket tournament and other sports.
ED: What are your qualifications?
MO: I have done my graduation (B.Com.)
ED:Tell us about your memories of the school?  
MO: Fabindia School, it was a big family for me. My school days were indeed really amazing and simple. I found fun in subtle but beautiful things. It was surely realistic but was also hilarious at times. On occasions the whole chart of memorable moments in school-life moves in front of my eyes. Some memories are unforgettable, remaining ever vivid and heartwarming!
ED: What message would you like to give to our students?
MO: It is true that experience is one of life’s best teachers. But if you don’t study you will probably never get any experience in the first place. you are in one of the best school and you have so many new things to learn so work hard and concentrate to achieve your set goals. And do remember one thing life is all about chances and opportunities. Never leave anything to chance and never let an opportunity get away.
Mr. Ajay Vijaywargi/Educator was selected as the Educator This Week for carrying out additional responsibility as LFIN Dean. He is an experienced person. He shared his professional experiences of school till now. He talked about the things that we could apply in our life to make our life more better. He told that we should do hard work to achieve something in our life because hard work is the key to success. His motto is to make the students life better and achieve positions. Message given to the students by Mr. Ajay Vijayvargi was that students should be disciplined to achieve their goals in life.

Staff wished Mrs Kusum Sharma and Mr. Usman Gani a 'Happy Birthday'. May God bless them and have a bright future.

STUDENT THIS WEEKAjaypal Meena/XI was selected as the Student This Week for securing 83% in X Board Examinations and 98 marks in Social Studies. He gave the message to work hard for hard work is the key to success.
Wednesday, 18th JulyLaunchora is a story telling platform where you can create, publish, explore and read stories. A creative workshop was conducted for students by Lakshya Datta, the founder/ CEO of Launchora. Three sessions for students of Grade VIII-XII was
conducted. He  explained that how story is related to our life and he said that story writing started at the time of Lord Krishna about 5000 years ago and according to him a story is perfect when you get success to convince someone. With the help of PPT he captured the attention of the students and gave them tips to be story tellers and Story writers. The Launchora team gifted the students with notepad and T- shirts. Mr. Laksha Dutta joined them on his blog and website and he gave them assignments that they have to publish a story every month on his website. Some students have already logged in and published their stories.
Some experiences of students about that day's workshop;

I learnt that story writing helps us to collaborate, to communicate and to be creative. Story is Hi Story @Anumesh

I learnt that when we read stories we come across new words, so from that we can improve our vocabulary. It makes our mind more creative, a story is perfect when we can convince somebody to believe in your story @Kareena
Stories are about becoming innovative; stories are related to our life experiences @Krisha
I learnt about the difference between a story and a lie and that story shouldn’t hurt anyone @Diksha
Today I learnt that story writing makes us imaginative and help us to see the nature in different ways @Ritu
Today I learnt that a lie can also create a story @Pushpendra
Fictional friends, exploring characters in the story help children understand their personalities, likes, dislikes and even their motivations.@Krishnapriya.

Friday, 20th July: Under the guidance of Mrs. Usha Panwar and Mrs. Ayesha Tak Puppet Show was organised for students of Primary Section. The show was just outstanding. The message given through the show was to 'Save Environment' and not to cut down trees.  Special thanks to Ms. Usha Panwar, Mrs. Ayesha Tak, Ms. Krithika Rao, Mr. Tarun Mishra and Ms. Kusum Dangi for the wonderful show that they put up.

Saturday, 21st July: IH English Extempore Competition was organised for the students of Middle and Senior Section to develop their Speaking Skills and Confidence level. Topics were given to the  participants two minutes before their turn. The participants presented themselves confidently. 
Results Awaited
The School observed an activity day. They had their house, club and society meetings. They carried out various activities in their respective clubs and societies.