The School Weekly - 8th October 2018

STUDENT: Kirti Malviya/ XII was selected as the student this week. She shared her views on exam' s pressure. First of all she thanked Principal ma'am and all the teachers for giving her this opportunity. She said that it was her honour to stand in front of all and render her thoughts on how to overcome exam pressure. Exams are very important part of our life and exam pressure is something which once everyone has to go through. To overcome this pressure we should always be prepared before the exams are announced, we should practice regularly to improve our skills and we must clarify our doubts without any hesitations. 

EDUCATOR: Mr.Ajay Vijayvargi was selected as Educator this Week.  He shared his views on self confidence. He spoke about increasing confidence by Public Speaking. He said that confidence comes from knowledge. Knowledge comes from education and experience

STAFF: Educators are busy in corrections of the Half Yearly Papers. On Friday they prepared for LFIN Retreat. 
Staff wished Ms. Kavita Devda a Happy Birthday. May God bless her!
Friday, 5th October: The students write stories every month on Launchora. One story is selected every month  and  the student is given a prize of 52 cards. September story of Kirti Malviya/ XII was selected. The title of her story was Exam Pressure.

Exam Pressure

The night before exams and results is the only time when teenagers who are likely to appear for Board Exams have sleepless and restless nights. This year I am gonna appear for XII Board Examination and this happens with me many times that I am not able to sleep. The main reason is the pressure of 'BOARD EXAMS'. The results of this will decide my career, my future.
There are many other reasons which disturbs my sleep like over thinking of something which happened with me in the day, excitement about what is going to happen tomorrow, etc....etc..

The tension about will I be able to complete my course on time, will there be time left for revision. With this burden when I study, nothing goes in my head. I become tired early and strike the saturation point. And because of tiredness as I go to sleep the thoughts again run in my mind and disturbs my sleep.

Despite of this, I try hard to sleep and as I sleep the alarm rings and mom shouts it's time for school. As I get ready and reached the school and went to attend my lessons, our business studies teacher motivated us not to think too much about Board Exams it's like other exams the only difference is the paper is made outside and the copies are checked outside. She keeps on motivating us to concentrate just on studies and not to go in deep thinking about Board Exams. And I thank her for the encouragement.

I hope I perform well in exams and will able to make everyone proud. I will try to give my best in fact more than just best to return all the efforts of my teachers and family.

Wednesday, 3rd October: For the first time Students of Class IX- XII went to  H.G. International, Aburoad to participate in CBSE Cluster. They  were given certificates of participation. Ajaypal Meena shared his views about the match, he told that winning is not important learning is more important.
A team of Athletics went to Pali to participate at District level. Balkrishna Singh stood first in 200 mt. and he was qualified for semi-finals. Nitesh Jain got second position and was qualified for Finals in 400 meter. Congratulations to the winners.

Friday, 28th September: Mangahigh is one of the world’s leading mathematics gaming, adaptive and personalized leading platform. National math Competition for Classes II- X was held between 24th September- 5th October.
It was organized by It was a fabulous opportunity for the students to
experience Mangahigh and discover their love for Math.
The students of classes VI to IX from The Fabindia School participated in this competition.
Feedback from the students those who participated in this competition.
Meenakshi Choudhary:  Thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to play such type of games. Through these games, my speed of calculation has increased
Archana Koratkar:  I participated in an online test series named Mangahigh. I played many mathematical games such as exponent, congruence rule etc. I really improved our skills and we had an amazing experience.
Vinita Sirvi: Through Mangahigh, I can improve my calculation and my speed of solving sums which is going to be helpful for me in Class X and even throughout my life.

Monday, 3rd October- Saturday, 6th October: Students of Class Nursery- XII had their Half Yearly Examination.Teachers were busy with correcting copies.

Saturday, 6th October: Students of Class IX- XII went to Udaipur
to visit the 5th National Science- Tech Pro Cafe (A mind challenging Science Project Olympiad) which was organised at Geetanjali Institute of Techninal Studies. There were more then three hundred mind blowing projects. There was a great learning and the students enjoyed a lot.

Published by The Editorial Board:Mrs. Bharti Rao, Mr. Krishan Gopal,, Ms. Swabhi Parmar, ,Mr. Jafar Khan, Harsha Suthar, Anumesh Rao, Ipshita Rathore, Archana Koratkar, Meenakshi Choudhary, Vinita Sirvi, Charu Vaishnav,  Rohit Vaishnav & Ronak Devda.