The School Weekly - 18th February 2019

EDUCATOR: Ms. Swabhi Parmar was selected as the Educator this Week. She shared her views on the importance of reading. She said that if you have a good book in your company nothing in the universe is better than that, so all must develop the habit of reading.

 (ED: Editor, YR: Yuvraj Singh Rathore)
ED: Which was your batch year?
YR: 2007-2014
ED: Did you participate in any activities? Mention them.
YR: Yes I participated in all kinds of sports events may it be football, basketball or cricket and other than that I used to participate in Annual days as far I can remember.
ED: Which was your favorite spot in the school?
YR: In the school my favorite spot was the area near the sports ground.
ED: What are you doing these days?
YR: These days I am preparing for R.S Examinations; at the same time my final year in college is also going on.
ED: What are your qualifications? 
YR: I am doing my graduation.  
ED: What have you learned from The Fabindia School?
YR: I have learned a lot of things in my life from The Fabindia School but most importantly I have learnt ‘How to respect others’ and for me it is a great achievement .
ED: What are your memories of the School?
YR:  In my memories I remember the fun time which I had spent in the school like sitting in the last bench, being punished for doing mischievous things and yes, most importantly I miss the time spent with my friends and teachers.
ED: What message would you like to give our students?
YR:  Face difficulties because they are the painful stones which will lead you to the path of success.
STAFF: Ms. Sharmila Vijayvargi, Ms. Krithika Rao and Ms. Manisha Devda went to Jaipur to attend Early Ed Asia Childhood Conference.
Report of the Two day Conference at the City Palace, Jaipur on Early Ed Asia Childhood Conference on 12-13 February 2019.
The Conference was attended by Ms. Sharmila Vijayvargi, Ms. Krithika Rao and Ms. Manisha Devda. The conference stressed on teaching strategies to be inculcated in Pre Primary Classes and changes to be adopted, Learning should not be a stress but it should be fun, use of technology should be increased and teachers should be trained for using modern trends in the education system.
The conference proved to be highly beneficial to the educators and will undertake the reforms to be brought in teaching learning process in our Early Years School.

Some of the highlights of the conference were:-
·         Schools should be equipped as per student’s requirements.
·  Playful environment should be provided to the pre school  students.
·         Interact, innovate and involve the child in the class room.
·         Never make a child understand but try to understand them.
·         A teacher should be a learner – always ready to learn.
·         Curriculum should child eccentric.
·  Instilling enthusiasm in the child towards learning through `Learning with Play`.
·         Never point a Child's mistake instead try to resolve them.
·         Special attention to be given to each child.
·         Do not label a child as peoples mind set make them non-learners.
·         Do not celebrate Sports day annually instead make each day a play day.
·         Technology should be used as an instrument and not as a purpose.
·         Small Moral Value tasks to be given to the students.
·         Play school teachers should be trained by senior teachers.
·         Parent teacher relations are important for child's development.
·       Pre Primary teachers should be passionate about innovation, technology thereby igniting the young minds. 
Monday, 11th February- Wednesday, 20th February: Final Examination for Class IX & XI
are going on. Revision is going on in all the Classes.
Thursday, 14th February: Special Assembly was organised on the occasion of 
Valentine's Day. Ms. Kusum Sharma and Ms. Rajeshree Shihag addressed the Assembly 
and shared that this day is celebrated to show our love, affection and respect for our loved 
Friday, 15th February: School kept two minute silence in the Assembly to mourn for the 
soldiers who lost their lives in Phulvama Attack. 

Published by The Editorial Board: Mrs Bharti Rao, Mr Krishan Gopal,, Ms Swabhi Parmar, Mr Jafar Khan, Harsha Suthar, Anumesh Rao, Ipshita 
Rathore, Archana Koratkar, Meenakshi Choudhary, Vinita Sirvi, Charu Vaishnav,  Varun Malviya & Ronak Devda.