The School Weekly - 29th July 2019

STUDENT: Tushar Diwakar/X was selected as the Student this Week. He shared his views on benefits of hard work. He said a hardworking person never fails in life. He gets success in abundance. The achievement without hard work is impossible. An idle person can never gain anything if he sits and waits for better opportunity to come. The person who works hard is able to gain success and happiness in life. Work is a privilege and a pleasure, idleness is a weary that no one can afford. Work is worship. You need the right attitude, self -discipline. You cannot come across success just by waiting idly for it .To achieve true success, you need the strength of mind and body, struggle and work hard to reach your fullest potential.
EDUCATOR: Mr. Ajay Vijayvargi was selected as the Educator this Week. He shared his views on Importance of Empathy. He gave the example of teacher who forgives its students despite of their mistakes because teachers possess the quality of empathy. He added “To understand the feeling of others by putting yourself in their place is a great gift from god".
       (ED: Editor, MK: Meemansha Kunwar)
ED: Which was your batch year?
MK: 2014 -15
ED: Which were your favourite classes?
MK: I loved attending both the language classes and with them I also liked to attend Social
Study class.     
ED: What do you think of the School Campus and extracurricular activities?
MK: I always loved the School Campus and I admire my connection with its soil. It is true that my teachers have always supported and encouraged me to participate more in all the extracurricular activities, which made me good at it. I have grabbed all the opportunities that the School Campus offers to its pupils. It is amazing that, we go to understand what part does all these extracurricular activities play in our lives.
ED: How did the School prepare you for the career?
MK: The School family has always encouraged me to come up on the stage and speak, make mistakes and learn from it.
ED: Which was your favorite spot in the school?
MK: My favorite spot in the school was the basketball court and the area around it, other than that I also liked the “Heart of the School” the old giant Khejri tree.
ED: Did you participate in any activities? Mention them
MK: Yes, I have always participated in all the extracurricular activities. Particularly I liked Sports Competitions, Singing Competitions, Dance, Drama, Elocution, Debates, etc.
ED: What are you doing these days?
MK: Nowadays I am pursuing B.A.L.L.B Honours.
ED: What message would you like to give to the students?
MK: The School has taught me and will teach you all, how to fit in any place you go with that I would like to say that grab every opportunity you can, be curious and learn from everything that you see.

(Inda Ram - IR and Editor - ED)
Mr Inda Ram Choudhary, grand parent of Vanisha Choudhary/ IX and Vikshita Choudhary/ V
ED : How many wards of yours are studying in this school?
IR : Two wards Vanisha and Vikshita
ED : What do you expect from the school?
IR :  I want this institution to develop the students in all fields of life and make them a better citizen of the country.
ED : What do you expect from your ward?
IR : I want them to participate in all the activities of the school and make us proud.
ED : What have you achieved in your life?
IR : I work for the government and  set up solar plant .

(ED: Editor, ST: Sulamain Tak)
ED: Which was your profession earlier? 
ST: I started from 3rd grade Govt Teacher and as well as worked in B.Ed college for 11 years and then retired as a Deputy Director of Education Bikaner. 
ED:Have your dreams come true? 
ST: Yes. Happy and content that I achieved what I wanted in life. My 1st dream was to be a teacher, I have also written articles in Sarita ( Indian level patrika)  and also I have written books for B.Ed college syllabus like 'Educational Management and School Organisation,' 'Teaching of Economics' and 'Micro Teaching'. 
As well as I feel so blessed and highly favoured because when I retired, I was immediately appointed as  the Director of Distance Education Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan  
ED:How did you feel when you first visited The Fabindia School? 
ST: It was a very positive feeling, a very unique and beautiful ambiance of the school attracts us and it is very beautiful too.  
ED:Tell us some positive aspects of the Education System? 
ST: The education gives us chance to develop as a person, it gives us an opportunity to make our tomorrow better and also manifest our future. In education we build citizens and citizenship begins from school. Education system shapes the natural qualities of a child in a positive way. Every child has a positive outlook and education gives them the platform to make their future bright. 
ED:What can we do to expand the vision and mission of school? 
ST: The true aim of education is taking the child to his interest, develop its personality in which he or she learns for an example dress code and dress etiquette and the fundamental thing for expansion overall is developing the habit of reading and writing.. This will help a child to develop it's own outlook in life and the last thing - School should give home feeling to a child., it should be always a second home for the child where he or she can depend and feel safe.
Monday, 22nd July- Saturday, 27th July:   फैबइंडिया विद्यालय,बाली में छात्रों का सर्वांगीण विकास हेतु पूरे सप्ताह तय समयावधि में ड्रामा कार्यशाला का सुचारू संचालन होता रहा। शिक्षा में थिएटर का महत्व  एवं आवश्यकता पर आधारित कार्यशाला के  संचालन कर्ता श्री उमाशंकर जी अम्बाला, हरियाणा से रहे।
इस कार्यशाला में दो समूहों को रखा गया जिसमें एक समूह कक्षा षष्ठम से
अष्ठम तक के चयनित बच्चे हैं तथा दूसरे समूह में अलग अलग कक्षाओं के छात्र रहे जिनकी बारी- बारी से गतिविधियां करवाई गई।
चयनित छात्रों के समूह में अनेक गतिविधियां करवाई गई जिसमें उनके व्यक्तित्व विकास, सामाजिक विकास, भावानात्मक विकास आदि अत्यंत संवेदशील विषयों पर आधारित रही। 
छात्रों को स्वयं, समाज एवं पर्यावरण के प्रति जागरूक करने हेतु ड्रामा के अनेक कौशल सिखाए । सामान्य शुरुआती गतिविधियों से शुरू किया उसके बाद निम्न गतिविधियां की जैसे चित्रकारी, पापा कहते हैं खेल,ताली आधारित खेल,ध्वनि आधारित खेल, नाटक की जरूरत पर चर्चा, इंद्रियों के महत्व पर चर्चा, प्रेरणादायक कहानियाँ, लिंग संवेदनशीलता का महत्व खेल, रुके / चले खेल, छोटे छोटे समूहों का निर्माण,समूहों द्वारा कहानी निर्माण, गुस्से और प्यार का महत्व,समूह के महत्व पर खेल, क्षमा और धन्यवाद का महत्व, माता - पिता से बातचीत 
मुंशी प्रेमचंद पर बातचीत,परिवार का जीवन में महत्व, दौड़ आधारित खेल, सही और गलत छुहन पर चर्चा, अंक आधरित खेल, नृत्य गतिविधि, भाव का महत्व, जिब्रीश भाषा का खेल, समूह खेल ( दांया बांया ), पेड़ आधरित, प्रकृति जुड़ाव खेल,
रचनात्मक खेल मोंकी मोंकी,  लालच का खेल (घर पर कब्जा त्वरित कार्य कैसे करे अभ्यास, चित्रों का जीवन में महत्व,नाटक में चित्रों का आपसी सम्बंध ,दृश्यों का भाव,भावों का महत्व
जीवन की अलग अलग परिस्थितियों में धैर्य का महत्व,अंक आधरित खेल का धैर्य से सम्बध, कहानी वाचन का महत्व,नाटक कैसे बनाये गतिविधि, चित्र विधा नाटक का अभ्यास, रचनात्मक गायन, सुनने का महत्व, चित्र विधा का महत्व आदि अनेक कौशल सिखाए।
इस कार्यशाला में छात्र उत्साह से भाग ले रहे है तथा उनके आत्मविश्वास में बढ़ोतरी देखी है जो व्यक्तिव विकास का एक अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण पहलू है। 
इसके अलावा शिक्षकों के साथ एक विशेष सत्र लिया, जिस
के दौरान शिक्षक और विद्यार्थी में जुड़ाव कैसे हो कुछ खेल और गतिविधियों के माध्यम से समझने-समझाने का प्रयास किया।
- उर्मिला राठौड़
Monday, 22nd July- Friday, 26th July: A number of activities were carried out all through the week for our toddlers to foster in the children concept formation, cognitive skills and fine muscle coordination. Playing kickball helped them to coordinate, balance and improved physical agility. They had fun making umbrellas and creating Mud Painting. They had fun watching the clouds sail in the beautiful sky. Together they picnicked in the School Ground.  
Friday, 26th July: On the occasion of Vijay Kargil DiwasDevika Choudary/ Head Girl,  shared about Kargil Vijay Diwas.
Thirty Seven Students of The Fabindia School escorted by Mr. Jafar Khan & Mr. Abhay Singh  participated in the Scouts and Guide Adventure Camp organised by the Scout & Guide Mandal along with other school students. The trekked to Har Gange which is situated in the Aravali Range of Bijapur. Competitions like Essay Writing, Singing etc. were organised in which all the positions were bagged by The Fabindia School. Congratulations! We are proud of you all.

Saturday, 27th July: That day Special Assembly was conducted. Its main events were Inauguration of Sportify and Atal Tinkering Lab and the Closing Ceremony of Drama & theatre With that it also subjected the results of Scouts and Guides Camp at Bijapur in which the School Scouts and Guides participated and became position holders.
On the Closing Ceremony of Drama & theatre Mr. Umashankar represented a mesmerizing Brazilian Image Drama which was conducted by the School children. The theme of the drama was to Showcase the life of a weak child who further evolves into a Depressed Child due to the demotivate actions of the surroundings.
Mr. Rahul Kumar Thakur/ Sportify spoke about importance of playing Sports, in his Speech he encouraged children to connect with sports as it provides a platform to represent ourselves whether we are good in Studies or not. It provides a medium voice to those who are dumb in studies.
Then our special guest and our honorable SMC Chairman Mr. Sulamain Tak addressed the
assembly by Sharing his views on the Brazilian Image Drama and the inauguration of Atal Tinkering Lab and Sportify, in his Speech he thanked Mr. UmaShankar for presenting such a marvelous drama then he heartily welcomed Sportify by saying that “Sports builds a very valuable quality in a child called Sportsmanship spirit. It builds a child into a Cooperative Personality”. Then he concludes his Speech by quoting these words “You come to get education and then education will come to you”. These words motivated Children to participate more and more in the field of their interest to someday master it.

Our honourable Chief Guest inaugurated The Atal Tinkering Lab and viewed the various projects prepared by the students of Class XI & XII ( Science Math). Projects included Smart Dustbin, Smart Street Light, Blind Spectacles, Waster Dispersion, Soil Moisture etc.

Parents Teacher Meeting was organised for the students of Class Nursery- X. 40% of the Parents attended the Meeting. Results and UT I Answer Sheets were shared with the Parents of their ward. Parents were happy and contend.
That day the finals and hard-line of Football matches were organised for Senior and Middle School. Hard line match of Senior Section was played between Raman House and Gandhi House in which Gandhi House won.
GH v/s RH: 2-1(Penalty Shootout)
Final match was between Teresa House and Dhyanchand House in which Dhyanchand House won.
DH v/s TH: 3-0
Final results: 
Hard line match  of Middle Section was played between Raman House and Teresa House in which Teresa House won.
Final match was between Gandhi House and Dhyanchand House in which Gandhi House won.
Final results:
Volume No. 387 Published by The Editorial Board: Mrs Bharti Rao, Mr Krishan Gopal,, Ms Swabhi Parmar, Mr Jafar Khan, Mr. Usman Gani,, Anumesh Rao, Ipshita Rathore, Archana Koratkar, Meenakshi Choudhary, Vinita Sirvi, Charu Vaishnav,  Varun Malviya & Ronak Devda.