EDUCATOR: Sharmila Vijayvargi was selected as the Educator this Week. She shared her
views on punctuality. She said punctuality is not only about being on time, it
is basically about respecting your own commitments.
Editor, VB: Vaibhav Bhatt)
ED: Which was your batch year?
VB: 2014 -15
ED: Which were your favourite classes?
VB: My favourite classes during my School years were English
and Hindi.
ED: What do you think of the School Campus and
extracurricular activities.

ED: How did the School prepare you for the career?
VB: Yes, I genuinely feel that the School has contributed in
building up my career, through inculcating various moral values in me which
today are helping me to grasp a space in this competitive world.
ED: Which was your favorite spot in the school?
VB: My favorite spot in the school was the basketball court.
ED: Did you participate in any activities? Mention them
VB: Yes, I used to participate in various events and
activities which used to take place in our School. It mainly consisted all the
house tournaments, Debates, Extempore, etc.
ED: What are you doing these days?
VB: Now a days I am pursuing B.Com Honours.
ED: What message would you like to give to the students?
VB: Think different and you will know how the things will change.
Ms. Veena Solanki
M/O: Tamanna Solanki/V was selected as the Parent this Week. She gave an inspirational speech to our students and she suggested ways to reach our goal in life. She quoted 4 golden principles of
life by A.P.J Abdul Kalam:-
1. Set your goals
2. Be a learner
2. Be a learner
3. Acquire knowledge
4. Be Perseverant
(ED:Editor, VS: Veena Solanki)
(ED:Editor, VS: Veena Solanki)
How many of your wards are studying in the school?
1 ward in Class V.
What do you expect from this school?
don't want anything because this school is already doing a lot for the betterment
of the school and students. And teachers of this school are very good .
What do you expect from your ward?
I want that do well in their life and future because what they do I'll be the
one who will be happy for their achievements.
What have you achieved in your life?
I have not yet achieved what I want to achieve because no one is born with
something. Whole life we learn and achieve.
STAFF: Ms. Prerna Rathod & Ms. Manisha Deora visited Iconic School, Bhopal on 27th July to conduct PLP Session there. There Prerna Rathod helped them to complete the process of PLP Level I and shared the plan for Level II. Mr. R.P. Devgan discussed and shared his views on Chapter 1 - Conventional Vs Contemporary of the book Wanted Back Benchers and Last Ranker Teacher.
First session
by Devgan Sir:
A speech was
given by Devgan Sir. He introduced himself and started a discussion on the
profession of a teacher. What qualities does a teacher should possess?
I have learnt
that a teacher should be dynamic, friendly, childish to a certain limit, he or
she should have feelings for the children. A teacher should also possess
corporate skills that are writing, listening and reading.
Lack of
reading leads to insecurity. A teacher should not be ambitious - he or she
should be for the betterment of the children. Exercise must be mandatory for
the teachers as well as for the students for the physical and mental growth.
session - Blog post
All the
educators of The Iconic School sat in their groups and discussed about the chapter - 1
"Conventional Vs Contemporary School Management" from the book "Wanted
back bencher and last ranker teachers". All of them wrote the articles with
their groups in that chapter. They also made the charts for the presentation
and explained them in front of all.
I have learnt
that we should work as a team for the efficiency and effectiveness of the work.
- Manisha Deora
- Manisha Deora
Staff wished Ms. Neelam Malviya a Happy Birthday. May God bless her for a bright and prosperous future.
Monday, 29th July: That day, drama
acts enacted which the students were practicing from fifteen days, they were
really fabulous. There were in total four acts in which two were image acts.
Other one act was based on Munshi Premchand's famous story 'Idgaah'. Other was
on a very sensitive topic of some boys who tease girls. It gave some value
lessons to the girls for their protection.
30th July- Wednesday,
31st July: As per the government's
order, vaccination for protection against Rubella Vaccines were injected to students of Class Nursery-X. It was amazing and surprising to see the small
children of Junior school for being so strong.

Students went to Punadiya. In the village, they visited different houses in different streets, gave them ideas and information to conserve result like water, trees and environment. On their way back to the school, students Class IX onwards did plantation of Alma, Sitafal and Ramfal in a huge open area where people of NAREGA worked.
and Raman House: Students
went to Lunawa. In the village, they went to different and interacted with
different people and villagers and told them about fertilizers and cleanliness.
They had a conversation with the shopkeepers as well the villagers. Children went in groups
of five to seven and visited shops and houses.

IC GK Quiz was organised class wise for each
class from Class I- X. Quiz Competition were on topics of states and capitals, basic intelligence
question on India, continent and oceans, basic mental math and ministers of
central government of India
Monday, 29th July-Saturday, 3rd August: Students of Primary School conducted a number of activities during the Week. Students of class V
learned how to create their own patterns with a drop of colour. Children
enjoyed learning the formal ways of creating patterns. While creating patterns
children developed and practiced their analytical thinking skills.

Students of Pre Primary School conducted Circle Time Dance where the children danced on the old time favourites like Ring O Roses, Here we go round the Mulberry Bush.

Volume No. 388 Published by The Editorial Board: Mrs Bharti Rao, Mr Krishan Gopal,, Ms Swabhi Parmar, Mr Jafar Khan, Mr. Usman Gani,, Anumesh Rao, Ipshita Rathore, Archana Koratkar, Meenakshi Choudhary, Vinita Sirvi, Charu Vaishnav, & Ronak Devda.