The School Weekly - 18th November 2019

27th Annual Day Celebrations
Friday, 15th November: School celebrated its 27th Annual Day. Chief Guest Mr. Rajkumar Rodla (Trustee), Board Members, SMC Members and Parents arrived at 4:00 PM and went around the exhibitions. High Tea for the guests was followed by the inauguration of the Annual Day Exhibitions at 4.00 PM.
EXHIBITIONS: The concept of the Exhibitions was on My Good School Philosophy. My Good School Exhibition focused on Skill from its 4S - Service, Skill, Sport & Study.
The exhibition started with the Lighting of the Lamp in the Learning Forward Campus which housed the Atal Tinkering Lab Exhibition, Information Technology Exhibition, Photography Exhibition  & Art and Craft Exhibition.
John L. Bissell Block housed Young Entrepreneurs Exhibition, Quiz Exhibition, and Class I & II Exhibition.
The area between John L. Bissell and Bimla Nanda Bissell Block was housed by the Dramatics Club where they enacted skits and exhibited their acting skills
Bimla Nanda Bissell Block housed Primary Section Exhibition in which they exhibited their Conversation and Story Telling, Scientific Skills. 
Surana Block housed Science Exhibition is which they made various projects and exhibited their Scientific Skills.
Hendon Chubb Block housed Organic Farming. Students exhibited the use of Medicinal Plants and made products out of it, compost pit and use of vermiculture. They even made pesticides by using various herbs.
Chief Guest Mr. Rajkumar Rodla, Board Members, SMC Members and Parents went around the exhibition at great length and deeply admired the hard work of the students.

Cultural program started with the School Song followed by Raagmala by the School Orchestra it was an awe-inspiring performance.
Head Girl Devika Choudhary & Head Boy Ajaypal Meena welcomed the Chief Guest. The School expressed their enthusiastic gratitude by felicitating their Chief Guest Mr. Rajkumar Rodla, Guests Mr. Lakhmaram Choudhary, Municipal Chairman, Special Guest Mr. Inder Raj Bhandari, Brig. Karan Singh, Mr. Sulamian Tak, SMC Chairman and Board Members Mr. William Bissell, Founder of The Fabindia School, Mr. Sandeep Dutt , Chairman,  Ms. Prableen Sabhaney, Ms. Poonam Singh Chauhan, Mrs. Anjana Batra, Mr. Yogendra Singh Mertiya (CEO Organic Farming, Alumni) and Ms. Ajaydeep Deora (Alumni).    
Pre-Primary students staged mind-blowing dance performances, Mr. Rajkumar Rodla addressed the gathering and shared the story of how Bhadrajun Artisans Trust and The Fabindia School was established in this area. He also shared the vision and mission of the school to impart quality education and empower girl education in the area. Alumni Ajaydeep Deora shared her success story and memories from the school time.
The Cultural Bonanza consisted of Kalbeliya Dance, Cheri Dance and Nartiya Natika which depicted the transition of Siddhartha to Lord Buddha. The stage show was anchored by Avinash Sain, Mahendra Parihar, Priyanka Kunwar & Krithika Rajpurohit.  The students captivated the audience’s attention with their eclectic performances and effervescent energy.
The event saw an impressive gathering including invitees,
parents, guardians, alumni and students gracing the function. The meritorious students were felicitated with awards and trophies.
The Concert ended with the Grand Finale and Vote of Thanks by Principal Ms. Rajeshree Shihag. 
Trophies of Excellence for the year 2019-20 were awarded to the following: 
Trophy for Excellence in Service: Kinjal Rao
Trophy of Excellence in Skill: Gajendra Singh 
Trophy of Excellence in Sport: Parikshit Singh
Trophy of Excellence in Study: Nitesh Choudhary
Parineeta Ranpal’s English Proficiency Prize: Devika Choudhary  
Congratulations to all the Winners!
Saturday, 16th November: The School observed a holiday. 
A Crichet Match was organized between Alumni and the School Cricket Team. Manju Ji W/O Mr Mukesh Sompura and Family inaugurated the Cricket Pitch and did the opening batting of the Cricket Match. 

Interviews of award-winning students:
Excellence in Service – Kinjal Rao
(ED: Ipshita Rathore, KR: Kinjal Rao)
ED:  How did you start working in the field of Service?
KR: I always used to hear that whatever deeds one performs , it returns to him or her back and as I grew up this thought grew stronger with me and still I don’t know when it became a desire in me to serve my society in every possible way to serve the nation one day. And when I became a part of The Fabindia School slowly by slowly this desire came into Action.  
ED: What challenges did you face while performing such deeds?
KR: When I started serving people around me, some people criticized me and some appreciated me but yes, as it is said that “Nothing is easy to get one needs to pay a price to earn it” .And after every criticism my will grew more and more stronger and today because of those taunts I have a path to walk on.
ED: How has the school helped you to inculcate these qualities?
KR: I am very thankful to my school for inculcating these qualities in me by organizing various service projects inside and outside the school which helped me to lighten the true spirit of a responsible and a noble citizen. With that I am very delighted to be a part of My Good School Program at our school which provides various opportunities to every child in the school to build better communication with the society.
ED: How will you encourage more and more children to participate in service projects?
KR: I would organize various service activities to popularize this field and with that I would also make children aware about the importance of service in their upcoming life because it is necessary for the young generation to understand their role as a good human being in honor of their nation.
ED: What have you achieved in this field?
KR: I have achieved lot of respect and recognition from the society, a proud feeling for my parents, I stand as a good human being and most important the happiness after doing something good for others and all this is the greatest achievement for me.
ED: What are your future plans to continue in this field?
KR: After passing out from the school I will continue being a part of my Good School Program and with that I will spread my knowledge to develop the society in a better manner and would arrange campaigns to collaborate with other people to keep my self-engaged in helping others.

Excellence in Skill - Gajendra Singh
(Editor: Archana Koratkar, GS: Gajendra Singh)
ED: Since when have you been practicing in art activities and competitions?
GS: I am practicing in art since 2014 when I participated at the school Art and Craft Exhibition.
ED: How did you learn to draw or paint? 
GS: I learned art from the help of the resources available on the internet. I drew them on the paper, with a desire to always draw better from the original one. 
ED: Who helped you to flourish in this skill? 
GS: There has been strong support of many people. Internet was most helpful. The support from Usha Ma'am, the art teacher, was really really good. She gave me lots of opportunities for showcasing my talent. Parth Sir, ex-art teacher taught me what art was.
ED: Did your family support you?
GS: Yes. There was a huge support from my family's side to my art talent. Saroj di, my sister, helped me a lot. My family's contribution towards my art is a lot.
ED: Till now, what have you achieved in this field? 
GS: I have a great fan following on the social media because of my art talent. I have created my own YouTube channel where I post my art videos. I post my drawings on my Instagram page.
ED: Who influenced you to play with colours and drawings?
GS: The inspiration for working in the art field rose from being a part of the school Art and Craft Exhibition. My interest in drawing also rose when I saw the drawings of my seniors, Richa di and Kirti di.
ED: What were the challenges faced by you during your journey as an artist?
GS: I faced many challenges when I tried to make a new colour combination. While coloring the drawing, I kept wondering about the colour adjustment needed for a particular art form.
ED: What message would you like to give to the students?
GS: When I tried to draw a picture taken from the internet, I always tried to make it better than the original one. Many times, it happened with me that I was disappointed and discouraged by myself that I could not make it. But still, I used to try and surprisingly, it became very good. So, I want to tell that one should never give up. Always keep trying and never lose hope.
ED: What would you do more for the development of art? 
GS: I would definitely do more in this field. I'll choose art as my career. I have planned to take part in the famous art exhibitions held in big cities like Ahmedabad etc. I'll do college plus art business. I'll try to take part in the foreign exhibitions.

Excellence in Sports: Parikshit Singh
(ED: Meenakshi Choudhary, PS: Parikshit Singh.)
ED: Why this trophy is necessary for you?
PS: This trophy will help me in my future for admission in NDA.
ED: This year have you played any national level sport?
PS:  Yes, in Squash, organized by Indian Squash Academy.
ED: In which game are you perfect?
PS:  I am not perfect in any game but I want to be perfect in Football and Squash.
ED: If you ever get choice to choose either sports or study, what will you choose?
PS:  I will definitely choose sports because it will definitely make me healthy and fit and it will help me make a career in sports.
ED: What do you want to do in future?
PS:  I want to be a sportsman and I want represent India.

Excellence in Study- Nitesh Choudhary 
(ED: Vinita Sirvi, NC: Nitesh Choudhary)
ED:  How do you feel in getting this trophy? 
NC: I feel so proud, happy and confident.
ED:  Were you expecting this trophy?
NC: Yes, I was sure that I will definitely get this trophy because I think that I deserve this as I was the topper of class XI.
ED:  What are your suggestions for those who are contesting this next year?
NC: I only want to say that for this trophy they require subject certificate, Olympiad certificate and toppers certificate. 
ED:  Was there any competition and competitors for this trophy?
NC: Yes, there was competition for this trophy. Parikshit and Devika were strong competitors for me.

Parineeta Ranpal's English Proficiency Award: Devika Choudhary
(ED: Charu Vaishnav, DC: Devika Choudhary)
ED: How did you gain proficiency in the field of English?
DC: First of all, I started delivering speeches in the School Assembly. By that I gained confidence, later I started participating in Inter School Competition like Debates and Speech.
ED: What is the value of this award in your life?
DC: This award is very important for me as it will help me in admission to a good college and for my future.
ED: What were the challenges faced by you during this journey of achieving thus award?  
DC: There were many challenges that I faced.  Speaking English in front of my classmates is such a tough task. I participated in many competitions and there were many tough competitors but I worked hard and tried to be the best.
ED: How did you choose between this award and the Excellence in Skill Trophy? Are you happy about it?
DC: Yes, I am happy for picking the English Proficiency Award rather than the trophy because English is the medium of instruction in every field and is more important. This will be helpful in future when I will face interviews etc.
ED: Who inspired you the most?
DC: I was inspired most by my parents, Principal Ms. Rajeshree Shihag and English Teacher Ms. Bharti Rao. They have always motivated me in all aspects. 
Volume No. 402 Published by The Editorial Board: Mrs Bharti Rao, Mr Krishan Gopal, Ms Swabhi Parmar,, Anumesh Rao, Ipshita Rathore, Archana Koratkar, Meenakshi Choudhary, Vinita Sirvi, Charu Vaishnav, Puran Choudhary, Jatin Tripash, Khush Rajpurohit, Diksha Choudhary, Tammana Solanki, Kesar Sompura & Uma Choudhary