The School Weekly - 27th January 2020


STUDENT: Harshvardhan Singh/IV, Student this Week shared his views on sincerity towards work. He said sincerity is dedication towards work and our focus towards work. Sincerity can very easily be called the foundation of every great thing that has ever happened to mankind. Sincerity is a mix of seriousness and honesty. If you do things with sincerity, people will trust you.

EDUCATOR: Miss.Shivani Rao was the Educator this Week. She shared her views on the importance of setting goals. She shared that the  only person who is capable of setting limits to your growth is 'YOU'. You are the only person who can revolutionize your life. You are the only person who can influence your happiness, your realization and your success. You are the only person who can help yourself. 
Your life does not change when your boss changes, when your friends change, when your partner changes, when your company changes. Your life changes when YOU change, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs, when you realize that you are the only one responsible for your life. The most important relationship you can have is the one you have with yourself. The key is to be true to yourself, to be true to the very best that is in you, and to live your life consistent with your highest values and aspirations. This is the only way to truly learn how to believe in yourself.

PARENT: Mr. Inder Vaishnav F/O Hemlata Vaishnav/XII Sonia Vaishnav/X and Kapil Vaishnav/ UKG was the Parent this Week. He was humble towards the opportunities the school provides to the students. He suggested that we should use all the resources efficiently to improve our learning.

(ED: Editor, IV: Inder Prakash Vaishnav)

ED:What do you do?
IV:I am a priest at a temple.

ED:What are your expectations from the school?
IV:I expect that each student studying in the school should learn something and achieve their goals and should make their parents feel proud.
ED:Are you happy with what you are doing?
IV:Yes, I am very happy with what I am doing but I would have been even happier if I would have been able to pursue my dream of doing a business. I wanted to be a businessman but because of some family commitments I couldn't achieve my goal.
ED:What message would you like to give to the students?
IV: They should respect their elders and use the resources efficiently to improve their learning.

STAFF:  On Learning Forward Saturday we had a session on importance of My Good School, the session was convened  by Mr. R.P Devgan, Chairman LFIN. He shared the importance of Clubs and Societies and also elaborated the growing demand of activities at schools.

Following important points were discussed:
 * Importance of good relationship.
* Importance of games to reduce stress.
* Importance of First Add Club for teachers and parents.
* Every child is different so no same formula can be applied to all.
* The versatility of teacher helps child a lot.
* Children should be given freedom to take challenges.
Brewing Knowledge session was conducted by Mr. Krishan Gopal,  Educators worked in groups for editing blog post.
In the PLP session all educators did group/ individual reading and discussion.
Session on Project Planning for subject enrichment was discussed for better Learning Outcomes, session was conducted by Ms. Rajeshree Shihag. The educators worked in groups to plan projects.

Monday, 19th January: To enhance reading skills school has collaborated with fREDOm Reading Lab. It's a reading app for Nursery to Grade IV.   Through this app, children can choose to read, watch or listen to a story, a new story every single day. Stories are based on themes, like nature, animals, funny, adventure, family, maths etc. There is a quiz at the end of each story, to earn points to unlock exciting stories. This is an activity-based reading App and each activity addresses a particular skill. It also provides news feeds to the kids.

The School is happy to announce that Khush Rajpurohit has qualified Level II SOS International Math Olympiad with 86.67%

Friday, 24th January: Special Assembly was organized in the Pre-Primary section to celebrate Republic day. The event was inaugurated with a  speech on the importance of Republic day celebration and the role of freedom fighters by our educators.  Under the guidance of Sports Teacher Mr. Abhay Singh exercise, were performed by the students.  Patriotic songs were sung by students and educators.

Sunday, 26th January: School celebrated 71st Republic Day with gusto and enthusiasm on 26th January 2020. The Principal Ms. Rajeshree Shihag unfurled the National Flag and gave a motivational speech and also told the students about the significance of our National Flag. Ms. Kusum Sharma presented a speech, Ms. Punita Chouhan recited a poem dedicated to the soldiers. Mr. Kishore Kumar sang a beautiful patriotic song.

Mr. Krishan Gopal told the students that it is not necessary to join the army to show your patriotism for the country and narrated a story: 71वे गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ। ऐसा नहीं है कि हम बंदूक हाथ में लेकर ही देशसेवा कर सकते हैं। देशभक्ति का जज्बा होना जरूरी है। एक कहानी पढ़ी थी जो मेरे जेहन में आ रही है कि एक कस्बे के चौराहे पर सुभाष चंद्र बोस की मूर्ति स्थापित की गई। मूर्ति दिखने में सुंदर थी लेकिन नेताजी के चश्मा नहीं लगा हुआ था, हो सकता है टूट गया हो या मूर्तिकार बनाना भूल गया हो। कारण कुछ भी रहा हो पर ये बिना चश्मे वाली मूर्ति एक व्यक्ति को आहत करती थी। यह विकलांग व्यक्ति फेरी लगाकर चश्मे बेचता था। अपनी चलती-फिरती दुकान में से एक चश्मा नेताजी को पहना देता। जब कोई ग्राहक वैसे ही चश्मे की फरमाइश करता तो वह नेताजी से क्षमा याचना करके   चश्मा ग्राहक को दे देता और मूर्ति पर दूसरा चश्मा लगा देता। इस प्रकार हर रोज़ नेताजी की मूर्ति पर अलग-अलग चश्मे होते कभी धूप का तो कभी गोल कभी चौकोर। लोगों के मन में भी कौतुहल होता कि आज कौनसा चश्मा लगा होगा। कुछ ऐसे लोग भी थे जो इस बात का मजाक उड़ाते। कुछ समय बाद वह व्यक्ति चल बसा। अब नेताजी की मूर्ति पर कोई चश्मा नहीं लगेगा। परंतु कुछ बच्चों ने मूर्ति पर घास के तिनकों का बना चश्मा लगा दिया। ये काम बताता है कि बच्चों में देश-भक्ति की भावना है और बिना बंदूक उठाए हम देश-भक्ति दिखा सकते हैं। हालांकि हमारे सैनिकों की बात अलग ही है सर्दी-गर्मी में भी विचलित नहीं होते। ऐसे ही एक सैनिक के विचार कुमार विश्वास की कविता में है-- 
दौलत न अदा करना मौला
शोहरत न अदा करना मौला

बस एक अदा करना चाहे 

जन्नत न अदा करना मौला

शम्मा ए वतन की लौ पर जब

कुर्बान पतंगा हो

होठों पर गंगा हो

हाथों में तिरंगा हो।


Ms. Bharti Rao shared stories of unsung heroes from Independence Era.
She talked about:
Matangini Hazra was part of the Quit India Movement and Non-Cooperation Movement. During one procession, she continued to advance with the Indian flag even after being shot thrice. She kept shouting "Vande Mataram" .

Begum Hazrat Mahal was a vital part of the 1857 Indian Rebellion. After her husband was exiled, she took charge of Awadh and even seized control of Lucknow during the rebellion
Bhikaji Cama was not only a part of the Indian Independence Movement, she was also a
figure for gender equality. She donated most of her personal effects to an orphanage for girls. She also unfurled the Indian flag at the International Socialist Conference at Stuttgart in Germany, 1907.
Tara Rani Srivastava along with her husband, led a procession in front of the Siwan Police Station. Though he was shot, she bandaged his wounds and kept going forward. By the time she returned, he had died. However, her will to go on was stronger still and she continued to fight holding the flag high.
Kamaladevi was the first woman to run for a legislative seat in India and interestingly, she was also the first Indian woman to be arrested by the British regime. She played a very vital role as a social reformer and brought back handicrafts, theaters and hand-looms to help in uplifting the socio-economic standard of the Indian women.

To mark the happiness sweets were distributed amongst all. 

For the RD parade, a representative contingent was sent to Government Senior Secondary High School, Bali, to participate in the 26th January March Past Parade. They stood Second in the parade out of ten participating schools. The contingent was led under the guidance of Mr. Rahul Thakur.

A troupe of dancers was sent to participate in Government Senior Secondary High School, Bali. They secured First Position from nine other schools that participated in the dance. Our students mesmerized the audience and won the prestigious trophy. It was choreographed by Mr. Hemant Birawat. Congratulations to all the Fabindians.

Volume No. 410 Published by The Editorial Board: Mrs Bharti Rao, Mr Krishan Gopal, Ms Swabhi Parmar,, 

Chief Editor: Diksha Choudhary, Secretary: Uma Choudhary, Joint Secretary: Mansi Choudhary, Editors: Anumesh Rao, Krisha Dave, Puran Choudhary, Jatin Tripash, Diksha Choudhary, Tammana Solanki , Uma Choudhary, Priyanka Deora, Krithika Rajpurohit, & Kunal Rajpurohit.

The School Weekly - 20th January 2020

STUDENT: Kesar Sompura/ VI B was the Student this Week for her respectful and dutiful behaviour. She shared importance of discipline in a student's life as it helps the students to achieve all the impossible things and walk towards their goals. She shared that being disciplined helps to develop a good personality.
She quoted “Punctuality is not just limited to arriving at a place at the right time, it is also about taking actions at the right time.”

EDUCATOR: Mr. Urvish Singh was the Educator this Week. He shared his views on sincerity. He said we should be sincere towards our elders, because they teach and guide us towards the right path. He feels that its a great honour to care for those who have once cared for us. He personally feels that caring for elder aids to self-development. Elderly are the truest form of wisdom. They have experienced life for long and they teach us respect, perseverance and share their wisdom with us. By being with them and caring for them establishes relationships of love and care. We learn patience and tolerance from them. He quoted “Listen to your elders’ advice not because they are always right, but because they have more experience of being wrong.”

Sunday, 12th January:  Ms. Monica Vaishnav & Mr. Urvish Singh with ten students of Class 8th & 9th went to Delhi on 11th January to attend Children's Climate Conference held at National Bal Bhawan, New Delhi organized by Green Mentoring & Solutions PVT.LTD, powered by Law of Nature. 
  There were debates, penal
discussions, presentations etc. We all got this opportunity to learn something about nature for our better future. We all want to live a healthy, disease free and happy life but most of us are suffering from some or the other disease due to pollution, having unhealthy food and  global warming etc. We, knowingly or knowingly are damaging nature, but we must understand that we belong to nature, nature doesn't belong to us. All the creatures are dependent on nature. We can save nature and have a healthy life by planting trees, saving forests,   organic farming, cleanliness, avoiding plastic etc.
We should make people aware about these things for our better future. We should motivate our youth to lead to bring change in the world as they are full of life and energy and first we should start with ourselves. Schools should start projects like Green School, Zero Plastic and implement them. Students and teacher escort were awarded certificates of participation.
Monika Vaishnav/ Educator

Monday, 13th January; was filled with curiosity and zeal the class XI gathered to bid farewell to outgoing class XII. Class XI students welcomed them with tilak and roses. The program began with lighting of the candle
and best wishes for their bright future by Principal, Ms. Rajeshree
Shihag. Kinjal Rao was selected as Ms.Fabindia and Manish Paliwal was selected as Mr. Fabindia. Games were organized for them and the winners were awarded with prizes. The children enjoyed the sumptuous dinner, dance, music and campfire. The evening was a fiesta devoted to the years spent together with friends and teachers and to reminisce joyous moments.

Saturday, 18th January: My Good School Saturday was celebrated. The day started with Inter House Patriotic Song Competition, all students sang with full zeal and enthusiasm.
Judges for the competition were Ms. Sarika Kumari, Mr. Abhay
Singh & Mr. Pralay Nag. First position was secured by Teresa House, Raman House stood second and Dhyanchand House bagged the third position.
To be fit & healthy Cross Country was organized for the students. They ran four kilometers.
Then for an hour they had a session on Value Education. Freedom; the value from the Little Book of Values was conducted with students. Post the session  students were divided into groups, brain stormed the essence of Freedom and did presentations to express their thoughts.
To enhance creativity and artistic skills in the students soft boards decoration was done by students. They enjoyed the day!    

Volume No. 409 Published by The Editorial Board: Mrs Bharti Rao, Mr Krishan Gopal, Ms Swabhi Parmar,, 
Chief Editor: Diksha Choudhary, Secretary: Uma Choudhary, Joint Secretary: Mansi Choudhary, Editors: Anumesh Rao, Krisha Dave, Puran Choudhary, Jatin Tripash, Diksha Choudhary, Tammana Solanki , Uma Choudhary, Priyanka Deora, Krithika Rajpurohit, & Kunal Rajpurohit.

The School Weekly - 13th January 2020

Wishing all our readers a very Happy New Year!
STUDENT: Ramesh Dewasi / VIII was selected as the Student this Week for his musical passion and participation at the musical events. He shared that music is eternal part of every human being and it's a great stress buster. He sang a beautiful song for all of us.

EDUCATOR: Mr Jitendra Suthar was selected as the Educator this Week. He narrated his real school life story when he was in class 12th. One day he along with his friends started teasing his teacher by some nicknames, then that teacher advised them that whatever they want to do they can do but in future they should not embarrass themselves and the teacher. He quoted that “Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned.

PARENT: Mr. Chandan Sompura f/o Kesar and Jayesh Sompura was selected as the Parent this Week. He visited the School and was interviewed by the Editorial Board.
ED: What do you do?
CS: I am a Temple Architect. 
ED: How many of your wards are studying here?
CS: Two of my wards are studying here; Kesar Sompura and Jayesh Sompura.
ED: What do you expect from the school?
CS: I want the school to maintain discipline as it is being maintained now at school. School should emphasis on moral values like  respect, kindness etc.  
ED: What do you expect from your child?
CS: I want my wards to do what they like. They are free to choose their career. I will not force them, it is based on their choice or hobby.
ED: Have you achieved your goal?
CS: Yes, I have achieved  my goal. I wanted to became an architect and with  my hard work and determination I have been able to achieved it.
ED: What message would you like to give to the students?
CS: The students should be in discipline and respect their  elders .By studying  only they will not be successful,  they need to follow their dreams.

STAFF:  The School observed a LFIN Saturday in which they attended four sessions conducted by the Principal, Ms. Rajeshree Shihag and Mr. Ajay Vijayvargi. They had My Good School Session, PLP Session, Session on Experiential Learning and Session on Report Writing.
Mr. Krishan Gopal and Mrs. Bharti Rao went to Delhi Public School, Jodhpur to attend an Orientation Program organized by CBSE. The resource person was Ms. Rita P. Taneja. The Session included CBSE Examination 2020 and Spot Evaluation. The Power Point Presentation included the various duties & guidelines for the various  In charges during examination and evaluation.


Monday, 6th January: School reopened after a fifteen day’s winter break. All students were happy to return to school. Bright cheerful faces could be seen catching up with stories and incidences from holidays and greeting each other. Students of X and XII have finished with their Pre Boards and are preparing for their practical and the Boards.
Soumyajeet Solanki of Grade 5 has been ranked 1st in Asia as a young explorer and enthusiast. He has earned 7292 Gravity points and 6 Badges quizzing about astronomy.

Tuesday, 7th January-Friday, 10th January: Four days ATL workshop was organized in the School  by Electronic experts and Founder of ETech robot Mr. Yash Jain and Mr. Saurabh. In the workshop, students of Classes 8th to 12th were trained for using different sensors and also they were explained about Ideating and Prototyping for Projects.
Session based workshop was conducted for students who made some projects like Gas Sensor Device, Clap Switch, Heart rate calculator, Bluetooth ROBO car for upcoming ROBO SOCCER Competition.
On the final day, both the experts and ATL In-Charge, Jitendra Suthar helped students in completion of their on-going projects.

Friday, 10th January: Some students of Class 8th & 9th who had taken extra subjects as tourism and agriculture visited a warehouse in Dalop village. First they met Mr. Yogendra Singh  in-charge of the warehouse . He explained the various methods step by step such as cutting, washing, grading, storage and packaging of vegetables. He also showed functioning of deep freezer. There they learned how vegetables are taken from the farms and the whole process of sending the vegetables to other places .There were large containers in which they kept the vegetables and in big refrigerators after washing the vegetables. These vegetables are grown in an organic way and it is good for our health.

Friday, 10th January: Dental check up was organized for Pre Primary students on, 10 January, 2020.  Dr. Raguveer Singh Chouhan with his team, visited school to check the toddlers. Students of Pre Primary section got a chance to interact with the doctors. A diagnostic check up was done by them. 

Saturday, 11th January: Ten Students of Class 8th & 9th, Ms. Monica Vaishnav & Mr. Urvish Singh have gone to Delhi to attend Children's Climate Conference held at National Bal Bhawan, New Delhi organized by Green Mentoring& Solutions PVT.LTD, powered by Law of Nature. 
The GPS Climate Change has rated our institution as a GREEN School. It is a testimony that the school has worked consistently on a sustainable model of personal and social development.
Congratulations to the audit team!

Volume No. 408 Published by The Editorial Board: Mrs Bharti Rao, Mr Krishan Gopal, Ms Swabhi Parmar,, 
Chief Editor: Diksha Choudhary, Secretary: Uma Choudhary, Joint Secretary: Mansi Choudhary, Editors: Anumesh Rao, Krisha Dave, Puran Choudhary, Jatin Tripash, Diksha Choudhary, Tammana Solanki , Uma Choudhary, Priyanka Deora, Krithika Rajpurohit, & Kunal Rajpurohit.