Virtual School Functioning
Revision for the commencing Half Yearly Examination is going on in all the classes.
E-Learning (Online Learning): Every Saturday we have a webinar for students to learn build electric circuits using different modules. This week’s topic was ‘: “Learn Electronics at home”
Plezmo has started 2nd Session of App Development Course for teachers starting from 10th September, and our Middle & Primary school teachers registered for it and attended the Plezmo App development Course (Coding)
Principal Rajeshree Shihag and four Educators attended the Inaugural Session of The Joy Of Learning Session at The Doon Girls School on 12th September.
Posts from our Educators
हमारी हिंदी
हिंदी दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ !
संविधान सभा में निर्णय लिया गया कि संघ की राजभाषा हिंदी होगी और लिपि देवनागरी, प्रयोग में आने वाले अंको का रूप अंतरराष्ट्रीय होगा। गांधीजी के अनुसार हिंदी जनमानस की भाषा है। हिंदी में कई भाषाओं का समावेश है, कई बोलियों का समावेश है। और यही वजह है कि हिंदी भाषा में पूरे देश की संस्कृति की झलक दिखाई देती है।
संस्कृत से तो हिंदी का जुड़ाव विशेष है। हिंदी को कई कवियों और लेखकों ने संजोया है। भारतेंदुजी ने इसके खड़ी बोली के रूप का प्रचार किया तो जयशंकर प्रसाद ने कामायनी से परिचय करवाया। हरिऔंध जी ने प्रियप्रवास, दिनकर जी ने रश्मिरथी, बच्चनजी ने निशा निमंत्रण तो मैथिलीशरण जी ने साकेत जैसी रचनाओं से हिंदी विशिष्ठता प्रतिपादित की। वैसे तो ये सूचि बहुत छोटी है, ऐसा कह सकते है, ये तो एक झाँकी है। अपार साहित्य सृजन हो चुका है और होता जा रहा है। इन रचनाकारों ने हिंदी को समृद्ध किया।
तुलसी का रामचरितमानस हमें अपने कर्तव्यों के प्रति सचेत करता है। पिता के साथ, माता के साथ, भाई के साथ, मित्र के साथ यहाँ तक कि शत्रु के साथ कैसा व्यवहार करना चाहिए यह राम के चरित्र से ज्ञात हो जाता है। विनम्रता, सहयोग, आत्मविश्वास, साहस, संकल्प, क्षमा और भी कई जीवन मूल्यों का परिचय करवाया गया है।
यदि हम बात करें कबीरदास जी की तो उन्होंने सर्वधर्म समभाव की रूपरेखा समाज को दी। उनके अनुसार व्यक्ति की पहचान उसके कर्म से होती है, ऊँचे कुल से नहीं। जो व्यक्ति विनम्र होता है सही अर्थों में वही ज्ञानी होता है। ईश्वर एक है और आडम्बर से प्राप्त नहीं होंगे, इसके लिए सत्कर्म कीजिए। इस प्रकार कई महान विभूतियों ने समाज का मार्गदर्शन किया, जीवन का उद्देश्य सबके समक्ष रखा। भगवद्गीता में भी कर्म करने की बात कही, यदि कर्म निष्ठा पूर्वक किया जाएगा तो परिणाम भी अनुकूल ही होगा, इसलिए फल की चिंता न करने की बात कही गई।
उपर्युक्त तथ्य केवल उदाहरणार्थ लिखे गए है, ऐसे साहित्यों की कतई कमी नहीं हैं जो हमें जीवन का पाठ पढ़ाए। आधुनिकता की दौड़ में हम कहीं यह न भूल जाएँ कि हमारा अपना साहित्य, संस्कृति और भाषा कितनी प्रगाढ़ है। सीखना सब चाहिए पर अपना भूल जाएँ यह तो उचित नहीं। विदेशी भाषाओं के प्रयोग पर गर्वान्वित महसूस न करें। गर्व अपनी चीजों का होना चाहिए। धोती-कुरता पहनने वाले को कमतर समझ लिया जाता है जो उचित नहीं है। पढ़ा-लिखा ज्ञानी होना केवल विदेशी पौशाक से ही प्रदर्शित होता है क्या ?
गर्व से हिंदी बोलिए, यह हमारी भाषा है, हमारी भाषा में हमारी संस्कृति है, हमारी पहचान है। अपनी पहचान और संस्कृति को अक्षुण्ण रखने के लिए हिंदी का सम्मान कीजिए, प्रयोग कीजिए।
कृष्ण गोपाल
Positive Thinking Can Change Your Destiny
A life of success and achievement is a direct result of utilizing the power of positive thinking. The most important asset we have to achieve is our dreams.
“If we plant positive thoughts we will definitly relep positive results.”
Our response to what happens to us, whether good or bad, is our choice. It’s very simple to recognize negative thoughts. Any thinking that emphasizes lack, failure, sickness and so on is negative.
Thinking right is not a quick fine process. It might have taken years. We cannot simply decide that we will stop thinking negatively. It should be a process of replacement of the negative with the positive. It is a lifelong process. There are many techniques that I have come across to change our mindset is to associate with other great minds.
Take every opportunity we have to expose our mind to the right things, watch the right movies, listen to the right music, read inspiring, uplifting and motivational books that will slowly but surely help us to think about the fact that our lives are totally in our own hands.
Believing in positive thinking would mean that we cannot blame our lack of education, our parents, teachers, spouse or destiny for our failure.
Punita Chouhan
Two Contrasting Realities of 9/11s
September 11 was the day a Hindu seer, from the most ancient order of monks in the world, unveiled a grand vision of religion before the world. The monk was Swami Vivekananda, the place, the city of Chicago in the US, and the year was 1893.Vivekananda’s words caused a stir in the audience. He introduced the idea of religious pluralism in Parliament: “I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance. We believe not only in universal toleration, but we accept all religions as true.”
Quoting the Bhagavad Gita, he made a passionate plea to abolish religious intolerance: “Sectarianism, bigotry, and its horrible descendant, fanaticism, have long possessed this beautiful earth. They have filled the earth with violence, drenched it often and often with human blood, destroyed civilization and sent whole nations to despair. I fervently hope that the bell that tolled this may be the death-knell of all fanaticism.”
Of course, 9/11 is also remembered for another “counter-attack from the East,” the destruction of the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City by the Al Qaeda suicide bombers. After hijacking US jetliners, they crashed the doomed planes, full of innocent passengers, not just into the twin towers, but also in the Pentagon.
Here we come across two different realities.
One a person who spreads a message of hatred and the other person who is an Indian monk and he spreads the message of tolerance and humanity. Here I do not want to quote any religion. But I believe that no religion is more important than humanity. Nobody could be a perfect human being which is agreed to a great extent, but humanity should be in the flesh and blood of every human being on this planet. I believe that intolerance and fanaticism should be rejected by ourselves from within then the rest of the world could be a better place to live.
Swabhi Parmar
पुस्तकों का उपयोग
पुस्तक .यानी किताब या ग्रंथ
पुस्तकें गागर में सागर की तरह होती है।
पुस्तकों का हमारे जीवन में बहुत उपयोगी होती है ।वे एक मित्र के समान होती हैं। वह हमें सभ्य बनाने में सहायता करती है। जब भी हम किसी मुसीबत में होते हैं तो अच्छी पुस्तकें हमें रास्ता दिखाती हैं । हमें संस्कार व ज्ञान देकर एक अच्छा इंसान बनाती है। पुस्तकें कितनी प्रकार की होती है। जितनी ज्यादा आप किताबें पढ़ेंगे उतना ज्यादा ज्ञान अर्जन करेंगे। पुस्तक पढ़ने से कई लाभ मिलते हैं जैसे .मस्तिष्क को स्वस्थ रखने में मददगार ,तनाव कम होता है, बेहतर नींद में मदद ,याददाश्त मजबूत ,शांत और संयमित होना, अकेलापन से निजात ,दिमाग का अभ्यास इत्यादि लाभ मिलते हैं । प्रेरणादायक पुस्तकें हमारे जीवन में एक नई ऊर्जा का संचार करती है। इससे आप की शब्दावली और भी विस्तृत हो जाती हैं । नए शब्द उनके अर्थ वह उनका प्रयोग जानने से हमारी लेखन में सुधार आता है।ं कुछ लोगों को पढ़ने का शौक होता है ।कोई भी पुस्तक पढ़ने लगते हैं। अगर आप नियमित रूप से नहीं पड़ते हैं तो आपको इसे शौक के तौर पर पुस्तक पढ़ना शुरू करना चाहिए । हर दिन एक किताब के कुछ पन्ने पढ़ने की धीरे-धीरे आदत डालें और इससे कई फायदे होंगे । आप इसे ऑनलाइन वेबसाइट के जरिए एक से बढ़कर एक किताब पढ़ सकते हैं जिससे आपको काफी फायदा होगा। इसलिए खाली समय में अच्छी पुस्तकों को अपना साथी बनाना चाहिए और उनसे ज्ञान अर्जित करना चाहिए।
राजेश्वरी राठौड़
Happiness is related to something that makes us feel good inside and satisfied. Nobody from outside can make you happy until you yourself want to be happy.If a person keeps smile on his face while meeting others, it is not sure that he is the happiest person, he might be actually happy or he might try to hide his pain, his sadness. It is about having inner pleasure. Happiness makes us mentally and physically healthy. It affects everything we do. It is very important to be happy in life because a happy person spreads positivity and happiness in others life but if someone is unhappy, he can't perform well anywhere.
Happiness is something that we can't buy with money, we need to build it inside our hearts and brains. A person needs to have patience and understanding to become happy. We should try to achieve what we want but we must appreciate what we have. Becoming impatient and over ambitious can ruin our happiness. I see people feeling happy by doing little work, like the children look so happy when they play with friends, helping any needy one, talking to someone when someone feels lonely. If we are happy. We enjoy everything that happens around us otherwise an unhappy person feels lonely among hundreds of people.
Monika Vaishnav
World Suicide Prevention Day 10th September
World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD), on 10 September, is organized by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP). WHO has been co-sponsor of the day. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness around the globe that suicide can be prevented.
The ongoing pandemic has created a world environment that is harsh and seriously detrimental for mental health, making this the most imperative time to focus on suicide prevention.
Problems in love life, problems in academic life, problems in professional life, whatever the problem might be, committing suicides is never the solution.
● What are the warning signs and symptoms of suicide?
Of course, prevention starts with recognizing the early warning signs, taking them seriously and acting upon them. Following are some of the common signs and symptoms that indicate someone may be thinking about suicide:
● Drastic changes in mood and behaviour
● Major changes to sleeping patterns – such as sleeping too much or too little
● Loss of energy
● Threatening to kill oneself
● Saying things like ‘no-one will miss me when I am gone’
● Looking for ways to kill oneself, such as seeking access to pesticides, firearms or medication, or browsing the internet for means of taking one’s own life
● Self-harming behaviours like bodily harm, cuts, etc.
● Saying goodbye to close family members and friends, giving away of valued possessions, or writing a will
● What you can do if you think someone has suicidal tendencies?
Suicide is a complex issue, however, it is preventable with timely, evidence-based and often low-cost interventions. Here are a few things you can do if someone you know is showing warning signs for suicide, as per WHO:
● Find an appropriate time and a quiet place to talk about suicide with the person you are worried about.
● Let your loved one or the concerned person know that you are there to listen.
● Encourage the person to seek professional help, such as of a doctor, mental health professional, counsellor or social worker. Offer to accompany them to an appointment.
● Do not leave the person alone if you think he/she is in immediate danger.
● Don't hesitate to ask if he or she is depressed or thinking about suicide. Instead, seek professional help from the emergency services, a crisis line, or a health-care professional, or turn to family members.
● Make sure that you stay in touch to check how the person is doing.
● If the person you are worried about lives with you, ensure that he or she does not have access to means of suicide - such as pesticides, firearms or medication in the home.
If you think someone you know is considering suicide, talk to them about it and listen with an open mind while offering your support.
So on this day, let us take a pledge to help each other in times of crisis so that nobody has to deal with suicidal thoughts. Let's be there to support and help each other. Let's drop the 'log kya kahengey' approach and talk about suicide awareness.
Nikita Rajpurohit
मेरी रुचि
शौक किसी भी व्यक्ति में उसकी अन्य आदतों में से एक विशेष रुचि को प्रदर्शित करता है जो उसकी सारी आदतों से अलग होता है। शौक बहुत अच्छी वस्तु है, जो हर किसी में होता है। किसी भी वस्तु का शौक होना एक अच्छी आदत है जो सभी में होनी बहुत आवश्यक है, क्योंकि यह उस व्यक्ति को उसकी पसंद की चीजों को करने के लिए प्रेरित करता है। यह व्यक्ति को खुले दिमाग से किसी कार्य में व्यस्त करता है। यह हमें कभी भी अकेला नहीं छोड़ता और हमारा मानसिक बीमारियों से बचाव करता है।
शौक हमारे प्रतिदिन के जीवन का वो हिस्सा होता है। यह हमारी प्रतिदिन के दबाव से बचने में मदद करता है। यह हमें बहुत अधिक आनंद और शारीरिक, मानसिक व आत्मिक शान्ति प्रदान करता है। यह एक योग और ध्यान की तरह है, कभी-कभी तो इससे भी अधिक लाभ प्रदान करता है। यह हमारे मस्तिष्क को क्रियात्मकता की ओर ले जाता है और जीवन में कुछ बेहतर करने के लिए प्रेरित करता है। अच्छी आदतें नाटकीय रुप से हमारे व्यक्तित्व और चारित्रिक विशेषताओं में सुधार करने के साथ ही हमारे प्रदर्शन को बेहतर करती हैं। यह हमारी योग्यता और क्षमता को खोजने में मदद करता है और उन्हें सही दिशा में प्रयोग करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करता है। हमारे शौक हमें जीवन की दैनिक भीड़ से अलग रखकर, हमारे दिमाग को ताजा और शान्त बनाते हैं।
मेरा प्रिय शौक : बागवानी करना।
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Soumanshu Singh Rathore/VI |
मेरा पसंदीदा शौक बागवानी करना है और मुझे नए पौधों को लगाना और उन्हें हर सुबह पानी देना बहुत अच्छा लगता है। खिलते हुए फूलों और बढ़ते हुए पौधों को देखकर मुझे आत्मिक शांति महसूस होती है और जीवन की वास्तविकता का अहसास होता है। यह मुझे तंदुरुस्त, मजबूत, स्वस्थ और तरोताजा रखने में मदद करता है। प्रतिदिन पेड़ों को पानी देना और बागवानी करना, मेरे लिए सबसे अच्छा व्यायाम है, जो मेरे मस्तिष्क और शरीर को सकारात्मक की ओर मोड़ता है।इस कोरोना काल में व्यक्ति अपने आप को बंधन में महसूस करने लगा। मैंने इस बार निश्चित किया कि जब हम बागवानी कर सकते है तो खेती क्यों नहीं? इस विचार ने मुझे इसके लिए प्रेरित किस और एक छोटी सी कोशिश की। जब फसल को लहलहाते, पक्षियों की चहचहाहट और बादलों की आवाजाही के बीच खेत में काम करना एक अद्भुत सुकून देता है। इससे हम शारीरिक और मानसिक तौर पर स्वस्थ महसूस करते है। साथ ही एक नया कौशल भी सीख पाई।
अतः हमें अपने शौक को जिंदा रखना चाहिए । इससे जीवन में नवीनता और सरसता बनी रहेगी।
उर्मिला राठौड़
International Literacy Day
International Literacy Day was declared by UNESCO on 26th 1966 at 14th session of it’s General conference. The first time it was celebrated in 1967. The scale of literacy is very low in the world. So this day was started keeping in mind the importance of literacy which is a matter of dignity and human rights. The basic aim is that each individual acquires the basic skill of reading and writing. If people are educated then, they can live a proper life, earn a livelihood for living, contribute to society, country and world in promoting peace, eradicating poverty, removing gender inequality, and many more. Every year different themes are used to celebrate this day. Some previous year’s themes were “The Power of Women’s Literacy”, “Literacy and Health” and “Literacy for Peace”, “Literacy and Multilingualism”.
This day is celebrated both at national and local levels at various schools, NGOs and community centres. Events like great authors are invited to speak; competitions are organized for children so they can earn scholarships as a reward and get a chance to attend school.
This year’s theme is “Literacy Teaching and Learning in the Covid-19 Crisis and Beyond”. It lays emphasis on the role of educators and changing pedagogies. The main focus is on youths and adults. There were many loopholes in our education system and with Covid-19 crisis education was affected a lot. Due to these programmes were developed which could be used during pandemic time and beyond.
If the literacy rate increases not only the individual’s future is brightened but also the nation’s development and growth increases.
Prerna Rathod
Posts from our Students
Skill Development
We often hear this small word 'skill' in our everyday life but what does skill means? One could say that it is a special talent in a particular field . Some believe that it is god gifted and some try and work hard to get some specific skill. I say that skill is the key to success in this modern and technological era. Now, it is not possible that one could have all the skills in him but at the same time it is also not possible that one could have no skills in him. Skill means something special rather than only education. In this competitive world , anybody could Study and get higher marks but nowadays only marks can't get you everything you want.
The interviewer while appointing someone would look at their extra skills if he would had to choose between two people for a single job. Now these skills should be developed by people in order to achieve more. It is seen that many illiterate adults only forces a child to work and focus on their academic courses and any other extra talent is considered as a waste by them but there are a few parents which support them on developing their skill cause they knew it's importance. Skills can be many such as speaking skills , sports , singing , dance etc. It is also observed in the coming few years , there will be more job opportunities in skill area rather than doctors or engineers. With respect to this only, our government is also launching many programmes that develop the skills of children at early age so that they would not suffer in future and go hand in hand with the whole world. Thus the motive is that skill should be developed in order for a bright future
Aryan Sirvi/ XI Science
The World Health Organisation has declared the new coronavirus outbreak in China . It is the disease which has disbalanced the health condition of the people living in China and population has also slowed down .Then this disease has spread in different countries.Which has affected the economic conditions of these countriesThe coronavirus family causes illnesses ,Common cold , Respiratory problems and other severe diseases . The coronavirus is circulating in animals that are not infected by humans . But covid -19 has been spread due to animals. There are many people who are infected by these diseases ,but do not show any symptoms.
And nowadays the children's between 1- 10 and old people's between 60 and more than that are not allowed in the Hospitals. Now the condition has been in control and we all should be aware of this disease.
We can protect ourselves by regularly washing hands with soap and water and always going outside using a mask. Always maintain the distance of 1metre with the other person. We should avoid unnecessary contact with animals and if you have came in contact with animals always wash the hands
Dhruvraj Singh Ranawat / IX A
' India will get growth back, Atmanirbhar Bharat is the way forward. '
*Atmanirbhar Bharat*
As we know the basic meaning of Atmanirbhar Bharat is 'Self-Reliant India'. It is the vision of our prime minister Narendra Modi to make India a self-reliant nation . The announcement of this mission was made during the coronlavirus pandemic related economic package on 12th May 2020. The most prominent example of initiatives towards self-reliance is that :India's own 5G network was announced in mid july 2020 by Reliance Jio to create a complete 5G solution and provide a world class 5G service in India using 100% Indian technology. Example of becoming self reliant is to learn to tie one's own shoes gives children a sense of pride and accomplishment. Self Reliance is the ability to depend on yourself to get things done and to meet your own needs. Another example of self reliance is growing your own food.
At last I wish to conclude my speech by saying just that Atmanirbhar Bharat has been called as the repackaged version of Make in India. Its main purpose was to boycott the Chinese products.
Let's all pledge together to become self reliant.
Thank you everyone and have a good day.
Nikhil Sirvi /XI
Social media has become a phenomenon with the advent of technology and rapid rise in the reach across the world. It has made inroads in almost every sphere of business, communication and marketing.
Social media today has become an integral part of the media industry, whether it is news deliverance, marketing or advertising. The social media revolution has changed and will continue to change journalism and news organizations. Social media as a powerful tool has been realized largely across Indian Media industry, its importance is no longer debated. Therefore, the Indian media has successfully embraced social media technology and digital shift to widen and expanding their reach and exposure.
Dhawan Choudhary/ VIII A
Hard Work
Hard work is the only key for achieving success. It teaches us discipline, dedication and determination. Hard work is definitely more important because it is only through hard work that we can achieve the goals of our life. Smart work, on the other hand often leads to shortcut and delaying or postponing of the work. Smart work saves time and allows us to be more organized. It helps us to gain recognition quickly. But hard work is the first step towards smart work. Through hard work we gain experience. It helps us to discover many new things. This experience enables us to think smartly and to solve critical problems and achieve success. If we do not work hard work, we will not be able to achieve our goals. To achieve anything in life one has to commit himself or herself to work hard continuously. This will lead us further to achieve our goals and fulfill our dreams. We must remember there is no shortcut to success. One needs to really work hard.
Komal Kunwar
Class VI
Respect & Love
Vedvi Solanki/ V
Volume No. 438 Published by The Editorial Board: Mrs Bharti Rao, Mr Krishan Gopal, Ms Swabhi Parmar,
Chief Editor: Diksha Choudhary, Secretary: Uma Choudhary, Joint Secretary: Mansi Choudhary, Editors: Anumesh Rao, Krisha Dave, Puran Choudhary, Jatin Tripash, Diksha Choudhary, Tammana Solanki, Uma Choudhary, Priyanka Deora, Krithika Rajpurohit, & Kunal Rajpurohit.