The School Weekly 6th September 2020

Virtual School Functioning
Senior and Middle Sections are working on Art Integrated Projects. Primary Section Educators are discussing Trans-Disciplinary and Art Integrated Projects during their circle time meetings along with the Principal.
E-Learning (Online Learning): Every Saturday we have a webinar for students to learn build electric circuits using different modules. 

My Good School Activities
Sports Quiz, GK Quiz, Personal Hygiene & Health Awareness Projects, live Tinkering sessions are the part of My Good School Activities.

Professional Development
Professional Development Sessions for the Staff by the staff were organized on Saturday, 5th September, 2020. The Sessions were: 
• Competencies Based Learning by Rajeshree Shihag
• Modern Learning Environment; 21st Century Skills by Monika Vaishnav 
• Storytelling as a Pedagogy by Sharmila Vijayvargi
• Transactional Analysis Concepts to Enhance Teachers Potential by Prerna Rathod & Bharti Rao
• Building Parental Involvement and Students Well-being by Ajay Vijayvargi

Learning Outcomes from the session will be shared by the Educators in the form of a Lesson Plan.
Department Meetings are held on Google Meet to stay in sink with the smooth functioning of school activities.
Plezmo is coming up with a 2nd Session of App Development Course for teachers starting from 10th September, and our Middle & Primary school teachers have registered for it. 


Saturday, 5th September: On the occasion of Teachers’ Day students celebrated the day by posting picture, cards, poem, videos and collage to share their love, respect ad care for their teachers.
GSP Audit@Home: Our students have been awarded eco-friendly warriors at the GSP home audit. Students made their homes a site of action to bring change around them. 
Mangelal Devasi attended a webinar Artificial Intelligence Awareness Program. 
Khush Rajpurohit has been awarded Fourth in Astronomy Quiz Contest 2020.
Mr. Jitendra Suthar was awarded 3rd Position at IPN Inspire Awards 2020 for the most Inspired Supportive Teacher. Congratulations!
Posts from our Educators
National Wildlife Day
National Wildlife Day was celebrated on September 4th, it encourages awareness of the species around us and in the broader world. This National Day focuses on endangered species, preservation, and conservation efforts around the world. Zoos, aviaries and marine sanctuaries provide a variety of ways to get involved.
No matter where you live, opportunities abound to learn and participate in the day. Wildlife doesn’t only exist in the forest or outside the city limits. Look closely. The creatures and animals sharing our world live under our feet and in the sky above us. Our rivers, lakes and oceans are teeming with wildlife of all sizes. It’s essential to understand how we impact the habitats that animals need to survive. Their homes supply their food and shelter.
The animals and plants that live in the wild have an intrinsic value and contribute to the ecological, genetic, social, economic, scientific, educational, cultural, recreational and aesthetic aspects of human well-being and to sustainable development.
The year 2020, known as “biodiversity super year,” will host several major global events that place biodiversity at the forefront. It provides a unique opportunity to deliver transformation progress for the conservation and sustainable use of the species of wild animals and plants.
Rahul Kumar Thakur

Importance of Education
Education is very important and highly valued in today’s society. It teaches the ability to read and write. Reading and writing is the first step in Education. Most information is done by writing. Hence, the lack of writing skill means missing out on a lot of information. 
It is also necessary for success in life. Education is supposed to provide students with the necessary skills that prepare them for the world of work later in life. The education system also serves to teach individuals the values and morals of society.
Education is important to live with happiness and prosperity. It empowers minds that will be able to conceive good thoughts and ideas. Education enables students to do the analysis while making life decisions. Life gives various survival challenges for humans. But education guide human to fight with failure and get success in life. Education is only one thing that can remove corruption, unemployment, and environmental problems. 
Education is not about doing a degree it is about how you can live with your own feet. Education makes an individual a better user of technology. It's certainly provides the technical skills necessary for using technology. Hence, without Education, it would probably be difficult to handle modern machines.
‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ Nelson Mandela
Prakash Dangi

Happy Teachers' Day
The birth date of the second President of India, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, 5 September 1888, is celebrated as Teachers' Day since 1962 , the year when Dr Radhakrishnan assumed the post of the President of India.
He was the country's former President, scholar, philosopher and Bharat Ratna awardee.
Teachers' Day is actually a celebration to acknowledge the hardship, challenges and the unparalleled role that the teachers play in our lives.
On this day, teachers and students report to school as usual but the usual activities and classes are replaced by activities of celebration, thanks and remembrance.
Qualities of a teacher:
Inspiring/Motivating .
Qualities of a student:
Ready to follow
Hard work
Eager to learn
No doubt , a teacher always saves effort of a student in gaining success.
We should always follow the teachings of our teacher, because teacher has already gone through the way at which we want to run.
Using his experience we can protect our self from unnecessary failures or daily encountering confusions in our daily mode of working .
By following our teacher our destination seems to be more near in less course of time without the wastage of our efforts.
Thank you,
Manish Jaiswal

World Coconut Day
World Coconut Day is observed on 2 September each year with an aim to create awareness about the importance of the coconut across the world. World Coconut Day is celebrated by the Asian and Pacific Coconut Community (APCC) and its member states every year.
World Coconut Day was established in the year 2009. The day is observed to commemorate the formation day of APCC which functions under the aegis of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP). World Coconut Day is observed to highlight the importance and uses of coconuts.
Coconut is a source of B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, folates, niacin, thiamin, and pyridoxine. A coconut carrying 400 g edible meat and around 30-150 ml of water holds all the daily-required essential including minerals, vitamins, and energy of an average-sized individual.
The 100 g kernel holds 354 calories. Coconut oil is commonly extracted from Copra or dry kernel. The oil is an excellent emollient agent. It can be used  in cooking, applied over the scalp as hair nourishment, employed in pharmacy and medicines.
Coconut kernel is an excellent source of minerals such as copper, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, and zinc. World Coconut Day is celebrated by raising awareness about the health and commercial benefits of Coconut.
Ajay Vijayvargi

संघर्ष ही जीवन है 
जीवन एक संघर्ष  है जो अंत में विजय का द्वार खोलती है और समस्या का समाधान करती है। जीवन में परिवर्तन का क्रम चलता रहता है। जब तक जीवन है तब तक संघर्ष है।संघर्ष का दौर तो हमारे इस दुनिया में हमारे  जन्म लेने के साथ ही शुरू  हो जाता है। जब हम छोटे थे उस समय हमें सही से चलने और बोलने के लिए  संघर्ष  करना पड़ता था। जब बड़े हुए तो पढाई के लिए संघर्ष, उसके बाद नौकरी के लिए संघर्ष ‘इसलिए जब तक जीवन  है हमें संघर्ष करते हुए जीना होता है। जीवन  हमेशा आसानी से नहीं गुजरता, हर दिन कोई न कोई चुनौती, कोई न कोई, संघर्ष जीवन  में आता है और आता रहेगा।
ऐसा कोई नहीं हैं जिसके जीवन   में चुनौतियाँ  न हों, दुःख न हों, कठिनाई न हों, रुकावटें न हों। चुनौतियां केवल बुलंदियों को छूने की नहीं होतीं, बल्कि वहां टिके रहने की भी होती हैं। इस दुनिया में हर एक प्राणी संघर्ष कर रहा है।   यह ठीक है कि एक काम करते-करते हम उसमें कुशल हो जाते हैं। उसे करना आसान हो जाता है, पर वही करते रह जाना हमें अपने ही बनाई सुविधा के घेरे में कैद कर लेता है। 
 संघर्ष काल में हमें यह बात हमेशा ध्यान में रखनी चाहिए कि व्यक्ति के स्वयं के हाथ में कुछ नहीं है। लेकिन उसे लगातार प्रयास करते रहना चाहिए।   क्योंकि प्रयास सफलता की कुंजी होती है।
हमें जीवन में संघर्षो का स्वागत करते रहना चाहिए। बिना संघर्ष किए जीवन के लक्ष्य प्राप्त नहीं किये जा सकते। कहते हैं कि संघर्ष करने वालो की कभी हार नहीं होती। 
संघर्ष से व्यक्ति का व्यक्तित्व निखरता है। ऐसे व्यक्ति सकारात्मक सोच वाले व्यक्ति होते है जो अपने आसपास के वातावरण से ही उस सकारात्मकता को ग्रहण करते है। हमें भी अपने सभी पहलुहों से सकारात्मकता ग्रहण करनी चाहिए। हमें अपना दृष्टिकोण बदलना चाहिए और अपने अंदर सकारात्मकता विकसित करनी चाहिए। 
सुरेश सिंह नेगी

Small Scale Industry Day 
India is a land of festivals where several events, important days are celebrated with full enthusiasm. All the days have their own importance. Small Industry Day is celebrated every year on 30th August. This day is celebrated with the aim of promoting Small Industry and providing employment opportunities to the unemployed. A small industry has an important role in economic development in a developing country like India. Keeping in mind the strategic importance in the overall economic development of India, special emphasis has been given to the need for the development of small scale sector.
The civilization and culture of the country are protected through Small Industry. Art and traditional goods are mostly produced by small industries and mostly these industries are based on labour-intensive technology, which reinforces the spirit of mutual goodwill, equality and fraternity in the industries.
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has proved to be a game-changer for the majority of small scale industries.. It has changed the way they behave and perceive things. Many of their habits have changed. They are experiencing a new world altogether. This unexpected and adverse shift in habits and mindset has impacted the economies heavily. Many have taken a bad hit. But in some cases, the results are exponentially positive. So the adaptability and creative decision making will play a key role in the sustainability of the enterprises.
The workers have turned digitalized and they have adapted themselves to new skills and have upgraded themselves. The most important factor is that they have taken a step to be self-reliant and increase their growth by establishing small scale cottage industries. The trend of policy support from the government for the small industry will be helpful and favourable for the development of small enterprise-class.
Bharti Rao

Posts from our Students
Role of Teachers’

Our teachers, who have helped us to become what we are today, play such a big role in our lives. Even during the pandemic, teachers are doing an exemplary job by taking the virtual route to help students’ access education- from using virtual reality, hosting interactive lessons or even checking in with their students. There's a lot we should be thanking our teachers for especially this year.
Words can never pay the knowledge you have given us, words can never tell you how acknowledged we students are to have you as teachers. Happy Teachers' Day
Abhinav Singh/ VIII A

                                Teachers: Leading in crisis & re-imagining the future
 "Teaching is the profession that teaches all the professions"
As we all know we celebrate Teachers’ Day on 5th September as the birth anniversary of Sarvepalli Radhakrishna. Teachers are the first guiding step in our life. They shouldn't be treated lesser than our parents.
Sarvepalli Radhakrishna , second President of independent India who himself was a great teacher, philosopher and educationist. S. Radhakrishna and APJ Abdul Kalam are some of the most famous names that have given meaning to the word 'teacher'. 
Teachers are the most prominent pillars of a country. They shape and guide the destiny of students. They play an important role behind the successful career of students. Teaching is actually a way of life not just a profession. I am very fortunate to have such teachers in my life who are always ready for me, to guide me, explain any topic any time.
We can understand the importance of this profession through this example. In olden times there was the gurukul system in which the students gain the knowledge from the teacher in the beauty of nature under religious trees and open place called ashrams. And In this drastic pandemic teacher regardless of their mental stress giving their precious time in online classes is much appreciable. 
Learning is one of the most important thing in this situation. And learning won't be stopped any time and this is only possible due to our teachers. Never Never Never forget to convey your teacher day wishes to your all teachers who leave a great impact on you.
Vipul Dave/ XI Science

Causes of Stress in The Modern Generation
The main cause of stress on the modern generation is the cut-throat competition and consumerist culture prevalent in our society. This always puts them under pressure of efficiency and productivity. The modern environment is highly competitive and calls for relentless effort on the part of each youngster. To achieve the goals they have to devote all their time and capacity, without rest. So they have no time to care even for their own selves. They have no time for relaxing or to pursue something of their own interest sounds like a luxury to them. The effects of this stress on the youth also visible in their physical being whereby they have increased pulses and a lot of tension in their muscles.
With increased professionalism and specialization there seems no practical and suitable solution for this stress due to the competition. In this age of consumerism, it is not surprising that the youth of today are also constantly vying to outdo each other in acquiring material things. But now it is high time each one of us sat back in quiet introspection to contemplate where we are actually heading in this high-speed pace. Our health and well-being will have to be our primary concern for, as they say, a healthy mind lies in a healthy body. Let us stop living like robots. We are humans and have to behave likewise and not like machines which are our own creation.
Laxman Singh/ XII Science

Depression is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Depression is a mood disorder that involves a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. It is different from the mood fluctuations that people regularly experience as a part of life. This disorder must be controlled before it becomes so serious to handle. 
Depression is nearly twice as common among women as men, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Males with depression are more likely than females to drink alcohol in excess, display anger, and engage in risk-taking as a result of the disorder. Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions, affecting an estimated 350 million people in all age groups. Depression is something which makes our mind in such a way that we can't think of others. 
Imagine depression as a weather forecast for your mood. There’s a 100 percent change of clouds and showers on Monday. Tuesday, too. Wednesday looks just as grim. Actually, the next two weeks show nothing but storms. You’re stuck in this crappy weather pattern and there seems to be no relief in sight , depression is just like weather forecast. To overcome depression we must talk to our family and friends. If you ever feel or suffering from depression you must talk to someone whom you trust.
Meenakshi Choudhary/ XII Science

Where there is a will, there is a way
Strong will gives us power and motivation to go ahead and continue the task till we achieve success and reach our goal. The proverb "Where there is a will, there is a way" teaches us the same that we must be determined towards our goal otherwise we will face failure .People having strong will are the ones who can do something big in life. If once you face failure don't be lose just be strong and start a new bright day with a strong will power. This proverb underlines the importance of strong will power and determination. These act as pillars to accomplish anything in life. One must need to work continuously and need right direction to make their dreams meet the reality of life. This phrase motivate us to work hard in life even during the hard times and teaches us to be in discipline, patience and commitment.This phrase makes people push their limits to achieve the goals and success in life.A determined person treats the challenges in life as an opportunity and defeat them through hard work and tireless efforts. This holds a huge power to inspire a person to be motivated in life in any face of challenge. If we have a strong will power, in condition somehow we will get the way to reach our success station.
Kritika Rajpurohit /X A

Role of School in a Child's life
School plays a pivotal role in a child's life. The role of school in child development begins as early as pre school and continues throughout his or her life. Some consider parents to be a child's first teacher, while teachers are his second parents. A child spends as much time in school as he spends with his parents School provide structured education to the child and promote his mental and psychological growth 
Aside from learning academics, a child also learns other important life skills such as teamwork, good manners, unity, sharing, and responsibility. Schools have an important role to play in helping young people to develop and manage their physical and emotional well-being, and to live and work with others It equips a child to face all experiences necessary for his growth and development till he reaches level of maturity to face the world. School can be an integral part of a child's life. Educating children in school helps them communicate better apart from appreciating and respecting others' opinion
Harshit Rajpurohit / XA

Technology has covered a long way to make human life easier but the negative aspect of it can’t be ignored. Over the years technological advancement has caused a severe rise in pollution. Also, pollution has become a major cause of many health issues. Besides, it has cut off people from society rather than connecting them. Above all, it has taken away many jobs from the workers . Innovative techniques has become an important part of our lives. Also, newer technologies are taking the market by storm and the people are getting used to them in no time. Above all, technological advancement has led to the growth and development of nations.Although technology is good but everything has two sides. Technology also has two sides one is good and the other is bad.A single machine can replace many workers. Also, machines can do work at a constant pace for several hours or days without stopping. Due to this, many workers lost their job which ultimately increases unemployment.Today, everything we use in our daily life is a gift of technology and without which we cannot imagine our lives. Also, we cannot refuse the facts that it has caused severe damage to our surroundings.It should be used judiciously to generate employment rather than reduce it.
Daxita Sirvi / VIII B

Values and virtues are not hereditary; they are learned. We need to get our priority right if we want to live with respect and dignity. Values are the pillars of our life, if we want to experience it greatly. Values play a prominent role in this lethargic world. We should follow the prominent values which will bring discipline and patience into our life. Following the values is probably the most important one.
Values are important and enduring beliefs or ideals echoed and shared by a number of people, about what is good and what is not. Values exert a major influence on the behavior of an individual and serve as board guidelines in all situations. Values are like the North Star that helps us navigate.
Values help a person to become good in society and as a good citizen of a nation if all the persons have good values then think how the world will be. No war and all around the world peace and humanity. 
Values are important to make a good human being. Today's world is highly dynamic. We are in an era of rapid changes in communication and lifestyle. We have had too much of the 'me' generation and situational ethics , which have led to the loss of strong communities. People of the 'me' generation feel sadness at getting caught rather than remorse at having done wrong.
Kunal Rajpurohit/ X

Online Classes
Nowadays everyone is attending online classes  because of this pandemic situation. This is the first time that everything is done through internet. For students this online class is totally a new concept of teaching. It has some good effects as well as bad effects. Online classes has good effects because it is very convenient, flexible and it brings education direct at home through just one click and as we all know that along with good things bad things also comes so, it also has some negative effects such as network error for example the teacher is teaching an important topic at that time suddenly there is network error. Then you might be unable to attend class, you get distracted from studies which is not a good sign. But one thing is clear if anyone wants to study he/ she can study from anywhere or with anything you just need to change your mind set that by saying I can, and I will.
Krisha Dave/ XII

Volume No. 437  Published by The Editorial Board: Mrs Bharti Rao, Mr Krishan Gopal, Ms Swabhi Parmar,
Chief Editor: Diksha Choudhary, Secretary: Uma Choudhary, Joint Secretary: Mansi Choudhary, Editors: Anumesh Rao, Krisha Dave, Puran Choudhary, Jatin Tripash, Diksha Choudhary, Tammana Solanki, Uma Choudhary, Priyanka Deora, Krithika Rajpurohit, & Kunal Rajpurohit.