The School Weekly 2nd November 2020

Virtual School Functioning

Our Principal Ms Rajeshree Shihag on the Learning Forward Show
Tinkering session was conducted on Tinkercad on the topic - "Arduino and Programming" on Saturday, 31st October’20.
Soumyajeet Solanki of Class VI conducted an Astronomy Session for students from Bihar and the topic of the session was "Solar System".
A Session with Mr Kundan (Software Developer from the USA) is organized for Class XI IP students. The topic of the Session is "Web Development and Careers"
Coding Club for Primary and Middle section started from 31st October 2020

My Good School Activities
Sports Quiz, GK Quiz, Personal Hygiene & Health Awareness Projects, live Tinkering sessions are the part of My Good School Activities. 

Professional Development
Educators had their third session of PLP Cycle # World Ready on Anupam Sibal's book 'Is Your Child Ready To FaceThe World' Ch- 3 It's Never Too Late on Saturday, 31st October 2020 from 10.00- 11.30 AM by Ms. Monisha Dutta, Director Learning Forward.
Edthena: All the six videos uploaded on Edthena.
CBSE Training for Teachers was organized. Four registrations were done in this month and the Educators attended the training. 
Educators of Primary & Pre-primary are using Thinglink interactive images to make their Study material.

Posts from our Educators
What is important for Success? 
Everybody wants to achieve their goal and success in life. Nobody dislikes it. But to achieve success is not so easy. Always remember that failure only helps us to achieve success. The first step to achieve success is to keep in mind that we should never be discouraged by failure. Learn from your failure to achieve greater success in life.
Destiny has a role to play in life, but it is beyond our control. Hard is in our reach and that we should never abandon it. Hard Work is the key to success. Without hard work success, no success is possible. If we work hard, if we perform our duty well, even God will have to reward us sooner or later. Lord Krishna has said in his preaching in the Bhagavad Gita that “Do thy duty unmindful of the reward.”
Today in this materialistic world money is important. But always remember that money and materialistic success cannot give you real happiness.  If we run and aim for materialistic success it leaves us tensed and in stress all the time. True success lies in our happiness. Money should always be secondary. We should have that much money which will help us to lead a comfortable life. Aim at the success which will give us happiness, contentment and attain it by hard work and from selfless deeds. Don’t try to attain success through wrong ways and at the cost of others.
If you want success to believe in yourself, work hard, keep on trying and learn from your flaws. I would like to quote the words of Bob Brown “Behind every successful man there’s a lot of unsuccessful years.” So stay focused, keep patience and go on.
Bharti Rao
 Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude,
 Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness,
Thankfulness may merely consist of words,
Gratitude is shown in acts.
 -David O McKay.
In today’s time, we are so busy and self-centred, meeting the deadlines of professional and personal commitments that we often forget to practice basic human values.
Thanks to the pandemic which has given us the time to rethink and practice the old value system – respecting and caring the elders, self-control to stay home with our families, rebuilding communications with old friends and relatives, being generous to help poor and needy in whichever way we can help them, preserving atmosphere – less travelling to and fro from workplaces, visiting places in our own or other means of transport (reducing pollution).
While observing the above, one thing that we all have realized is being thankful for this life and everything around- this virtue is called 'Gratitude'. 
Gratitude is the highest form of appreciation for the kindness of others. Just imagine people in our surroundings – maid, sweepers, driver, milkman, cab driver … we never ever bother or think about our lives without them, women can understand the misery if in the morning the maid rings up and informs that she won`t be able to come, milkman or news hawker do not deliver milk or newspaper on time, sweeper not cleaning surroundings for two or three days.
During the pandemic, we understood the importance of our health workers –medical and paramedical staff, lot many visuals and video on social media show our gesture of thankfulness to them. 
Being grateful need not require any monetary involvements necessarily- a simple `thank you` with a smile will make the day of the recipient and who in turn will make the day of many others. It is a chain and we simply need to start or be a part of it by continuing it.
We should always be grateful to others and necessarily put it in actions-a simple gesture is enough –Try it once.
Gratitude can turn negative into positive
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles
And they will become your blessings.
Ajay Vijayvargi

इंटरनेट आज की जरूरत 
आधुनिक समय की सबसे उपयोगी तकनीक जो न केवल हमारे दैनिक जीवन में बल्कि पेशेवर जीवन में भी हमारी मदद करती है। शैक्षिक उद्देश्यों के लिए, इसका उपयोग व्यापक रूप से जानकारी इकट्ठा करने और विभिन्न विषयों के ज्ञान को जोड़ने या अनुसंधान करने के लिए किया जाता है।
इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं है कि इस आधुनिक युग में हर कोई अपने प्रश्नों, समस्याओं या संदेह के लिए गूगल  को पसंद कर  रहा है। क्योंकि यह  कुछ ही समय हमें  में सूचना  प्रदान कर देता  हैं। इसमें ज्ञान का अपार भंडार  है जिसे कभी भी खोजा जा सकता है। 
आज इंटरनेट शिक्षा में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभा रहा है।जिस  प्रकार से सभी विद्यालय आभासी कक्षाओं का संचालन कर रहें हैं वो सब इंटरनेट की वजह से ही संभव हो पा रहा  है। शिक्षक गूगल कक्षा में  अपनी शिक्षण सामग्री भेज करके इसे एक शिक्षण उपकरण के रूप में उपयोग कर रहे हैं। शिक्षक छात्रों का ध्यान खींचने के लिए एनीमेशन, पावरपॉइंट स्लाइड, वीडियो , और थिंग लिंक का  उपयोग कर रहे हैं। आप  शिक्षा संबंधी सामग्री इंटरनेट से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।  यहां तक कि परिणाम, एडमिट कार्ड, विभिन्न पाठ्यक्रमों के लिए आवेदन फॉर्म इंटरनेट के माध्यम से उपलब्ध हैं। अब तो सभी विषयों  किताबें भी ऑनलाइन उपलब्ध हैं। 
यह छात्रों को सीखने की प्रक्रिया में मदद करता है क्योंकि यह ज्ञान को सरल बनाने में मदद करता है। इसके अलावा, आप इंटरनेट से किसी भी प्रकार की जानकारी को प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।
आज इंटरनेट लोगों के लिए लाभदायक साबित हो रहा  है, जिसका उपयोग पूरी दुनिया में किया जा रहा  है। इसलिए, इसका उपयोग अच्छे उद्देश्य के लिए किया जाना चाहिए। यदि यह बच्चों के विकास स्तर को पूरा करने वाले उपयुक्त तरीकों से उपयोग किया जाता है, तो वे इंटरनेट से बहुत सारी चीजें  सीख सकते हैं।
सुरेश सिंह नेगी

World Vegan Day
World Vegan Day is an annual event celebrated by vegans around the world every 1 November. The event was established in 1994 by Louise Wallis, then chair of the vegan society in the United Kingdom.
Vegan Day Meaning
Vegans are known as people who do not consume foods like Meat, Fish, and Poultry and do not use animal products or even by-products such as eggs, dairy products, honey, leather, silk, cosmetics. World vegan day is a day to raise awareness about animal rights.
World Vegan Day Quotes
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” -Mahatma Gandhi
“Nothing will benefit health and increase the chances for survival of life on earth as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”-Albert Einstein
World Vegan Day Facts
The national vegan day was created by a woman named Louise Wallis.
About five per cent of the world is vegetarian, and out of those, half identify as Vegan.
Those who follow a vegan diet have been shown to have a lower cancer rate.
One vegan meal is capable of saving 2,500 gallons of water.
Courtesy Source:
Rahul Kumar Thakur 

World Cities Day 
The 31st of October is celebrated as World Cities Day. The aim is to promote the international community’s interest in global urbanization, enhance cooperation among countries and cities in meeting opportunities and addressing challenges of urbanization, and contribute to sustainable urban development. The overall World Cities Day theme is Better City, Better Life.   However, every year a different sub-theme is selected. The sub-theme is in such a way to either promote the success of urbanization or address specific challenges from urbanization. 
The theme is selected to discuss how urbanization can be used to achieve sustainable development. It aims at implementing the New Urban Agenda.
New Urban Agenda
The New Urban Agenda was adopted in Quito, Ecuador at the UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development in 2016. The conference is also known as the Habitat Conference. The Agenda set global standards for the way the cities are to be built, managed and inhabited. Also, it aims at implementing SDG 11 which deals with making human cities and towns inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
The Habitat conferences happen once in every 20 years. The habitat I was organized in Vancouver in 1976, Habitat II in Istanbul in 1996 and Habitat III in Quito in 2016.
Over half of the world populations now live in cities. The number is to double by 2050. It possesses great challenges related to the environment, housing, infrastructure, climate change, basic services, infrastructure, food security, jobs, education, safety and natural resources. 
Kusum Sharma

Posts from our Students
A simple word which means to have a keen interest in something. It means you demonstrate an eagerness and a joy that fills you with energy. If you approach any task without enthusiasm the task will be laborious. You will find yourself watching the clock waiting for the day to be over. You are just putting in time, bored, unhappy and not truly enjoying life. But what difference it makes when you are energized.
With this, any task becomes easier you will find yourself waiting to finish the task not finish the day. If you start your day by dreading it will be a long day. If you find something you can be enthused about it will change your entire day. Sure there are things you don't like to do but rather than focusing on what inspires you or on the of what you are doing.
"An enthusiastic heart finds opportunities everywhere".
Priyanka Kunwar
Class X

Hazards of Plastics
Plastic is widely used in our day to day life. Starting from a pen to a polythene bag in which we carry fruits and books are forms of plastic. Though convenient in our day to day use, it has posed an alarming threat to the environment. Plastic is non-biodegradable and does not decay by the biological actions of microbes. They remain in the same state as we throw them. So, dumps or garbage’s are created making our cities and soil polluted. To destroy plastics, we can either recycle or burn them. If we burn plastic, they emit harmful chemical gases like carbon dioxide (CO), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrous oxide (NO), methane (CH4), sulphur dioxides (SO2), etc. 
These gases pollute our environment, though, in negligible content, they add to the greenhouse effect and endanger our environment. The wastes of plastic block pipes and sanitary lines so that dirty water came out on roads. This caused fear of malaria, cholera and other diseases. The wastes of plastic bags, bottles, etc. are drawn to a sea or an ocean by rivers and they are deposited in them. They pollute and disturb the eco-system of the sea or the ocean. Due to wide-scale use of plastic, water, soil and air pollutions are caused. These polluted components of environment lead to the imbalance of various ecosystem of the Earth.
The only solution to this plastic hazard is to take preventive measures and for that,
a. To reduce the use of plastic wherever possible
b. To use recyclable bags and things
c. To recycle the used plastic
d. Not to throw used plastic here and there
e. To collect the used plastic by the Government and then to recycle them
f. Only recyclable plastics should be allowed to use
g. Some legal norms should be declared.
Harshit Rajpurohit
Class X A

The Sky

Fly high with shiny colours,
Just like a rainbow in the sky
Be like a raindrop,
Fearless and forward 
And not afraid to die
Thrive like a bird,
To reach its destiny
By crossing the blue sea up high
Float like a cloud,
Patient and carefree
Until it finds a place to be
Be like the Sun
With shiny bright light
Helping others until it's night
Just try, try and try
Because the sky is limitless to fly.
Ipshita Rathore
Class XI Science

Indian Festivals
India is a secular country having diverse religion, languages, customs and traditions. This is the reason why India celebrates many festivals throughout the year. Festival celebration brings happiness and joy.
Festivals play an important role in our lives. Festivals are the ideal occasions to take a break from stress and create memories time. The main festivals celebrated in India are Diwali, Eid, Baisakhi, Christmas, etc. With this all festivals, we also celebrate national festivals like Independence Day and Republic Day. This all festivals make our country different from other countries. And one way in which it makes us feel proud of it is the number of festivals we enjoy.
Harshita Kunwar
Class XI Humanities

Everyone is affected by an act of kindness. Kindness is contagious and you never know just how big of an impact a small gesture of kindness can have. Kindness improves our quality of life in the workplace as well as in the community. It brings people together; doing good to others makes us feel good. Showing kindness to others is just as rewarding as receiving it from someone else
Stop and think before you talk or act (Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?). 
Remember to laugh throughout the day. Spreading joy is its own act of kindness.  Kindness helps in ending violence among people around the world. Among all the people of varied personalities, genuine kindness is found in very few people. The kindness shown towards the weaker beings can earn huge love and respect for them. A person feels good after he genuinely shows kindness to others and does not ask anything in return. The people with a fragile mental state can gain some mental strength after if they are treated with kindness. Treating people with kindness is supported in all religious texts. If a person treats everybody with kindness then he is spreading positivity around himself. Kindness brings people closer.
Pallavi Solanki
Class VII B

Volume No. 445  Published by The Editorial Board: Mrs Bharti Rao, Mr Krishan Gopal, Ms Swabhi Parmar,
Chief Editor: Diksha Choudhary, Secretary: Uma Choudhary, Joint Secretary: Mansi Choudhary, Editors: Anumesh Rao, Krisha Dave, Puran Choudhary, Jatin Tripash, Diksha Choudhary, Tammana Solanki, Uma Choudhary, Priyanka Deora, Krithika Rajpurohit, & Kunal Rajpurohit.