The School Weekly 18th January 2021

Virtual School Functioning
School have reopened for Class IX-XII on 18th January 2021
My Good School Activities
Sports Quiz, GK Quiz, Personal Hygiene & Health Awareness Projects, live Tinkering sessions are the part of My Good School Activities.
Professional Development
E-Learning session was conducted by Jitendra Suthar, our Techno expert on 09th Jan,2021 for enhancing E-Learning tools. Our Tech Team has created DLT App of all the Apps we use.
Fabindians Radio Club: English, Hindi, Mathematics, Social Studies channel have been created and two episodes of each subject has been created
Edthena: Educators are working on Chapter 5 Handling Pressure. In the fourth cycle of PLP Create, the Educators are working on individual/ pair videos of Chapter 5 ‘Handling Pressure’.                                 
Posts from our Educators
Quality is an essential value in our life. It is an important aspect of one’s life. Quality makes a person’s life special because all we know his/her about character, behaviour, and attitude regarding society and nation, such an example was our former President Dr A.P.J.Abdul Kalam.
“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thought. The quality of your thought depends on the people whom you meet in your life.”
For the success of an organization different important elements are required like skills, knowledge, ability, objectives, aims, human resources or power and quality from establishing to control.
Quality is an essential parameter which helps organizations outshine their competitors and survive the fierce competition.
We need friends of good quality in our life. They help us in many ways like they help us to understand the value of time, thing etc, they guide us in a difficult situation. Good quality friends encourage and motivate us.
You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want. It is only possible by your own qualities which make it possible. It develops an attitude of gratitude for everything that happens in your life. So, try to improve your abilities in good quality, which makes you special in others life. Achieving quality can make yourself and others feel good inside.
साहस का जीवन में महत्व 
साहस का अर्थ यह नहीं कि हम युद्ध भूमि में जाएँ या किसी के साथ शारीरिक शक्ति से मुकाबला करें। यहाँ साहस का अर्थ केवल परिस्थितियों से मुकाबला करना है। कई बार व्यक्ति डरता है कि कहीं कुछ गलत न हो जाए, कहीं मेरा निर्णय गलत न हो। इस प्रकार के भय से मन आतंकित रहता है। इस भय को दूर करना और कुछ अपने मन की करना, परिणाम चाहे जो कुछ भी हो, इसी का नाम साहस है। हम बहुत कुछ करना चाहते हैं किंतु इसी भय के कारण हम कतराते हैं और यह सोचते हैं जैसा चल रहा है, जो चल रहा है वह ठीक ही है।
माता-पिता अपने बच्चे को भी इसी प्रकार कहते हैं। कुछ करने से बच्चे को चोट लगेगी या विफल हो जाएगा तो मन अशांत हो जाएगा, ऐसा विचार करके बच्चे को कुछ करने से रोक देते हैं। जबकि साहस को बढ़ाने का या बच्चे को साहसी बनाने का यही अवसर होता है। बचपन से ही उसे नया करने की स्वतंत्रता मिले तो वह निश्चित रूप से सफलता या असफलता का सामना करने में सक्षम हो जाएगा।
कभी कुछ करने से पहले हम यही सोचते हैं कि कहीं असफल न हो जाए या हम कुछ गलत तो नहीं कर रहे हैं। परंतु यह नहीं सोचते कि असफल हो भी गए तो कुछ सीखने को अवश्य मिलेगा और अगर सफल हो गए तो मंजिल तक पहुँच ही जाएँगे। इसलिए मन को सकारात्मक रखते हुए तथा धैर्य को अपना साथी बनाते हुए हमें ऐसे कार्यों के लिए साहसी बनना पड़ेगा।
हमारे अंदर साहस भरा पड़ा है अब उसके उपयोग की। जीवन में ऐसे कई अवसर आते हैं जब हमें कुछ ऐसे निर्णय लेने पड़ते हैं जो हमारे साहस को ही रेखांकित करते हैं। वास्तव में साहस एक सीढ़ी की तरह है, एक कदम आगे बढ़ाने पर और बढ़ाने की आवश्यकता पड़ेगी। जगह-जगह में साहस दिखाने की भी आवश्यकता पड़ेगी। इसलिए परिणामों की चिंता किए बिना हमेशा साहसी बनना पड़ेगा तथा यह बच्चों को भी सिखाना पड़ेगा। 
Krishan Gopal
Patience is the trait to accept delays, problems or suffering without becoming angry or annoyed with anyone. When you decide to do something different, it is only patience that gives you an inner strength to move on and stand against all odds. It brings an inner peace into your life. It makes you an optimism person and above all, it helps you to deal with stress and difficult situation. It helps you to remain healthy and stress-free.
 Patience is that value that helps us to stand or remain calm in all situations in spite of any difficulty or problems. It helps us when we are trying to overcome our fears or maybe we trying to do something different from others. Patience is one value that has a positive influence in your life and helps you to achieve success in life.
I would like to end with a quote by Joyce Meyer “Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting”. 
Prerna Rathod
ईमानदारी का अर्थ है जीवन के सभी पहलुओं में एक व्यक्ति को सच्चा होना।  ईमानदारी किसी नियम और विनियमन को तोड़ना नहीं है, अनुशासन में रहना है, अच्छा व्यवहार करना है, सत्य बोलना है, समय का पाबंद होना है और दूसरों की ईमानदारी से मदद करना है। ईमानदार होने से व्यक्ति को आस-पास के सभी व्यक्तियों और वस्तुओं पर विश्वास करने, बहुत सारी खुशी, सर्वोच्च शक्ति से आशीर्वाद और कई और चीजों में मदद मिलती है। ईमानदार होना वास्तविक जीवन में बहुत फायदेमंद है। यह वह चीज नहीं है जिसे कोई खरीद या बेच सकता है । यह एक अच्छी आदत है जिसे केवल अभ्यास के माध्यम से प्राप्त किया जा सकता है। ईमानदारी नैतिक चरित्र का घटक है जो सच्चाई, दया, अनुशासन, अखंडता आदि अच्छे गुणों को विकसित करता है। 
 ईमानदारी वास्तव में भरोसेमंद, निष्ठावान और जीवन भर ईमानदार रहने की कला है। ईमानदारी एक व्यक्ति को एक शुभ मार्ग की ओर ले जाती है जो वास्तविक खुशी और आनंद देता है। एक व्यक्ति केवल तभी ईमानदार हो सकता है जब वह विभिन्न पहलुओं में ईमानदारी का पालन करता है जैसे कि बोलने में ईमानदारी, कार्यस्थल में ईमानदारी, न्याय में ईमानदारी, व्यवहार में ईमानदारी, और दैनिक जीवन में हम जो गतिविधियां करते हैं उनमें ईमानदारी। ईमानदारी व्यक्ति को सभी परेशानियों से मुक्त और निडर बनाती है। यह एक गुणवत्ता है जिसे माता-पिता, शिक्षक और पड़ोसियों की मदद से प्रारंभिक बचपन से अभ्यास करने के लिए किसी भी समय विकसित किया जा सकता है। सभी पहलुओं में ईमानदार होना बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि यह पूरे जीवन में सकारात्मक योगदान देता है। ईमानदारी अच्छे स्वास्थ्य और निडर व्यक्ति बनाती है। यह एक अच्छी आदत है जो किसी व्यक्ति को किसी भी कठिन परिस्थिति को हल करने और उसे संभालने में सक्षम बनाती है।
जफ्फर खां 
Technology: A Boon 
Technology is the most helpful style of science for the final population. In straightforward words, technology is from where we take the ideas of science and rework them into gadgets and devices that area unit is helpful to the nation as persons. Once we shop around, virtually everything may be a result of or a style of technology.
For example, the device you’re victimization right away may be a style of technology created for communication or the white goods in your room may be a use of science that helps to stay your food contemporary and funky.
It isn’t straightforward to imagine our lives while not victimization any style of technology. For the littlest of communications, we tend to show to our mobile phones. Even most of the food we tend to eat is pre-packaged in factories with the help of varied technologies. Thus, imagining a life without technology is not possible. It’s not solely a truth of life however additionally a necessity for all the people.
In fact, the smart phone, that is, a transportable which might connect with the web is changing into one amongst the fastest-growing and most accessible sorts of technology around the world. On a smart phone, you’ll be able to click pictures, browse the web, hear music, and use social media. With the appearance of smart phone technology, the sensible purpose of not solely communication along with your friends is met, however additionally such a large amount of others, as mentioned. Scientists have done such a lot to advance humans victimization technology, and that we still have extended thanks to go.
Jitendra Suthar
Posts from our Students
Curiosity: A Leading Ladder to Learning
A few days back, I was listening to a podcast conversation between Mr Sandeep Dutt sir and Mr Lakshya Datta sir. In this conversation a beautiful quote arised "learning is the appetite for curiosity". I was inspired by the ultimate connection between Curiosity and its need for continuous learning. Curiosity simply means desire to know and when we have a desire towards something we try to learn more about it. Curiosity also helps to build a healthy environment for continuous learning, regularity, sharpens our brain, increases our knowledge and more. moreover, a curious mind leads to creative thinking and innovative ideas which results in great achievements. I strongly believe that curiosity develops when we have a positive attitude towards our surrounding and its people. so, stay curious and keep learning.
Ipshita Rathore 
New India
India is evolving from its role because the world’s back workplace into a information and innovation hub, despite the constraints obligatory by the country’s weak infrastructure and antediluvian education system. Indian outsourcers have conjointly evolved into foremost analysis and development (R&D) centers.
As a result, the decision centre operators in India will currently found to be serving to enhance patient take care of US hospitals, optimize monetary transactions for Australian banks and contour elements management for European engineering companies.
Similarly, the Indian IT corporations are found developing mission-critical aeronautics systems, next-generation medium technologies and sophisticated medical devices. This is often absolute to profit not simply India however the world economy moreover.
The journey of India’s new approach to innovation has simply begun. Individuals and corporations square measure mutely giving India a steely new innovative with its laboratories, offices and minds operating to attain its ever-expanding ambitions to the private dreams of these UN agency build it happen
Mangilal Dewasi / IX
Hard Work v/s Smart Work
We have seen people debating in many places – “Does Smart Work leads to Success or Hard Work leads to Success?” It’s a right topic that needs an insight because people get confused on their approach in performing tasks.
Smart Work helps a person to complete a task efficiently – more work in less hours with less resources and reduced efforts.
Hard Work also helps a person to complete a task successfully – but time consumption will be more and there is no assurance if the task can be completed with less resource. The person who does hard work has to put a lot of efforts to complete a task.
In short, with Hard Work we can complete a task successfully; but in order to gain fame among people and get recognition Smart Work matters a lot. Smart workers prioritize their tasks, complete the most important ones first and the rest later. This makes their job easy since they can act towards a solution depending on the priority. Smart Work lets you understand the time consume even before performing the task. With a plan on what needs to be done, smart workers reach the success pole soon. In the sense, working hard in a smart way will lead to success in any task assigned to us.
So, be it school, college or job, we should learn how to complete a task in less time with less resource and at the same time reach end point without flaws. We should continually improve our interpersonal skills, communication skills, time management skills and many more skills to apply our Smart Work and Hard Work in the right places in the right way at the right time.
Rohit Vaishnav/ XII Science
Time is precious in everyone's life. We should not waste time in any way. Time is the most valuable and precious thing in the universe. We can earn the amount of money we spend, but we can never get back the time we have lost. However, this makes our time more valuable than money. Hence, we must utilize our time in the most possible effective way. Also, we should utilize our time for ourselves and our loved ones. We should also use the time for the good of other people around us. This helps us and our society to grow towards a superior tomorrow. For utilizing the time, the best and effective utilization of time includes setting goals, preparing work lists , prioritizing tasks , taking sufficient amount of sleep and various other factors. Most people do not realize how valuable time is until they lose it. Besides, there are so many people in the world who prioritize money over time. But they don't realize the fact that time provides them the opportunity and change to get money. Apart from this time has given us wealth and happiness. Time is an important resource in the life of a student. How a student plans this resource determines how well or how badly he / she will do in his / her studies. This is why good time management skills are crucial for success in life. The time that passes away never returns. Time is priceless, no one can buy it , its the only thing that can make anyone zero and anyone hero in just a moment.
Saloni Rajpurohit / VIII A 

Volume No. 455  Published by The Editorial Board: Mrs Bharti Rao, Mr Krishan Gopal, Ms Swabhi Parmar,
Chief Editor: Diksha Choudhary, Secretary: Uma Choudhary, Joint Secretary: Mansi Choudhary, Editors: Anumesh Rao, Krisha Dave, Puran Choudhary, Jatin Tripash, Diksha Choudhary, Tammana Solanki, Uma Choudhary, Priyanka Deora, Krithika Rajpurohit, & Kunal Rajpurohit.