The School Weekly 17th May 2021

Message from the Principal
Dear parents and Fabindians

This global crisis has affected each one of us – children most of all. We need to guarantee that our children are protected and well taken care of. We need to invest in their health; physical and emotional and ensure continued learning. Regular exercise and a flexible study schedule will keep them fit and productively occupied. I am sure family time will promote social and emotional well-being.

While we take care of ourselves, we also need to take actions that address climate change and protection of our environment. Saving the environment will enhance our recovery from COVID-19.

Exercise, Stay Home, Stay Happy 

Rajeshree Shihag


News and Events
Inter House Solo Dance Competition, Inter House Story Writing Competition for Classes VI to XII and Inter House Story Telling Competition for Classes I to V were organised. Our Class XII student have been part of judging the competitions.
Virtual School Assembly was organised on Saturday, 15th May to connect with students and parents.  Students were awarded certificates for various Inter House Competitions.
 Introducing Council Members
Khush Rajpurohit
Post : Vice President
House : Dhyanchand House
Class : XII Science
Hobbies : Reading Books, Writing
Stories, Debating, Exploring World
of Knowledge, Helping & Acting
Sukun Rajpurohit
Post : Teresa House Vice Captain
Class : XII Science
Hobbies : Helping, Exploring
World and fitness workout
Rahul Rajendra Vaishnav Post : President House : Gandhi House Class : XII Science Hobby : Writing poems
Disha Mewara
Post : Gandhi House Vice Captain
Class : XII Science
Hobbies : Reading, Creative Writing

Gungun Sheikh
Post : Dhyanchand House Vice Captain
Class : XII Humanities
Hobbies : Playing football and
researching on new things

Aviraj Singh Ranawat
Post : Raman House Vice Captain
Class : XII Commerce
Hobbies : Singing, travelling

Vipul Rajpurohit Post : Sports Captain
House : Teresa House
Class : XII Commerce
Hobby : Sports

Ashwary Singh Ranawat Post : Vice Sports Captain
House : Teresa House
Class : XII Science
Hobbies : Boxing, playing games

Soniya Vaishnav Post : Cultural Captain
House : Gandhi House
Class : XII Commerce
Hobby : Designing

Charu Vaishnav Post : Vice Cultural Captain
House: Dhyanchand House
Class : XII Science
Hobby : Dancing

Farhaan Khan
Post : Discipline Captain
House : Gandhi House
Class : XII Science
Hobby : Meeting new people

Kamal Asarsa
Post : Vice Discipline Captain
House : Gandhi House
Class : XII Science
Hobby : Music

Rajveer Singh
Post : Finance Captain
House : Gandhi House
Class : XII Science
Hobby : Reading Facts

Meet Soni
Post : Vice Finance Captain
House : Raman House
Class : XII Commerce
Hobbies : Profit Making, Dancing
Komal Sompura
Post: Member of Judiciary
House : Teresa House
Class : XII Commerce
Hobby : Exploring

Harshvardhan Parmar
Post : Judiciary Judge
House : Raman House
Class : XII Humanities
Hobby : Playing Cricket

Tushar Diwakar
Post : Member of Judiciary
House : Dhyanchand House
Class : XII Science Biology
Hobbies : Playing Guitar & chess
Inspirations to do Service

My inspiration are my parents, as they are doing social work for the needy people. This week we have done activity of ( Vedik Havan)  sanitising our town. Doing something for others gives me joy.  - Hardik Soni/Class VII
My mother inspires me to do service in my daily life. Like she always does her work on time.
She takes care of all the family members and she knows everyone's likes and dislikes. She works for the whole day without being paid. She respects each and every one in the house and she is always ready to help and protect them. I also want to be like her to help and respect others. -Tiya Sompura/Class VII

I have been inspired by my teachers' teaching skills as they are doing. From three to four weeks I have been teaching my nephew , niece and other neighborhood children, free of cost as my learning is also increasing. - Lisha Soni/Class X
The one who inspires me the most are my parents, they both are loving, caring and protective. My mother works in the kitchen for the whole day. My father earns money for my family to fulfill our  needs . - Kesar Sompura/Class VIII
Act of Kindness Four years back I was just sitting in front of my house and cleaning wheat and millets. I saw some pigeons  and sparrows sitting on the electric pole and  cables which is near my house. They were making some noise as if they were telling  me to put some  for them. So I just took a handful of millets and put it down on the ground. Suddenly some of  them came down and started feeding.  I was so happy to see them so closely and they were also happy that they got something to eat and to feed their babies also. At the same time I was worried for them because street dogs were roaming and they might hurt the pigeons . The next day again they came and this time there were a flock of birds around nine  to ten. Day by day the number of birds increased and parrots, sparrows, squirrels and sometimes peacocks also joined them twice a day.  Now it’s become a habit that everyday whoever wakes up first in the morning has to put in a minimum of 300 grams of grains like bajra ( pearl millet), maize or wheat. By 5.45 AM they start gathering on that electric cable and pole. So everyday I just sit out to watch them for at least ten minutes and then start my day. It really gives me a kind of relaxation time.  So I would like to continue this for as long as I live and pass on to my other family members also. - Kavitha Devda/Educator
Sketching my way through the lockdown
I have been making paintings and sketches since my childhood as I was really interested in such things. But nowadays I am working too much with my skills to make them much superior and the results are also truly good. It gives my mind satisfaction and encourages me to perform much better. It is such a great feeling when you draw sketches and after completing the sketch, when you put it on social media, the praise you get from people just makes your day. Most importantly when I draw such sketches and get so much love from the people and the smile on my parents face is worth watching . 
- Himanshi Rajpurohit/Class IX
Weekend Fun
Tinkering Skills
In the Tinkering session, we learnt about the basics of Arduino. It is an Italy based Circuit board with ATMEGA IC on it. Mainly used for Automated Programs, Wireless Connections and Many more. We also learnt to design a LED Blinking program along with practical Stimulation on There are 3 sections in an Arduino board. Power, Analog in, Digital in(PWM). 
Thank you 
Diksha Meena/XII Science
                                                       Kid-Ex All Round Championship
"Greetings students!
We are proud to inform you that our school participated in the last version of the National All Rounder Championship and was recognized as one of the top 300 schools in the country based on the Holistic Development Index.
We encourage students to participate in the National All Rounder Championship - Summer 2021. The event is targeted at enabling all round development of children through 30 age-appropriate activities. Interested students can register in the event by visiting the link below.
Regular Registrations link (use ATL ID:ATL 47257709)
Please be informed that the registration using either of the links above are free, i.e., you do not need to deposit any registration fees to participate in this event. Registrations will be accepted on a first come first serve basis. Sign up early to ensure that free registrations don't run out.
Jitendra Suthar/ Educator
                                                                             Yoga Skills
Yoga is an old discipline from India. It is both spiritual and physical. Yoga uses breathing techniques, exercise and meditation.  A person doing yoga will move from one posture (called asana) to another.
Benefits of Yoga :
1.Improve flexibility and strength. Yoga stretches your muscles. 
2.Stand up straighter. Many poses in yoga can strengthen the core muscles in your stomach and back. 
3.Ease stress and anxiety levels. Yoga involves breathing exercises that force you to pay attention to your breath. 
4.Reduce low back pain. 
5.Improve sleep.
Rahul Thakur
Physical Education Teacher
“हमें यह सेशन बहुत अच्छा लगा । बच्चों ने बहुत मज़ा किया और कहने लगे , अगली बार यह सेशन होगा तब आप हमें जल्दी उठाएगा। साथ में मैंने भी मज़ा किया। सवेरे जल्दी उठकर कसरत करना स्वास्थ्य के लिए अच्छा होता है। इस से हम पूरा दिन स्फूर्ति दायक रहते हैं। आज इस कोरोना काल में सबको स्वस्थ और स्फूर्तिदायक रहना बहुत जरूरी है। विद्यालय अपनी तरफ से पूरी कोशिश कर रहा है कि बच्चे स्फूर्ति दायक रहे। यह बहुत ही अच्छा एवं सराहनीय कार्य है विद्यालय की ओर से”।
Jaya Munoyat
Mother of Jainam (Class V) and  Arham (Class II)
Aarav Solanki/Class - UKG made Sense Organs Chart & he talks about his lovely family.  He affectionately shares with his family members, their family tree. Families are important, they provide affection, support and reflect the values of the members. Family members lead each other, serve each other and share life's joys and sorrows.

Giving someone respect seems similar to valuing them and their thoughts, feelings, etc. It also seems to include acknowledging them, listening to them, being truthful with them. It creates a peaceful environment around  us. We must respect others. 
Jaydeep Sompura/Class II

Best Friend is Irreplaceable 
The laughter that you scatter, 
My sorrow that you shatter,
The time that you spare,
And the fact that you care
Is simply irreplaceable.  
The things that I learnt from you,
The songs that we sang were true,
Your cheering me when I felt blue,
And your shoulder for my crying through
Is simply irreplaceable. 
Life has it's twists and turns,
It has it's thorns and ferns,
Plenty of peaks,
and loads of dumps,
But amongst all these,
You're the one who is,
And will always be irreplaceable.  
Tamanna Solanki/Class VII 

कदम - कदम  
कदम-कदम हर कदम, मिला कर चले हम कदम।
जीत की ओर बढ़ते चले, छोटे-बड़े सभी कदम।।
तेरे  कदम मेरे कदम, मिलकर चले अपने कदम।
अज्ञान से ज्ञान की ओर, बढ़ाते चले एक-एक कदम।
ज्ञान से विज्ञान से,बढ़ते चले अपने कदम।
हर कदम बस वतन,हर कदम बस वतन।।
वतन की राह में , हो मेरा हर जतन।
भारत मां की जय हो, मेरा तेरा हर कदम।
नाम – रूद्र प्रताप सिंह / कक्षा – VI

"Maharana Pratap the great patriot"
History is full of stories of courage and Honour about leaders who were rich in material resources, but it's rare to find a leader like Maharana Pratap and his loyal followers who had only hardship to offer. The name "Maharana Pratap" has always been held in great honour and respect . Maharana Pratap has always been projected as the premier of Patriotism, freedom and independence.  Pratap was  born to  father Maharana Uday Singh II  and mother Maharani jaivantabai sonigra on 9th may 1540, third day of Vikram Era  1597 in ardh Nakshatra.  he born at Kumbhalgarh Fort . His education was worthy of a prince  and early he mastered the Warfare tactics and weaponry
Sanyogita Ranawat/ Class X 
 विज्ञापनों की दुनिया
विज्ञापनों का कार्य है लोगों तक अपने उत्पाद की सूचना देना या उससे संबंधित जानकारी देना। सूचनाओं और जानकारियों के आधार पर ग्राहक अपने लिए उस वस्तु का चुनाव कर सकते हैं। उत्पाद से संबंधित यह जानकारी या सूचना विश्वसनीय होनी चाहिए। गलत जानकारी लोगों में भ्रम पैदा कर सकती हैं या एक तरह से ऐसा करना ग्राहकों के साथ धोखाधड़ी भी है।
परंतु यह दुर्भाग्य ही है कि वर्तमान समय में विज्ञापन केवल लाभ कमाने और अपने उत्पाद की अधिक से अधिक बिक्री करने तक ही सिमट कर रह गया है। विज्ञापन का वास्तविक अर्थ है लुप्त हो गया है। अधिक से अधिक ऐसे खर्च करके लुभावने विज्ञापन तैयार किए जाते हैं जिससे कि ग्राहकों को आकर्षित किया जा सके। 
बड़े बड़े अभिनेता या खिलाड़ियों द्वारा विज्ञापन करवाया जाता है। यह खिलाड़ी और अभिनेता बड़े रोचक ढंग से अपनी प्रस्तुति देते हैं ,अपने अभिनय और हाव-भाव से ग्राहकों को सम्मोहित करते हैं। फिर अगर कोई वस्तु उपयोगी ना हो तो भी उपयोगी लगने लगती है। आवश्यकता ना हो तब भी वह वस्तु खरीदी जाती है।
 विज्ञापन महत्वपूर्ण है उत्पादक और उपभोक्ता दोनों के लिए। उत्पादक अपने उत्पाद की जानकारी प्रस्तुत करता है और उपभोक्ता उस जानकारी के आधार पर अपनी आवश्यकता पूर्ति करता है। आजकल प्रस्तुत किए जाने वाले विज्ञापनों में वास्तविक जानकारी नदारद रहती है।
 ऐसी परिस्थिति में उपभोक्ता को सतर्क रहने की आवश्यकता है। केवल लुभावने और आकर्षक विज्ञापन वस्तु खरीदने का आधार नहीं होना चाहिए। विज्ञापन में वस्तुओं के गुणों को बढ़ा चढ़ाकर दर्शाया जाता है तथा उसके मूल्य में भी वृद्धि कर दी जाती है। सावधान रहकर की हम विज्ञापनों के माया जाल से बच सकते हैं।
कनक गहलोत/कक्षा- X
Caring means showing our concern or love for someone. We can call it the purest form of love also. When we care or show our concern for someone, it makes any relationship stronger and builds respect for each other. We can care for anyone, our family, friends, the creatures living around us like birds or animals. We can provide food and water to animals and grow plants for their shelter. We should care for the environment we live in. How much we will care for nature, it will return us more than we do. In this time of Corona pandemic, we all need to take care of our family as well as ourselves. Get in touch with friends, family, call them, talk to them, give them emotional support if required. We should make people aware about the situation and help them to  escape from this pandemic can also be called caring. Caring for someone makes us feel good as well as others. It gives emotional support to the people. At home, we can help our parents, grandparents with  their work, so that they don't feel tired. Doing a small act of caring everyday without expecting anything in return, can make you a better person in real life. It makes you a responsible person. 
Monika Vaishnav/ Educator 
National Drawing Day
National Drawing Day is celebrated on May 16 of every year. Drawing is a form of visual art in which the individual uses several drawing instruments to mark the paper or another two-dimensional medium. Tools like graphite pencils, pen, ink, inked brushes, wax colour pencils, charcoal, pastel, chalk and other kinds of erasers, markers, styluses and much more will be used. National Drawing Day tells you that everything inside you is valuable and deserving to be shared with the world. The day is also there to bring much-needed appreciation and awareness to artists and illustrators.
Drawing is one of the important forms of expression within the visual arts. It is concerned with marking lines and areas of tone onto any material where the accurate representation of the visual world is expressed upon a plane surface. Traditional drawings were monochrome, while modern coloured-pencil drawings may cross a boundary between drawing and painting.
Celebrating the day is quite easy and very simple to remember. The annual event will be conducted every year, and it will encourage the people to try drawing and sketching in the inspiring and beautiful environment of the country. You can invite families, children and friends to come and help to create a large-scale drawing. Or simply draw a picture that you loved most and then show them to friends and family members.
Kusum Sharma/ Educator
NOTE: The School is closed for Summer Vacations from 16th May’21 to 27th June'21. We will be back with more news and views when the school reopens.
Volume No. 472 Published by The Editorial Board: Ms. Monika Vaishnav, Ms. Urmila Rathore, Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Khush Rajpurohit, Ipshita Rathore, Vishal Rathore, Mangilal Dewasi, Jatin Tripash, Riya Vaishnav, Rahul Vaishnav,Tamanna Solanki, Khush Suthar, Komal Sompura amd Kunal Rajpurohit

The School Weekly 10th May 2021

Message from the Principal

You are not alone!

I want each one of you to practice self-care and look after your physical and emotional well-being.
Recognize your anxiety; it’s recommended to let your parents or a trusted adult know if you’re not feeling well, if you are feeling worried or lonely, so that they can help you.
Create distractions; watch a movie, listen to some music, draw something or water your plants.  Other way could be, divide your problem into two categories, things I can do something about and things I can do nothing about, this might reduce your worries. Let’s control what’s in our hands and that is…our happiness.
Focus on yourself; learn something new, start reading a book or start gardening, now is the time and chance to do it.
Be kind to yourself, don’t let anything bother you, reach out to someone, I am sure you will be heard.
Keep Smile😊
Lots of love and happiness
Rajeshree Shihag
News and Events
This week, the Middle Section and Primary Section had their Unit Test I. The school has declared their Summer Vacation from 10th to 27th June. Senior Section will be having their Unit Test I in the next week followed by the Summer Break.
 Introducing Our House Captains
Dinesh Kumar - Teresa House Captain
Class : XII Science
Hobby : Cycling

Utkarsh Parihar - Gandhi House Captain
Class : XII Science
Hobby : Photography
Ipshita Rathore - Raman House Captain
Class : XII Science
Hobby : Reading Books
Mahendra Parihar - Dhyanchand House
Class : XII Science
Hobby : Sports
Importance of Self Isolation
Self-Isolation at home has been recommended for those diagnosed with COVID-19 and those who suspect they have been infected. Health agencies have issued detailed instructions for proper self-isolation. Many governments have mandated or recommended self-quarantine for entire populations. Quarantine helps prevent spread of disease that can occur before a person knows they are sick or if they are infected with the virus without feeling symptoms. People in quarantine should stay home, separate themselves from others, monitor their health, and follow directions from their state or local health department.
Dhawan Choudhary / IX A
Tinkering Skills 
Session started with a Video of Introduction to Breadboard. I learnt, How to use Breadboard, Potentiometer, Led, Slide Switch in the session. Breadboard is a temporary circuit where we can design our circuit and check. Tinkering sessions are really helpful. All the virtual circuits are made on 
Thank you
Jyotirmoy Nag/ V
The following things we learnt from the Tinkering Session:-
1. We learnt to use a breadboard, which we can use to test our project's circuit. We can make a temporary circuit on a breadboard and if the circuit is correct and the project is working in the proper way then we can make the circuit on the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) for permanent use.
2. We learnt how to give the current in the breadboard horizontally and vertically. We visualised a virtual circuit on a breadboard using TinkerCad and it was working properly.
Mangilal Dewasi/Class X
Artistic Skills
Gandhi House
Teresa House
Dhyanchand House
Raman House
Art by our Tiny Stars

'Peacock' and a 'Cat' made using Thumbprint  Birds and animals made by Jaydeep Sompura/ III using Thumb Printing

Thank you card made for all the teachers by Tanishi Chitara/ III
Awareness Message by our Little Champs
By Jaidhiraj Singh/ UKG
By Pranshi Gurjar/ LKG
Benefits of Pranayam
Pranayama is the practice of breath regulation. It’s a main component of yoga, an exercise for physical and mental wellness. In Sanskrit, “prana” means life energy and “yama” means control. The practice of pranayama involves breathing exercises and patterns. You purposely inhale, exhale, and hold your breath in a specific sequence. In yoga, pranayama is used with other practices like physical postures (asanas) and meditation (dhyana). Together, these practices are responsible for the many benefits of yoga. But pranayama has benefits of its own. These advantages are due to the therapeutic effects of breathing exercises and mindfulness. The benefits of pranayama have been extensively researched.
According to scientific studies, pranayama may benefit your health in a variety of different ways. Let’s look at seven of these benefits in more detail.
1. Decreases Stress
2. Improves Sleep Quality 
3. Increases Mindfulness 
4. Reduces High Blood Pressure 
5. Improves Lung functioning 
6. Enhance Cognitive Performance 
7. Reduces Cigarette Cravings 
Pranayama is a main component of yoga. It’s frequently practiced with yoga postures and meditation.
The goal of pranayama is to strengthen the connection between your body and mind.
According to research, pranayama can promote relaxation and mindfulness. It’s also proven to support multiple aspects of physical health, including lung function, blood pressure, and brain function.
Khush Rajpurohit
XII Science
Saturday- Sunday Dhamal
Saturday (Virtual Yoga)
For me yoga is just a workout – It’s about working on yourself. This week in yoga class I have focused to involve all the body parts of our body for all age groups, which will help the individual to develop their Spine flexibility, good digestive system, Stimulates the Glands and also tone our muscles.
Sunday (Physical Fitness Class)
This week, Physical fitness class was focused to develop Agility- It is the ability to change the position or direction of the body quickly and accurately.
To develop this physical fitness component we did Paper Workout. Equipment required- 5 pieces of paper, 6 pieces of paper ball and a bucket.
By the help of this paper workout individuals can develop their agility, body movement & co-ordination and can lead a healthy life.
Honesty and Respect
Respect, Honesty and Trust are important hallmarks of healthy relationships. In healthy relationships people talk honestly, listen well and trust and respect each other. Honesty is the essential character trait that every individual should pass. The possession of this trait is very beneficial for a person’s whole life. The term is defined as the courage to speak the truth and reject infidelity. Whereas respect  is a way of treating or thinking about someone. People respect others who are impressive for any reason such as being in authority – like a teacher or cop or being older – like a grandparent. We show respect by being polite and kind. As Americans , we are taught early that honesty is a great virtue that one must show respect to earn respect and that learning compassion requires standing on someone else’s shoes . All of these are pretty ideas. After all , people don’t want to be lied to ; they want to be respected for who they are. I think it’s best summed up by the adage, “Treat others the way you wish to be treated.”  
Tanishi Chitara 
Class - III
Honesty & Respect
Honesty and Respect existed in India till ancient times. Honest people have been respected by the public in the past. People were not only honest to each other, but they also respected each other and their ideas. Some examples of honesty are Raja Harishchandra and Yudhishthira (Also called Dharamraja ). Respect matters a lot to the ancient people. They respected their elders as well as youngsters. With time, the meaning of honesty and respect has changed very much. Today honesty has the same value for some people. In today's world, where crime is prevailing everywhere globally, some people have respect for honesty. Honesty pays, but one should have patience. Respect is like a give and takes matter. If you give someone respect, you will get the same respect in return. 
Divyanshi Upadhyay 
Class VIII B
कोरोना: मुसीबत की घड़ी
                    मुसीबत एक अनोखी आई, 
                    मन को किसी के नहीं भाई, 
                      चारों ओर तबाही छाई। 
                      हमारी ही ये तो माया है, 
                       मन ही मन भरमाया है, 
                     समय विचित्र ले आया है। 
                      प्राण-वायु का संकट है, 
                    तो कहीं उपचार विकट है, 
                      दुनिया पर ये कंटक है।
                      मानवता को मत छोड़ो,
                   मदद का संकल्प मत तोड़ो
                     नियमों से खुद को जोड़ो।
                       उजियारा एक नया होगा,
                                                               बादल काला अवश्य छँटेगा,
                                                                पूर्ववत सब कुछ तब होगा।
                                                                आशा की उम्मीद जगाओ,
                                                               संकट विपद को तुम हराओ,
                                                                एक-दूजे का साथ निभाओ।
                                                                             धार्वी दवे 
                                                                            कक्षा- VI 
गलतियों से सीखना  
गलतियाँ सीखने की प्रक्रिया का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है। सीखने में गलतियों के बिना , आपका दिमाग कुछ नहीं सीखेगा। ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि अगर गलती करने के बाद हताशा में हार मानने के बजाय , हम गलती को समझने के लिए रचनात्मक रूप में काम करते हैं , तो समस्या को हल करने की रणनीति हमारे साथ बेहतर हैं , अगर हम समाधान को याद करते हैं। इसके बावजूद , हमारी शिक्षा प्रणाली में , गलतियों को अक्सर सीखने के अवसर के रूप में देखा जाता है। तब हम अपने छात्रों को उनकी गलतियों से सीखने में मदद के लिए क्या कर  सकते हैं ? सबसे पहले , आइए देखें कि कैसे गलतियाँ सीखने की प्रक्रिया को उत्तेजित कर सकती हैं। यदि छात्रों को अपनी गलतियों से सीखने की अनुमति दी जाती है , तो उन्हें गलतियाँ करने की अनुमति दी जानी चाहिए।  साथ ही , एक गलती के अनुकूल सीखने का माहौल बनाने में मदद करें , जहाँ छात्र अपनी गलतियों पर शर्म महसूस न करें। अपने छात्रों को हार न मानने और सही समाधान पर काम करना जारी रखने के लिए प्रेरित करें। इस तरह , सीखने का प्रतिफल फोकस बना रहता है और गलतियों से निपटने का एक रचनात्मक तरीका इस का एक महत्त्वपूर्ण आधार है। 
 Ayasha Tak/ Educator
Humility is the quality of being humble. It also means putting the needs of others before your own and thinking of others before yourself. This quality has to be a part of one’s character. It begins with accepting who we are and what makes us human. It has to start with the recognition that we are not always right, we can be wrong at some point in time, and we need to learn from others.  A humble person is an eye-catcher in this era of selflessness, where everybody screams for themselves and avoid others completely. A humble person is always loved, appreciated and respected by others. We often see that it is easy to be humble when we are at the low stage, but many of us lose this quality when we progress and achieve something in life. A person should not make others feel inferior and consider himself superior. Otherwise, we will start feeling avoided by the people around us. We can often notice the difference in the size of a friend circle of a humble person v/s a selfish or rude person.  Being a teacher, we need to inculcate this value among our children, but this only happens when we are humble towards others; children always learn by doing and seeing the people around them. We can also share some examples of great leaders (Mother Teresa) who were admired and respected only because of this humbleness. 
Let me put an end by saying that 'Always be like the bamboo. The higher you grow, the deeper you bow.'
Nikita Rajpurohit/ Educator
Volume No. 471 Published by The Editorial Board: Ms. Monika Vaishnav, Ms. Urmila Rathore, Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Khush Rajpurohit, Ipshita Rathore, Vishal Rathore, Mangilal Dewasi, Jatin Tripash, Riya Vaishnav, Rahul Vaishnav,Tamanna Solanki, Khush Suthar, Komal Sompura amd Kunal Rajpurohit