The School Weekly 25th October 2021

 News & Events
Our school has participated in district level  Football Tournament. Under 19 and Under 17. Football team secured 2nd position held at Rani and Boya respectively. Players gave their best to make our school proud.

I participated in the Under 17 District Level Football Tournament. My team had 15 players and I was one of them.  I was also the Vice Captain of my team. My position was right forward and I scored 3 goals in the tournament.  My friends and I played well and were selected for the state tournament. My team played well and we got 2nd position in the series. I am proud of my school for giving us this opportunity.
Dhawan Choudhary IX 
पेड़ हमारे मित्र 
पेड़ हमारे सबसे अच्छे दोस्त हैं। वे हमें बहुत सी चीजें देते हैं और बदले में प्यार एवं देखभाल के अलावा हमसे कुछ भी उम्मीद नहीं रखते हैं। पेड़ हमें अलग - अलग मौसमों में अलग - अलग फल देते हैं , जैसे सेब ,केला ,अंगूर , आम , संतरा और पपीता आदि। ये हमें गर्मियों में ठंडक प्रदान करते हैं। वे हमारे घरों एवं इमारतों के निर्माण के लिए हमें लकड़ियाँ देते हैं। हमें धनिया , पुदीना , तुलसी , नीम , लहसुन जैसे पौधों से हमें बहुत सी दवाइयाँ मिलती हैं। मनुष्य द्वारा कई उद्देश्यों के लिए पेड़ों का उपयोग किया जाता है। जैसे - इमारतों का निर्माण , कृषि के लिए औजारों का निर्माण इनके लिए पेड़ की लकड़ी  ही एकमात्र स्त्रोत है। पेड़ हवा को स्वच्छ बनाने में भी मदद करते हैं । वे कार्बनडाई ऑक्साइड लेते हैं और ऑक्सीजन को बाहर निकालते हैं और इस तरह से हवा को स्वच्छ बनाते हैं। ऑक्सीजन की आवश्यकता सभी जीवित प्राणियों को होती हैं। जहाँ पेड़ अधिक होते हैं , वहाँ बारिश भी अधिक होती हैं और वातावरण ठंडा रहता है। पेड़ पृथ्वी पर सही तापमान बनाए रखने में मदद करते हैं। पेड़ों को बचाने के लिए हमें पेड़ों की कटाई को रोकना होगा और अधिक से अधिक पेड़ लगाने होंगे। ये पेड़ ही हैं , जिनकी वजह से पृथ्वी पर जीवन संभव हैं। 
Tanishi Chitara / III
My Village
The name of my village is Sesli. My village is very clean and beautiful. About 5000 people live in our village. We have a small house made by my grandfather about sixty years ago. We take our drinking and cooking water from the four wells during the summer and rainy season. There are a lot of mosquitos in our houses which trouble us very much. The headmaster and postmaster are both good men and are respected by other  people.  My village is very small but I love it so much.
Yachika Parmar / V
Praising anybody for his or her task can increase the confidence of the receiver. The word “Appreciation” looks smaller from outside but it can help achieve anything if used properly. This word is the most powerful word for motivating someone. If someone gets appreciated for a certain task then that person always gives best in all further tasks.
This word is motivational, carrying a huge power inside and can turn negative thoughts into positive. This is the magic of appreciation. Many people know how to make use of this word while others recognize its depth and meaning. If this word if used for a person, he/she can carry out any difficult task with low input energy. Many organizations and multinational companies are known for the culture of appreciation. This is the main reason behind the happiness of their employees.
If there is a difficult task ahead and a team is unfamiliar with the ways to carry out that task, the team leader or manager tries to appreciate members or members for their previous task. This can increase the inner power of that member. The example of appreciation with me one day I speak the debat very good every one his Appreciate me 
Omprakash Morbarsha / VIII A
Justice is the principle of balancing or reconciling human relations in society in such a way as enables each one to get his due rights, towards and punishments. Justice is based on values and traditions of society. Justice has several dimensions: Social Justice, Economic Justice, Political Justice and Legal Justice. Justice stands for rule of law, absence of arbitrariness and a system of equal rights, freedoms and opportunities for all in society.
In other words, Justice means securing and protecting of rights of all in a fair way. It stands for harmony among all the people, orderly living and securing of rights of all in a just and fair way. Aim of Justice is to provide equal rights, opportunities and facilities to all in a fair way. All civil rights movements are essentially movements for justice.
Akshar rajpurohit / XI 
Unity is strength          
Unity means the state of being whole or joined as one. It doesn't matter whether it is between 2persons or 2 billion when they are on the same page and work for the betterment of each member in that lies unity and unity is truly a strength as our history is evidence of many such incidents. It is through unity that people work as a team and team work is always more valuable as it brings people together unite is not just limited to the nation. It is  associated with unity among families, students in a classroom, marriage, and religion. When the students are united they can deal with difficulties easily and also stand up for their rights when one is discriminated against or ill-treated, when in a marriage the couples is united, it is beneficial for the family as they can hold each others ups and downs. Sadly today there is less unity among the people and they are hell- bent on rising about one another. In the name of religion, colour and caste, many battles and wars are fought like in our country the muslims community being the minority faces so many allegation even though they are not at fault I have come to know of many such harsh experience. The spirit of the phrase unity is strength fits our nation the best and we should also live our lives in peace and harmony.
Chirag Sharma / XII
Praising anybody for his or her task can increase the confidence of the receiver. The word “Appreciation” looks smaller from outside but it can help achieve anything if used properly. This word is the most powerful word for motivating someone. If someone gets appreciated for a certain task then that person always gives best in all further tasks.
This word is motivational, carrying a huge power inside and can turn negative thoughts into positive. This is the magic of appreciation. Many people know how to make use of this word while others recognize its depth and meaning. If this word is used for a person, he/she can carry out any difficult task with low input energy. Many organizations and multinational companies are known for the culture of appreciation. This is the main reason behind the happiness of their employees. If there is a difficult task ahead and a team is unfamiliar with the ways to carry out that task, the team leader or manager tries to appreciate members or members for their previous task. This can increase the inner power of that member.
Appreciating someone’s efforts is not an act that makes you feel shy but it’s an act that proves your character. This act shows that you are living down to earth. Therefore it is necessary to appreciate a person whenever possible. It is a good way to make things easier and simpler.
Rehan Raza / XII
Kindness is a value cum language that a blind can feel and deaf can hear. Being kind requires nothing, which is the reason why most people cannot afford it. This is the cause why people in today's world cannot feel secure. Everyone keeps on saying that the world is rude but no one sees that they too belong to this world. Everyone wants to eat the best food but no one wants to cook.
Similar is the case with kindness; everyone wants others to be kind but no one sees themselves as being kind. Kindness takes nothing, just one needs to practice it. We don’t value something until we know the real worth of that thing. Similarly, we don’t know the value of kindness as we don’t practice it, I mean we are not kind. When we'll start being kind then we'll witness the ultimate change. When we start practicing kindness then our practice will ultimately turn into a habit. And habits are very hard to forget. I'll share my experience of being kind to others. Once in my village, an old man was working in the sunny afternoon. He was digging and doing his work. That person was almost 60+ and then he was working for the sake of his family, to earn for his family. So I was buying sugarcane juice and saw that hardworking person, I felt sorry because no one noticed his efforts. Everyone thought that it was his work but I saw the pain that man had through his actions. So I gave him a glass of sugarcane juice, he was flabbergasted once. Then I told him to please have it. The smile that I saw on his face and the satisfaction was just above anything. This was the act of kindness that I showed.
In the same way, we can also be kind; different from others. An act of kindness however small it may be. It can be like a drop of water in the desert. You may not feel it but when you'll practice I can assure you that you too will feel the same and tell others to do it.
I would end up my writeup by two lines:
It would make no difference if I do good than others
Instead, it would make a huge difference if I do good for others.
Rahul Vaishnav / XII
How can you overcome fear?
Life is so unreal for everyone. Especially when it comes to these days. Being surrounded by our loved ones is the most realistic situation we ask for. This brings some good feeling and internal strength to us. Which helps in keeping yourself strong. 
One of the most over exaggerated terms is “FEAR”. There is no one in the universe without this feeling. Some of them come over very fast whereas others fall into the trap. Yes.. it is a trap. When we say FEAR, it means False Evidence Appearing Real. Feeling of not being able to perform, express or Face the situation is FEAR. 
While in School, Students face this issue a lot of times. Not able to ask Questions in a Classroom, Not able to Answer, Not able to Speak on a stage, Not able to lead a team on projects , Not able to share any kind of pressure or bullying and many more.
Students are like flowers, they have to be nurtured all the time. Else they will lose the essence. Being Comfortable is the first thing a student should be able to do. For this, Talk as much as you can, share whatever you want to, Keeping in mind that there is no one watching you or Judging you. If Students are able to work on this, such over exaggerated terms will never bother anyone. 
Jitendra Suthar / Educator

Volume No. 489 Published by The Editorial Board: Ms. Monika Vaishnav, Ms. Urmila Rathore, Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Khush Rajpurohit, Ipshita Rathore, Vishal Rathore, Mangilal Dewasi, Jatin Tripash, Riya Vaishnav, Rahul Vaishnav,Tamanna Solanki, Khush Suthar, Komal Sompura and Kunal Rajpurohit

The School Weekly 18th October 2021

 News & Events
On 12th Oct. 2021,the School organized Investiture Ceremony for our newly elected Council Members for the session 2021-22. All elected Council Members were given badges and they were appreciated by the Principal and Staff of the School. Elected members took oath and committed to take responsibility for the School.

Fish Tank
This is a fish tank. We can see many fish swimming in the water. There are small green plants inside the water. There are many other water animals such as octopus, starfish and snails. I see many small pebbles at the bottom of the fish tank. I love watching these colourful fish and other water animals.
Devanshi Ojha / II

Sense Organs
1.Ears are used to hear or listen.
2.Nose is used to smell. Smell can be good and bad.
3.Skin  is used to touch. Skin helps us to feel hard, soft and rough.
4.Eyes are used to see the size, shape of things.
5.Tongue helps us to taste. It can be sweet, salty and bitter.
Tanishi Chitara / III

The butterfly is a pretty little insect. It flutters around the flowers. There are thousands of kinds of butterflies. It has very beautiful wings. Its wings are of bright colours like yellow, purple, red, etc. A butterfly is normally a day-flying insect belonging to the order of Lepidoptera and grouped in suborder Rhopalocera. These insects are closely related to moths, from which they grow. The discovery of moths dates back to 200 million years ago.
Now, the life of a butterfly is closely related to flowering plants that their larvae feed on, and their adult feed and lay eggs. These butterflies have a long history of co-evolution with flowering plants; many of the details of plant anatomy are related to their pollination. Butterflies are intelligent, like ants. Butterfly's life is short. My favourite insect is the butterfly.
Vratika Sirvi / IV
My Country India
The name of my country is India. It is also known as the country of festivals. There are 28 states and 9 union territories. All types of religions are practiced in India. Hindi is the most common language in India. All states have different cultures, food, clothes but all have unity in them. Famous places to visit here are Ooty , Jammu and Kashmir, Kanyakumari, Rajasthan and many more. Tourists often come here to visit several monuments like Taj Mahal at Agra,  Qutub Minar at Delhi, Statue of Unity at Gujrat made in the memory of Sardar Valabbhai Patel also known as Iron Man. In ancient times, it was known as the golden bird. It is a democratic country. Here we can see different types of weather in different places in India like Ladakh and Leh experience temperatures as low as -40°C during winter where the temperature at Chennai may hover around 20°C to 25°C on the same day. At last I would say that I love my country because we all have unity and no discrimination.
Soumyajeet Solanki / VII A
Appreciation means to recognize someone's good qualities. If you are able to acknowledge someone's good qualities, then you should appreciate them for that. Now you would think about it that, appreciating anyone does not matter that much. But it's totally wrong because all those who are trying new things, need your admiration the most. If we give value to their thoughts, then more desire will increase in their mind towards that work. For example, as I am making sketches, painting, portraits, etc. I am getting so much praise and appreciation from people and that's why it encourages me to perform much better. I would like to share a poem which was composed by me to thank all those people who appreciated me.
Thanks to those who hated me, 
You made me stronger.
Thanks to those who loved me,
You made me go further.
Thanks to those who stayed with me,
You showed me true friendship.
Thanks to those who encouraged me,
You made me feel like I was worth it.
Himanshi Rajpurohit/ IX A
Women Empowerment
Women's empowerment is the process of empowering women. It may be defined in several ways, including accepting women's viewpoints or making an effort to seek them, raising the status of women through education, awareness, literacy, and training.
Women empowerment is one of the most critical and essential things that everyone should support. It is when women are given the most power and right to make decisions for themselves. Women have been subjected to injustice through decades. They have been treated as non-existent for decades. The men always had all the rights. However, the women didn’t have any of these rights, even a small right like voting. Things changed when women realized that they too, needed equal rights. This brought along the revolution by the women demanding their rights. It spreads the awareness that gender shouldn’t be the reason for things to go in their favor.
Countries all over the world called themselves ”progressive countries” but every one of them has a history of ill-treating women. Women in these countries had to fight against the systems to get the freedom and status that they have achieved today. However, in India, women’s empowerment is still lagging. There is more awareness that needs to be created for the awareness to spread.
Women's empowerment are divided into five types:
1) Social: Social empowerment might be one of the most prominent forms of empowerment shown in the mainstream media. It strengthens women’s social relations and their positions in social structures, giving them more of a purpose outside of the home.
2)Educational: Education is a crucial part of growing and developing, but there are still places in the world that deny education to girls.
3)Economic: People say money can’t buy happiness, but being at an economic disadvantage can take away access to becoming empowered.
4)Political: The political involvement of women “implies the decentralization of power and authority in the deprived, oppressed, and powerless people who have not been able to participate in the decision-making process and the implementation of policies and programs of both government and organizations as well as familial and societal matters."
5) Psychological
Psychological empowerment aligns with social empowerment—it transgresses the “traditional and patriarchal taboos and social obligations” and lets women go beyond what’s expected of them in society. This can build self-confidence, help women recognize their self-worth, and give them the chance to take control of their income and body.
Kasak Choudhary/ XI
How often have you stopped to smell the roses and by the way, the saying refers to living in the present and is not all about smelling the roses next to you on the table? It is important that we each appreciate the current moment and even make a list of things that we are thankful for. Of course, you could question why but the fact remains that most of us have this tendency to take our loved ones, including our current circumstances for granted. The one lesson that none of us ever seem to learn until it is too late is that nothing is permanent in life. Our loved ones, from our parents, our grandparents, our teachers, to siblings, will not always be around to help us out in our time of need.
This is why it is important to appreciate all the big and small things in our lives; after all, showing our appreciation to the ones that we love only serves to validate that emotion and should help strengthen it further.  It is the little things that matter a lot, so you just need to take a moment to sit down, do some introspection, write a list of all the things that you are thankful for and start showing your appreciation for the same. Moreover, appreciating the finer things in your life should serve to highlight the fact that you are indeed lucky in more ways than one. You could tell your mother how lucky you are that she is still around, and tell her that you love her. That should definitely make her day. Appreciation is all about appreciating the people around you and your very act of expressing affection should serve to validate your relationship and take it to a whole new level.
Doing so should start a cascading motion as you become more of an optimist. When you are expressing your appreciation to your loved one, keep it short and natural; all that your loved one wants to hear is what you feel deep in your heart.  The value of an honest appreciative action can go a long way in cementing any relationship, even one that is fraught with all the usual fights and hostilities. Just remember to keep the message direct, to the point; no one wants to hear a long-winded appreciation message so keep it short. And even get them a few things just to show your appreciation, and remember that all they wants to know is what is deep inside your heart.
Khush Rajpurohit / XII
Never Give Up Hope
Hope is a rope which is a lifeline for everyone. It is a ray of light when a person is in darkness. Hope makes us believe that nothing is impossible in this world. If you have faith in yourself and you are ready to work hard then you can achieve success to complete the impossible task. Hope gives us wings to  fulfill our dreams and help us to create a path to achieve our goals. 
As Educators, we must inculcate this value of hope in our children. Life is very unpredictable and sometimes we will face failure. So hope is the only thing which will help us to move on and restart our task again. We can give examples of great personalities like Albert Einstein, Charlie Chaplin, Walt Disney, etc who didn't achieve success in one go. They faced many failures and then got success. If we will tell them their stories then children will understand the importance of hope in our life.
I would like to give a real life example. My aunt was diagnosed with cancer. All family members were worried and upset. My aunt was sad and she gave up hope to live. But then seeing her children she decided to go through the treatment and fight with cancer as her children needed her. So she took the treatment. Though it was painful, she was successful in defeating cancer. She was cancer free and now is with her family safe and healthy. 
I would like to end with the quote "Hope is such an energy by which any dark part of life can be illuminated". So let's carry "Hope" with ourselves.
Prerna Rathod/ Educator

Volume No. 488 Published by The Editorial Board: Ms. Monika Vaishnav, Ms. Urmila Rathore, Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Khush Rajpurohit, Ipshita Rathore, Vishal Rathore, Mangilal Dewasi, Jatin Tripash, Riya Vaishnav, Rahul Vaishnav,Tamanna Solanki, Khush Suthar, Komal Sompura and Kunal Rajpurohit

The School Weekly 11th October 2021

My Country
My country is India. I love my country. India has a special place in my heart because it is very unique with a blend of diverse cultures having a variety of food, dresses/costumes, dances, languages, festivals, etc . If we take the example of Gujarat, it stands for various kinds of foods like Patra , Dhokla etc. In the main course, Basundi,  etc. If we talk about dresses, the dressing style is very unique with vibrant colours and accessories for each body part. Dance in Gujarat is unique called garba or dandiya in which people make a circle and dance. The auspicious festival of Navratri is a celebration of its culture. Like this every state has its own culture, folk dances , songs, clothes , language and a vast variety of food . I love my country also because it has a very readily available medical services and I am glad that  people from abroad do travel to India for medical treatments. Tourists also come here  to see many historical buildings and monuments and to find more about them. People are so kind, big hearted, generous, religious and are like a family to anyone. We Indians truly believe in "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam". It comes with a strong legacy of Cultural heritage and knowledge of all kinds. It was India that gave many concepts of mathematical and scientific importance to the world. Once our country also had a caste system , but now it’s abolished . If I get a chance to serve my country, I would definitely  spend all my blood and tears to serve my country.
Jai  Hind!  Jai Bharat!
Tamanna Solanki / VII B

 Should India help Afghanistan or not
Today we are concerned about the geopolitics of Afghanistan or in other words we can say South Asia. Now there are two Afghanistan's. First, the government of Afghanistan is the Taliban and the second one is the people of Afghanistan. So let me clear with you that we are not helping the government of Afghanistan. Now the point is to whom India should help. It is very important that India should support the innocent people. I believe that we should support the American soldiers who are dying in these wars. The American taxpayers who are being looted for these wars. The people of Afghanistan who are victims of tyranny under Taliban's rule. We should support the freedom and human rights of every person. Meaning of Taliban- Group of student seekers. But it is totally opposite because Taliban means group of terrorists.. A fundamentalist muslim movement was set up in 1996 in Islamic state of Afghanistan. The Taliban was founded by Mullah Mohammad Omar, a member of the Pashtun tribe in Afghanistan in the early 1990. From then we know that Afghans had made their own groups so if we help them we directly help terrorism. The government of Afghanistan is run by the Taliban because the president also ran away because of this terrorist group and most of part, not most, the whole country is under Taliban rule and they made their control on it and made their own government Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan.. When the US military left Afghanistan in February 2020 these terrorist groups came out and took control again . By helping Afghanistan India should face the problem of most wanted terrorist group like - Jaish, Lashkar, Haqqani. Because they all are the supporter of Taliban. And India should already have faced the problem of these groups. They organized many attacks in India like the attack of 26/11 on 26 November 2008, attack at parliament on 13 December 2001, Pulwama attack on 14 February 2014, many of our soldiers , police officers and people died in all these attacks . Taliban spokesperson Muhammad Suhail Shaheen gives open warning to India. However India should remain neutral and should not support the current Kabul administration with military hardware which are ultimately used against the people of Afghanistan and destruction of the country. If apart from this we also help Afghanistan, then we have to face troubles somewhere in future. If other countries are not helping, why should we help? Some countries are promoting them like China , Pakistan, and Russia to form their new government to make a better alliance with the Taliban. India has so far invested more than 3 billion dollars in Afghanistan' s democracy like salam dam, roads, and other infrastructure projects and India provides many scholarships to students for their bright future. A Taliban spokesperson spoke about India's development projects in the country that are in Taliban control. By helping this all India does not get any benefit, only gets lost . Meaning of terrorism- Terrorism is ,in its broadcast sense, the unlawful use of intentional violence to achieve political aims, especially against civilians. It is used in this regard primarily to refuse to violence during peacetime. The global terrorism database, maintained by the University of Maryland, College park has recorded more than 61,000 incidents of non-state terrorism resulting in at least 140,000 deaths , between 2000 and 2014 . Taliban appreciate Pakistan for supporting it's government, Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan internationally . Taliban spokesperson and Afghanistan Acting deputy information minister Zabihullah Mujahid in an interview to Pakistani television noted that Pakistan had demanded of the international community to establish better lies with Afghanistan reported Geo News. So if we help other countries are also make problem to India. Now the last reason is India officially didn't say that we should help Afghanistan. 
Thank you
Shubham Rajpurohit/ XI
Appreciation is something which we all need when we do our best in whatever we do. Respect and  recognition are a part of how we show appreciation. Appreciation is characterized by interest, attention, devotion, and friendliness. Appreciation keeps us motivated towards our work. Appreciation is the act of giving something or someone their proper value, and everybody has value. The value in a relationship is important because it lets a person know where they stand, and what they mean to you. When we get appreciated on small things, we proud of ourselves and which helps us to do better and better in our field of work. When we value each other and praise them, we appreciate them. We feel grateful and energetic when we are appreciated by our fellow members, peers, boss, teacher, principal, etc. We wake up everyday, do our work and at the end of day we get tired but when we're appreciated by others, our tiredness flows away. This small gesture of appreciation makes our day. We all need a small cup of appreciation from others. Wherever there is appreciation, there is positive vibe, positive mindset in our surroundings.
Thank you
Khush Suthar/ XII
Praising anybody for his or her task can increase the confidence of the receiver. The word “Appreciation” looks smaller from outside but it can help achieve anything if used properly. This word is the most powerful word for motivating someone. If someone gets appreciated for a certain task then that person always gives best in all further tasks.
This word is motivational, carrying a huge power inside and can turn negative thoughts into positive. This is the magic of appreciation. Many people know how to make use of this word while others recognize its depth and meaning. If this word is used for a person, he/she can carry out any difficult task with low input energy. Many organizations and multinational companies are known for the culture of appreciation. This is the main reason behind the happiness of their employees.
If there is a difficult task ahead and a team is unfamiliar with the ways to carry out that task, the team leader or manager tries to appreciate members or members for their previous task. This can increase the inner power of that member.
Appreciating someone’s efforts is not an act that makes you feel shy but it’s an act that proves your character. This act shows that you are living down to earth. Therefore it is necessary to appreciate a person whenever possible. It is a good way to make things easier and simpler.
Nikhil Vaishnav/ XII
Making Others Happy
Happiness is liked by every person, and it is also the right of every person to be happy. Making others happy is the greatest thing in the world. To see someone smile, inspire someone or make their day is really something to live for.  If you try to keep others happy and yourself, then positive emotions will remain around you and the happiness doubles.  It gives you a sense of accomplishment and purpose, to know that you have made someone else's life a little easier.  It helps to defeat your own bad days, depression and sadness.  We can give happiness to our family members, friends and people around us even with small efforts.  As a teacher, I keep making similar efforts in general.  I definitely give chocolates, toffees to the children for their excellent work.  I pat the children of my class on the back, listen to them, praise them, help them on many subjects, support them emotionally, and always try to make them happy with new ideas.  .  Believe me, happiness infuses inspiration in children, and their joy fills us with energy and fun.
 I would like to tell you about my attempt to give happiness to others through an example from my life. Some time ago, a family came and settled near my house.  The family consisted of a husband, wife and their three daughters.  The age of the daughters was between 7 and 11.  The father of the children used to go to work, and his mother used to clean the surrounding houses.  The three girls used to spend their entire day playing around the hut made of tarpaulin.  I came to know from their mother that due to the Corona epidemic, those children have missed school, and the education has completely stopped. Parents being illiterate were unable to help them in teaching, and online education was out of their control due to financial weakness.  Then I decided to help them.  I arranged clothes and books for them and took care of their studies till the school opened.  I did many creative activities with my children, gave them free tuition in all subjects, which is still going on.  Now his parents are very optimistic about his future.  My small initiative brought a smile to his face. Today everyone in the whole locality helps him in one way or another, and I feel immense joy seeing the happiness of that family People are happy when their expectations are fulfilled; we can make others happy by fulfilling their expectations.  Sometimes happiness is found in even the most minor things; your one effort fills someone's life with joy.  Happiness and joy are what others need.  If our surroundings are pleasant, then it is also very beneficial for our mental health. By giving happiness to others, we also fill ourselves with happiness in a way, our kindness can become such a virtuous circle that lasting happiness and benevolence promote unity.
 American researcher Mila Titova says that giving happiness to others makes you happier than giving yourself.  Making others happy is more meaningful to people than just socializing with them or doing something to improve their happiness.  When we aim to please others, we feel connected to them, our individual needs are better met by those that are important to us.  She suggests that if you are not having the best day, then instead of focusing on yourself, think about doing something nice for your significant other or your peers.  It is effective for giving happiness and also for one's own happiness.
Pinkee Chauhan/ Educator
दूसरों को खुश रखना
हम दूसरों को खुश रखने की कोशिश करते हैं। क्योंकि इससे हमें आत्म संतुष्टि मिलती हैं। यह हमें अपने बारे में अच्छा महसूस कराता है या हमारे जीवन को अर्थ देता है। अगर आप दूसरों को खुश रखना चाहते है तो सर्वप्रथम आपकी खुद की खुशी बहुत जरुरी है। कहने का मतलब यह है कि यदि आप दुखी  है तो आप किसी को खुश नहीं कर सकते है। प्यार किसी भी रूप में हमारे जीवन में खुशियाँ लाता है।
दोस्तों, परिवार और अन्य लोगों के साथ आपके स्वस्थ संबंध आपके जीवन की गुणवत्ता में सुधार कर सकते है और जीवन में खुशियाँ ला सकते हैं। जैसे कि हमारी जिंदगी में एक ऐसा पल जरूर आता है कि हमारी वजह से किसी को खुशी जरूर मिलती है। मेरे जीवन का एक ऐसा ही पल मैं आपके साथ में साझा कर रही हूँ।हमारे मोहल्ले में एक बहुत ही गरीब परिवार रहता था। उनके पास में कमाई का कोई भी जरिया नहीं था। सभी लोग उन्हें घृणा की दृष्टि से देखते थे। कोई भी उनकी मदद नहीं करना चाहता था। परन्तु मुझे उस गरीब परिवार पर बहुत दया आती थी।
एक दिन मैंने उनकी सहायता करने की सोची और उनके लिए कुछ कपड़े और कुछ खाने का सामान खरीद कर उनके घर गई। जब मैंने उनको वो सामान दिया तो उनकी खुशी का कोई ठिकाना नहीं रहा और वो लोग बस मुझे दुआएँ देते नहीं थक रहे थे। उस दिन उन लोगों को इतना खुश देखकर मुझे उनसे भी ज्यादा खुशी का अनुभव हो रहा था। सच में दूसरों को खुशी देने से एक अलग ही प्रकार के सुख की अनुभूति होती है।
Ayasha Tak/ Educator

Volume No. 487 Published by The Editorial Board: Ms. Monika Vaishnav, Ms. Urmila Rathore, Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Khush Rajpurohit, Ipshita Rathore, Vishal Rathore, Mangilal Dewasi, Jatin Tripash, Riya Vaishnav, Rahul Vaishnav,Tamanna Solanki, Khush Suthar, Komal Sompura and Kunal Rajpurohit

The School Weekly 04th October 2021

 News & Events

On 2nd October we organized Inter House Debate Competition for Middle Section. There were 2 participants from each house, the topic of English debate was ' Is it appropriate to teach religion in Schools' and the topic for Hindi Debate was ' कोरोना काल हितकारी या अहितकारी'.

All the students participated enthusiastically and they all expressed themselves really very well. The Chairperson of the debate was Mahendra Parihar and Judges were Farhan Khan, Meenakshi Choudhary and Aryan Sirvi.
Result of IH English Debate Competition of Middle Section 
1st - Devansh Rajpurohit -   Class VIII A - Gandhi House 
2nd - Daksh Rajpurohit - Class VIII B - Teresa House 
3rd - Kesar Sompura - Class VIII B - Raman House 

Result of IH Hindi Debate Competition of Middle Section
1st - Abhilasha Mansion Class - VIII A - Raman House 
2nd - Soumyajit Solanki - Class VII A - Teresa House 
3rd - Harshvardhan Singh - Class VI - Dhyanchand House

Drawing is my Hobby

I feel very happy to draw, it improves hand-eye coordination. This hand -eye coordination is important in athletics and recreational situations, as well as in academic scenarios such as penmanship lessons. These activities would play a beneficial role in the development of one' brain. I really enjoy drawing. 
Arya Rajpurohit / VII
A Farmer's Life 
A farmer does very hard work of farming. His life is very simple. He leads his life mostly with so much struggles. His happiness depends on the rain and weather . If there is no rain, he will have to face so many difficulties and scarcity. Drought is a curse for a farmer because a farmer and his family can survive only when there is enough rain and good crops. We must be grateful and thankful to farmers who provide and give us grains, pulses, vegetables, fruits and many more things. He lives in a simple house or a hut. Their lives never demand luxurious things. They work hard in the field. They look after the crops day and night. They work in the sun to grow good crops. We should be grateful to the farmers for providing us with the crops for our food. 
Lenin Mandlesha / V
Expectations of Reality
The thought process between humans and animals is the main difference. People have the ability to think and plan for their future in a more specific way than animals. Most people live with high expectations about life, people around them and future. We have the picture of two words: the deer world which is the reality and abstract work which is an expectation. Life seems pretty easy in the imagination because a person can realize more dreams without too much struggle, in contrast, the real world has many challenges that someone will have to overcome everyday in the path of life. Young people have great dreams and visions about their future. Their expectations lead them to college to study what they want to be in life. People keep expectations but when it won't fully fill they get depressed, feel anxiety and they just get separated by the others. Keeping expectations with others heard them deeply. Expectations make one's life easy as they are in their bubble. People think expectations can solve all the problems but in reality expectations mess everything up.
Meenakshi Choudhary / XII
Beauty is in the Eyes of Beholder      
Everyone loves to enjoy beauty . But what is beauty when it comes to human beings? Beauty is not something that comes from physical appearance. physical attractiveness is deception , what really is the nature of a person. physical appearance might fade as years pass on but their characters do not. their internal beauty lives forever. So, we should not judge anyone or anything by their physical appearance.
People with inner beauty love to make peace with everyone, take care of fellow beings and try to follow the path of justice .I will explain it with a great example of Nelson Mandela who was known for sacrifices for blacks in South Africa to give equality or equal rights .He is definitely a legend with inner beauty.
Then we will understand what real beauty is . What we see outside is just a projection . What matters is the character inside. It is true that beautiful and handsome people look more appealing, but we can have a reliable  relationship and long lasting trust only on the personalities of the person. Like we see a jackfruit as rough and hard outside but a sweet and yummy piece of delight inside .So ,it is true that "Beauty lies in the eyes of Beholder".
Aanchal Mewara / XI
Making others Happy
Happiness is the feeling of joy. This feeling increases when we show kindness and make others happy. When we achieve something, we become so glad because we have achieved our effort. We should always love others and spread happiness. If we love others, they will also love us.
Making others happy give us happiness.  These days there are so many different things that can make a person happy. People should focus on others happiness for a change instead of focusing on their own happiness. This will make the world a happier place. Birthday is the time to celebrate with friends and family. Also, it is the best time to serve the community. 
Birthdays are unique to children, but not everyone can celebrate by participating in parties or gifts. My cousin wished to celebrate her birthday with the orphans. She visited the orphanage with her family, brought gifts and cut the cake with the children. The happiness seen on the children's faces really gave my sister immense pleasure in making her day.
Mother's job is selfless. She takes care of her family and loves them selflessly. She does everything to make them happy. Her happiness lies in her family. Community Service also gives us immense pleasure. Being a social volunteer is a blessed opportunity in itself. 
I remember another incident of my student Laxman who decided to celebrate his birthday with the old age people. He visited the old age people and celebrated his birthday with them and made his day memorable. I would like to end by quoting the words of Mother Teresa, "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one come to you without leaving happier.
Bharti Rao / Educator
दूसरों को खुशियाँ देना : कृष्ण गोपाल दवे
डॉ अनुपम सिब्बल ने अपनी पुस्तक में ठीक ही लिखा है कि जो चीजें हमें खुशी देती है, उनकी सूची छोटी होती जा रही है। हमें छोटी-छोटी बातों में खुशियों की तलाश करनी चाहिए ना कि किसी बड़ी खुशी के इंतजार में इन छोटे पलों को व्यर्थ गँवा देना। डॉक्टर सिब्बल ने अपनी पुस्तक में कई उदाहरण प्रस्तुत किए जिन्होंने लोगों को खुशी देने के लिए अपना जीवन तक समर्पित कर दिया। 
यह बात जितनी छोटी लगती है उतनी ही बड़ी और सारगर्भित है कि दूसरों को खुशियाँ देने से हमारा मन भी प्रसन्न रहता है। एक बार की घटना याद आती है कि हमने स्कूल के बच्चों से उनके पुराने कपड़े, स्वेटर, शॉल आदि मंगवाए। जो फटे हुए नहीं थे अच्छी स्थिति में थे। आशा के अनुकूल बहुत सारे कपड़े इकट्ठे भी हुए तथा एक दिन तय किया गया उस दिन हम बाली तहसील के आदिवासी गाँवों की ओर गए। अरावली की तलहटी में बसे कुछ छोटे-छोटे गाँव जहाँ न शिक्षा की व्यवस्था थी न लोगों के लिए रोजगार का साधन था। हम वहाँ पहुँचे और उन लोगों में यह एकत्र किए हुए कपड़े बाँटने लगे।
लोगों की खुशी का ठिकाना न रहा, कड़कड़ाती सर्दी में वे किस तरह से कम कपड़ों में गुजारा कर रहे थे। जब उन्हें स्वेटर आदि मिले तो बहुत खुश हुए। हमारे आसपास बच्चे, बूढ़े, जवान सब दौड़ दौड़ कर आए और खुश होते हुए हैं वे कपड़े ले गए। उनकी प्रसन्नता देख कर हमारे मन में भी प्रसन्नता का कोई ठिकाना न रहा। कुछ लोग निराश होकर भी गए क्योंकि उनके आने तक कपड़े समाप्त हो चुके थे। परंतु एक बार पुनः आने का विश्वास दिला कर तथा विश्वास लेकर हम वहाँ से लौट आए।
यह घटना हमारे दिल में समाहित हो गई। मन में इस बात की प्रसन्नता थी कि उन लोगों के चेहरों पर हमने खुशी के भाव देखे। यह भी पता था कि यह ख़ुशी लंबे समय तक की नहीं थी। पर बड़ी ख़ुशी की तलाश में छोटी खुशियों से क्यों मुँह मोड़ें। इसलिए दूसरों को ख़ुशी देने का एक अवसर भी हाथ से न जाए। 
Krishan Gopal / Educator

Volume No. 486 Published by The Editorial Board: Ms. Monika Vaishnav, Ms. Urmila Rathore, Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Khush Rajpurohit, Ipshita Rathore, Vishal Rathore, Mangilal Dewasi, Jatin Tripash, Riya Vaishnav, Rahul Vaishnav,Tamanna Solanki, Khush Suthar, Komal Sompura and Kunal Rajpurohit