The School Weekly 25th October 2021

 News & Events
Our school has participated in district level  Football Tournament. Under 19 and Under 17. Football team secured 2nd position held at Rani and Boya respectively. Players gave their best to make our school proud.

I participated in the Under 17 District Level Football Tournament. My team had 15 players and I was one of them.  I was also the Vice Captain of my team. My position was right forward and I scored 3 goals in the tournament.  My friends and I played well and were selected for the state tournament. My team played well and we got 2nd position in the series. I am proud of my school for giving us this opportunity.
Dhawan Choudhary IX 
पेड़ हमारे मित्र 
पेड़ हमारे सबसे अच्छे दोस्त हैं। वे हमें बहुत सी चीजें देते हैं और बदले में प्यार एवं देखभाल के अलावा हमसे कुछ भी उम्मीद नहीं रखते हैं। पेड़ हमें अलग - अलग मौसमों में अलग - अलग फल देते हैं , जैसे सेब ,केला ,अंगूर , आम , संतरा और पपीता आदि। ये हमें गर्मियों में ठंडक प्रदान करते हैं। वे हमारे घरों एवं इमारतों के निर्माण के लिए हमें लकड़ियाँ देते हैं। हमें धनिया , पुदीना , तुलसी , नीम , लहसुन जैसे पौधों से हमें बहुत सी दवाइयाँ मिलती हैं। मनुष्य द्वारा कई उद्देश्यों के लिए पेड़ों का उपयोग किया जाता है। जैसे - इमारतों का निर्माण , कृषि के लिए औजारों का निर्माण इनके लिए पेड़ की लकड़ी  ही एकमात्र स्त्रोत है। पेड़ हवा को स्वच्छ बनाने में भी मदद करते हैं । वे कार्बनडाई ऑक्साइड लेते हैं और ऑक्सीजन को बाहर निकालते हैं और इस तरह से हवा को स्वच्छ बनाते हैं। ऑक्सीजन की आवश्यकता सभी जीवित प्राणियों को होती हैं। जहाँ पेड़ अधिक होते हैं , वहाँ बारिश भी अधिक होती हैं और वातावरण ठंडा रहता है। पेड़ पृथ्वी पर सही तापमान बनाए रखने में मदद करते हैं। पेड़ों को बचाने के लिए हमें पेड़ों की कटाई को रोकना होगा और अधिक से अधिक पेड़ लगाने होंगे। ये पेड़ ही हैं , जिनकी वजह से पृथ्वी पर जीवन संभव हैं। 
Tanishi Chitara / III
My Village
The name of my village is Sesli. My village is very clean and beautiful. About 5000 people live in our village. We have a small house made by my grandfather about sixty years ago. We take our drinking and cooking water from the four wells during the summer and rainy season. There are a lot of mosquitos in our houses which trouble us very much. The headmaster and postmaster are both good men and are respected by other  people.  My village is very small but I love it so much.
Yachika Parmar / V
Praising anybody for his or her task can increase the confidence of the receiver. The word “Appreciation” looks smaller from outside but it can help achieve anything if used properly. This word is the most powerful word for motivating someone. If someone gets appreciated for a certain task then that person always gives best in all further tasks.
This word is motivational, carrying a huge power inside and can turn negative thoughts into positive. This is the magic of appreciation. Many people know how to make use of this word while others recognize its depth and meaning. If this word if used for a person, he/she can carry out any difficult task with low input energy. Many organizations and multinational companies are known for the culture of appreciation. This is the main reason behind the happiness of their employees.
If there is a difficult task ahead and a team is unfamiliar with the ways to carry out that task, the team leader or manager tries to appreciate members or members for their previous task. This can increase the inner power of that member. The example of appreciation with me one day I speak the debat very good every one his Appreciate me 
Omprakash Morbarsha / VIII A
Justice is the principle of balancing or reconciling human relations in society in such a way as enables each one to get his due rights, towards and punishments. Justice is based on values and traditions of society. Justice has several dimensions: Social Justice, Economic Justice, Political Justice and Legal Justice. Justice stands for rule of law, absence of arbitrariness and a system of equal rights, freedoms and opportunities for all in society.
In other words, Justice means securing and protecting of rights of all in a fair way. It stands for harmony among all the people, orderly living and securing of rights of all in a just and fair way. Aim of Justice is to provide equal rights, opportunities and facilities to all in a fair way. All civil rights movements are essentially movements for justice.
Akshar rajpurohit / XI 
Unity is strength          
Unity means the state of being whole or joined as one. It doesn't matter whether it is between 2persons or 2 billion when they are on the same page and work for the betterment of each member in that lies unity and unity is truly a strength as our history is evidence of many such incidents. It is through unity that people work as a team and team work is always more valuable as it brings people together unite is not just limited to the nation. It is  associated with unity among families, students in a classroom, marriage, and religion. When the students are united they can deal with difficulties easily and also stand up for their rights when one is discriminated against or ill-treated, when in a marriage the couples is united, it is beneficial for the family as they can hold each others ups and downs. Sadly today there is less unity among the people and they are hell- bent on rising about one another. In the name of religion, colour and caste, many battles and wars are fought like in our country the muslims community being the minority faces so many allegation even though they are not at fault I have come to know of many such harsh experience. The spirit of the phrase unity is strength fits our nation the best and we should also live our lives in peace and harmony.
Chirag Sharma / XII
Praising anybody for his or her task can increase the confidence of the receiver. The word “Appreciation” looks smaller from outside but it can help achieve anything if used properly. This word is the most powerful word for motivating someone. If someone gets appreciated for a certain task then that person always gives best in all further tasks.
This word is motivational, carrying a huge power inside and can turn negative thoughts into positive. This is the magic of appreciation. Many people know how to make use of this word while others recognize its depth and meaning. If this word is used for a person, he/she can carry out any difficult task with low input energy. Many organizations and multinational companies are known for the culture of appreciation. This is the main reason behind the happiness of their employees. If there is a difficult task ahead and a team is unfamiliar with the ways to carry out that task, the team leader or manager tries to appreciate members or members for their previous task. This can increase the inner power of that member.
Appreciating someone’s efforts is not an act that makes you feel shy but it’s an act that proves your character. This act shows that you are living down to earth. Therefore it is necessary to appreciate a person whenever possible. It is a good way to make things easier and simpler.
Rehan Raza / XII
Kindness is a value cum language that a blind can feel and deaf can hear. Being kind requires nothing, which is the reason why most people cannot afford it. This is the cause why people in today's world cannot feel secure. Everyone keeps on saying that the world is rude but no one sees that they too belong to this world. Everyone wants to eat the best food but no one wants to cook.
Similar is the case with kindness; everyone wants others to be kind but no one sees themselves as being kind. Kindness takes nothing, just one needs to practice it. We don’t value something until we know the real worth of that thing. Similarly, we don’t know the value of kindness as we don’t practice it, I mean we are not kind. When we'll start being kind then we'll witness the ultimate change. When we start practicing kindness then our practice will ultimately turn into a habit. And habits are very hard to forget. I'll share my experience of being kind to others. Once in my village, an old man was working in the sunny afternoon. He was digging and doing his work. That person was almost 60+ and then he was working for the sake of his family, to earn for his family. So I was buying sugarcane juice and saw that hardworking person, I felt sorry because no one noticed his efforts. Everyone thought that it was his work but I saw the pain that man had through his actions. So I gave him a glass of sugarcane juice, he was flabbergasted once. Then I told him to please have it. The smile that I saw on his face and the satisfaction was just above anything. This was the act of kindness that I showed.
In the same way, we can also be kind; different from others. An act of kindness however small it may be. It can be like a drop of water in the desert. You may not feel it but when you'll practice I can assure you that you too will feel the same and tell others to do it.
I would end up my writeup by two lines:
It would make no difference if I do good than others
Instead, it would make a huge difference if I do good for others.
Rahul Vaishnav / XII
How can you overcome fear?
Life is so unreal for everyone. Especially when it comes to these days. Being surrounded by our loved ones is the most realistic situation we ask for. This brings some good feeling and internal strength to us. Which helps in keeping yourself strong. 
One of the most over exaggerated terms is “FEAR”. There is no one in the universe without this feeling. Some of them come over very fast whereas others fall into the trap. Yes.. it is a trap. When we say FEAR, it means False Evidence Appearing Real. Feeling of not being able to perform, express or Face the situation is FEAR. 
While in School, Students face this issue a lot of times. Not able to ask Questions in a Classroom, Not able to Answer, Not able to Speak on a stage, Not able to lead a team on projects , Not able to share any kind of pressure or bullying and many more.
Students are like flowers, they have to be nurtured all the time. Else they will lose the essence. Being Comfortable is the first thing a student should be able to do. For this, Talk as much as you can, share whatever you want to, Keeping in mind that there is no one watching you or Judging you. If Students are able to work on this, such over exaggerated terms will never bother anyone. 
Jitendra Suthar / Educator

Volume No. 489 Published by The Editorial Board: Ms. Monika Vaishnav, Ms. Urmila Rathore, Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Khush Rajpurohit, Ipshita Rathore, Vishal Rathore, Mangilal Dewasi, Jatin Tripash, Riya Vaishnav, Rahul Vaishnav,Tamanna Solanki, Khush Suthar, Komal Sompura and Kunal Rajpurohit