The School Weekly 29th November 2021

 News & Events
Closing week of November 2021, has been the week of Term-I Board Exams and we also had some guests from Delhi visiting our school to share, talk and understand the philosophy of our school. Students and staff had a wonderful opportunity to learn and interact with them. Their personalities mesmerized each and every individual at the school.

My best friend
My best friend's name is Gargi. She lives nearby my home. She is my classmate .She is very good in studies. She is very funny and helpful . She is my best friend .She shares her food with me and she helps me with my  studies. Her birthday comes on 27 March.
Priyanshu Rathore / I

Cow is a domestic animal . Thy are found all over the world.  Cow has a large body . It has four legs, two horns, and a long tail. Cow eats grass and it gives us milk. Cow dung is very useful. Cow helps in farming. Cow milk is white in colour. Cow is my favourite animal. 
Rohit / I

Flowers are one of the most beautiful gifts to us by nature. The different colours and beautiful fragrance makes flowers desirable to human beings. The beautiful fragrance that flower gives out makes sense of freshness and peace to the human mind. In many religions across the world certain types of flowers are used to worship Gods and Goddess. Lotus is one such flower that is associated closely with Hinduism and offered to Goddess Lakshmi. The flower is also a medium to convey the emotions and thoughts of a person. The flower business is also one  of the flourishing business across the world. In India we use flowers to decorate during happy occasions like festivals, weddings etc. In Bengaluru there is a flower show arranged twice a year. We can visit there during Republic Day or Independence Day. 
There is a variety of flowers arranged in a glass house at 'Lalbagh'. We can also see different colour rose gardens in Lalbagh. Ikebana is an art of arranging and decorating flowers in Japan and flowers can bring smile to everyone's face.
Budh Kunwar / IV

"सहयोग "
सहयोग से काम शीघ्र पूरा होता है। 
सहयोग से काम में सफलता
 मिलती है। 
इससे मिल जुल कर रहने की भावना बढ़ती हैं ।
बिना सहयोग के मानव सफल नहीं हो सकता है। 
कोई भी बड़ा कार्य बिना सहयोग के पूर्ण नहीं  हो सकता है ।
युगवीर सिंह / कक्षा प्रथम
सूर्य  हमें रोशनी व गर्मी देता हैl सूरज पीला रंग का है l वह आग का बड़ा गोला है, सर्दी में हमें धूप  की आवश्यकता होती है  वह सूर्य से  मिलती है सूर्य की रोशनी बहुत आवश्यक है  lसूर्य पूरब में उगता है और पश्चिम में अस्त होता हैl सूर्य की रोशनी  हमारे जीवन में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है।
विशाल सीरवी / कक्षा प्रथम
Every champion has felt it, every victorious person has felt it THE URGE to quit. Don't give upon your dream inspite of any circumstances .It may take you twice as long. Now you have to decide  are you so concerned about accomplishing your dreams . In this whole journey what may play an important role is one and only DETERMINATION . how much determined you are to do the things up and above. 'wake up with the determination and sleep with satisfaction that is all you need to do . Determination bring an urge to do the work in a person and it may vary from person to person. In this age of competition this is only thing which will make u stand apart and high in your journey. Determination is followed by consistency, will, urge, and NO EXCUSES .There is a vast differences between I need something and I am determined about that particular thing. The other factor that helps is HOPE ,It plays a vital role too as a person holding his/her nerves with the hope is just invincible. A person must indulged in introspection too just to assess his /her strengths and weakness .
I just want to conclude my opinion by saying a person with strong determination is the winner in himself. You won half of the battle champ.
Arvind Singh / Educator
संकल्प: कृष्ण गोपाल
किसी बात का मन में निश्चय कर देना कि यह काम में करके ही रहूँगा, संकल्प कहलाता है।सदियों से यह प्रथा चली आ रही है कि हाथ में जल लेकर या अग्नि को साक्षी मानकर किसी बात का संकल्प लिया जाता है। जल और अग्नि यह केवल एक निमित्त मात्र हैं किंतु मनुष्य का दृढ़ निश्चय, काम करने का प्रयत्न ही उसके लिए संकल्प है। यदि दृढ़ निश्चय मन में है तो किसी प्रकार के जल और अग्नि की साक्षी आवश्यक नहीं है।
कई सारे ऐसे उदाहरण भरे पड़े हैं जिनको देखकर अन्य व्यक्ति भी दृढ़ संकल्प से भर जाता है। दृढ़ संकल्प से कई रुके हुए काम बन जाते हैं तथा असंभव से दिखते कार्य भी पूर्ण हो जाते हैं। अपने मन में आए हुए विचारों को धरातल पर उतारने के लिए दृढ़ निश्चय होना आवश्यक है।
एक बार मैंने भी मन ही मन वैदिक संस्कृत की पुस्तकों को पढ़ने का निश्चय किया। ग्रंथों को पढ़ने से पहले संस्कृत का ज्ञान परम आवश्यक था क्योंकि भाषा के शब्द-कोश को जाने बिना या उसकी व्याकरण को जाने बिना उसके ग्रंथों को पढ़ना निरर्थक था। संस्कृत से मेरा ज्यादा लंबा संबंध नहीं था। दसवीं कक्षा तक संस्कृत का अध्ययन अवश्य किया था, इससे अधिक कुछ भी नहीं था। दसवीं कक्षा पास किए हुए भी एक लंबा अरसा हो गया था।
अब अपने संकल्प को पूरा करने के लिए सर्वप्रथम मैंने व्याकरण की कई पुस्तकें खरीदी तथा स्वाध्याय करते हुए ही व्याकरण का ज्ञान अर्जित किया। संस्कृत के विभिन्न सूत्रों के अर्थ जाने तथा उनके प्रयोग के बारे में जानकारी की। हर छोटी-छोटी बातों को भी मैंने सम्मिलित किया। संपूर्ण रूप से मैं पुस्तकों पर ही निर्भर था, मार्गदर्शन के लिए किसी भी व्यक्ति का सहारा नहीं था इसलिए इस काम में थोड़ा समय जरूर लगा किंतु जो कुछ भी सीखा वह स्थायी हो गया।
इन सब के पश्चात मैंने संस्कृत के उन ग्रंथों को पढ़ा जिनको पढ़ने की इच्छा मेरे मन में जागृत हुई थी। पुस्तकों की कमी नहीं इसी कारण यह क्रम आज भी चल रहा है। हाँ, अवश्य ही इन पुस्तकों के पठन की गति में कमी आई है परंतु पठन की यह धारा अविरल बह रही है।
परिश्रम और दृढ़ निश्चय से मैंने अपना यह संकल्प पूरा किया और इसे आगे भी ले जा रहा हूँ। कुछ कठिनाइयाँ भी अवश्य आई परंतु आनंद की अनुभूति भी कुछ कम नहीं थी। अतः अपने संकल्प को पूरा करने के लिए स्वयं ही निश्चय करें। 
Krishan Gopal / Educator

Volume No. 493 Published by The Editorial Board: Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Ms. Swabhi Parmar, Ms. Jyoti Sain, Pushpendra Singh Ranawat, Tamanna Solanki, Kritika Rajpurohit, Kanak Gehlot, Kunal Rajpurohit, Harshit Rajpurohit, Ronak Deora, Mohammad Anas.

The School Weekly 22nd November 2021

 News & Events
Sunday, 14th November: On the occasion of Children's Day, we organised Online Book Reading Session with children from their homes, along with their families and friends. 
was organised by Joy of Reading.
Monday, 15th November: Annual Prize Distribution 2020-21 ceremony was an occasion to acclaim the achievements of the Fabindians who had attained excellence in academic through their dedicated efforts and perseverance. Felicitating the achievers not only motivates them to set new benchmarks for themselves, but also spurs on their peers to aim for similar heights. School Chairman Mr. Sandeep Dutt was invited to do the honour as the Chief Guest. He and the school principal were gracious enough to give away the awards. School Chairman Mr. Sandeep Dutt motivated the students with his speech.
Trophies of Excellence for the year 2020-21 were awarded to the following: 
Trophy for Excellence in Service: Anumesh Rao
Trophy of Excellence in Skill: Uma Choudhary 
Trophy of Excellence in Sport: Ravinder Singh
Trophy of Excellence in Study: Diksha Choudhary
Students of Class X and IX of  batch 2019-2020 were awarded with position trophies. Further more, students who had performed service and skill activities were appreciated on this auspicious moment. 
Students who had participated in Under 19 and Under 17 Football Tournament were also awarded for securing second position at district level. Five students were selected for State Level Tournament.
Congratulations to all the Winners! 
According to my, co-operation means working together. Co-operation is very important for us and our society. For example, co-operation is when someone hands you a paper and you lay the paper. Co-operation is necessary for a family and even in our professional life. In the case of children, co-operation is mostly expressed in the play. Co-operation is one of the most widely taught skills. At an early age, we learned that "United we stand, divided we fall". When I was in class 4, my classmates and I were given a mission named Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. We all had to clean our school. We all worked together and because of co-operation, we all got success in this mission. Co-operation means to work together to achieve a common goal. Co-operation is very much important in our life.
Hetal Vaishnav / VIII

Cooperation is a positive motive, It is equivalent to a competition in motivating a person to reach the goal. Cooperation provides a very healthy environment for the betterment of society.
Tiya Sompura / VII A
"Co-operation means working together for a common goal."
Dhanraj Singh / VII A
Real Progress in Life 
Progress is the life depends a good deal on crossing one threshold after another.  Sometimes ago a man watched his little nephew try to write his name. It was hard work, very hard work. The little boy had arrived at an effort threshold. Today, he writes his name with comparative case. No new threshold confronts him. This is the way with all of us. As soon as we cross one threshold, we conquer one difficulty, a new difficulty appears, or should appear. Some people make mistake of steering clear of threshold. Anything that requires genius thinking and use of energy they avoid. They prefer to stay in a rut where threshold are not met. Probably ,they have been at their job a number of years. Things are easy for them .They make no effort to seek out new obstacles overcome. Real Progress stops under such circumstances . 
Some middle aged and elderly people greatly enrich their lives by continuing to cross threshold. One man went into an entirely new business, when he was past middle life and made a success of it. De Norgan did not start to write nobles until he was past sixty. Psychologist have discovered that man can continue to learn throughout life. And it is undoubtedly better to try, and fail ,than not to try at all. There one can be placed in the category of the Swiss Mountaineer of whom it was paid, he died, climbing. When a new difficulty rises to obstruct your path ,do not complain, Accept the challenge, determine to cross this threshold as you have crossed numerous other threshold in your past life.In the word of a poet:  " Do not rest but strive to pass from dream to grander dream. "
Punita Chouhan/ Educator

Volume No. 492 Published by The Editorial Board: Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Khush Rajpurohit, Ipshita Rathore, Vishal Rathore, Mangilal Dewasi, Jatin Tripash, Riya Vaishnav, Rahul Vaishnav, Tamanna Solanki, Khush Suthar, Komal Sompura and Kunal Rajpurohit

The School Weekly 15th November 2021

 News & Events
Monday, 8th November: School reopened with excitement and happiness after nine long days of Diwali Vacation.
Friday, 12th November: Seven Educators were nominated by the Ministry of Education, Government of India as Observers for the National Achievement Survey in different schools of Pali District. They participated in the NAS and conducted it successfully.
Saturday, 13th November: Parent's Teacher Meeting was organized for Class I- XII students. About 80% of the Parents attended the meeting to know about the results of their ward.

Joy of Reading
In today's world, where Technology has made heavy demands on children's time, it is tough to communicate with them. So on the occasion of Children's Day, an online book reading programme has been launched, "Joy of Reading" by My Good School to build reading interest among our students and extend communication with them. At this prestigious moment, many students attended the session to inculcate reading habits and life lessons. We believe that reading books helps us to excel in every field. Books are full of stories, knowledge, experiences, values and many more. The session was led by our Chairman, Mr Sandeep Dutt. We started with Dr Anupam Sibal's life lessons, reading the first chapter, ' Humility' from 'Is Your Child Ready To Face The World'. We read the chapter, understood the value of this virtue and learnt the importance of it in our life. We are assigned tasks where we would be dealing with situations that will help us to enhance humility. I sincerely thank My Good School Team, our respected Chairman, Principal Ma'am, teachers and parents for their efforts. Your initiatives for helping students build life skills are indeed profoundly appreciated. 
Khush Rajpurohit/ XII Science

Some food/Table Etiquette across the world
1. Don't use forks in Thailand.  
We can't use forks to put food in our mouths.
2. Don't clean your plate in China.
As empty plates indicate, the host hasn't served enough.
3. Be ready to share a plate in Ethiopia.
There is a standard plate for everyone in the centre of the table.
4. In Italy, you will insult the chef if you ask for extra cheese.
5. Don't ask for pepper and salt in Portugal. As it is considered, the chef hasn't made the dish perfectly.
6. Don't put your chopsticks vertically up in Japan. As this is done at times of funeral.
7. Don't touch food with your left hand in India because your left hand is considered dirty and kept away from food.
8. Don't just sip on your wine in Georgia. We should start drinking it after a story is narrated.
9. In Korea, if an older person offers you a drink, lift your glass to receive it with both hands, which is a sign of respect to our elders.
10. In Afghanistan, when bread is dropped on the floor, it's lifted and kissed.
11. In Chile, you never eat food by hand. Touching food is considered a bad habit.
12. Don't eat your bread before your food in France. Bread is used as a utensil.
13. If your host in Kazakhstan serves you a cup of tea that is only half full, don't feel bad. It is a good sign, unlike a full cup of tea that is seen as a sign that the host might want you to leave.
14. Eat with your hands in Mexico. In Mexico, it is considered an almost snobby practice to use a fork and knife.
15. Don't bring yellow flowers to dinner.
In Bulgaria, yellow flowers symbolize hatred in the country
Khush Rajpurohit/  XII Science
Trust, in simple terms, is faith in another person, despite a lack of an assured outcome. One characteristic that makes trust unique is its fragility. To gain the confidence of parents or friends, one must continuously prove one's honesty and reliability. Among all my friends, I trust only Sanyogita because she always motivates me and helps me in any kind of situation. Due to my financial problem, I couldn't join all online classes, and my work was also incomplete. I asked all my friends to help me, but not even a single friend could help me. I was pretty disappointed. Then Sanyogita, my classmate, came and told me not to get upset and said she would help me with all my work. That act of Sanyogita made me feel happy and proud that at least there was someone who helped me in my time of need. I realized that living in the world these days is hard because people are no longer honest and helpful. Being dishonest always causes problems that can lead to someone getting offered. It seems that there is someone who can help you in everyday life and someone who kills you by their words and nature. I think every person should help others. They should understand each other's problems, their situation, their feelings and show empathy towards others. We can only trust a person when someone understands us. As Sanyogita understood my problem, now I can easily trust her. At last, I would like to sum it up by quoting that 'A friend in need is a friend indeed.'
Divya Rathore / X B
Sanskrit mottos with their meaning of Some important Indian institutions
 1. Supreme Court of India
Motto :- यतो धर्मस्ततो जयः 
Definition:- Whence dharma, thence victory
2.  IIT Kharagpur 
Motto :- योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्
Meaning:- Excellence in action is Yoga
3. IIM Ahmedabad
Motto :- विद्या विनियोगात् विकास: 
Meaning:- Development through the distribution or application of knowledge
4. Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Motto :- य एष सुप्तेषु जागर्ति
Meaning:- One who is awake when all asleep
5. Indian Air Force
Motto :- नभः स्पृशं दीप्तम् 
Meaning:- The glory that touches the sky
6. Kendriya Vidyalaya
Motto :- तत्त्वं पूषनपावृणु
Meaning - Where the face of truth is covered by the golden lid, O Sun (God), please uncover, so that truth and dharma are visible".
7. All India Radio
Motto :- बहुजनहिताय बहुजन‍सुखाय‌ 
Meaning :- For the benefit of all, for the comfort of all
Name :- Khush Rajpurohit
Class :- XII Science
Happiness is a feeling which each and everyone experiences in his or her life. There are different ways in which we get happiness. We experience a lot of happiness by living in a joint family because there the whole family lives together.  Going to someone's wedding or someone in the family is getting married. We enjoy it, we have fun, we get happiness in that.  School trips, family trips, friends trips and going for picnics, we are very happy in those moments because we enjoy ourselves a lot during that time.  On someone's birth and performing functions, playing with the newborn baby gives us immense joy. The joy we used to get when we were little ones, like playing with toys, going out, having fun, falling in love, going to school for the first time, meeting new friends, and seeing a place for the first time or whatever we did which no one has ever done also make us happy. Fighting with brother, teasing him, having fun with him, taking small things from him.  Eating food with mother's hands or playing with father, is happiness or it is small happiness in which we get a lot of happiness.
Leesha Suthar / VIII B
Children's Day
Children's Day is celebrated on 14th November every year in India. It is the birth anniversary of Jawaharlal Nehru. Our first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru had a great love for children. Children's Day is celebrated with great joy in several places but besides this, we should know the real meaning of Children's Day. This day creates awareness and authorizes the children about their rights, care, and education. 
Children's Day is celebrated to honour children globally aiming at protecting them from working long hours in dangerous circumstances and allowing access to the rightfulness of education. The cultural programmes, events and activities especially held for children are the main attraction of Children's day. As Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru said, "The children of today will make the India of tomorrow. The way we bring them up will determine the future of the country." Children's day is a beautiful occasion to remember and celebrate the famous thoughts of Chacha Nehru. Celebration on Children's day is a great way to make both children and adults aware that children are the true future of the country. Therefore everyone should understand the responsibility towards providing a fulfilled childhood to every child. The love and care that we give to children today, taking no notice of their social and economic status, will be the fate of our country tomorrow. Children's day celebration is a tribute to this thought.
Harshit Rajpurohit/ XI Science 

Hello everyone, today I am going to talk to you about modernization,  or we can say modernity. It means the current situation in which people are living together is like an upgrade in the lives of people surrounding the environment, culture, politics, social and the environment around us. The very greatest modernity in today's world is technology up-gradation. Modernization brings Technology that makes all work effective and efficient. This is a positive effect but there is also a negative effect of modernization. It leads to such things as air pollution and climate change and also breaks the social ties that make people together in traditional societies. Technology modernity like application, machine, infrastructure, robotics, transportation, energy and devices that are more effective.  Another particular feature of modernity is the rise in the human beach which steadily raises living standards and a transformation of the material condition of life. Somehow there are also positive and negative effects of modernization. 
Thank you
Richa Solanki / Educator
Volume No. 491 Published by The Editorial Board: Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Khush Rajpurohit, Ipshita Rathore, Vishal Rathore, Mangilal Dewasi, Jatin Tripash, Riya Vaishnav, Rahul Vaishnav, Tamanna Solanki, Khush Suthar, Komal Sompura and Kunal Rajpurohit

The School Weekly 01st November 2021

 News & Events
The School had its First Term Examinations for Classes I to XII. 
          Mahipal Singh / IV               Lenin Mandlesha / V               Krishnadeep Madhav / V   

My Mother
My mother's name is Mamta Kanwar. She is very kind and hard working. My mother is a housewife. She wakes up early in the morning. She cooks breakfast for everyone in my family and she helps me to get ready for school. She takes care of every person in my family. She works the whole day for us. She takes care of our health. I love my mother very much and she is the best mother in the world. My mother is the god's best gift to me.
Jalam Singh / V
दीपावली का त्योहार आया 
दीपावली  का त्योहार आया ,
संग अपने खुशियाँ लाया।
हर द्वार पर दिए जलाएँ, 
हम मिलकर ये त्योहार मनाएँ। 

अंधकार पर विजय की प्रकाश लाया ,
सब के जीवन में नया उत्साह लाया ।
सब के मन में एकता का दीपक जलाया,
दीपावली का त्योहार आया,

जीवन में नई खुशियों को लाना, 
अपने दुख दर्द भूलकर सब को गले लगाना। 
हँसी खुशी का भंडार लाया, 
दीपावली का त्योहार आया, दीपावली का त्योहार आया 
हेतल वैष्णव / VIII
In today's world everyone wants to be happy, none of us wants to be sad or be alone. Happiness is the state of mind when we feel joyful and feel happy. People when meet after a long time, the feeling which comes at that time is happiness. When we lose something and find it suddenly, that is happiness. Every small thing gives happiness. Happiness is something which we can't express in words but it is a thing which we can give to someone. If everyone gives happiness to each other then the world would be a heaven. Friends are the real source of happiness. Happiness is the medicine of problems like depression, sadness, anxiety, etc. It's something which can save a person's life. So stay happy and make others happy.
Harshit Parihar / X
When we talk about love, trust is the most important thing because no relationship can last for long without trust. Someone has said that the elemental glue that holds any relationship together is trust.
The importance of trust in each and every relationship is the same as the importance of foundation for a building. If the foundation is strong, building wouldn't fall and if unbreakable trust is there, relationships wouldn't fall.
Trust is not a physical thing but a feeling for those with whom we feel secure and safe. Breaking trust is a bad thing. Many times we see that if someone breaks our trust, we feel sad and depressed. So breaking trust can harm anyone emotionally and mentally.
At the same time, trust motivates people to do more. Like, when a boss trusts his employees and expects that they will do more for their company or organization and make it reach greater heights. Then the employees will be self charged because they had been
trusted by their boss.
Blind trust is also not good. Some people are not good in our surroundings. In today's world, we can't trust anyone easily for our safety and security. To identify the actual trustworthy people, we should stay positive and think with a calm mind.
Building trust in anyone's mind for yourself is a difficult task to do. The first and important thing we should do to build trust is to be honest. Always speak the truth, even in awkward situations. We should avoid miscommunication because it is a barrier in building trust.
Last but not the least, I would like to say that never break someone's trust because one said that trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair.
Mangilal Dewasi / X

What is determination?  Determination is the determination to do something in spite of a difficult situation.  Resolve is the option that instead of pushing the person to the pit of despair, it provides a ladder to get out of the pit.  There is limitless power in the will, due to which the goal is definitely accomplished.
How can you be determined? Let me share a real story of a 65 year old lady Lata Kare ji who lives in Baramati district of Maharashtra. In the year 2014, her husband was suffering from a serious disease.  The amount  for the treatment was too much.  Her husband was an agricultural laborer and earned hardly one hundred and two hundred per day.  Raising the amount of treatment was very difficult for Lata ji.  But she wanted to see her husband alive at any cost.  That's when he heard about the organizing of the marathon and the prize money.  This made her feel a little light in complete darkness.  She had never participated in a running competition before.  Keeping in mind that  most of the participants would be young, energetic and fully prepared, still she ran in a sari and with slippers. Lata Kare was without sports shoes and without sports clothes.  .  In the middle of the way, her sandal broke but she did not pay any attention to it.  She ran barefoot and finished the marathon.
Her determination brought her victory.  There is no solid formula to become more determined, when you want something from your heart then your determination will always be at its peak.  Decision making is an intellectual and logical process and perseverance here is related to the power of the mind.  We like to do physical activities like playing, walking, and watching movies.  Usually our body likes comfort, so we choose those situations in which we have to suffer less even during mental behavior.  So we are not used to living on our own decisions.  Whenever we suffer more, our mind starts looking for excuses to change its own decision and we also easily find excuses.  So if we want to develop determination then we also need to practice it.  We should start with small efforts.  You can try it on small things too.  Such as the decision not to drink tea at a time, the decision to cut a few hours off from entertainment and follow these decisions.
Determination breaks the shackles of dilemma.  Success and failure in life is due to the mind.  The determination power of the mind keeps it engaged in continuous work, it often leads to success.  When the weakness of the mind makes a person weak while doing work, infuses despair in him, then there is a failure in the result.  Whenever a person becomes relaxed while working, the intellect also gives up, then the will power of the mind awakens immense strength in the body, also makes intellect sharp, due to which the person definitely gets success in that field.  
Pinkee Chouhan/Educator 

Honesty and Respect
Honesty means telling the truth and fighting for the right cause. A person who is honest will stand for truth under any situation. Respect means having due regard for everyone i.e. elders, youngsters, environment, teachers, etc.
Here comes a situation of my class. Ram and Shayam were best friends. One day, Yash their classmate brought an expensive pen to the class. He was showing his pen to everyone. Shayam liked the pen a lot. When whole class went to play games, Shayam went to the class and stole the pen from Yash's bag. Ram was following Shayam and saw everything, but he quietly went back to the ground to play. After games lesson everyone went back to the class. Yash could not find his pen, so he complained to me as I was having my lesson.  I asked everyone if they could find Yash's pen. All the students said no. I told them that, if anyone had taken it by mistake, then return it. If you can't give the pen in front of the class then quietly keep on my table. 
While going back home Ram told Shayam that he had seen what happened during games lesson. Shayam told that he liked the pen but couldn't buy it. So he took Yash's pen. Ram told him that stealing is not correct and if someone finds out then no one will  respect him. Next day Shayam quietly gave the pen to me, and felt really bad for what he did. He even asked me not to reveal his name to his classmates, otherwise he will humiliated in front of the class. In the class I gave the pen to Yash. I told the class that I was happy that Yash got his pen. And my students know the importance of honesty. I even told them that we should respect what we have and should never do bad deeds for our satisfaction. Also I was really happy that Shyam realized his mistake and honestly accepted his mistake. I even felt happy that Ram motivated Shyam to accept his mistake.
Prerna Rathod

The School is closed for Diwali Vacations from 30th October- 7th November. We will be back with more news and views on 15th November, till The School Weekly wishes its readers A Happy, Safe and Pollution Free Diwali. Keep smiling and keep healthy.

Volume No. 490 Published by The Editorial Board: Ms. Monika Vaishnav, Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Khush Rajpurohit, Ipshita Rathore, Vishal Rathore, Mangilal Dewasi, Jatin Tripash, Riya Vaishnav, Rahul Vaishnav, Tamanna Solanki, Khush Suthar, Komal Sompura and Kunal Rajpurohit