The School Weekly 11th July 2022

News & Events
Friday, 8th July 2022: House Meetings were conducted in the last two lessons. All the four houses had discussions over the upcoming events. Strategies were made on how they can win points towards the the house trophy.
Saturday, 9th July 2022: Clay modelling was done. Students of the Pre-Primary Section displayed their creativity through clay modeling. Students made toys, kitchen utensils, flowers etc.
Vegetable Printing Activity was organized for the students of Class II. They dipped vegetables like potatoes and ladyfingers  in water colour and printed them on white paper and made face paintings through vegetable printing. Kids also discussed the importance of eating green vegetables for a healthy life. This activity was conducted to enhance their creativity and teach them to appreciate nature for providing us with so many valuable things.
Yoga is an art and science of healthy living. The word 'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning 'to join' or 'to unite'. A few minutes of Yoga during the day can relieve our stress. 
Yoga session was organised on 9th July (Saturday) for the primary students. Various asanas like Gomukhasan, Parvatasana, Vajrasana, etc. were performed by the students. Miss Khushi Rao and Mrs. Ayesha Tak told about the importance of yoga in our daily life. All the students participated very enthusiastically.
हमारा विद्यालय औपचारिक शिक्षण ( पाठ्यक्रम ) के साथ-साथ विद्यार्थियों में हुनर बढाने के लिए कौशल आधारित शिक्षण को लगातार महत्व देता आ रहा है । विद्यार्थियों में कल्पनाशीलता और रचनात्मकता बढ़ाने के लिए नियमित तौर से कईं तरह की गतिविधियों और प्रतियोगिताओं का आयोजन करते है । इसके लिए समस्त विद्यार्थियों को चार हाउसेज - गाँधी हाऊस , टेरेसा हाऊस , ध्यानचंद हाऊस और रमन हाऊस में नामांकित किया जाता है । साप्ताहिक तौर से प्रत्येक शनिवार को आयोजित की जाने वाली इन गतिविधियों में भाग लेने के लिए छात्र - छात्राएँ बहुत उत्साहित रहते है । 
 02 जुलाई 2022, शनिवार को " इण्टरहाऊस पोस्टर मेकिंग प्रतियोगिता " आयोजित की गई थी , जिसमें छात्र - छात्राओं ने अपने - अपने हाऊस के लिए व्यक्तिगत रूप से और समूह में भी बड़े ही रोचक , प्रभावी और आकर्षक पोस्टर बनाये , जिसमें प्रथम स्थान - टेरेसा हाऊस , द्वितीय स्थान - ध्यानचंद हाऊस और तृतीय स्थान - रमन हाऊस ने प्राप्त किया ।
इस सप्ताह 09 जुलाई 2022 , शनिवार को हमारे विद्यालय में मिडिल सेक्शन में " इण्टर हाउस फुटबॉल प्रतियोगिता " आयोजित की गई जिसमें प्रत्येक हाऊस के छात्र और छात्राओं के अलग-अलग दल बनाए गए । इनमें प्रत्येक हाउस के विद्यार्थियों ने बड़े ही जोश , उमंग और पूरे दमखम से भाग लिया और अपनी - अपनी खेल प्रतिभाओं का प्रदर्शन किया । इस प्रतियोगिता में ' मिडिल सेक्शन ' की छात्राओं में प्रथम स्थान - ध्यानचंद हाउस , द्वितीय स्थान - रमन हाउस , तृतीय स्थान - टैरेसा हाउस ने प्राप्त किया। इसी प्रकार छात्रों में प्रथम स्थान - रमन हाउस , द्वितीय स्थान - टैरेसा हाउस , तृतीय स्थान- ध्यानचंद हाउस ने प्राप्त किया। 
 जैसा कि , कहा जाता है , " पहला सुख निरोगी काया " , इसी संकल्प में ध्यान और एकाग्रता , श्वसन की दृढता , मानसिक तंदुरुस्ती और अभ्यास से स्वास्थ्य, के लिए हमारे विद्यालय में नियमित रूप से प्रतिदिन प्रात : योगाभ्यास और प्राणायाम पर विशेष कार्यशाला का आयोजन भी किया जाता है जिसमें सभी शिक्षकगण और समस्त विद्यार्थी पूर्ण निष्ठा और रूचि से अभ्यास करते है ।
ग्रीमावकाश के बाद विद्यार्थी पढ़ाई, खेल एवं गतिविधियों में लीन हो गए। स्कूल बच्चों के लिए एक खुशनुमा स्थान होता है, जहाँ वे स्वयं का सर्वांगीण विकास करते हुए मन के भावों को किसी न किसी रूप में प्रस्तुत करते है। चाहे वह पोस्टर बनाने में हो या प्रार्थना सभा में अपने विचार व्यक्त करने में हो या शारीरिक व्यायाम हेतु खेल हो। फैबइंडिया स्कूल बच्चों को ऐसा ही माहौल प्रदान करता है। प्रत्येक बच्चे में कोई न कोई हुनर अवश्य छिपा रहता है, इन माध्यमों से बच्चा अपने हुनर को सबके समक्ष रखता है। 
इस शनिवार सीनियर सेक्शन में इंटर हाऊस फुटबॉल प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया गया। पहला मैच लड़कों का रमन हाऊस का टेरेसा हाऊस के साथ हुआ जिसमें रमन हाऊस विजेता रहा। दूसरा मैच लड़कों का गांधी हाऊस से टेरेसा हाऊस का हुआ जिसमें गांधी हाऊस विजेता रहा। लड़कियों के वर्ग में गांधी हाऊस प्रथम स्थान पर, द्वितीय स्थान पर ध्यानचंद हाऊस और तृतीय स्थान पर रमन हाऊस रहा।
By: Sanyogita Kunwar of our Geography Educator: Mr. Mohit Malviya
Ed: How is  your experience in this school?
MMA: I feel positivity in the school environment. I like the way how all the students participate in various activities. 
Ed: How was your first day in school ?
MMA: My first class was in XI Humanities,  the class was amazing, kids were interactive,  supportive and attentive.
Ed:  What  do you think about the students and the educators of the school?
MMA: My experience with teachers is adorable,  they are humble and supportive towards me. *Especially Kusum ma'am and Punita ma'am who have taught me a lot of new things.  All educators are of helpful nature.
Ed: What do you like the most in school ?
MMA: I like all the co curricular activities conducted in the school.  Mostly I like the concept of the 6th subject,  which I think is very beneficial for students to develop their skills from this age group. I feel that every teacher is advanced and pre planned for everything,  whatever they want to do for the day . Everything is well planned and all activities managed in such an amazing manner .
Ed: Why are you here?
MMA: I chose to join The Fabindia School because this school is a place where not only students but also teachers get a high opportunity to develop their overall personality. School's environment is familiar, which is the most important aspect to bring the best out of students and to develop strong confidence. l am here to grow more and more understanding students in the context of Geography which is essential in our daily life. I will use all my skills and techniques of teaching so that students can rectify their knowledge with their behaviour.
Ed: What changes are you gonna bring?
MMA: I will develop a more positive environment in school. Creating a positive attitude in students has always been my first priority because that is the most important factor that will allow students to create a positive frame of their future. I will develop some qualities in students like discipline, punctuality, dedication and consistency which are modifiers of academic age.
My School
The Fabindia School is the heart of Bali. It is an amazing school all over the world I believe. It is not only a school but an ocean of knowledge and creativity .The school campus is dedicated to the environment. We the Fabindians have created our own jungle. The education we are getting here is not parrot learning. We do hard work with smart work to clear our concepts. Our school creates the opportunity for every student to do more, get more and learn more. I recommend you all to visit our school.
Pushpendra Singh Ranawat/ X A
My Experience of Inter House Football
Inter house football was held in my school on 2nd July 2022. My experience was fabulous. I enjoyed participating and playing in it. I am in Teresa House. Our first match was with Gandhi House. Our Strategy was to score at least 1 goal on  our opponent team and after half time, we will just defend.
Till half time we had scored 2 goals on our opponent team, then after half time we used our strategy and won. The Finale was held on 9 July 2022. On this day our opponent was Raman House. It is the strongest team in our Middle Section. We tried our best but the opponent’s players were stronger than us. We were defeated by them.  We stood II among our four houses. I was both sad and happy. I was happy because we came II but I was also sad that we didn’t win. Finally, I would like to say that my experience was amazing.
Soumyajeet Solanki/ VIII
What is India today and what will it be after ten years is a question that is constantly engaging the youth of today who are the leaders of tomorrow. As India is a developing country which is widely focusing on technology as its main driving agent . India is moving towards becoming a technology hub in the region of Asia. India should have facilities of providing jobs to the people of different qualifications like graduates, illiterate etc. When we talk about illiterates it's again a problem which many people in India are facing. Facilities of government schools in rural areas, unaffordable fee structure of private school etc. My vision for India is that it should be able to provide schooling facilities for all the children who truly want to study and make their life better. Though in the next ten years it will not change much, the youth today should have better education, better connection with home and abroad, better internet connectivity and social networking. It is hoped that in the next ten years, India will add about three times to its present GDP. Life expectancy will cross for both the genders. I want people to live in harmony and peace despite having different cultures and religions. I want a pollution free environment and there should be measures to control pollution to make our environment clean and healthy for people as well as for plants and animals.
Vinisha Choudhary/ XII Bio.
बातचीत का तरीका 
एक कहावत है"बातन हाथी पाइए, बातन हाथी पाव।" 
इसका मतलब है कि अगर ढंग से बात की जाए तो सुनने वाला खुश होता है। अगर बातचीत का तरीका गलत होतो सुनने वाले नाराज हो जाते हैं। घर में माता-पिता, दादा-दादी और भी बड़े लोग होते हैं। वे सब हमारी देखभाल करते हैं। वे इस बात का प्रयत्न करते हैं की हम अच्छे बने और समाज में सम्मान पा सकें। जब वे हमारे लिए इतना करते हैं तो हमारा भी यह कर्तव्य है की हम उनसे नम्रता और आदर्श से बात करें। सही ढंग से बातचीत करना एक गुण है । यह जीवन में बहुत काम आता है । अच्छी तरह से बात करने वाले बच्चों को अच्छा माना जाता है । अपने घर के सदस्यों के अलावा अपने आस-पड़ोस के लोगों के साथ भी अच्छी तरह से बातचीत करनी चाहिए । बातचीत में झूठी शान और दिखावा नहीं होना चाहिए।
दिव्यांशी सिंह/ Vll
My starling experience of TSAALS
Firstly I express my heartfelt gratitude to Principal ma'am and Bim ma'am who trusted us and provided us with such a golden opportunity. Describing TSAALS in words is a very tough task . It started with just a simple hello and as the conclusion waved I was so nostalgic at that moment. TSAALS improved me and brought out the best version of me. TSAALS aims at bringing each one's potential out. When I went to that camp in the beginning I was feeling quite homesick but after that when I started interacting and participating in various activities things just turned differently. I started learning new things each and every day. Our day usually started with a yoga session. Performing yoga just made us whole day fresh and active. We used to have our lessons which were Socratic, theatre, communication skills and CAV . All the sessions brought out the things which I never found in me. Socratic was a fun session. During this session we were given full freedom to express our views without having a fear of being judged. Due to this session now I am more self assured and confident. I can easily explore myself in front of everyone. Talking about the communication skills it helped me to improve my vocabulary, pronunciations, and tones. Also along with it there I learnt a very important thing which we need during speaking which is one breath one thought. Theatre session was my favourite one. During our theatre session we were taught to let our emotions flow. along with this we were taught to build trust. We had certain group activites during this session which helped me to create a good bond with each of the people present there. CAV was basically a community action venture. In this I designed a venture on environment depletion. This session made me ingenious and imaginative. Along with this session we had adventure activities like rafting, tree climbing, and ziplining. I was having a phobia of height and after this zip lining activity now I have overcome my that phobia. The adventure activities gave me the courage and also ability to take risk. At the end of the day we had our silent hour in which we use to reflect our whole day and give ourself some time to just connect with ourself and have a communication with our own thoughts. Silent hour always made me feel peaceful and relaxed because sometimes we need to be quite and attain peace. All the activities which I performed there has a special place in my heart. I loved each and every moment I spent there. I am so glad that I got that chance to meet to such good people and perform such good stuff. I am so thankful to every person who helped me throughout the journey. I feel so happy and overwhelmed that this summer break was not as same as always. It was rocking and very different and the most close one to my heart. The memories which I made their will always be in my heart.
Priyanka Deora/ XII

Well , this summer I thought would be the same as the summer vacations I spent before at home laying on my bed , using my phone and my mom shouting at me & asking me to study . But, there was this leadership camp to make my summer vacations congenial. So, on 1st June we left for Delhi and from there to Rishikesh. We reached there on 2nd June. Everybody introduced themselves and welcomed us. There were 72 students from different states and different schools. Our first day started with an energetic yoga session. It was really tiring to wake up this early in the morning but it gave us activeness for the rest of the day. Then we went for one of the best things there and that was rafting. I relished the moment. Then we had Socratics, another lesson with a lot of learning outcomes. A lesson that talks about your opinion no matter what others would think about you and just going with the flow. Communication skills, a lesson full of learning, skills based on clear speech and confidence. We used to have dinner along with using our phones. And then the late night gossip. The next day, we had theatre lessons with Ritesh sir, those lessons were about letting your emotions flow, no fear of others judging you, respecting yourself and others and the most important thing trusting yourself and your partner. Along with that we went for trekking and zip lining which was absolutely amazing and adventurous. I made a lot of new friends. I was both happy and sad, happy because after 14 days I was going to see my family and sad because I did not know when I would be able to see those beautiful faces again. Well, this journey was tremendous with me getting to know my seniors more and connecting with everyone.
Dakshita Sirvi/ X
दोस्ती हमारे जीवन की एक अनमोल संपत्ति होती है | जिसे कोई भी खोना नहीं चाहता है |एक दोस्त हमारे लिए बहुत मायने रखता है | सच्चा दोस्त वही होता है, जो जीवन की हर मुश्किल में साथ निभाता है | जिंदगी में एक सच्चा और अच्छा मित्र बहुत मुश्किल से मिलता है | सच्ची दोस्ती हमें जिंदगी में कई प्रकार के यादगार और मीठे अनुभव देती हैं | सभी लोगों को अपने जीवन की खुशी और दुख जैसी भावनाओं को बताने के लिए एक साथी की जरूरत होती है जिसे   वह अपने मन की बात को बता सकें | लोगों की बड़ी भीड़ में एक अच्छे और सच्चे मित्र को ढूंढना उतना ही मुश्किल होता है जितना कि कोयले की खान से हीरा ढूंढना |  सच्चा दोस्त वह नहीं होता जो कि खुशी के पलों में हमारा साथ दें बल्कि वह होते हैं जो हमारी जिंदगी की सभी मुश्किलों में हमारा साथ दें चाहे वह खुशी के पल हो या गम के। दोस्ती का सच्चा फलसफा है कि देने की भावना हो लेने का नहीं। यदि ऐसा होता है तो दोस्ती के मायने ही बदल जाएंगे।
धन्यवाद ! 
अरमान खान/ X
Volume No. 518 Published by The Editorial Board: Mr Jitendra Suthar, Ms Jyoti Sain, Jatin Tripash, Pushpendra Singh Ranawat, Yashwant Singh Sonigra, Mohammad Anas.