The School Weekly 16th January 2023

Biding Farewell to the Batch of 2022-23

Goodbyes are not the end they simply mean "we'll miss you until we meet again"
School is the second home for the students and students are the heartbeat of the school. The Fabindia school bid a fond farewell to the outgoing batch of 2022-23.
It was organized by the juniors(class 11), teaching, and non-teaching staff. After a week-long preparation, we were all set for the program. By the morning itself, we were all busy with stage decorations and photobooth preparations.
At a sharp 5'o clock, the event commenced with the ribbon cutting ceremony by our seniors and principal ma'am. We started by calling our seniors on stage for a token of love. A performance by the dancers of class 11 pepped up the mood. Next, it was time for assigning the titles, which is perhaps the most exciting part of every farewell. The title of Mr.Fabindia was given to Sayed Ishan and Miss. Fabindia to Diya Suthar. Followed by a nostalgic speech by Laxman Parmar of XII-humanities. Jaywardhan of class XI-maths presented a video depicting the long and rich journey of class 12th. We had a great DJ party at last. The program ended with a delicious supper. We wished our seniors good luck in their future endeavors and with great nostalgia, we said goodbye!  and left for home.
There was a night stay and bonfire organized for class 12th so they stayed in school and enjoyed the moments with their friends and teachers.
Nalini Kanwar / XI
Sweet Memories 
Priyanka Deora
RP: Who was your biggest competitor?
PDA: My biggest competitor I thought is myself because I believe that you should be best in what you are best at. 
RP: One message you want to give to the Fabindians.
PDA: Always believe in yourself and get better every day, improve yourself every day.

Jatin Tripash
RP: What were your game-changer moments in your school life?
JTH: I strongly believe that My becoming the Vice Head Boy of the school was a game-changer moment in my school life because it taught me leadership qualities. I got to know the different perspectives of school life which helped me in decision-making. For me, it was a game-changing movement because it made me feel like I am worth something.
RP: One message or advice for the Fabindians.
JTH: My message for all the Fabindians out there is that keep doing what you love to do. Don't bother about the results, maybe someday you end up somewhere big. Make mistakes, and make lots of them. That’s right - make mistakes. This is the only time you can afford to make mistakes and learn from them without much cost. Lastly "Carpediem" means seize the day.

Rajveer Singh
RP: What was the best reward for your school life?
RSH: The best reward of my school life was becoming the Head Boy of the school. Honestly, I didn't expect that so it was an even more special moment for me which made me believe that I am worth something and I have all the qualities of being a leader.
RP: As a Head Boy of the school what are the struggles you have faced in the last year?
RSH: As a Head Boy I have faced many little problems but the main one was choosing honesty over friendship. Sometimes the decisions of the head boy were against the will of my friends and they found me strict with myself. So keeping the balance between friendship and leadership was the main task.
RP: After being the head boy of the school, what was the message that you want to share with all the Fabindians.
RSH: Being a head boy I want to say that everyone has the potential to do something big. Everyone is different from each other which is what makes them unique in their way. I want to say that grab each opportunity that comes your way because you never where you end up in the future.

Kanak Gehlot
RP: Mention your favorite teacher and the reason why?
KGT: Jitendra sir is my favourite because he is friendly, gives the best and good suggestions, helpful, I like his personality and his attitude.

Abhinav Rajpurohit
RP: Being a sports person what are your learnings?
ART: I have learned a lot of new things but the ones closest to my heart are teamwork and leadership. As a captain, I always became more social, and self-confident. I want to thank Rahul sir because he worked so much on my basketball skills, giving me cricket training and practice for athletic events.
RP: One message for the Fabindians.
ART: Always work on your personality and stay motivated.
Kite Making Activity

Kite Making activity was organized on the 12th of January '22 for the classes Nursery to VIII to give wings to the innovativeness and imagination and creativity of our young learners. Students showed their talent by making colorful kites. They learned how to make kites with basic materials such as newspapers, colorful sheets, glue, sticks, etc. After making kites, they decorated them and gave them a beautiful look. Their enthusiasm and efforts were commendable and appreciated by everyone.

Kite Flying

Kite Flying was also organized for all the children at school on Saturday, 14th January 22 to celebrate the festival of Makar Sankranti. Kite is associated with the feeling of freedom and joy and kite flying gives joy to the hearts. All the children were so excited to fly their kites. All the students gathered on the school ground along with their teachers and flew the kites in the sky. It needs a lot of skills and effort to fly a kite. By flying kites, they understood the power of the wind, particularly how to drag and lift the kite. It was n eye-catching view in the sky due to the colorful kites in the sky and happy faces on the land. We could also witness some of the kite fights. Everybody enjoyed the festival at school and went home with smiles on their faces.
Monika Vaishnav / Educator
Army Day
Army Day is celebrated on 15 January every year in India, in recognition of Field Marshal Kodandera M. Cariappa taking over as the first Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army from General Francis Roy Bucher, the last British Commander-in-Chief of India, on 15 January 1949. The day is celebrated in the form of parades and other military shows in the national capital New Delhi as well as in all headquarters. On 15 January 2022, India celebrated its 74th Indian Army Day in New Delhi. Army Day marks a day to salute the valiant soldiers who sacrificed their lives to protect the country and its citizens.
While celebrations take place across the country, the main Army Day parade is conducted in Cariappa Parade ground in Delhi cantonment. Gallantry awards and Sena medals are also awarded on this day.
Lisha Soni / XI
World Hindi Day
Hindi is the most spoken language in India. Now, the number of people who speak and know Hindi is increasing all over the world, and Hindi is ranked third s the most spoken language in the world. In addition to being the oldest language in the world, Hindi is also the simplest and most prosperous language. Its script is Devnagari and anyone can easily learn it. Reading the Hindi language is very easy, so people outside India are also attached to Hindi and want to learn it. Hindi became the official language of India in 1950 and since then it has been on a continuous March to become the "most popular language of the nation". Hindi Day is an annual celebration held on 11th September on the occasion of Hindi's 150th anniversary. Hindi was born as a variant of Sanskrit. Hindi derives most of its vocabulary from Sanskrit, Persian and Arabic language.
Rashi Jain/ class IX
National Youth Day
National Youth Day is being celebrated on January 12 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. In 1984, the Indian government declared Swamiji's birth anniversary as National Youth Day and since 1985, it has been celebrated to honor and recognize Vivekananda's teachings. This year, the National Youth Day 2023 theme is "Viksit Yuva-Viksit Bharat."
In India, National Youth Day is celebrated to promote awareness of people's rights and to provide information about them. Keeping the ideals of Swami Vivekananda alive and motivating young people is the main objective of the celebration. Several programs are conducted across the nation on National Youth Day (Rashtriya Yuva Diwas), including speeches, music, youth conventions, seminars, yoga asanas, presentations, essay writing, recitation competitions, and sports competitions.
Vivekananda propounded the significance of education in nation-building. He believed that education is the primary means of empowering people. He particularly emphasized education being relevant to the common masses. One of the famous proverbs of Swami Vivekananda among the youth is, “Arise! Awake! and stop not until the goal is reached.”
The Pre-monastic name of Swami Vivekananda was Narendra Nath Dutta. He was born on January 12, 1863, in Kolkata and died on July 4, 1902. His father's name was Vishwanath Dutta and his mother's name was Bhuvaneshwari Devi. He became a disciple of Saint Ramakrishna Paramhamsa after being introduced to him by one of his English professors in 1881 at Dakshineshwar's Kali Temple. The Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga were introduced to the Western World by him.
Mranjal Malviya

Road Safety week will be celebrated from 11 to 17 January
Many road accidents happen in India every year. In which many people die. Apart from India, the news of road accidents also comes from other countries but in India, it is very fatal. Road Safety Week is organized every year by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India. Awareness about road safety is spread among the people of India. So that road accidents and deaths due to them can be reduced. Let us tell you that every year lakhs of road accidents happen in India. According to the released figures, there were 445,730 road accidents in 2017 in which around 150,093 people died. There has been some difference in the statistics of these accidents from 2017 to 2021, but the death rate has increased as compared to earlier.
Mohita Solanki / IX
Literary Club
The Literary Club of The Fabindia School functions with the overt aim to develop the imaginative faculties of students by encouraging them to give free expression to their ideas through various literary forms. The activities of this club are planned to augment the output of the members of the club and thereby impart these values to the student community as a whole. The literary capabilities inherent in the students need to be inhabitants brought out to give flair to their creative aptitude. As a preliminary step,  Ms.  Rajshree Convenor and  Advisory Member with the incessant assistance of  Mr. Priyadarshan Singh, the Club Co-ordinator, enrolled 25 student members who possessed an inherent interest in literary activities spite belonging to varied disciplines. To date, the Club held four meetings which were presided over by the Convenor in the presence of the Advisory Member. In the meetings at the early stage, the student members introduced themselves. Each of them was provided with a platform to express their literary ideas and their passion for literary activities. Their details were accumulated to form a WhatsApp group as suggested.  Student coordinators were selected, and after inviting suggestions from the student members, the Convenor or the Advisory Member roughly drafted a plan of activities for the Club for the year 2023-24. Weekly Book Reviews and Discussions to acquaint the students with the latest books and authors were suggested to be carried out with each student member presenting a book review of a recently read book. Subsequently, the Club decided to have random gatherings in March. This was successfully carried out through weekly assignments intended to provide the impetus for students to read and debate a book of their choice.
Priyadarshan Singh / Educator
मित्रता का मतलब दोस्ती होती है। हमें दोस्ती की सबसे ज्यादा जरूरत होती है। क्योंकि अगर दोस्त नहीं होंगे , तो हम खेलेंगे किसके साथ, पढ़ाई किसके साथ करेंगे, किससे बातें करेंगे, किसके साथ स्कूल जाएंगे? अगर मित्रता नहीं होंगी तो हम अकेले पड़ जाएंगे इसलिए हमें दोस्ती की सबसे ज्यादा जरूरत होती है। एक सच्चा दोस्त हमारे सगे भाई बहन से भी बढ़कर होता है। मित्र हर परिस्थिति में हमारा साथ देता है एवं हमारी सहायता करता है। सच्चा मित्र वह होता है जो मुसीबत में भी हमारा साथ ना छोड़े।
गरीमा जाखड़ / IV
Sports in India
Once that India was at the top of hockey now but even the pride of place had been lost. During British rule, the maharajas and princess game players were world-class players. The independence was not regulated. and plans for the sports policy formulated in the country. They were world-class players and Sportsmans and world-class women in sports. This should be and national plan and policy for two players and sportsmen to catch them young and they be trained and they adopted in every way by the state so that only world-class players and sportsmen can be produced. Sport is an important part of just about every city and country involved everywhere the sports often reflect the country in which they Are the player Most of all they give people something to force and members help each other to win team
Thank you 
Moksha sompura / VIII
मकर संक्रांति 
हमारा देश 'विभिन्नताओं में एकता' वाला देश कहा जाता है। एक तरफ देश के हरेक प्रांत में कुछ अलग-अलग उत्सव मनाये जाते हैं परंतु कईं त्योहार पूरे देश में समान रूप से बड़े हर्षोल्लास से मनाये जाते हैं। इन त्योहारों में मकर संक्रांति भी महत्वपूर्ण त्योहार है। इन त्योहारों का ऋतुओं और प्राकृतिक अनुकूलताओं से संबंध होता है। मकर संक्रांति त्योहार मनाने के लिए सांस्कृतिक मान्यताओं के साथ-साथ मजबूत वैज्ञानिक कारण भी है। यह त्योहार सूर्य और पृथ्वी की गति और स्थिति के आधार पर होने वाले ऋतु परिवर्तनों से जुड़ा हुआ है। ऋतु-चक्र के अनुसार सूर्य 21 जून से दक्षिणायन और 22 दिसम्बर से वापस उत्तरायण की ओर गतिमान होता है। प्रतिवर्ष 14 जनवरी को सूर्य पृथ्वी के मकर रेखा पर पहुँचता है। मकर रेखा के संक्रमण करने के कारण इसे मकर संक्रांति कहा जाता है। 
ज्योतिष विज्ञान के अनुसार वर्षभर में सूर्य बारह राशियों से होकर गुजरता है। इस दिन सूर्य धनु राशि से मकर राशि में प्रवेश करता है। इसलिए इसे मकर संक्रांति कहा जाता है। तमिलनाडु में इसे पोंगल, केरल और कर्नाटक में सक्रांति, पंजाब एवं हरियाणा में लोहड़ी, असम में बिहू तो उत्तर प्रदेश, बिहार, मध्यप्रदेश, गुजरात, राजस्थान आदि में इसे सकरांत के नाम से मनाया जाता है। 
जैसा कि हम जानते हैं कि सूर्य ऊर्जा प्रदान करता है और प्राणिजगत् का आधार है। आधुनिक विज्ञान इसे विटामिन-डी के रूप में मान्यता देता है। संसार भर को ऊर्जावान् बनाने के कारण और उत्तरायण में गमन के महत्त्व के कारण सूर्य की पूजा की जाती है। इस समय अत्यधिक सर्दी में, ऊर्जा के स्रोत तिल और गुड़ खाने की परंपरा है। माना जाता है कि मकर संक्रांति के दिन मृत्यु होने पर पुनर्जन्म के बंधन से मुक्ति मिलती है और प्राणी मोक्ष को प्राप्त होता है। इसी दिन भीष्म पितामह ने प्राण त्यागे थे। मान्यता है कि इसी दिन गंगावतरण हुआ था। मकर संक्रांति को गंगा स्नान और दान पुण्य की भी परंपरा है। हमारी परंपराओं के वैज्ञानिक आधार है और  आधुनिक विज्ञान के कईं शोधों से यह प्रमाणित भी होता है। जिस तरह पत्तों का  डाली से और वृक्षों का अपनी जड़ों से जुड़े रहने पर ही अस्तित्व और महत्त्व होता है, उसी तरह हमें हमारी संस्कृति पर गर्व करते हुए हमेशा इससे जुड़े रहना चाहिए और इसकी समृद्धि के प्रयास करते रहना चाहिए। 
यह ऐसा समय है जब प्रकृति में उमंग रहती हैं और वसन्त की झलक महसूस होती है। लहलहाती फसलों के साथ किसान वर्ग अत्यंत प्रसन्नता से यह त्योहार मनाता हैं। इस दिन पतंगबाजी भी की जाती है और आकाश भर की समृद्धि की मंगलकामनाएँ की जाती हैं। समृद्धि, ऊर्जा, समरसता और बंधुत्व के इस त्योहार पर हमें हमारे और अबोध पक्षियों के जीवन की सुरक्षा का ध्यान रखते हुए पतंगबाजी करनी चाहिए। मकर संक्राति की बहुत-बहुत शुभकामनाएँ।
छतरा राम चौधरी / Educator
Makar Sankranti
Makar Sankranti is celebrated with great energy throughout the nation and is celebrated on the 14th of January every year. The festival is famous for flying kites. You will witness the sky painted with beautiful kites on this day. Once every 12 years, Kumbh Mela is organized to celebrate this grand festival.
Makar Sankranti is one of the most important celebrations on January 14th or 15th of every year, depending on the solar cycle. The main saying of this festival is to take a holy dip in the water and offer prayers to the Sun God.
Naksh Parihar / IV

Science: Solar flares are incredibly powerful. The energy solar flares release is equivalent to millions of 100-megaton atomic bombs exploding at once, according to NASA. It’s a good thing the Earth’s atmosphere protects us from their radiation.

Social Science: In the Jhunjhunu district, there is a small town called Mandawa which lies on the silk route to China. The town is home to numerous fabulous Havelis that were built by the merchants. These Havelis serve as open-air art galleries as they are beautifully adorned with paintings of various themes on internal as well as external walls.

Fun Facts and Riddles

What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
ऐसी कौन सी चीज है जो पानी पीते ही मर जाती है

The answer to the Riddles

Q. एक दिवार पर दस चिडिया बैठी थी। एक आदमी ने एक चिडिया को तीर मारा। कितने चिड़िया बची है?
A. एक भी नही।
Q. I’m light as a feather, yet the strongest person can’t hold me for five minutes. What am I?
A. Your breath

Two boys were arguing when the teacher entered the room.
The teacher says, "Why are you arguing?"
One boy answers, "We found a ten-dollar bill and decided to give it to whoever tells the biggest lie."
"You should be ashamed of yourselves," said the teacher, "When I was your age I didn't even know what a lie was." The boys gave the ten dollars to the teacher A conversation between 2 imaginary people on the phone: Hello, are you there? Yes, who are you? I'm Watt. What's your name? Watt's my name! Yes, what's your name!? My name is John Watt! John what??? Yes. Are you Jones? No. I'm Knott. Will you tell me your name then? Will Knott. Why not? My name is Knott!! Not what? Not Watt, Knott!!!

Coordinators: Jaya Bawal, Divyani Rao, Divyanka Ranawat 
Reporters: Nalini Kunwar Lisha Soni, Ridhima Ojha, Meenakshi Sirvi, Mansi Chouhan
Photographers: Dhruv Parmar, Lakshya Raj Kanwar, Riya Vaishnav, Jaiwardhan Singh
Creative Writers: Jiyaraje Chouhan, Sanyogita Ranawat, Prachi Rao
Hobbyists: Lavishka Rathod, Divya Rathore, Pooja Sodha, Sanket Solanki, Abhilasha Mansion, Nehpal Singh
Editors: Mohita Solanki, Tanisha Malviya, Lavishka Rathore, Hetal Solanki
Resource Agents: Priya Vaishnav, Divya Rathore, Yuvraj Malawat
Educators in support: Ms. Bharti Rao, Mr. Krishan Gopal, Ms. Prerna Rathod  Ms.Khushi Rao, Ms. Shivani Rao, Ms. Richa Solanki

Volume No. 542 Published by The Editorial Board: Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Ms. Jyoti Sain, Ms. Harshita Suthar, Mr. Chatra Ram Choudhary,  Mr. Priyadarshan Singh.