The School Weekly 06th February 2023

News & Events
जीवन पथ का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण पड़ाव बालपन या यों कहें कि विद्यार्थी जीवन होता है। यहीं वह समय होता है जब कोरे मन पर ज्ञान का अनूठा अंकन किया जाए  तो जीवन का उत्तरार्द्ध आभामय और एक आदर्श अनुकरणीय रूप में स्थापित किया जा सकता है। इसी ध्येय को लेकर वर्तमान की शिक्षा व्यवस्था में 'अनिवार्य बाल शिक्षा' के तहत हर बालक-बालिका नित प्रति अध्ययन के लिए विद्यालय का रूख करते है। इस विद्यालयी शिक्षण के परिप्रेक्ष्य में हम कह सकते है कि "आओ मीत मिल बढ़ते चलें, विद्यार्जन कर व्यक्तित्व गढ़ते चलें" के लक्ष्य को लेकर नन्हें नौनिहाल नित अध्ययन में जुटे रहते है और विद्यालयी शिक्षण व्यवस्था में सतत् मूल्यांकन कार्य/परीक्षाएँ आयोजित की जाती है। शीतकालीन अवकाश के बाद पुनः विद्यालय खुलने के साथ ही समस्त विद्यार्थी और शिक्षक अध्ययन-अध्यापन में मशगूल हो गए और इस सप्ताह ३० जनवरी से ४ फरवरी तक हमारे विद्यालय  में 'प्राथमिक और उच्च प्राथमिक अनुभाग' में 'इकाई-परख' चतुर्थ' (UT-IV) का आयोजन किया गया। वसन्त की उमंग के बीच पूर्ण उत्साह से विद्यार्थियों ने अपनी अधिगम और अभिव्यक्ति क्षमता को उत्तर-पुस्तिकाओं में बंद किया। सभी शिक्षक नियमित शिक्षण और जाँच कार्य में व्यस्त हैं तो विद्यार्थी अपने-अपने परिणामों के इन्तजार में। आओ मिल प्रयास करें कि विद्यादान और ज्ञानार्जन की यह लौ सदा जलती रहें।
छतरा राम चौधरी (हिन्दी विभाग)

Pebble Art Activity
In an age where children find it difficult to sit without an electronic gadget in hand, sculpting with pebbles can be a wonderfully calming activity. It reduces the stress level among kids and also acts as a great bonding activity. UKG students participated in this activity with great enthusiasm.  Creativity was infused in the students by making shapes out of small pebbles. A sense of joy and excitement was visible among the students.
Pinkee Chouhan/Educator
Efforts bring change 
We believe in hard work with love that gives space to improve every child bringing a child from down and then taking them to the height where he can touch the sky.
Sport's Report 
Introduction: The Fabindia School has always placed a strong emphasis on promoting sports and physical activity among its students. The school has a long history of providing opportunities for students to participate in various sporting activities and develop their skills in a fun and supportive environment. In this report, we will outline the various initiatives taken by the school in the promotion of sports.
Current Status: Currently the School offers a variety of sports programs for students including soccer, basketball, volleyball, track and field, karate, kabaddi, and cricket. In addition, the school also organizes inter-school sports competitions, allowing students to showcase their skills and compete against other schools.
Promotional Activities: The school has been actively promoting sports through various initiatives, including:
Sports Day: The school holds an annual Sports Day where students from different classes compete in various sporting events such as relay races, shot put, and long jump. This event is a great opportunity for students to showcase their skills and for the school to foster a spirit of friendly competition.
Coaching Clinics: The school regularly holds coaching clinics for students who want to improve their skills in a particular sport. These clinics are led by experienced coaches who provide students with personalized attention and guidance.
Community Outreach: The Fabindia School partners with local sports organizations to offer sports programs for children in the surrounding community. This helps to promote sports and physical activity in the wider community and creates opportunities for students to get involved in coaching and mentoring roles.
The initiatives taken by the school in promoting sports have had a significant impact on the students. Regular participation in sports has improved their physical health and fitness, as well as their overall well-being. In addition, the friendly competition and teamwork encouraged by the school's sports programs have helped to develop students' social and interpersonal skills.
Conclusion: In conclusion, The Fabindia School has made a strong commitment to promoting sports and physical activity among its students. Through a variety of initiatives and programs, the school has been able to provide students with opportunities to develop their skills, improve their health and well-being, and foster a love for sports. We believe that these efforts will continue to have a positive impact on our students for years to come.
Sports Department
  Influence of trust in relationships and motivation 
In our lives there are so many ups and downs, sometimes we fail, we win, we try and we learn from it. So, dealing with that all has its own experience.
As my experience in real life as well as in professional life, trust and motivation play a major role in delivering the work efficiently and effectively. It also involves fair and respectful interaction between individuals. Whether we are in the teaching profession or real life, we must have trust in doing work without any thinking of getting credit back. If we are giving our 100% and we are not getting back anything just keep trying, The only things you wish to get back must be appreciation and motivation because it plays a major role in making your self-confidence in your work either in scoring good marks or completing your assessment. My real-life example from where I learned this and I am giving it to my students. When I was a student my accountant mentor Vinod sir I am greatly thankful to him that I got a teacher like him how he always motivated me and showed trust in me that helped me to score good marks, When he said this to me I felt a little bit scared that how can I do this, I was an average student so, remembering his word that he has trust on me he always motivated me that ' you can do '. These words hit me hard and I said to myself that I will never break my teacher's trust. And this only makes me self-confident and motivated to score good marks. So, an educator must first trust in himself that his students can do it and that students will never break your trust in doing it . The same thing in my class one student scored zero marks again and again, I said to her that ' you can do it, next time you will get full marks' and she did it because I trusted in it. So, like this, we can and we are motivating everyone in our life by expecting something great with great efforts to come back.
Richa Solanki / Educator
Zumba - a high-energy dance fitness program is being practiced by our school students every morning.  Practicing Zumba has many health benefits, including mind relaxation and physical fitness. Doing Zumba every day can help us to lose weight quickly and it is a whole-body workout without getting exhausted. It is an incredibly fun exercise that also improves our flexibility. Students enjoy doing Zumba and the best part of it is that it doesn’t even feel like exercise!
 Ocean of Escape 
We sat around the campfire in silence, nobody wanting to bring up our predicament. Everything was going to have to come out anyway, we might as well get it over with it.  I was just about to clear my throat when I noticed Sam and Layla standing apart from the group whispering. I got curious so I asked them and they said that after crossing this forest there is an ocean there. Who is said to be magical? So,  they were planning to discover it but there is rumour that no one has returned. Because one has control over that ocean. If someone will defeat the witch they will get all the power and will be king of the ocean. We all planned on going there. Because we were quite curious about it. We set for our journey after everyone had slept.
 As we started going towards that ocean the climate changed, and the wind started blowing fast. The sky started changing as if it was going to rain soon and the heavy one. When we reached the ocean, the wind was so fast that it became quite difficult to move. Then suddenly we heard someone laughing and there was a witch. With long gray hair, a black robe, a hat, and weird teeth of different shapes and black color. Then in a second, she came beside us from the sky. She started playing with us.  She started making Sam into different animals. After a while, she came towards laylor and poured ice water on him. As she was playing, I heard that if we cut that witch's  hair, all her magical powers would be gone. By chance, I had a cutter in my pocket. So,  when she was busy playing with my friends, I secretly went backside without being noticed. I cut her pony and her powers went away and she died. All the powers came to me and I became the king of the ocean.
Moral : We should never lose faith in ourselves. With faith in yourself, we will win for sure
Lakshya Raj Kanwar / XI
Out of school award
On 26th January there was a prize-giving ceremony at Jackson Credit Cooperative Society, Ajmer. It honors children of railway employees of north western railway Ajmer division. I went with my father to be a part of this auspicious ceremony. It was great to see many students who had done well in their fields. I received a prize from the chairman of JCCS and Divisional Railway Manager, for my score in Class 10th. It was my first visit to Ajmer and it was a remarkable journey
Nalini Kanwar Rathore / XI
सुहाने पल
प्राची के पार से झाँकते, 
प्रखर पुंज की वह धुंधली लालिमा,
वह मद्दिम शीतल भोर की बयार, 
ऊषाकाल नभ में मंडराते पंखेरूओं की अवली के बीच,
विटपों की पाँखो से टपकती अमृतबूंदो  में,
वह डल का किनारा जहाँ से,
दूर तलक फैली चमकती झील की जल राशि पर,
तैरते सुरखाबों की जोडियाँ,
मानस पर अंकित वे सुनहले पल,
आ गये है उभर कर अचानक आज भोर में, 
देख नजारा मोहक,
कहो मीत,
बीत गये दिन कितने?
छतरा राम चौधरी / Educator
(कश्मीरी वादियों में बीते सुनहले पलों की यादें, ३१जनवरी२०२३ की सुबह घने कोहरे में…)
जब मैं कक्षा में प्रथम आया..
इस वर्ष मैंने सोचा इतनी मेहनत करूँगा कि मैं प्रथम आऊँगा ।यह मेरा सपना था। इस बार जब मेरी अध्यापिका ने मुझे बताया कि मैं कक्षा में प्रथम आया हूँ,तो मानो मेरे पंख लग गए। खुशी के मारे, मैं उछल पड़ा ।  यह मेरी कड़ी मेहनत का फल है । घर पहुँच कर माताजी और पिताजी को अपना  परीक्षा परिणाम सुनाते हुए मुझे मन ही मन में एक अजीब सी खुशी हो रही थी। मेरा सपना साकार रूप में मेरे सामने था। मुझे जीवन में पहली बार इतनी खुशी मिली है। 
हर्षिल दवे / III
My Village- Sewari
Rajasthan is famous for its historical and spiritual places. I live in a famous village called Sewari. Sewari is situated on the bank of river Sukri which originates from Mithadi Dam. It is in the Pali district of Rajasthan. The name of my village Sewari was named because there were hundreds of step wells. Sewari is also famous for the Hindu temple named Khetlaji. There is a fair organized in our village twice a year. There are also two famous Digambar Jain temples and a famous step well called Jaitalab. On Ganesh Chaturthi, a famous program is organized in which people get together and dance. There are two big playgrounds in my village, one in Govt. High School and another in R.S.S ground. Children come there and play several games like cricket, volleyball, football, etc. Tournaments are organized here. There is also a nursery in our school where we can get several types of plants. There is a govt. hospital in my village. In my opinion, my village is a mediumly developed village with all the necessary facilities. I love my village from the core of my heart. 
Soumyajeet Solanki / VIII
Maturity does not come with age, it comes with surroundings and with the help of your teachers. Children practice dance even if the teacher is not there to teach.
Fun Facts and Riddles
You walk into a room that contains a match, a kerosene lamp, a candle, and a fireplace. What would you light first?
Science: Grasshoppers have ears in their bellies
S.St. : A village with no locks and doors may be the safest on Earth. The village of Shani Shingnapur is famous for not having a door or lock on a single house. Beyond that, there has not been a recording of a criminal act for almost 400 years.
Sports: The temperature of the baseball will determine how far it will fly.
A microwaved baseball will fly much further than a frozen baseball. Warmer balls weigh less and therefore can move faster with less air resistance.

The answer to the Riddles
Q) वह क्या है जो आपके पास जितना ज्यादा होगा आपको उतना ही कम दिखाई देगा ?
A) अँधेरा 
Q) It belongs to you, but other people use it more than you do. What is it?
A) It's Your Name
Santa! Your daughter has died!
Depressed, Banta jumps from the 100th floor.
On the 50th floor, he remembers I don't have a daughter! 
On the 25th floor, he remembers I'm unmarried!
On the 10th floor, he remembers I'm Banta, not Santa!

Santa standing below a tube light with an open mouth.
Because his doctor advised him: 'Today's dinner should be light !'

Coordinators: Jaya Bawal, Divyani Rao, Divyanka Ranawat 
Reporters: Nalini Kunwar Lisha Soni, Ridhima Ojha, Meenakshi Sirvi, Mansi Chouhan
Photographers: Dhruv Parmar, Lakshya Raj Kanwar, Riya Vaishnav, Jaiwardhan Singh
Creative Writers: Jiyaraje Chouhan, Sanyogita Ranawat, Prachi Rao
Hobbyists: Lavishka Rathod, Divya Rathore, Pooja Sodha, Sanket Solanki, Abhilasha Mansion, Nehpal Singh
Editors: Mohita Solanki, Tanisha Malviya, Lavishka Rathore, Hetal Solanki
Resource Agents: Priya Vaishnav, Divya Rathore, Yuvraj Malawat
Educators in support: Ms. Bharti Rao, Mr. Krishan Gopal, Ms. Prerna Rathod  Ms.Khushi Rao, Ms. Shivani Rao, Ms. Richa Solanki, Ms. Punita Chouhan

Volume No. 544 Published by The Editorial Board: Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Ms. Jyoti Sain, Ms. Harshita Suthar, Mr. Chatra Ram Choudhary,  Mr. Priyadarshan Singh.