The School Weekly 20th March 2023

News & Events
Guests from Pestalozzi
Today's morning assembly was a special one. We had a group from the education association named 'Pestalozzi India'. Ms. Cheme, who has been working in this association for more than 40 years, introduced the motive of their organization. It was made with a motive to educate orphans and economically weak talented students and to give them good exposure to modern education. It also emphasizes developing a child's skills and interest in academics. They will be conducting an exam for the students of Class V in July. They want to serve the community by giving the champs a sky to fly and fulfill their dreams. This organization runs worldwide and serves humanity.
Sanyogita Ranawat and Nalini Rathore / XII
My Experience Green School  Celebration
I was so happy that our school was nominated as a Green school. If I talk about Green school it's not only about Greenery but also it is about 5 segments of nature which are Air, Water, Waste, Food, and Energy. Fabindia school is fitted in all frames of all segments. Overall, we are taking care of nature and the environment in our school so that students can understand its value. 
If I asked you how many members in your family someone says there will be some numbers but in reality, we are approximately 8 billion in number because if your neighboring country creates pollution it will directly or indirectly affect you through environmental disturbance. One perfect example of this is "Western Disturbance ". Bhutan is a carbon-negative country but still, it faces environmental disasters. We all should adopt caring for our motherland not only as our habit or duty but also as it should be in our DNA as well. The Indian government passed a slogan for plastic that is the 3 R's method "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle '' in my point of view 3 R's means "Reduce Reduce Reduce".
वसुधैव कुटुंबकम एक संस्कृत वाक्यांश है जिसका अर्थ है "संपूर्ण विश्व एक परिवार है"।
Manish Bissa / Educator
Sports Department Report
The aim of the physical education department is the wholesome development of an individual, physically, mentally, and emotionally fit & also develop his personal and social qualities. It aims to develop students’ physical competence and knowledge of movement and safety, and their ability to use these to perform in a wide range of activities associated with the development of an active and healthy lifestyle.
It also develops students’ confidence and generic skills, especially those of collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking, and aesthetic appreciation.
These, together with the nurturing of positive values and attitudes in PE, provide a good foundation for students’ lifelong and life-wide learning.
Rahul Kalmolta / PET

अभ्यास का महत्व

किसी भी लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने में अभ्यास का महत्वपूर्ण योगदान होता है। अपने जीवन  में जो भी व्यक्ति सफल हुए उनकी सफलता में अभ्यास की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका रही है । अभ्यास  ही एकमात्र तरीका है जिससे आप अपने वांछित कौशल को अपना सबसे अच्छा दोस्त बना सकते हैं । अभ्यास आपको अपने कौशल पर बेहतर ध्यान केंद्रित करने में मदद करता है। यह आपको अपनी कला को बेहतर ढंग से समझने में सक्षम बनाता है और समय के साथ उन्हें सुधारने के लिए आपको अपनी कमियों पर विचार करने का समय देता है । अभ्यास करने से विद्या प्राप्त होती है और नहीं करने से विद्या समाप्त हो जाती है। अभ्यास की कोई सीमा नहीं होती है । व्यक्ति के द्वारा निरंतर अभ्यास के बल पर असंभव काम को भी संभव किया जा सकता है। नियमित अभ्यास व्यक्ति को सफलता या उन्नति की ऊँची से ऊँची सीढी तक ले जाता है।

बुध कुंपावत  / V

Exam Days
Mom and Dad say please now grow
Here your exam doesn't become low
The day has come now I will show My place is 1st in the row All say bad luck but I say no Ups and downs come only to glow Brain says no more stress Mind still replies do your best These are days we all have face That is why they call exam days Jaswant Bohra /
मेरा प्रिय त्योहार
मेरा प्रिय त्योहार होली का त्योहार है। होली के त्योहार पर तरह-तरह के पकवान बनते हैं। इस दिन हम पिचकारी से रंग डालते हैं गुब्बारे में रंग भर कर एक -दूसरे के ऊपर डालते हैं। लोग एक दूसरे से गले मिलते हैं। होली खुशियों का त्योहार है।
रक्षक देवासी / III

सूर्य हमें रोशनी व गर्मी देता हैl सूरज पीला रंग का है l वह आग का बड़ा गोला है, सर्दी में हमें धूप की आवश्यकता होती है वह सूर्य से मिलती है सूर्य की रोशनी बहुत आवश्यक है lसूर्य पूरब में उगता है और पश्चिम में अस्त होता हैl सूर्य की रोशनी हमारे जीवन में बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है।
महेंद्र सिंह / III

Fun Facts and Riddles
I can rush, be still, be hot, be cold, and be hard. I can slip through almost anything. What am I?

Science The longest-living cells in the body are brain cells which can live an entire lifetime. Sst The first human to break the sound barrier
On 14 October 2012 at 9:28 a.m. local time (3:28 p.m. GMT), Felix lifted off from Roswell, New Mexico, USA. Destination: the edge of space. Within the next few hours, Felix would be back on Earth has become the first human to break the sound barrier in freefall, completed the highest freefall parachute jump (38,969.4 m/ 127,852 ft), and achieved the fastest speed in freefall (1,357.6 km/h / 843.6 mph).

Coordinators: Jaya Bawal, Divyani Rao, Divyanka Ranawat 
Reporters: Nalini Kunwar Lisha Soni, Ridhima Ojha, Meenakshi Sirvi, Mansi Chouhan
Photographers: Dhruv Parmar, Lakshya Raj Kanwar, Riya Vaishnav, Jaiwardhan Singh
Creative Writers: Jiyaraje Chouhan, Sanyogita Ranawat, Prachi Rao
Hobbyists: Lavishka Rathod, Divya Rathore, Pooja Sodha, Sanket Solanki, Abhilasha Mansion, Nehpal Singh
Editors: Mohita Solanki, Tanisha Malviya, Lavishka Rathore, Hetal Solanki
Resource Agents: Priya Vaishnav, Divya Rathore, Yuvraj Malawat
Educators in support: Ms. Bharti Rao, Mr. Krishan Gopal, Ms. Prerna Rathod  Ms.Khushi Rao, Ms. Shivani Rao, Ms. Richa Solanki, Ms. Punita Chouhan

Volume No. 550 Published by The Editorial Board: Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Ms. Jyoti Sain, Mr. Chatra Ram Choudhary,  Mr. Priyadarshan Singh.