The School Weekly 18th September 2023

News & Events
 हिन्दी दिवस 
14 सितम्बर को विद्यालय के सभी अनुभागों में राष्ट्रीय हिन्दी दिवस मनाया गया। इस मौके पर विद्यार्थियों ने कविता वाचन , भाषण, कहानी-कथन, हिन्दी वाद-विवाद एवं प्रश्नोंत्तरी द्वारा हमारी मातृभाषा के प्रति और देश के प्रति अपनी श्रद्धा और समर्पण के मनोभावों को प्रकट किया । मातृभाषा के गौरवगान एवं पुनरुत्थान के लिए कृत संकल्प हुए। इस मौके अध्यापकों ने भी हिन्दी का महत्व बताते हुए हिन्दी के स्वरूप और संवैधानिक प्रावधानों पर प्रकाश डाला।
विद्यालय के प्राथमिक और उच्च प्राथमिक अनुभागों में विद्यार्थियों के सामान्य ज्ञान को बढाने के लिए इस शनिवार से नियमित रूप से सामान्य ज्ञान पर आधारित मौखिक प्रश्नोत्तरी गतिविधि शुरू की गयी है।
साभार- हिन्दी विभाग
PTM was organized on 16th September for Class LKG. To enhance the PTM experience, various activities were organized for parents along with their children. The children introduced themselves to the parents and recited some poems. Afterwards, the children and their parents crafted various items using clay and learned to shape different pots on the Potter's Wheel. Parents enjoyed making pots on the Potter's Wheel; it was their first experience and they had a great time. They mentioned that if they hadn't come, they would have missed out on so many enjoyable activities. Lagori was also organized for the children and parents, allowing parents to play with their children. 
Parents were very happy to be a part of this special PTM. They expressed that they are delighted to be a part of Fabindia School and thoroughly enjoyed the activities organized by the school. They spent quality time with their children, something they often don't get to do at home. It was a successful PTM, as almost all the parents attended.
Thank you. 
Dimple Kunwar / Educator

The Pre-Primary section of The Fabindia School organized another round of a Parents-Teachers meeting on 16th September. During the event, various playful activities were conducted, engaging students and their parents in fun-filled roles. Additionally, a dedicated corner was set up to introduce our new art form, 'Pottery Making,' which utilizes a machine installed in our school to enhance artistic skills through working with clay. Parents actively participated, shaping small pieces of art on the wheel. They showed great enthusiasm and thoroughly enjoyed the experience of creating pots. I had meaningful conversations with them about this ceramic activity, and they expressed their desire for their children to engage in it, recognizing its significant benefits in developing meditation, concentration, and stress reduction skills. Their positive response was truly encouraging, and we take pride in fostering new avenues for learning.
Subrata Sarkar / Educator
 विश्व ओजोन दिवस 
ओजोन परत के संरक्षण के लिए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय दिवस एक विशेष दिन है जिसे हम पृथ्वी की ओजोन परत की रक्षा के लिए मनाते हैं। इसे "विश्व ओजोन दिवस " भी कहा जाता है। यह दिवस हर साल 16 सितम्बर को पुरे विश्व में मनाया जाता है।ओजोन परत आकाश में एक ढाल की तरह है जो हमें सूर्य के हानिकारक किरणों से सुरक्षित रखती है। सूर्य की इन हानिकारक किरणों को पराबैंगनी किरण कहा जाता है। ये पराबैंगनी किरणें हमारे स्वास्थ्य और पर्यावरण के लिए खतरनाक होती है।ओजोन परत की खोज फ्रांस के दो भौतिकविदों ने फैबरी चार्ल्स और हेनरी बुसोन ने सन 1913 में की थी।ओजोन एक गैस है जो की ऑक्सीजन के तीन परमाणुओं से मिलकर बनी है। ओजोन एक तीखी गांड वाली गैस है जो की विषैली होती है। वायुमंडल ओजोन गैस (O 3 ) बहुत ही कम मात्रा में पाई जाती है । यह समुद्र की सतह से 30 से 32 किलोमीटर की ऊंचाई पर पाई जाती है।ओजोन परत पृथ्वी के तापमान को बिल्कुल सही बनाए रखने में मदद करती है। लेकिन मानव निर्मित रसायन, जैसे कि पुराने एयर कंडीशनर और रेफ्रिजरेटर में पाए जाते हैं जो ओजोन परत को नुकसान पहुंचा रहे थे। इसलिए, दुनिया भर के देशों ने इन हानिकारक रसायनों का उपयोग बंद करने के लिए मिलकर काम करने का निर्णय लिया है। यह दिन हमें ओजोन परत और पृथ्वी के वायुमंडल की रक्षा के महत्व की याद दिलाता है।विश्व ओजोन दिवस के दिन दुनिया भर में लोगों को ओजोन परत के महत्व के बारे में लोगों को जागरूक किया जाता है। लोग खराब हुई ओजोन परत को कैसे सुधारा या ठीक किया जाए इसके बारे में जानते और सीखते हैं, ताकि लोग अपना जीवन सही से जी सकें।हम ओजोन परत को ठीक करने में हुई प्रगति की सराहना भी करते हैं। इस दिन ओजोन परत की सुरक्षा जारी रखने के लिए खुद को और लोगों को याद भी दिलाते हैं। हम सभी को ओजोन परत के प्रति दयालु होकर अपने ग्रह की सुरक्षा और देखभाल अवश्य करनी चाहिए। 
हर्षिता राठौड़ / VII
 Value of trees and forests 
Trees are our best friends. We get fruits, paper, wood, and many more things from trees. That's why the importance of forests in our daily life is significant. Plants take in carbon dioxide and other pollutants from the atmosphere and release oxygen, contributing to the formation of the ozone layer. The ozone layer prevents UV rays from reaching Earth, which can cause skin cancer. Of concern to all! According to Professor T.M. Das of the University of Calcutta, a tree is worth $193,250. A tree living for 50 years will generate $31,250 worth of oxygen, provide $62,000 worth of air pollution control, control soil erosion, and increase soil fertility to the tune of $31,250. It also recycles $37,500 worth of water and provides a home for animals worth $31,250. This figure does not include the value of fruits, lumber, or beauty taken from trees. This is just another sensible reason to take care of our forests.
Anushka Rajawat / XI
 Bleeding Out My Girlhood 
Only death keeps its promise,
It's imminent and sweet,
Sure like surety,
Cold enough to burn me.

Untethered from precious,
Like the stomach that weeps,
He's long gone, absent,
Haven't seen him in weeks.

Boys won't touch me,
When I'm in this state,
Mirrors don't scare me,
For my vision's not the same.

So I take them and blot them out,
It's skin and sweat and all,
Because scars don't matter,
Once you've been hung on the wall.

I need to know,
Just this once,
Will you keep your promise,
Or tell me,
If I'm wasting the precious.
Bleeding out my girlhood.
Suman Sirvi / IX
 Interview with Dhruv Parmar (Vice School Captain) 
(Interview with dhruv Parmar (vice captain))
(DPR: Dhruv Parmar) (RP/Reporter: prachi kunwar and Mohita solanki from class X)
RP: What drove you to run for school captain, and what qualities do you think make you a good fit? 
DPR: I'm motivated by working with students and teachers in a unique way, showcasing my leadership and sportsmanship qualities.
RP: Share a standout moment from your time playing football for the school. 
DPR: Being selected for the U17 team in 7th grade and playing in the main 11 at age 13, surpassing 12th graders.
 Interview with Farhan Khan (Alumni) 
RP: What message would you like to give to the current students of the school?
FKN: One message I'd like to convey is to respect your teachers, especially Rajeshree Mam and Bharti Mam. There will come a time when you'll realize that those scolding's were for a good reason and are a significant part of your growth.
RP: What sets Fabindia apart from other schools in your opinion?
FKN: Fabindia School instills a love for learning. The exceptional bond between teachers and students here is unparalleled. The array of activities the school offers plays a crucial role in shaping students for their future.
 Interview with Sonal Vaishnav (Parent) 
Reporters/RP:Aaradhya Champawat and Tamanna Solanki
RP: आपके बच्चे फेबइन्डिया स्कूल में पढ़ते हैं, तो आपको स्कूल में क्या अच्छा लगता है और आपके अनुसार स्कूल में कुछ विकास होना चाहिए?
Sonal Vaishnav:मेरे बच्चे इस स्कूल में पढ़ते हैं, बहुत अच्छा लगता है। टीचर्स भी बहुत अच्छे हैं और आगे भी यही चाहती हूँ कि जो भी टीचर्स पढ़ाएं, वे अच्छे से पढ़ाएं और बच्चों को समझ आएं। बस बाकी सब तो स्कूल में अच्छा है।
 Info of the week 
This week was totally playful for our school. The boys went for the Football, Volleyball, and Basketball team tournaments. They played brilliantly in their matches. The Under 17 Football team secured the third position, and the Under 19 team pursued the second position. On Saturday, we had an inter-house Cricket match competition. It was amazing to watch.
 Fun Facts 
1.The tallest man ever recorded was American giant Robert Wadlow (1918–1940), who stood 8 feet 11 inches. Wadlow's size was the result of an abnormally enlarged pituitary gland.
2.The oldest person ever to have lived (whose age could be authenticated), a French woman named Jeanne Louise Calment, was 122 years old when she died in 1997. 
3.Sliced bread was first manufactured by machine and sold in the 1920s by the Chillicothe Baking Company in Missouri. It was the greatest thing since…unsliced bread? 
4.The Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, who lived in the 1700s, reportedly invented the sandwich so he wouldn’t have to leave his gambling table to eat.
5.The Four Corners is the only spot in the US where you can stand in four states at once: Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico.
1) What two things can you never eat for breakfast?
2)What is powerful still so delicate that it breaks when you say its name?
3) I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even. What number am I?
4)If you drop me, I’m sure to crack, but smile at me and I’ll smile back. What am I?
1) What did the biologist wear to impress his date - Designer genes
2) Where did astronauts like to party - the space bar
3) Which room is there that we can't go into- Mushroom

Chief Editors: Jaya Bawal, Ridhima Ojha
Supervisor: Prachi Kunwar, Anshuman Singh
Interview Reporters: Prachi kunwar,Mohita Solanki,Tiya Sompura, Aaradhya Champawat 
Event Reporters: Jeenal Meena,Himanshi Rajpurohit, Rashi Jain
Photographers : Tanya Tripash,Tammana Solanki, Yashoda choudhary, Pushpa choudhary, Ashwin Pratap Singh
Article: Anushka Rajawat, Anshuman Singh, Piyush Gehlot, Vinay Raj Singh
Fun facts/Riddles/ Jokes: Vanshika Singh,Yashi Soni, Bhumika Rathore
Info. Of the week: Hetal Vaishnav, Priya Vaishnav , Abhilasha Mension

Educators in support: Ms. Bharti Rao, Mr. Krishan Gopal, Ms. Prerna Rathod  Ms.Khushi Rao, Ms. Shivani Rao, and Ms. Richa Solanki.

Volume No. 566 Published by The Editorial Board: Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Ms. Jyoti Sain, Mr. Chatra Ram Choudhary,  Ms. Tejal Soni.