The School Weekly 26th February 2024

 News & Events 
 Hummingbird Olympiad 
The Hummingbird Olympiad Exam took place in December, attracting a total of 162 participants. The exam covered various subjects, including English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science, Aptitude and Reasoning, Computer, General Knowledge, and Spell Bee. Among the participants, 16 students earned Gold Medals, 4 received Silver Medals, and 4 were awarded Bronze Medals. Additionally, all participants received participation certificates. Moving forward, 42 students have qualified for the Level 2 exam, scheduled to take place by the end of February.
 School Bag: Our Second Office 
Our school bags aren't just for carrying books—they're like mini offices! Think about it: they hold everything we need for the day, from pens and papers to snacks and water bottles. Just like our desks at work, they become command centers for learning. We stash away important notes, organize our tools, and even have emergency supplies tucked inside. And just like in an office, sometimes things get a bit messy in there! That's all part of the fun. Everyone loves their school bags a lot during school time. Some of them have a unique love for their bags so they do not allow anyone to open that bag or to touch that. So, next time you sling your school bag over your shoulder, remember: it's your trusty mobile office on the move!
Vinay Raj / XI
 My Experience of The Debate 
This was my first step in participating in the debate, and I feel really good about it. It was a chance for me to build my confidence and improve my ability to make eye contact. Even though I was nervous at first, especially because I had to debate, I still hoped that I could find the right words. It was a challenging task for me, but I completed it. I want to thank Nikita ma'am for encouraging me and pushing me to take this step forward. Her support and guidance made a big difference, and I'm grateful for it. Overall it was a great experience for me.
Pushpa Sirvi / XI 
 गर्मी की छुट्टियों  के लिए मेरी योजना 
 गर्मी की छुट्टियाँ सदैव हमारे लिए विशेष और मजेदार होती हैं। मैं हमेशा अपनी गर्मी की छुट्टियों के दौरान गाँव में अपने दादा-दादी से मिलने जाता हूँ।मैं अपने मूल स्थान जाकर दादा-दादी, चचेरे भाइयों और अन्य रिश्तेदारों, से मिलने के लिए बहुत उत्सुक रहता हूँ।गाँव की हरियाली, सुंदर दृश्य और ताजी हवा हमें बहुत ही सुखद अनुभव देती है। गाँव में रहने के दौरान, मुझे अपने भाई-बहनों के साथ विभिन्न स्थानों की खोज करना अच्छा लगता है। गाँव में, जीवन कभी उबाऊ नहीं होता बल्कि मस्ती तथा मजेदार गतिविधियों से भरा होता है।गाँव में बिताये जाने वाले हर दिन मेरे जीवन के सबसे यादगार दिनों में से एक होते हैं। इस साल भी, मैं गाँव में अपने दाद- दादी और अन्य रिश्तेदारों से मिलने की योजना बना रहा हूँ। ।
दुर्गेश जाट / II
 Inter class Debate competition 
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude towards Nikita Ma'am, our English teacher who prepared us to speak in front of everyone which enhanced our confidence level, vocabulary skills as well as research skills. It was my first time participating in such a debate competition, l was very nervous initially but l decided to speak in front of my class. Tried my best and I learned we should always step out of our comfort zone to achieve our goals.
Aditya Raj Singh / XI
Self-motivation is the best form of motivation for oneself; it is a crucial element needed to ignite the desire in individuals to perform at their best in their work. This factor plays a significant role in a person's life, enabling them to view things in a positive light. Those who possess self-motivation are inclined to give their best and willingly take on various responsibilities. It is essential to always bear in mind that success and failure are two sides of the same coin, not solely dependent on one's skill and ability.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that self-motivation is a powerful tool that can propel us towards our goals and constantly drive us to achieve them.
The colors of a rainbow always appear in the same order.
Blue, red, and yellow are primary colors — these colors plus white and black blend to make all other colors.
Red is the first color a baby can see.
White is the most popular car color.
Brown eyes are the most prevalent in the human population.
1. I’m full of holes but strong as steel. What am I?
Answer: A chain.
2. What bird do you associate with lifting weights?
Answer: A crane.
3. What is it that given one, you’ll have either two or none?
Answer: A choice.
4. What has ten letters and starts with gas?
Answer: An automobile
5. What has a neck but no head, two arms, and no hands?
Answer: A shirt.
1. What’s the smartest insect? A spelling bee!
2. What do you call a woman with one leg? Eileen.
3. What is an astronaut’s favorite part on a computer? The space bar.
4. Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?  Just in case he got a hole-in-one!
5. Why do French people eat snails? They don’t like fast food.

Chief Editors: Jaya Bawal, Ridhima Ojha
Supervisor: Prachi Kunwar, Anshuman Singh
Interview Reporters: Prachi Kunwar,  Mohita Solanki, Tiya Sompura, Aaradhya Champawat 
Event Reporters: Jeenal Meena, Himanshi Rajpurohit, Rashi Jain
Photographers: Tanya Tripash, Tammana Solanki, Tanishka Suthar,Yashoda Choudhary, Pushpa Choudhary, Ashwin Pratap Singh
Article: Anushka Rajawat, Anshuman Singh, Piyush Gehlot, Vinay Raj Singh, Priya Tripash, Leesha Suthar.
Fun facts /Riddles / Jokes: Vanshika Singh, Yashi Soni, Bhumika Rathore
Info. Of the week: Hetal Vaishnav, Priya Vaishnav, Abhilasha Mansion

Social Media Coverage: Ms. Nikita Rajpurohit

Educators in support: Ms. Bharti Rao, Mr. Krishan Gopal, Ms. Prerna Rathod  Ms.Khushi Rao, Ms. Shivani Rao, and Ms. Richa Solanki.

Volume No. 583 Published by The Editorial Board: Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Ms. Jyoti Sain, Mr. Chatra Ram Choudhary,  Ms. Tejal Soni.        

The School Weekly 19th February 2024

News & Events

 Pre-Primary Sports Day


Today, our little ones showcased their joy and strength on our sports ground. Sports are an important part of everyone's life, promoting overall development. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the pre-primary staff and support staff who have done wonderful work to make this event more glorious. Kids played with their parents, and they themselves enjoyed a lot. Parents were delighted to see their children participating in games. The games included a hurdle race, cone task, and the last game was a ring race with parents and their kids. Overall, the event was delightful, and we all enjoyed it immensely.
Jeenal Meena/ XI 

Interview with Mrs. Durga Rathore (Parent)

Reporters/RP: Aaradhya Champawat and Tamanna Solanki

RP: How are the arrangements for the children's sports day?

DAR: I am truly glad that the school organized this event commendably. I appreciate the school management's hard work in successfully executing today's event.

Interview with Mrs. Manisha Tank (Parent)

Reporters/RP: Aaradhya Champawat and Tamanna Solanki

RP: How excited was your child, and what prompted him to ask you to come to the school?

MTK: Charvik was really enthusiastic about the school organizing such an event. He practically insisted that I must come. I am genuinely happy that I enrolled my child in The Fabindia School because the school focuses on all activities, which I appreciate. My child never says he doesn't want to go to school; he enjoys coming here.

Interview with Mrs. Kesar Dangi (Parent)

Reporters/RP: Aaradhya Champawat and Tamanna Solanki

RP: What did your child tell you about the school sports event?

KRD: Rakshit was very excited to play, and he came up to me, saying, "You have to come." I was a little sick, so I told him I won't be able to come. However, he insisted, expressing that he wanted me to come because last time we couldn't make it to his PTM. He was very sad that everyone's parents came except me. So, I came today to make him happy, watch him play, and enjoy.

दिनांक 14 फरवरी 2024 को हमारे विद्यालय में प्राथमिक और उच्च प्राथमिक
विभाग द्वारा प्रार्थना सभा में बसंत पंचमी मनाई गई। इस शुभ अवसर पर अध्यापिकाओं ने पौराणिक कथाओं द्वारा बसंत पंचमी का महत्व और मनाने का कारण बताया।विद्यार्थियों ने भी भाषण, सरस्वती वंदना, श्लोक आदि प्रस्तुतियों से विद्या देवी मां सरस्वती की वंदना की।

14 फरवरी 2019 में हुई दर्दनाक घटना पुलवामा हमले के बारे में भी जानकारी दी गई जिसमें हमले का विवरण विस्तार से बताया गया तथा उन जवानों और नागरिकों को याद किया गया जिन्होंने अपने हमले में अपनी जान गवाई। अंत में शांति और साहस का संदेश दिया गया।

Ms. Jyoti Sain/ Educator 

Grade III Special

Sports (Cricket) 

Hey there, it's Jihaan! Cricket is my hobby. It is my passion, and I really enjoy it. It's not just a game; it's about having fun and dreaming big. Who knows? Maybe I'll be in the World Cup someday! But for now, I'm just having fun with my friends. See you on the pitch!

Jihaan Prajapat/ IV A


Hey, I'm Mahiraj! I'm in third grade, and guess what? I really like dancing! When music plays, I just can't help but move. I enjoy trying to dance to different songs I like, and it's so fun dancing with my friends too. I don't know a lot about dancing, but I think it's cool to tell stories with your body.

Mahiraj Singh/ III B

Games (Football)

Hi everyone, it's me, Hitendra! I'm in third grade, and I love playing football! Whenever I'm on the field, I feel so excited kicking the ball around. Whether it's with my friends or during recess at school, playing football always makes me feel excited. I might be small, but I give it my all when I'm playing. Football is super fun

Hitendra Singh/ III B


Hi, it's Chirag! I'm in third grade, and guess what? I love, love, love skating! Whether it's on my stylish skateboard or my awesome rollerblades, I feel like I'm flying! Skating makes me giggle and grin with enjoyment. Sometimes I skate at the park, and other times I zoom around my street. It's the best feeling ever! It's a really fun hobby to have.

Chrag Dev Rajpurohit/ III A


Hey there, it's Harshwardan! I'm in third grade, and let me tell you, I'm all about games! Whether it's board games, video games, or just playing tag with my friends, I'm always up for some fun. Games make me laugh, think, and sometimes even jump with excitement! From racing cars to building castles, there's always so much fun in doing it.
Harshwardan Rajpurohit/ III A


1. What’s the smartest insect? 
        A spelling bee!
2. What do you call a woman with one leg? 
3. What is an astronaut’s favorite part on a computer?
        The space bar.
4. Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants? 
        Just in case he got a hole in one!
5. Why do French people eat snails?
        They don’t like fast food.
1. What is bought by the yard by is worn by the foot?
        Answer:  Carpet
2. What runs but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but 
    never sleeps?
        Answer: River
3. What can you lose that will cause other people to lose theirs too?
        Answer: Temper 
4. What time of day is spelled the same forwards and backwards?
        Answer: Noon
5. I twist and turn and leaves a loop. What am I?
        Answer: Shoelace
1.Java is the world's most populated island with over 130 million people.
2.The highest mountain on an island is Puncak Jaya on the island of New Guinea.
3.Some islands are manmade. ...
4.The term desert island is an island with no people on it.

Chief Editors: Jaya Bawal, Ridhima Ojha
Supervisor: Prachi Kunwar, Anshuman Singh
Interview Reporters: Prachi Kunwar,  Mohita Solanki, Tiya Sompura, Aaradhya Champawat 
Event Reporters: Jeenal Meena, Himanshi Rajpurohit, Rashi Jain
Photographers: Tanya Tripash, Tammana Solanki, Tanishka Suthar,Yashoda Choudhary, Pushpa Choudhary, Ashwin Pratap Singh
Article: Anushka Rajawat, Anshuman Singh, Piyush Gehlot, Vinay Raj Singh, Priya Tripash, Leesha Suthar.
Fun facts /Riddles / Jokes: Vanshika Singh, Yashi Soni, Bhumika Rathore
Info. Of the week: Hetal Vaishnav, Priya Vaishnav, Abhilasha Mansion

Social Media Coverage: Ms. Nikita Rajpurohit

Educators in support: Ms. Bharti Rao, Mr. Krishan Gopal, Ms. Prerna Rathod  Ms.Khushi Rao, Ms. Shivani Rao, and Ms. Richa Solanki.

Volume No. 582 Published by The Editorial Board: Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Ms. Jyoti Sain, Mr. Chatra Ram Choudhary,  Ms. Tejal Soni.        

The School Weekly 12th February 2024

News & Events
Parent-Teacher Meating and Khel Diwas
इस सप्ताह में प्राथमिक विभाग की कक्षा द्वितीय से पंचम तक के लिए हमने स्कूल में अभिभावक शिक्षक बैठक के दौरान एक चार दिवसीय बैठक का आयोजन दिनांक 6 फरवरी से 9 फरवरी तक किया गया ।इस बैठक का उद्देश्य विद्यालय में छात्रों के प्रगति और उनके शैक्षणिक परिणाम को मापना था। यह एक महत्वपूर्ण उपाय था , ताकि हम अभिभावकों के साथ साझा कर सके  कि उनके बच्चों की विकास की क्या स्थिति है और उन्हें अगले शैक्षणिक सत्र के लिए क्या नई योजनाएँ बनानी चाहिए। विद्यालय के शिक्षकों ने बच्चों के विज्ञान, गणित और भाषा के प्रदर्शन के बारे में चर्चा की, जिसने अभिभावकों को उनके बच्चों की शैक्षिक वृद्धि के बारे में जानकारी देने में मदद की । चार दिवसीय अभिभावक शिक्षक बैठक के दौरान अभिभावक और प्रधानाचार्या जी ने एक साथ मिलकर संवाद आयोजित किया। इस संवाद में छात्रों की आवश्यकताओं, समस्याओं और उनकी सफलता के लिए नई पहलों की चर्चा की गई।
हमारे स्कूल का प्राथमिक खंड हर वर्ष एक उत्सव के रूप में वार्षिक खेल दिवस का आयोजन करता है। यह दिवस छात्रों को खेलो में प्रतिभा दिखाने का अवसर प्रदान करता है और उन्हें शारीरिक और मानसिक रूप से स्वस्थ रहने के लिए प्रेरित करता है। हमारे विद्यालय में दिनांक 10 फरवरी शनिवार को कक्षा द्वितीय से छठी के विद्यार्थियों के लिए वार्षिक खेल दिवस में विभिन्न प्रतियोगिताओं का आयोजन किया गया।  सभी छात्रों ने उत्साह और संघर्षशीलता से भाग लिया।खेल दिवस का आयोजन समारोह के रूप में हुआ। इसमें स्कूल के प्रमुख अतिथियों और प्रधानाचार्या जी की उपस्थिति थी। सभी विजेताओं को पुरस्कृत किया गया और उन्हें सम्मानित किया गया।वार्षिक खेल दिवस ने छात्रों को एक साथ आने के लिए प्रेरित किया, उनकी शारीरिक क्षमता को बढ़ावा दिया, और उन्हें सामूहिक कार्य का महत्व समझाया। यह एक साथी साझेदारी और संगठन की भावना को बढ़ावा देने का एक शानदार माध्यम था।
इस समारोह का आयोजन स्कूल प्रशासन टीम द्वारा किया  गया ।
रितु अग्रवाल / Educator
Special Assembly- Middle Section
In the middle section’s Special Assembly students of Class VI to VIII showcased their talents through various performances including poems, speeches, shlokas, and important information was also given by the students like good thoughts, national and international news, sports news regularly, amazing facts and quiz are also presented weekly.
My School
Hey, it's Aadhya Mathur! School's been a blast. Teachers make learning fun, and our clean school makes studying easy. Mondays and Saturdays are my jam - Mondays kick off the week, and Saturdays are all about carrom with friends. But the real deal? Annual day! It's a riot of colors and talent, and seeing everyone shine on stage is pure magic. School's not just about books; it's about making memories and having a blast every day. And let's not forget those little moments between classes - giggles with friends, sharing snacks, and even the occasional friendly prank. It's these small moments that make school feel like a second home.
Aadhya Mathur / III 
The School, Our Second Home
I'm Rohit Sirvi, and I'm still living the school life! Art class is still my favorite; I love getting creative with colors and shapes. And Richa Ma'am's math class? It's still a blast – she makes numbers come alive! Block 7 is where the beautiful garden, full of joy makes me so happy, teachers still take their time, giving us a chance to catch up with friends and play with them in that part of our school. My dream? It's still the same – I want to become a doctor and make a difference. School is still full of adventures, and I'm excited to see where it leads me. Between classes, we still find moments to share laughter and stories, whether it's during lunch breaks or while waiting for teachers to arrive. These small moments of fun make school feel like a second home. As I continue my journey, I'm grateful for the friendships I've made and the support of my teachers in pursuing my dreams.
Rohit Sirvi / III
Importance of Painting 
The importance of painting in our lives: Drawing and painting are two forms of artistic expression that humans have. Drawing offers several advantages, developing and enhancing various skills while promoting mental well-being. It simplifies your ideas and gives you the freedom to extend your imagination, enhancing creativity in our minds.
Naitik Sompura / VII
1. What is a snake’s favorite subject in school?
2. Which school supply is the king of the classroom?
A ruler.
3. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to school?
Because her students were so bright.
4. What time would it be if Godzilla came to school?
Time to run!
5. What is a witch’s favorite subject in school?
1) China is officially known as the People's Republic of China.
2) As of July 2023, China is the second most populous country in the world, with over 1.4 billion people (1,425,671,352).
3) Mandarin is not the only language spoken in China.
4) China is considered a “collectivist culture.
5) Human teeth are the only part of the body that cannot heal.
1. I come from a mine and am surrounded by wood. I help others to express themselves. What am I?
Answer: Pencil lead.
2. You don't know me yet you always miss me when I'm gone. What am I?
Answer: Time.
3. You go at red and stop at green. What am I?
Answer: A watermelon.
4. I am higher without a head. What am I?
Answer: A pillow.
5. I am easy to lift but hard to throw. What am I?
Answer: A feather.

Chief Editors: Jaya Bawal, Ridhima Ojha
Supervisor: Prachi Kunwar, Anshuman Singh
Interview Reporters: Prachi Kunwar,  Mohita Solanki, Tiya Sompura, Aaradhya Champawat 
Event Reporters: Jeenal Meena, Himanshi Rajpurohit, Rashi Jain
Photographers: Tanya Tripash, Tammana Solanki, Tanishka Suthar,Yashoda Choudhary, Pushpa Choudhary, Ashwin Pratap Singh
Article: Anushka Rajawat, Anshuman Singh, Piyush Gehlot, Vinay Raj Singh, Priya Tripash, Leesha Suthar.
Fun facts /Riddles / Jokes: Vanshika Singh, Yashi Soni, Bhumika Rathore
Info. Of the week: Hetal Vaishnav, Priya Vaishnav, Abhilasha Mansion

Social Media Coverage: Ms. Nikita Rajpurohit

Educators in support: Ms. Bharti Rao, Mr. Krishan Gopal, Ms. Prerna Rathod  Ms.Khushi Rao, Ms. Shivani Rao, and Ms. Richa Solanki.

Volume No. 581 Published by The Editorial Board: Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Ms. Jyoti Sain, Mr. Chatra Ram Choudhary,  Ms. Tejal Soni.        

The School Weekly 05th February 2024

Sports Day
What an energetic day! These games truly motivated us to participate in this event. The main motive of the organizing team was that each student should play at least one game. We had multiple games like Volleyball, Futsal, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Ludo, Chess, etc.
Tug of war was the most enjoyable game for us throughout the day. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the organizing team. We really enjoyed the day; in the end, the results don't matter when we are cherished and joyful.
Jeenal Meena / XI 
Green School Award

खेल और हम 
हमारे जीवन में खेलों का बहुत अधिक महत्व हैl खेलों से स्वस्थ शरीर और स्वस्थ मन प्राप्त किया जा सकता है। खेलने से हमारे शरीर में स्फूर्ति और ताजगीआती है। यह एक प्रकार का व्यायाम भी है जो हमारे शरीर को मजबूत सुसंगठित बनता है। खेल दो प्रकार के होते हैं खुले मैदान में खेले जाने वाले खेल तथा घर के अंदर खेले जाने वाले खेल घर के बाहर खुले मैदान में फुटबॉल क्रिकेट टेनिस ,हॉकी ,बास्केटबॉल आदि खेल खेले जाते हैं। अनेक प्रकार के खेल घर के भीतर खेले जाने वाले खेलों में शतरंज कैरम बोर्ड, लूडो ,साँप सीढ़ी आदि कई प्रकार के खेल आते हैं। घर के अंदर खेलों से हमारे  मानसिक विकास होता है। वही क्रिकेट ,फुटबॉल ,हॉकी आदि से हमारा शारीरिक विकास होता है। खेलने से हमारे काम करने की शक्ति बढ़ती है हमें समूह में काम करने की आदत पड़ती है खेलों से हमारे अंदर आपसी विश्वास सहयोग अनुशासन साहस एकता आदि मानवीय गुणों का विकास होता है। इसीलिए शारीरिक और मानसिक विकास के लिए हमारे जीवन में खेलों का बहुत अधिक महत्व है।
भुवनेश्वर सिंह / III
Importance of Humanities 
Humanities are essential in life, just like other subjects. They help us understand people, cultures, and our shared history. Studying literature, history, and philosophy builds critical thinking and empathy. Humanities teach us about human experiences, fostering a deeper connection to the world. Recognizing their importance ensures a well-rounded education that goes beyond facts and figures, enriching our lives by encouraging reflection, compassion, and a broader perspective on the human journey.  
Yogendra Singh Mertiya / XI
School Uniform
School uniforms evoke varied opinions due to their pros and cons. Critics argue that uniforms hinder self-expression and cause discomfort, but I find them beneficial. Uniforms aid in distinguishing students and promoting equality by eliminating visible economic differences. The ease of identification both within and outside school enhances students' interactions. Additionally, the consistent routine of wearing a uniform instills discipline. In my view, uniforms instill a sense of pride in one's school. These benefits contribute to a positive educational environment, fostering unity and discouraging discrimination based on economic status. Thus, despite differing opinions, school uniforms play a crucial role in shaping students' experiences and building a cohesive school community.
Vanshika Singh / IX
Interviews with Aishwarya Ranawat(alumni)
(Reporters/RP: Aaradhya Champawat and Tamanna Solanki)
(ASR: Aishwarya Ranawat)
RP: What is your most memorable moment in school?
ASR: I remember whenever we were free, we would go to the forest and play and enjoy ourselves a lot there with my friends. It was very pleasurable sitting and playing around near the trees and plants.
RP: What was different when you were a student in school?
ASR: We used to have different assemblies throughout the week, such as a GK questions assembly, music assembly, issue assembly, and a one-hour free lesson on Saturdays. It was very interesting and fun.
RP: What do you do now?
ASR: I work as a legal researcher at the Jodhpur High Court, where we find and analyze information related to legal cases.
RP: How do you feel now after coming to school?
ASR: It fills me with joy and happiness because this was our second home, our school, our pride. It's so good to come back to my roots. I just can't express this feeling in words.
1. Which school supplies the king of the classroom? 
The ruler.
2. What runs around the yard (or playground) all day but never gets tired? 
The fence.
3. "Why did the teacher have to wear sunglasses? 
Because her students were so bright.
4. Why did the crayon cry? 
It was feeling blue.
1. "Our planet has more trees compared to stars in the solar system."
2. "A cockroach has the ability to live for up to one week without its head."
3. "Light takes almost eight minutes to travel from the sun to Earth."
4. "Mount Everest, the world’s tallest mountain, can fit inside the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean."
5. "A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out."
1.I have a tail and a head, but no body. What am I?
Answer: A coin.
2.What 3 numbers give the same result when multiplied and added together?
Answer: 1, 2, and 3 (1 + 2 + 3 = 6 and 1 x 2 x 3 = 6).
3.I can fill a room, but I take up no space. What am I?
Answer: Light.
4.What can run but cannot walk?
Answer: Water.
5.What kind of coat can be put on only when wet?
Answer: A coat of paint.

Chief Editors: Jaya Bawal, Ridhima Ojha
Supervisor: Prachi Kunwar, Anshuman Singh
Interview Reporters: Prachi Kunwar,  Mohita Solanki, Tiya Sompura, Aaradhya Champawat 
Event Reporters: Jeenal Meena, Himanshi Rajpurohit, Rashi Jain
Photographers: Tanya Tripash, Tammana Solanki, Tanishka Suthar,Yashoda Choudhary, Pushpa Choudhary, Ashwin Pratap Singh
Article: Anushka Rajawat, Anshuman Singh, Piyush Gehlot, Vinay Raj Singh, Priya Tripash, Leesha Suthar.
Fun facts /Riddles / Jokes: Vanshika Singh, Yashi Soni, Bhumika Rathore
Info. Of the week: Hetal Vaishnav, Priya Vaishnav, Abhilasha Mansion

Social Media Coverage: Ms. Nikita Rajpurohit

Educators in support: Ms. Bharti Rao, Mr. Krishan Gopal, Ms. Prerna Rathod  Ms.Khushi Rao, Ms. Shivani Rao, and Ms. Richa Solanki.

Volume No. 580 Published by The Editorial Board: Mr. Jitendra Suthar, Ms. Jyoti Sain, Mr. Chatra Ram Choudhary,  Ms. Tejal Soni.