The School Weekly 25th November 2024

 News & Events 
 Saturday Special Assembly Report 
On Saturday, the school held a Special Assembly for the Pre-Primary children. The teachers shared valuable information about Healthy eating and its benefits.
After the assembly, the children participated in various activities in their respective classes:
- Nursery: Children enjoyed a Creative Shading Activity using sieves and flour to design English letters and animals.
- LKG: Students explored Numeracy Skills through leaf-counting and classification activities.
- UKG: Children learned numbers in a fun & practical way using stones.
- Class 1: Students participated in behavior and elderly care activities, and learned valuable life skills.
The events were engaging, interactive, and educational, making them a successful and enjoyable experience.

 Discipline Plays an Important Role in Our Life 
Discipline can help you develop good habits, such as eating, sleeping, and exercising regularly. It improves time management by helping you manage your time better and accomplish more. Discipline helps you make better life decisions and achieve your goals. It helps you feel a greater sense of control over your life and stay healthy by maintaining a regular schedule. Discipline also reduces stress by helping you avoid the fear of deadlines. Furthermore, it helps you become a role model for others by showing them how to live a positive life.  
Jeenal Meena  / XII
 Importance of Respect 
Respect is one way of expressing love and gratitude towards others. It is an important component of personal self-identity and interpersonal relationships. We must respect and value others so that the rest of the world recognizes and respects us. It is a feeling of care for someone, which can be shown through good manners. There are several ways in which we can show respect to others. We all learned the value of respecting others from childhood. We all know that doing namaste when guests come to our home is a way of showing respect in our country. It is a gesture of acknowledgment and greeting people. We should not forget all these manners to succeed in our lives.  
Bhagini Ranawat  / VI A  
 The Farmer 
The farmers grow food for us. He lives in a village. He has a field. He has a plow. He gets up very early in the morning. A farmer works very hard in the field. He plows the field and sows the seeds. He harvests crops and sells these crops in the market. Farmers are the most important part of our country because they provide food to all the citizens of our country. The farmer is poor, but he is honest.  
Tanishka  / IV  
 My Hobby: Playing Kho Kho 
A hobby is an activity that we do in our free time. Hobbies play a very important role in our lives. They relax our minds and make us happy. They take us away from stress for some time. Also, games are very important for humans. They keep a man fit. When I was a bit younger than now, I liked Kho Kho but was not good at it. Later, it became my hobby. It was a new game for me in Class V. Also, I didn't play well in the beginning, but I tried, and yes, I like this game very much.  
Jivika Sompura / V A  
Don't generate pollution. It is harmful to the environment, humans, and all living things. Please don't generate air pollution, noise pollution, and water pollution. Pollution is a term that everyone knows today. Pollution affects our lives. We can categorize pollution into three types:  
1. Air pollution  
2. Water pollution  
3. Soil pollution  
We must take several steps, such as planting more trees and recycling waste products as much as possible. Pollution causes serious damage to the environment.  
- Air pollution causes 7 million premature deaths per year.  
- Water pollution causes nearly a quarter of the world's population to drink contaminated water daily.  
- Climate change is leading to more extreme events like cyclones, floods, and droughts.  
It can be caused by factories, cars, or even how we throw away our trash.  
Priyanka / V  
 Books: Our Best Friends 
Books are our best friends because they improve our reading and speaking skills. Books play an important role in our life. They give immense pleasure and provide information, and we can learn new words and new things. Books are our best friends who will never walk away from us. They improve our minds with good thoughts and knowledge. Reading books helps students develop their vocabulary. Books are the storehouse of knowledge. Books help us to reach our goals and give us moral values. Books will never lose their importance and will help us to grow positively.  
Vihaan Chouhan / III  
 पर्यावरण: हमारे जीवन का अभिन्न हिस्सा 
हमारा पर्यावरण हमारे अस्तित्व का अभिन्न हिस्सा है, और  यह हमारे जीवन की सभी आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करने में मदद करता है। यह न केवल हमारे शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य के लिए जरूरी है, बल्कि हमारी मानसिक और भावनात्मक स्थिति पर भी इसका गहरा प्रभाव पड़ता है। पर्यावरण का मतलब सिर्फ पेड़ पौधे और जानवर नहीं, बल्कि यह वह सभी तत्व है जो जीवन के लिए अनिवार्य है- जैसे हवा, पानी और सूर्य की रोशनी। प्राकृतिक संसाधन जैसे जल, जंगल, खनिज और जैव विविधता जीवन के लिए आवश्यक है। जल के बिना जीवन की कल्पना करना भी संभव नहीं है। यदि जल का सही तरीके से प्रबंधन न किया जाए तो यह हमारे अस्तित्व के लिए खतरे का कारण बन सकता है। इसी तरह जंगल न केवल ऑक्सीजन का स्रोत है, बल्कि यह पर्यावरण संतुलन बनाए रखने में भी मदद करते हैं। इसीलिए हमें पूरी कोशिश करनी चाहिए कि हम पेड़ों को काटने से रोके तथा नए पेड़ उगाए, ताकि हमारे जीवन का स्रोत यह पर्यावरण बचा रहे।
काव्यांशु दवे / IX A
In this advancing world, we worry about everything except our "Health". By health, I don't just mean physical health, but mental & emotional health. People are so busy securing their future, that they often tend to ignore their health, thinking it will not create a problem. Just like our physical health is affected by the environment around us, in the same way, our mental health is affected by the people around us, and our emotional health is affected by the behavior of people toward us. These health are interrelated to each other as they can influence each other. 
To keep our physical health in good condition we must stay physically fit, for this we should exercise daily, eat healthy food, and keep ourselves hydrated. To maintain our mental health we should have a basic rule that we cannot control the actions of other people and hence we must not be bothered by their actions. For this, we must keep our mind and heart at peace, which we can do by meditation. To maintain our emotional health we must set boundaries. By boundaries, I mean to say that, if someone is not good for our emotional health then we must not allow them to affect us. 
At last, I would like to conclude by saying that take good care of your health not just physical health, but mental and emotional health also, as someone said it right : 
Prerna Rathod / Headmistress
 What’s anger? 
A man had just bought a new car and was polishing it with great enthusiasm. While doing so, he saw his 4-year-old son picking up stones and scratching lines on the sides of the car.
In anger, the man took the child’s hand and hit it many times with a wrench lying nearby not realizing that the child’s hands were too soft to handle such an attack.
At the hospital, the doctors had to amputate all the fingers as there were multiple fractures and the fingers were badly mashed. When the child saw his repenting father, he asked, ‘Dad when will my fingers grow back?’ The man was so hurt and speechless; he went back to his car and kicked it a lot of times. Devastated by his actions. Sitting in front of that car he looked at the scratches; the child had written ‘LOVE YOU, DAD’.
Anger and Love have no limits; choose the latter to have a beautiful, lovely life & remember this: Things are to be used and people are to be loved. The PROBLEM in today’s world is that people are USED while things are LOVED… Always keep this thought in mind.
Watch your thoughts; they become words…
Watch your words; they become actions…
Watch your actions; they become habits…
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny….
Remember today is the only day you’ll have before it’s over. …..
Punita Chouhan / Educator

 Interview with Mr. Sandeep Sharma (Alumni, Advocate) 
Reporters /RP - Priya Vaishnav and Mohita Solanki  
RP: What are the things you still miss about the school?  
SSA: I primarily miss my classmates, who were the best part of my school life. I still remember the pottery section, where we used to spend most of our time making pots with different designs. There was also a silent zone created by John Sir in 1992, and yes, I still miss it.  
RP: How has Fabindia School brought a change in you?  
SSA: This school taught me the meaning of togetherness. It played a significant role in shaping my future.  
RP: What advice would you give to the current students?  
SSA: Childhood is like a pot made of mud, and school is what shapes it and gives it a perfect look. Along with your academics, try to participate in sports as well.  
RP: If you could describe the school in three words based on your experience?  
SSA: Enlightenment, togetherness, memories.
 Interview with Himanshu Rathore (Dhyanchand House Captain) 
Reporters /RP: Vijeta Solanki and Mohita Solanki  
RP: What qualities do you think are important for a House Captain?  
HRE: From my perspective as an average student, a House Captain doesn’t need to excel in everything but should inspire and lead. Your role is to bring out the best in your team through dedication, positivity, and growth. Leadership is about fostering teamwork and creating a supportive environment. My journey shows that effort, perseverance, and unity matter more than excelling in just one area.  
RP: How has the school helped you?  
HRE: The school has helped me grow by providing academic knowledge and valuable life skills. It’s not just about books—sports and extracurricular activities have taught me teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. The friendly teachers, always ready to help and share their own school experiences, make learning more relatable. Leadership roles and working with others have boosted my confidence and problem-solving abilities. Overall, the school has prepared me for academic success and personal growth.  
RP: Any message for students and teachers?  
HRE: First of all, to the teachers: My deepest gratitude for your constant support, guidance, and passion for teaching. Your dedication inspires us and shapes our future in ways we may not always see but deeply appreciate. 
To my fellow students: Embrace every challenge and stay committed to your growth. Success isn’t about perfection but about putting in effort, learning from mistakes, and supporting one another along the way. Together, we can achieve great things.
1. The longest time someone has spent holding their breath underwater is 24 minutes and 37 seconds. 
2 . There are more than one million different species of insects on the planet.
 3. Human teeth are the only part of the body that cannot heal themselves.
4. Google Images was created after Jennifer Lopez wore the green dress at the 2000 Grammys.
5 . There were active volcanoes on the moon when dinosaurs were alive.

1. Riddle: What has a head, and a tail, but no body?
Answer: A coin.
2. Riddle: What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
Answer: Short.
3. Riddle: I come from a mine and am surrounded by wood. I help others to express themselves. What am I?
Answer: Pencil lead.
4 . Riddle: Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?
Answer: Nothing.
5. Riddle: What is brown and has a tail, a head, and no legs?
Answer: A penny
Why did the math book look sad?
Because it had too many problems!
Why don’t skeletons ever fight each other in school?
They don’t have the guts!
What’s a teacher’s favorite nation?
Why did the student bring a ladder to school?
Because they wanted to go to high school!
What do you call a pencil with no lead?

Editorial In-charge: Anshuman Singh
Chief Editors: Leesha Suthar, Tamanna Solanki.
Interview Reporters: Siddhi Solanki, Beenita Sonigra/Vijita Solanki, Aaradhya Champawat, Mohita Solanki.
Event Reporters: Bhumika Rathore, Tanya Tripash.
Photographers: Suman, Tanishka Suthar, Tiya Sompura, Kesar Sompura.
Article: Priya Vaishnav, Abhilasha Mansion, Chelsi Rao, Hetal Vaishnav.
Fun facts /Riddles / Jokes: Vanshika Singh, Yashi Soni.

Volume No. 614 Published by The Editorial Board: Mr. Jitendra Suthar,  Ms. Tejal Soni, Mr. Krishna Gopal Dave  

The School Weekly 18th November 2024

 News & Events 
 Message From Yorick van Oordt(Guest Faculty) 
Dear Fabindia, 
What a memorable stay you have granted me, with so much warmth and inspiration! Filled with joy and gratefulness, I set off on my new adventures. 
Coming here, quite frankly ignorant about the school, I didn’t have many expectations, but the few ones I did have, were greatly surpassed. The joy and positivity all contributed to the vibrant and predominantly friendly atmosphere. The more time I spent here, the more personal our relationships would grow, both with the staff and the students. A very touching and emotional farewell (for me), along with a presentation of the film project we undertook, was the grand finale. By now, I leave as a true Indian, having adopted the habit of drinking five chai’s per day and even catching myself red-handed on implementing the Indian nod! Likewise, through my presence and English exposure, I hope to have inspired students to look broader and -for some- helped make their first major step in becoming world citizens. In The Netherlands, we have a saying that goes, ‘There is a time of coming and going’, which we have now reached. The memories and inspiration however are lasting for all of us! Additionally, I will stay in contact with the school, now taking place behind the scenes. Once again, many thanks for your sincere helpfulness and heartfelt cooperation. All the best wishes for the prosperous school, a title which I believe the school should righteously be awarded! 
Best wishes and a sweet goodbye
Yorick van Oordt

 Middle School Bids Farewell to Yorick Van Oordt with Love and Gratitude 
A heartfelt Farewell Ceremony was organized on Saturday, November 16th, 2024, at The Fabindia School to bid farewell to Mr. Yorick, our beloved volunteer foreign teacher, who has been a remarkable part of our institution. The event was filled with emotions, gratitude, and cherished memories of their invaluable contribution.

The ceremony began with an opening speech by Headmistress Prerna Ma’am, who expressed heartfelt gratitude for Yorick's dedication and efforts in enhancing the students' learning experience. Following this, several students and teachers shared their experiences and memories, emphasizing his impact on their lives.

To honor the teacher’s passion for arts and culture, the students performed an act of The Jungle Book, recited poems, and sang a song taught by Yorick during his time at the school. Each performance was a testament to his ability to inspire and nurture creativity among the students. The highlight of the event was the group performance of a song, which moved everyone in the audience.

In the concluding part of the event,  Yorick gave a heartfelt thank you speech. He expressed his deep appreciation for the warmth and hospitality received during his time at the school. The Fabindia School will always hold a special place. The event concluded with a token of appreciation presented to Yorick by the staff and a group photograph with students and faculty members.

The farewell was a touching tribute to Yorick's dedication and the lasting impression he has left on the school. His contributions will be cherished, and he will always remain a part of The Fabindia School.
Imran Tak / Educator
 School Reopening 
The school reopened with renewed enthusiasm after the Half-Yearly Exams and Diwali holidays. The students returned excited, relieved after their examinations, and refreshed after the holidays. Teachers started analyzing the results, suggesting improvement in some areas, and preparing the students for upcoming challenges. The students were all geared up to start learning and doing activities again. Some were taken through extra support sessions to help them better get over the anxiety, focus once again, and move forward beyond the exams. Overall, the reopening was positive, and students were ready to take on the rest of the academic year. Teachers continue to support both student academic progress and well-being.

 Children’s Day 
Children’s Day was celebrated at The Fabindia School with great excitement and joy. The day began with students attending their first four lessons, where they were engaged in their academic activities.
In the afternoon, students had some free time to enjoy a variety of activities. They participated in sports like volleyball, cricket, badminton, and football, displaying impressive enthusiasm and teamwork. Dancing was also part of the festivities, contributing to the fun and lively atmosphere.
Students donned colorful uniforms, which added a festive flair to the celebration. Overall, the day was a delightful mix of learning, sports, and creative fun, making it a memorable occasion for everyone involved.
 Children’s Day (Junior Section) 
On November 14, 2024, our school celebrated Children's Day with great ardor and elation. The day was filled with various activities that brought together students from different grades and sections, creating a robust and festive atmosphere.

The celebration commenced with our Principal addressing the students, wishing everyone a happy Children's Day. Her words of encouragement inspired all the students to participate wholeheartedly in the day's events. Following the Principal's speech, students engaged in a variety of sports, including volleyball, football, and cricket. The zeal on the field was infectious, with students showcasing their skills and unities while enjoying the friendly competition.

In addition to sports, students from different classes were shown movies, which provided them with entertainment and a chance to relax and relish the day. The teachers also took this opportunity to create awareness about the importance of the conservation of the environment. They distributed a book titled "Be the Change" to each student, which outlined 17 goals related to environmental conservation. This initiative aimed to inspire students to take action and make a difference in their surroundings.

Dressed in colorful outfits, the students added to the festive spirit of the day. Their radiant and vibrant attire reflected their excitement and dynamism. It made the event even more lively. The celebration also featured dance performances that highlighted the students' talents, filling the school with laughter and joy. Overall, the celebration of Children's Day was a memorable event that fostered camaraderie, showcased the spirit of youth, and emphasized the importance of environmental responsibility.

 Children’s Day (Pre-Primary Section) 
Our school celebrated Children's Day with great enthusiasm and excitement. The day began with a prayer meeting, where our teachers told us about the significance of this special day, commemorating Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's birthday.

The festivities continued with a series of fun-filled games, emphasizing teamwork and collaboration. A thrilling 3-legged race was a highlight, promoting bonding and laughter among students.

To make the day even more unforgettable, we were treated to a movie of our choice, followed by a lively dance session. The excitement was palpable as we enjoyed every moment.
A special lunch was arranged, where students brought and shared their favorite dishes with friends, making mealtime a joyful experience.

The cherry on top was the beautiful handmade cards created by our teachers, which touched our hearts and filled us with gratitude.
Overall, Children's Day was a resounding success, filled with happiness, camaraderie, and unforgettable memories.

 Conversation Keys: Please, Sorry, Thank You! 
Carrying a conversation is one of the keystones of civilization on earth! It began with picturization and evolved into sign language and eventually into vocals! I personally believe that the skill set of carrying out a good, fruitful conversation is the answer to almost every potential problem. A conversation consists of two activities, namely speaking and listening! 
To listen is generally an innate attribute, but to speak properly with gentleness and powerfully is something we can acquire as a trait, especially as a child. An individual learns to speak at a very young age, through his/her biological family and the other family, i.e., the school. At the primary stage, the words "Please, Sorry, and Thank You play a very important role in carving their communication skills. They present a stage for our intent, and hence, they are generally called the golden words of a conversation. Irrespective of the language, these words carry the emotion behind any message that is to be conveyed.
For instance: - 1. "Please" reflects the politeness and respect in us and can be used when asking for help. It indirectly inclines people to provide us with their help in the needed area. "Shut the door, please" is much more polite than "shut the door," which sounds much like an order. 2. "Thank you," on the other hand, is the perfect reply when received with someone's help and kindness. Be it your family, friends, teachers, seniors, or juniors, a little thank you highlights how one can be grateful towards someone for their tiniest of efforts. It makes the other person feel appreciated and valued. 3. Lastly, "Sorry" is the shortest of them all yet the most powerful. 
A simple apology with "sorry" works as the best remedy for any unintentional mistake made! It reflects our genuine care for others and can even mend friendships and other relationships in our lives. When talking about conversations, relationships, and the world, these three golden words help them grow stronger, more respectful, and a better place to be for everyone.
Savita Dagar, Coordinator, PRT
 Interview with Prayagraj Singh Rathore (Teresa House Captain) 
REPORTERS/RP: Mohita Solanki and Vijita Solanki 
RP: How will you balance your responsibilities as House Captain with academic demands?
PSR: I use my time management skills, prioritize tasks, handle multiple responsibilities, and maintain a commitment to academic excellence to balance responsibilities and academic demands as School Captain.
RP: What qualities do you think are important for a house captain?
PSR: House Captains must acquire essential skills like public speaking, event planning, conflict resolution, team management, and effective time management.
RP: Any advice or message for students?
PSR: Participation is essential for realizing your full potential, achieving success, and making a long-lasting impact in your community. So, always participate in all activities.
RP: How has the school helped you?
PSR: The Fabindia School has given me a variety of opportunities and activities to enhance my skills. During my difficulties, the teachers have been extremely kind to me and have assisted me. The opportunity to collaborate and participate in activities has also helped me build my confidence.

1. A tiger's skin is actually striped, just like their fur. Also, no two fur patterns are alike.
2. Mosquitoes are the deadliest animal in the world: They kill more people than any other creature due to the diseases they carry. 
3. The tallest building in the world is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. It stands at over 2,700 feet. 
4. The circulatory system is more than 60,000 miles long
5. The cornea is one of only two parts of the human body without blood vessels

1. Which word, when written in all capital letters, looks the same when viewed upside down?
Answer: SWIMS
2. What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
Answer: Short.
3. The person who makes it sells it. The person who buys it never uses it. The person who uses it never knows they’re using it. What is it?
Answer: A coffin.
4. I’m not alive, but I can grow. I don’t have lungs, but I need air. What am I?
Answer: Fire.
5. I can smash holes in ships and roofs, but a bright day is all you need to stop me.
Answer: A storm.

Why did the math book look sad on Children's Day?
Because it had too many problems!
What did one pencil say to the other on Children's Day?
"You're sharp!"
Why did the child bring a ladder to school on Children's Day?
Because they wanted to go to high school!
What’s a kid’s favorite part of school on Children’s Day?
Recess! (It’s the only time they can “take a break” from learning.)
Why don’t skeletons ever celebrate Children's Day?
They don’t have the guts for it!

Editorial In-charge: Anshuman Singh
Chief Editors: Leesha Suthar, Tamanna Solanki.
Interview Reporters: Siddhi Solanki, Beenita Sonigra/Vijita Solanki, Aaradhya Champawat, Mohita Solanki.
Event Reporters: Bhumika Rathore, Tanya Tripash.
Photographers: Suman, Tanishka Suthar, Tiya Sompura, Kesar Sompura.
Article: Priya Vaishnav, Abhilasha Mansion, Chelsi Rao, Hetal Vaishnav.
Fun facts /Riddles / Jokes: Vanshika Singh, Yashi Soni.

Volume No. 613 Published by The Editorial Board: Mr. Jitendra Suthar,  Ms. Tejal Soni, Mr. Krishna Gopal Dave